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Whitby Free Press, 6 Jun 1979, p. 21

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1 979, PAGE 21 SEVIES BROOKLIN TOOL CO. SPECI AL SA LE On ail air tools & vise grips. Haif price on ail micrometres, sockets, and wrench sets, vices, jacks, drill sets, 12- speed drill press and other tools for mech- an ics. AIl items fu1liy guaranteedI. Complete Automontive Garage Supplies 68' l 53 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for Gold and Silvor coins, aid guns, clocks, jewelery, dishes, furniture, crocks, oil, paintings and sealers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS I MPR OVEM ENTS METRO LIC. B - 2554 Kitchens, Ceramnic Tiling; Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES CaL1668-4686 MOBILE ON-SITE CONCRETE> Ready mixed concrete for home owners. Patio, sidewatks, foundations, slabs etc. Saturday deliveries cali 686-2220. CARPET CLEANING IN TOUR OWN HOME New Roto-S tatic Method Guaranteed No Shrinkage Dry in 2 Hours No Sharnpoo or Sticky Residueto Attract Dirt CALL 728-5554 ANYTIME BUBBINS SIDINGY /-1 'minum & vinyl sidmng, sof- filt, fascia & seamless alumi- numn eavestroughing installa- tion. Free estimates, very reasonable. Caîl 666-1979 eve- nings. 10 per cent discount for ,. nior citizens. HEPTAED FILTER QUEEN s looking for 12 sales people. Full or part lime available. No experien,-.. necessary. All leads supplied. Car is neces- sary. For inferviews.call 579- 1077. AUTOOBIES FOR SALE 177 DODGE ASPEN, slant 6, power steering, radio, 4dr., 24,000 miles, certif ied. Phone 668-5694. 1974 DODGE MONICO, 9 pas- se nger wagon, PS/P B, good shape, certif ied, $2,200. Phone 655-3887. =SVCES Quality Screened TOP SOIL Also SAND & STONE TEDARNTS LOAM SUPPLY Brock Rd., N., R. R. 1, Pickering 683M0887 CLEAN TOP SOIL TRUCK LOAD SPJCIAL 15 YARD - $75.1» DELIVERED' WNITBY 655-4335 E:FR ET SWIMMING POOLS TO RE Wili lease and instali for hor owners,.family size aluminir swimming pools with patio. Choice of styles, meeting ail fencing regutat ions on a one two or three year rentai ba- sis with option to buyl Cati IMPERIAL POOLS toit free 1 -800-268-5970. FOR RENT Office Space. Up to 20,04 sq. ft. sprinkiered. Hopkins Cail collect Toronto 633-16- r NT ,ne- -n Ço St l15. VACTIN 3/4 ACRE LOTS suifabie for retirement homes, central South Carolina. Development includes swimming pool, tennis courts, riding stables. Near Orangeburg, South Carotina. $10,000 Canadian or $8,000 U.S. Private. Phone Mike Burgess, 668-6111. AUCIOS AUCTION SALE Monday, June il at 7 pm. Sale to be held at Garrard Rd. N., 1 mile norfh 0f Taunton Rd. W., 1/2 mile east of Thickson's Rd., Whifby. Watch for signs. The property of Mr. & Mrs. Hap- good of W-itby and Mr. & Mrs. John Wilson of, Ajax. Both moving ouf west. Copperfon stove & f ridge, washer & dryer, Frost-Free fridge, aufomatic 3011 range, G.E. Talisman washer with mini-basket, & G.E. aufomnatic dryer. Ken- more range, confinuous dlean oven, AdmiraI harvest gold dishwasher, older fridge, bed chesterfiîeld, modern bedroom suite, 6 PC. (worth approx. $3,000 new) 5 pc. white leather chesterf ietd (approx. $2,000 new), both like new. Small wooden tables, 8 pc. oak dining room suife wifh round fable, fea wagon, 2 Jason-Hayes chairs, wooden chair with needtepoint seat, chess table, brown swiveî rocker, books, 12 & 28 gauge single shot shofgur.s 22 riff le, wooden plains, miik cans, Lawnboy ilawn mower, gardent foots, insulations, old bed and chest and rocker. Brass bell, aquarium, kitchen dishes, appliances, corning ware pots & pans, drop-leaf fable & four chairs. Plus many otfier househotd articles. View- ing Surday l1p.m. f0 5 p.m., Monday af fer 3 p.m. Aucfio- neer's note: This sale has a good selection of modern furni- ture, plus .some very good oid furnifure & coliectibies. ROSS McLEAN, AUCTIONEER 576-7550. Good consignments excepted. F0 : AE 1 SWI MMING POOL Manufa c- turer has new 1978 Pools, regu- lar price $2,190 now at our in scason special of $1,355. Pools corne with walkaround deck, patio, fencing, pump, motor & f ilter. Delivery arranged to your convenience. For best selection and information cal IMPERIAL POOLS toil free 1.-800-268-5790. FIRESTONE radial tires, BR- 78-13, aimost -new. 1968 Ford LTD, can be certif ied, asking $400. Phone 668-6504. FOR SALE Moffat fridge, 1 year oid, white. Moffaf etectric stove, 1 year old, 1 freezer chest, white, Imperiat, 4211 pine table, 4 chairs partty f inished. AdmiraI washer, goid, 1 year old, Viking dryer, whife, 1 1/2 years otd, and chest of drawers. Phone 668-7938. WINDOWS FOR SALE One picture window 6 1/2 x 7 1/2 feet, two bedroomn windows 5 x 6 feet, one bathroom window, 2 1/2 x 4 feet. For furfher infor- mation catI 668-2364, evenings ont y. 3 tires glass belted H-78-14 (2 on Montego rims), 2 tires 5-60-15 snows on Volkswagen rims. Besf offer.ý Phone 668-9191. GENDRON heavy duty piggy. back strolier, $50. 1italian "Perrigo" pram, navy & white, $150. Baby sleigh, coliapsable back & sides, $10. Ail in excel- lent condition, cati affer 6 p.m. 668-1862. PATIO ALUMINUM stiding door. Thermal pane, like new, 5 ft. x 6 ff. 8 inches, $185. Phone 655-8018. EY:R ALES NEIGHBOURHOOD yardi and bake sale at 512 Wainut St., Safurday, June 9th at 10a.m. f0 2 p.m. Our iunk may be your freasu re. HOM SFRSL $32,000 PRIVATE SALE Furnished refirement home, insu lated, furnace, dritled weii, fuit bath, low taxes, large workshop, large lawn or garden. North of -48 highway. Phone 986-4896 or 985-3130. AUCHNS AUIJC ION SALE Thursday, June 7, starting 5:30 p.m.- clearing auction,. for Oirl- MarCarl Iocated at 215 Wellington Street (1sf Rd. west of the Spruce Villa), Whitby. Sale includes large quantity of gardon furniture & garden tools, power lawn mowers; wringer washer; dryer (like new); crocks; tables; lamps; old dlock; small eîectric appli. .jflces; f0015; some, glass & china; rugs; drapes; pictures; 70 ' -fencing; and many other useful items. Terms cash, no rpserve, properfy sold., KAHN AUCTIONSERVICES 985-8161 The' Ontario fresh peach crop. is -good this year. The peaches flot only taste great, there are lots .of them. Lots to eat fresh - lots to preserve. The best -'peaches for preserving, according to food specialists at the Ontario Food Council, are the various freestone varieties. This year they'l1 be on the market from about August 8 to mid- September. Freestone peaches vary in color according to the variety. Some are golden, like the Golden Jubilees which will be plentiful this year. They are a flavorful peach, excellent for freezing and canning. Others are rosy red like the popular Redhaven and are also excellent for preserving.- Peachi Sour Creami Pie Iasîrî' .1 ôr 9-ilIÉ-h siingle-crulsi MIcaS (14-oZ. caci) *C'anada (iu>ice '>ac/î li/es Filliîîg 1 c(1/> ol1ur cani 1/4 sp cdores 1/4 tsp ciflhi<)flno 1/2 isp graicci lenion rinci 2 isp flour 2 eggs. hc'aîel, i Cip slg-ar Topping 1/2 cup dlark bro tvn suigar (/ighul' packcd) 1/4 clip 11,-im butter 1/3 clip a//-pur11posc' J it- 1/2 cup d'îopped peCanzs %tva/nii is Main stream Canada -Who Croates the Jobs? By W. Roger Worth Mary operates a small cor- ner store in Vancouver and em- ploys three people. Sam man- ufactures wood products in Quebec, hiring 14 full-time workers go produce a variety of craffed items for the retail trade, including alarge depart- ment store chain. John is a Maritime contractor, employ- ing seven full-time staff and another dozen during the sum- mer months. In an unusual way, the three Canadians are connected. They've ail hired one extra full-time employee during the Iast few months, creating an- other three jobs and, in their own small way, helping over- came the cou ntry's seriaus un- employment problem. The three jobs certainly don't make much of a dent in iCanada's 976,000 unemploy- ment total, yët without the Roger Worth is Director, Public Affairs, Canadian Federation of Independent Business. Jobs provided by these lndlvi- duals and thousands of other smail businesses across the country, the jobless rate would be much, much higher. In fact, it is flot overstating the case ta say independent businesses are the real heroes in the battie to beat unemploy- ment. Consider these fa cts. Busi- nesses with fewer (han 20 em- ployees provided an astound- ing 59% of net new job growth ln -Canada between 1971 and 1977. ln many cases, while big companies with more than 500 employees have 'in fact been shedding jobs, reducifig over- ail employme ni, the small and medium sized firms have mov- ed in go pick'up the slack. While statisties are not available on job creation by firnis with more than 20 work- ers and Iess than 500, the med- ium sized businesses almost cert ainly provided more (han their fair share of new employ- ment. The increa sing Importance of smal buisinîess exists fnot only ln Canada, but in the U.S., Japan, and other on tries as weIl. What's happening is that small and medium sized firms are beating the pants off the larger companies when it cornes to creating jobs. Like.many small business people, Mary, Sam, and John shun publicity. But t' s these humble, modest citizens, and thousands of their counter- parts across the country, that have given Canada one of the highest job creation rates'in the world. Without such independent businesses and their tremen- dous capacity to create jobs, the unemployment rate would be much, much hlgher. The people who operate such firms, in the vernacular of election campalgns, deserve our vote. A vote of thanks for a job well done. CARRIERS WANTED FOR THE WHITBY FREE PRESS PHONE 668-6111 or *1 1 6ý 1 Slice peach hlalves. Drain weil on towclling. Set aside. Blond sour cecain, cloves, Cinnanion. lenioîî rind and Ilorr. Add cggs and sugar. Mix.. weIl. Set aside. Coni- bine topping ingredien ts. Crutuble with pastry blcnd- er. Set aside. Place sliccd ricaclies ini slîces. Sprinkle toppîng evenlv over pie. I3ake at 450 detrees FV w1-or 12 miinultes-, ted tîce ovei teniperature t()-325 deerees and JIdcontinule hbd g l1 40 Io 45 iîlînules. (lJ'o test doneîuess, -a ktilfe iîîserîed lW If*wav ,bei teen tcenter anîd edtge si loti id Coiue ouit cie.: n. ~TAKE TAIKE I ME CAftE

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