PAGE 14, WEDNESDÀY, JULY 4, 1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS Two trust companies to merge October 3; ocloffice wil eaffcted De THAPAR Denture Therapist 214 Duaudas St., E., Whitby 668-7797 HOURS: Mon. - Sot. &, Evenings By Appointment 0OnIy William H1. Somnerville, Pr#-siden. of Victoria and Grey Trust -Comapny and Mitropolitan Trust Compa- ny, recently announced the planned inerger of the two companies, effective Octo- ber 31, 1979, if approved by its shareholders. The- company will be known as Victoria Grey Metro Trust company. Mr. Somerville will hold the position of President of the new company. d@V6N-NE Glidden Sti,, $ 8.99Gai PATIO SLABS' 24j' X 24" *PI0n $2e.16,e 240 x ý24" Coloured $2.456ea 24"0 X 30"# Plain $2.e70 each 12",X 24" "Coloured $1 .30lec FRE E DELIVERy (0slabs or miore) SAKRETE I DRIVEWAY SEALER $8095 KITCHEN AND BATHROOM FORM ICA COUNTER TOP 2.99 I Glidden HfOuse Paint Reg. 17.99 gai. 11,99, Sale Price Gal 2#" X 4"#'X 8 SPRUCE $1l9 Each BROCK BUILDING SUPPLIESI 244>ý BROCK ST. WHITBY 66809391 WACHFOR OUR HUGESI.DEWALK SALE (Whitby Town Cornivul Woek) Trustco presently holds 98 per cent of Victoria and Grey shares and 89 per cent of Metro shares. VGM Trustco will hold over 90 per cent of .Victoria Grey, Metro Trust Companywill operate a total of 85 branches loca ted across Canada.:,. The new company will be the fourtl largest Canadian trust conâpany, the position now held by Victoria and Grey. The new company's assets will total, approximately 3.2 billion dollars. Mr. Somnerville indicated' that the amalgamnation of the two companies was conside- red for several reasons. The two companies 'comn- plement, each other in many ways and the merger will be "&a very positive step to fully maximize the strengths of both co mpanies."1 Also,' '.'very substantial economies can be achieved in some areas where both companies are represented. Mr. Somnerville has assu- rdthat, although some smaller. branches may be merged into larger units, a reduction of staff is not being considered. The amalgamnation of Victoria and Grey and Metro was flot unexpected. A hold- ing company, VGM Trustco, had been established in Jan- uary of this yea.r. VGM LA CONTESSA BEÀUTY LOUNGEJ J 119 Green Street 668-9262 the shares of Victoria Grey Metro .Trust. Victoria and Grey has a branch office in Whitby on DuPont announces sharé dividends' Dui Pont Canada Inc. recently declared second quarter dividends to share, holder- 0of record July 5, 19>79 '-on i.referre.d shares of 93-3/4 cents, payable July 16, 1979; on common shares fif- teen cents a share payable July 31, 1979. This is the first dividend declared on common shares since the five-cent-per-share dividend for the third quar- ter of 1976. "The Board of Directors is pleased to resume dividend payments on common shares as an indication of the signi- ficant improvement in Com- pany earnings over the past year," President J.E. Newall said. "However, the portion of elarnings that can be pruden- tly distributed as coinmon dividends now and in the future will be limhited. The Company's debt is still sub- stantial and, in an inflatio- nary period, we face growing needs for funds for invest- ment in operating capacity and working capital," he July 6 is the signmup day for senior trips Fr,*day July 6 from 10 a.m. to noon and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. is the time for regis- tration. for a number of sum- mer trips sponsored by the Whitby Seniors Activity Centre. There will be a trip to the African Lion Safari and Dundurn Castie in Hailton, JuIy 18, wth departurefrorn the ce ntre aât*9 a.m.> There Will be a four-day trip to Scott's Lakehouse Resort in Upper New, York State, leaving Aug. 20 at 8:30 a.m. and returning Aug'. 24. A Gannanoque Boat Cruise through the Thousanil Islands will begin with buses- leaving the activity centre at 9 Julyý 12. Buses. will leave the centre at 9:30 a.m. on July 26 for Seniors' Day at Woodbine Race Track. Be sure to check the centre for fees for these trips and remember that re- gistration date for ail tips is Friday. c' v -J m .1 m