WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6,1979, PAGE 3 Corridor Capers CORRIDOR AREA RATEPAYER'S ASSOCIATION An Executive Meeting, the last of the season will be held on 3uesday, June 12 at 8 p.m. in Committee Room 1 at the Whitby Municipal Building on -Rossland Road. It is important that all members try to be present: BOY SCOUT PAPER DRIVE Have your papers bundled up and ready for the Scouts on Saturday, June 9.'This pick-up of papers is held every second Saturday of the month. SUNNYCREST NURSING HOME On June 5 the Corridor Area Ratepayers Association provided an evening of entertainment and refreshments for the residents. Dorlores Holliday's beautiful slides of wild flowers were shown much to everyone's delight. The projector was loaned for the evening by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. WHITBY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Children, remember the toy making contest? Entries are to be handed in not later than June 16. Take them to Lynde House our Museum on the Dundas Highway, weekends-Saturday and Sunday 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH. FUN FARE FLEA MARKET AND AUCTION To be held at the Church at il a.m. Please donate what.you can and call Andy Senko if you have items to be picked up, 728-6509. Until next week, Ruth Chambers, 728-2103. Lieutenant-Governor visits Whitby Chamber The Honorable Pauline McGibbon, Lieutenant- Governor of Ontatio, will be the guest speaker at the June meeting of the Whitby Chamber of Commerce, to be held at the Yacht Club. Her honor will be arriving promptly at 12 noon, June 11, and all those intending to attend are asked to arrive prior to this time. This special luncheon is open- to the public, and tickets are available by calling the Chamber office at 668-4506, Lord Athol Layton visits local Legion Wrestler Lord Athol Layton will be guest speaker at a dinner June 29 -at the Whitby Legion Hall to recog- nize Legion Week. Tickets may be obtained at the door. Upcoming events for the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Legion include a pot luck supper June 14 at 7 p.m. and a joint executive and branch supper June 19 at 6:30 p.m. or by dropping in at the ioud bangs coming from the office in the Centennial garage, and when he ran into Building. the street, the garage was There will be no collection of engulfed inflames. monies at the luncheon, so tickets must be paid for in O ne P arent advance. All members of the Chamber Fam ile are encouraged to obtain their tickets early. The luncheon is expected toid d ance finish at 1:45 p.m., followed by a brief reception with the Lieutenant-Governor in the '-' downstairs lobby of the The One Parent Families Yacht Club. Association of Canada is Mrs. McGibbon has made holding its first open dance three official visits to Whitby onFriday, June 8 from 8:30 since she took office in 1974. p.m. to 1 a.m. in the Regal In April 1974, she attended Room at the Centennial the Centennial Ball at the Building. 416 Centre Street Ontario Ladies' College, in South. There will be prizes January 1978 she partici- and a buffet. Everyone is pated in the unvéiling of the welcome. Camp X Museum proposal, For further information and in February this year about the dance or meetings. she visited the Whitby caîl Denise at 655-4650 or Psychiatrie Hospital. Alice at 668-4112. 668-2252 REASONABLE PRICES W i c loudbngscmingfro t garagMz(7-t en d hnh rnit Soffit - Facia - Siding - Windows OW14ER G. SCHEMPP 900' HOPKINB ST. FREE ESTIMATES (AT BURNS ST.> GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP UNIT 4. WHITBY. ONT. Let Us Assist Wedding Reception Plans. Complete BANQU ETHAL Facilities ForenALs Up To 300 People. For Reservations sinformation Cyl, 839-2507 NowJ -Sheridan Mail r w