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Whitby Free Press, 11 Jul 1979, p. 21

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WHITBY FR.EE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULYý 11, 1979, PAGE 21 SERVICE BROOKL!NTOOL CG., SPECIË-1A L SALE Air tools $40' Micrometers $19 2 ton hoist $30 Wvren ch Set $20- Vice $50 Impa6t Socket set $30- Ïaàp & Oye set $35 * Plusother related prod, Dealerswelcomed Comnplete Au tomotive Garage Supplie-s 683rl753 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for Oold and Silver coins, aid guns, cloclcs, jewelery, dishes, furniture, cracks, ail, Pantings and sealers. PRIENDLY FL.EA MARKEÏ .725-9783 23 KING ST. W., CA R P£TR Y HOME REPAIRS I MPRO VEM ENTS METRO.LIC.,B - 2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Tiing, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMIATES CMULi6&4686 MOBILE ON-SITE CONCRETE' Readly mixed concrete for home owners. Patio, sidewalks, foundations, slabs etc. Saturday deliveries cali 6.62220. - BU ENS SIDING. 'iminumn & vinyl siln;g, sot- f , fascia & seamless alu'mi- nium' eavestroughlng Installa. lion. Free estimates, very rc.,asonable. Cali 666-1979 eve- nings. 10 per cent discount for .nior citizens. UNEMPLOYED? Be a profes- sional driving instructor. Earn up to $7 hir. with compay car,.- Training avallable. Must be over 121. Phone belween 8:30 4:30, Monday to Friday 725- 2501 LRGENTLY NEEDED Eider. y non-smoking womnan ta do a couple of light chores and assisting the care cf a 9 year old boy in exchange for room& board. Please apply In writing to MBM Publishlng, P.O. Box 206, Whitby, Ontario. R E NNT FOR RIENT Off lce1 Spece. Up to 20,000 sq. ft. sprinklered. Hopkins St. Cail collect Toronto 633-1615. swi mm iNG POO LS TO R ENT MI lease and instali for home- owners, family size alminim swimming pools with patio. Choice of styles, meeting ail fencing regulations on a one, twvo or three year rentai ba- sis with option te buyl Cali IMPERIAL POOLS toli free 14080-268-5970. * When la chieken done? Whe *ther cicke nsre flly coole thechrkaneis fully cthe. f you're roasting the whole bird, it's done when the leg movei readily if ifted or.twiuted1 SEIES Quality Scree ned. TOP' SOIL Also SAND & STONE TED AIRNTS LOAM' SU PPLY Brock Rd., N., R. R. 1, Pickering 683-0887_ EA:PNTTS 1 BEDROOMapartment for rent, downtown Whitby loca- tion. Please cail 668-3377 bet- ween 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday. FOLAE 1-500 GALLON skid tank use for gas, cil, water, etc. $100. Phone-655- 4107. GAS DRVER Very good condi- tion $160; Girls 3speed bicycle.- Good condition $30. Phone 66à. 7029. AIR CONDITIONER, 15000 BTV, 2 spSeed fan 220 volt wlth wlndow hardware $200. Phone 655-4003. CONTENTS .0F HOUSE FOR SALE Fridge, stove, dining room set, chesterfleld, end bti19s, coffee tables, bedroom suite. Phone 668-7938. TEL1EVISION FORý SALE <Gcod condition. Black& Whi te. Can be seenat 130 Byron St. N. SWIMMING POOL M4ýnufac- turer has new 1978 Pools, regu- Ian price,$2,190 now at. our in scason special cf $1,355. Pools came 'with' walkaround deck, patio, ýfencing, pump, motor & f liter. DeliVery arranged ,te your convenience. For best \selectlon and information call IMPERIAL POOLS toil free 1-800-268-5790. MISC. OLD FURNITURE for, sale. Apply at 852 Byron N. St. June 20,79. 2 RUGS FOR SALIE, lis gold, 2 yrs. old, 81 x 101 and the other a. coral shag, 8' x 12. Both for $60 2 pairs of drapes $10. Phone 668-2150. ÜTBILIESI 1976 PO6NTIAC LEMANiS Ex. cellent condition. Caîl 579-4975 (Mon. - Fr!. 9-5:30) or 1-987- 4483. 75 Pinto. Automatic. Newly rinted. Very good condition 1r500 *or best offer. Phone 668-8937. 66 VALIANT 72,000 original miles. Good condition. $200 or- best offer. Phone 668-0621. 1974 BUICK LE SABRE. 4 door hardtop P.S., P.B., 350 4 BRL. Good condition. Phone 668-6101 after four. 1971 TOYOTA COROLLA. Uncertified. $300 or best offer. Phone 668-4548. HOMS OR SLE OUT 0F TOWN _pROPERTY Bownmanville, Sçugog Rd. N., si tuated be fween Iwo Chris tia n Schools, over 1/2 acre lot, landscaped, mature frees, 4 bedroom immaculate bunga. Io,paved circular drive, atta.- ched garage plus miany more- extras. Please cali Wcudsfra, Real1tor, 985-5915 f or de ta ils. a Notice a fishy smeil at your house for daya after you poach fish? Next time reduce fishy odors with a drop cf vinegar ini the cooking liquid. OPEN FOR OFFERS 3 bec room, brick bungalow, 4th bec room on lower level, finishe rec. room' Close to ai l school. Closed ln patio. Caîl Lyn Grant 728-1773. Guaranty Trus Realtors. 686-0412. :1- S. if BOWMANVILLE Home on Scugog Rd. N. Town & country living ccmbined. A very dlean 4 bedroom bungalow on 1/2 acre plus lot, fully landscaped with mature trees. Owner is movingr, & home must be sold. No reasonable offer refused. Open House. July 14, 1-5 p.m. Woud- stra Realtor, Orono, 983-»_15. REATIAON L 71 CORSAIR TRAILER Sleeps 6. 2-way fridge. 3 burner stove. Canape included. Best offer.. Phone 683-3019. 15 FT. FIBERGLASS BOAT. 35 Evinrude electric start, sieeper seats, radio, carpet, & extras, complete with trailer,,comple- tely overhauled. Asking $1,225. Phone 668-6294 after _7 p.m. 14' CEDAR STRI1P BOAT at 10 horsepower. Scott at water motor.- $225. Phone 668 4593., ior'- FT oP TEÊNT +TRAILER.* Sleeps 6. Aluminum body. Large add a room with flaps and screens, cupboards. Cali 668-6101 after four. DACAE, DA CR illF takeê chlldren any age. Vernon St., Phone 668-8659. CHILO >REN OVER 3 yrs.. Garden St.& Mary St. area. Cail 668-0385. EXPERlIZNCED and reliable. babysitting in curhome. Mon. - Fri. K'ey East area. Good lunches. Have two chlldren of Our own $35 a week. Cali 6681218 anytime. BIRT HS VAN NNJfrey and Vicki (Sobkowich)- are pleased to announce the birth of their soni Christopher Robert, 8 lbs. 1 oz. on Sunday, JuIy 1 st, 1979. Our thanks to Dr. Henderson and the staff of the Oshawa General1 *Hospital. HORSEMANSHIP DAY'CAMP July 23.- July 27, Aug. 6 - Aug. 10. Pinewood, Place. 985-2777. SERCES CUSTOM GRASS CUrTING. For custom grass cutting, cal 263-8031. HEDGE TRIMMING Any type. Caîl Rick or Annie. 728-8716 after 6. 2 BIG RABBITS anai a baoy rabbit. 4 guiney pigs. Can be seen at 130 Byron St. N. Your toothpaste cornes in millilitres (mL) Auction cf Antique & collec- tible items, July 14, 12 noon for,'Mr. & Mrs. C. Linard;ý 201- Hibbert St., Oshawa. Go north on Park Rd off Hwy. 401. Part cf list includes 3/4 spool bed, bowfront bed, rnaplechest. several other chests, maple end table. un- usuel design, twc dressers with mirrors, one céer chest',<aid> table and chair <oedestal brass clawfeet), 20 cld picture fra- mes, several old chairs,, two benches, Plus table, 9 x. 12 carpet, buttermoid, ginger. bread clock, sideboard, rail- way lantern, Aladdin l.amp, 50 pieces cf depression glass, old scales, several small'ap'pli- anoes,' many collectible pieces, brass, copper etc. f ireplace screen,. artificial f ire, logs, quantity 'of handyman tôols, woodsander, saberý sale,,some cld taols, many more items, tee numerous. to mention. Terms cash &,chargex. A uc- tioneer Don Burd, Stouffville SATU RDAY* J ULY 21 at 12:30 p.m. - Camplete clearing auc- tion of contemporary & antique furniture; glass; china; ,appli- ances; tocis; mlsc. Items etc. The property cf Mr. Roy McWhirter, iocated on 13~ Queen St., Brooklin (off Win- chester) Partial list includes: 7 pc. maple dining suite; large maple hutch; excellent sofa & chair; walnut ccffee& end tables; drop leaf tables; rocker; treadie sewing ma- chine; occassional tables & chairs; table & standing lamps; dlocks; oil lamps; crocks; orthopedlc box sprlngs & mattresses (6 mos. aid); pictures; mimrons; Royal Doulton dinner set for 8, "Tiara"; crystal setting for 8 "éesquisite"l; cups & saucers; silver service; sets cf diphes; cutlery; Moffat self cleafifg steve (I year. old); Philco fnidge; Viking upright freezer <2 yr. old); Westinghouse fnidge; Akai sterea w/2 spea- kers; R.C.A. Colour TV; Hu- mridifier; vacuum; bar - B'Q; ping pong & shuff le board games; lawn furniture; tools; linens; blankets; books; tin caddies; garden tools; 1641 chain link fence & ather misc. items. This is an excellent sale of good dlean. mdse. Terms cash or good cheque <with l.D.) No reserve. Property scld. Kahn Auction Services. 985- 8161.1 SATURDAY JULY 4, sale time il a.m. Scugog Island. 6th annual auction sale of furniture toys and antiques for the Women's Institute. Sale held at the Community Centre. 4 miles north on the main road. Lunch available. Auctioneer Murray Jackson 985-2459. ~~uII- UIIMuILIiII L2VANTED AUCTION Sat. July 14, at 1 p.m. property of Mrs. Reta Boe, Seagrave. One block north 0f Seagrave Store: Leider: Leider cabinet grand piano & bench; cane back rocker; kitchen cabinet; .24"1 Westing. house range; Hoover spin dry washer; electric lawn mower; chrome set; crearn can; quit frames; hearth set with wood basket; 9 pc. dclning roomn suite; bed.chesterfield; anti. que rocker Phlllips b & w television; 3 steel office desks; McClary EAsy dryer (works) trunks (Il hump back); exten- sion iadder; 61 step ladder; Marquette fridge; movie pro. iector & screen; kitchen cup. board; laundry tubs; lawn sprinkler; 2 humidifiers; washer wringer; barbecue; single bed; linen; tablecloths; bug sprayer; 100' ext. cord; glass top table; toilet and tank;. carpenter's tools; lawn orna- ments; chrome set; lumber; nails; encyclopedia; pressure cooker; drapes; hot plate; bedding; croquet set; glass- ware; dishes; buggy seat; pic. tures; baby crib; sealers; band costumes; old dress patterns, plus many other good items. House sold - lunch. John Pearce Auction Service. Phone 416-985-7492. w AUCTION SAlLE, Mondcay,' July 2, 7 p.m., Sale of Anti- ques. Furniture, china &collec- tables lncludlng 9 pc. dlnlng room suite, bedroomn suite, secretary, etc. Details next week. Sale to be held a t Al tona Country Barn on Pickering, LJcbrldge townline, 3 'miles west 0f Claremont, 1 mile north. Terms cash. John Annis auctioneer. 6S5-7463. s e Auction Sale - Fni., July 13 10:30 a.m. Property Leuvella Haper, 108 Victoria Dr. Ux- bridge. <lst street north of Hospital). Sale cf antique turn., glass dishes, includjnâ bowmanville rocker; platform rocker; 4 chicken coop chairs; walnut sideboard; walnut tea- wagon; Windsor side & arm chairs, boston nursing rocker, (modern); cookstove (coal or wood) treale sewing machine; wool winder; pine blanket box; oak extension table, empire arm chair; brass & mron bed; 5 poe. bedroomsuite; <depre-* *ssion); 2 dresser top swinie mirrors; '2 old chests cf dra- wers; set of 6 cane bottom chairs; set cf 6 oak dining chairs; empire sofa- oak secre- tary (old) oak ralitable;,pife Open face washstand; drop leaf table with Jacobean legs; old quilts; school bed; z wasn jug sets, 2 mantle dlocks sealers; silver tea set; carnival glass candle holders; corona- tion plates; quantity of bone china; cups & sauoers; Nipon Bavarian etc; cut glass fruit bowls; cil lamps; two copper voilers; quantity cf Royal Win- ton; quantity cf pressed glass; 2 sets cf old gobblets satters; part set cf Nortake Nippon China tea sets; 7 crocks Ber- slum tea set; & numerous other articles. Everything is old. Antique collectors. Para- dise owner in Nursing Home. Terms cash. No reserve. John Annis, auctioneer. 665-4663. wý 1 -Moi 1 1 19 MINISTRY 0F HEALTH Whlitby Psychiarc opit Volunteer Services. $s soo $18, 100 In. this career, you will be responsible for developlng and overseeing a comprehensive corrnlunity.orlented volunteer servi- ces program for the facility; unorthodox hours as required. File HL-25-28/79. Qualifications: Knowledge of the theory and concepts of mental illness, current treatment programs and applicable mental health legislation; abillty to design aduit education programns; devel' op and maintain effective working relationshlps with Individuals, comrmunlty agencles and volunteer organizations; public speak- lng skills;*good administrative and organizational skllls as well'as a minimum of two years experience in volunteer programmîng or working with community orgaizations in a developmnentaî1 rote. Ho<ud Nurise $337.M0 - $392.00 per weok In this opportunity the nursing services has-two vacancles for professionaîs to be responsible for supervision and particieatlon ln the nursing process, assigning duties and evaluating perfor- mances, on one of the wards; carry out varlous administrative duties connected with ward function; occasional shift work involved. File HL-25-32/79 Qualifications: Registratfion'as a nurse in Ontario, preferably completion of a post-graduate certificate in nursing administra. tion; minimum of two years acceptable g raduate, nursl1ng experience,, preferably in related duties; supervlsory abli.lty, initiative and tact highly desirable. 'Registered Nurses $33.$MO-9tOê »-pr wok- Qualified individuals are sought to provide nursing care. to patients on three rotating shifts., File HL-25-31/79 Qualifications: Current registration as a nurse in Ontario; a minimum of one year of, graduate experience in psychiatric. or general nursing in an acute.care settlng. Please submit application by August 3, 1979, quoting appropriat e file number te: Reglonal Personnel Administrator, Human Resources Branch, Box 613, Whltby, Ontario LiN 5S9. Equality 0f Opportunlty'for Employment. Equality of opportunlty for employaient. SOn tario Onitarjo Publie Service m 1

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