PAGE 18,, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4,1979. WIIITBY FREE PRESS M________________________________________________________ Ontario Legal Description 14 ýPart of Lot 33, Conc. VII within the -formner Town- > ship of Clarke (now ýwithin the Town of New- castle) l5 Part of Lo.ts 27 and 29, Conc. X and part of Lots 18 and 19, Conc. X within the former, Township of <Clarke (now within the Town of Newcastle) 16. Part of Lot 15, Conc. IV, >within the former Town- ship of Thorah (now within the Township of ,Brock) 17 Part of Lot 1, Conc. XIV, within the former Town- >1ship of Brock (now within the Township of Brock) 18,, Part of Lotý 5, Conc. A, *within the former Town- 'ship of Thorah (now within 'the Township of Brock) 19- Lots 1, 12 and 13 Conc. IV part of Lots il and 12, ý-ï.,,Conc.,IV, and part of.Lot 14, Conc. W within the former Township of Uxbridge,(now within the Township of:Uxbridge) 20 Part ofLos1, 2, 3and 4, Conc. I within the former Township'of Uxbridge (now withini the Township of Uxbridge) 21 Part of Lot 15, Conc. Il, apd part of Lots 13, 14 and 15, Conc. III and part of <Lot 14 Cone. IV within the former Township of Uxbridge (now within the Township of Uxbridge) 22 Part of Lots 2 and 3, Conc. IV within the former Township of Uxbridge (now within the Township of Uxbridge) 23 Part of Lot 18, Conc. IV within the former Town- ship of Reach (now within the Township of Scugog) 24 Part of Lot 16, Conc. IV within the former Town- ship of Reach (now within the Township of Scugog) 25 Part of Lot 18, Conc. III within the former Town- ship of Reach (now within the Township of Scugog) 26 Part of Lot 10, Cone. I, within the former Town- ship of Reach (now within the Township of Scugog) 27 Part of Lots 22 and 23, Conc. II within the former Township of Pickering ship of Pickering (now within the Town of Ajax) ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARDn of thwoe pages. Durham Regional Official Plan Designation Permanent Agricultural Reserve Major Open Space System (Oak Ridges Moraine) Industrial Hamlet and General Agriculture with Hazard Lands Mâjor Open. Space System and Waterfront Major System Moraine) Open (Oak general Agricultu Major System Moraine Open General Agricultui Permanent Agrici Reserve Hamiet and Majc Space System General Agricultu Major Open System' and Peri Agricultural Resei Major System Lands Major System Lands Major System Lands Major System Lands Major System Designation Requested Prime mineraI extractive area Prime minerail extractive ares Special Purpose Commercial Estate-Residential Seasonal-Residential Spac e Prime mineraI Ridges extractive area ire Residential, Industrial and Estate-Residential Space Residential, Ridges Industrial and Estate-Residential ire Esta te-Residential ýultural Residential to General Agriculture or Open Residential are Special Purpose Commercial Space Landfill Site 'manent 'rve Open Space with Hazard Open Space with Hazard Open Space with Hazard Open Space with Hazard Open Space Residential & objecting to road alignment Residential Industrial Residential Esta te-Residential Legal Description 32 Lots 1 and 2, B.F. Conc. Lots 1 and 2, Conic. I; Lots 1, 2and 3and part of Lots" 4 and 5, Conc. Il; and Part of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Conc. 111 within the for- mer Township of Pickering (now within the Town of Ajax). 33 Lot 35, Conc. II within the Town of Whitby 34 Part of Lot 32, Conc. II within the Town of Whitby 35 Part of Lots 31 and 32, Conc. I within the Town of Whitby 36 Part of Lot- 19, Conc. IV within the Town of Whitby 37 Part of Lots 19 and 20, Conc. I, within the Town of Whitby 38 Part of Lot 17, Conc. III within the former City of Oshawa (now within the City of Oshawa) 39 Part of Lot 16, Conc. 111 within the former City of Oshawa ( now within the City of Oshawa) 40 Lots 14 and 15, Conc.. IV within the former'Town- ship of East Whitby, <now within the City of Oshawa) 41 Lots 16 and 17, Conc. IV within the former Town- ship of East Whitby (now within the City of Oshawa) 42 Part of Lots 10, il and 12 and Lots 13, 14, 15, and 16 Conc. V and part of Lot 12, Conc. VI, within the form- er Township of East Whitby (now within the City of Oshawa) 43 Part of Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 Conc. IV within the form- er Township of East Whitby (now within the City of Oshawa) 44 Part of Lot 7, Conc. IV, within the former Town- ship of East Whitby 45' Part of Lot 3, Cone. II and Conc. III, within the for- mer Township o! East Whitby (now within the City of Oshawa) 46 Part of Lot 1, Conc. MI, within the former Town- ship of East Whitby (now within the City o! Oshawa) 47 Part of Lot 1, Conc. MI, within the former Town- ship of East Whitby (now within the City o! Oshawa), 48 Part of Lot 1, Conc. I, within the former City of Oshawa (now within the City of Oshawa) 49 Part of Lot 15, Conc. I within the former City of Oshawa (now within the City-of Oshawa) 50 Part of Lot 35, Conc. I within the former Town- ship of Darlington (now within the Town of Newcastle) 51 Part of Lot 35, Conc. II, within the former Town- ship of Darlington (now within the Town of Newcastle) 52 Part o! Lot 35, Conc. III, within the former Town- ship of Darlington (now within the Town of Newcastle) Durham Regional Officiai Plan Designation, Major Open Space Sys- tcm with Hazard Lands Open Maj or System Major System Lands Space Open Space with Hazard Residential and Major Open Space System with Hazard Lands Major System Lands Open .Space with Hazard Major Open Space System Industrial and Special Study Area 7 Major Open Space System with Hazard Lands and- Airport Lands Major Open -Space System with Hazard Lands and Residential Major Open Space System with Hazard Lands, Residential and Industrial* Permanent Agricultural Reserve and Major Open Space. System with Hazard Lands' Residential with Hazard Lands Major System Major System Lands Major System Lands Major System Open Space Open with Space Hazard Open Space with Hazard Open Space Residential Industrial General Agriculture General Agriculture Major System Open Space Designation Requested Special Study Area or Residential and objecting to Industrial designation west of Audley Road Residential Residential & Special Purpose Commercial Adjustment in Area Boundary Urban Estate-Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential & adjustment in Urban Area Boundary Residential & adjustment in Urban -Ares Boundary Estate-Residential Major Open Space Residential Residential Residential Residential Community Central Ares Residential Residential Residential and objecting to road alignment Residential 1*