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Whitby Free Press, 22 Aug 1979, p. 4

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PAGE 4 WEtDNESDAY,- AUGUST 2 2_ 1979, WHITB9Y FREE PRESS whitby i.Volce cof the County Town M1çhael Ian Burges, lue oniy Wldtby newspaperIndependently owned andA perated by Whit * Pubi.shed every Wded% by -M B.M. Publlshlng and Photography Ine. Phone684111 'iMe Free Press Building, Publisher ' Managing Editor. 131 Brock' Street'Norýth, (tyresidents for WhItby residents. Pla Box 206, Whltby, On r# et. rit. j Bett~r Business Bureau 0f Toronto Whitby Chamber 0f Commerce Comnm unity Edito r - ik e K re IV' Contrib>utlng Editor -jliw~uail Production Manager *Marj Burges Puini & Promotionai -o1bnLo Manager -obnL n CiaSSait-ied Ad 7GaroIe Bertinl Mailing Permit No. 460 Member of the: Thé parents aire. responsbl According ta the iate st stati stics,' th e m ajority of crimes, of ail natures, Is cornmitted by juvenile.. Persons under the age aif.16 years To the genheral publjc,-there does'not, appéar to be enough done to curb the ýcrime rate among this age group.. We agaree. The question'Is, how do we rehabîlitate these youthf ui offenders? The pollce7dourts andother social agencies do flot appear ta have any control ýoverthese people. There Is, however, one group tfhat does, have the power ta do somethlng wlth 'these cfffenderýs. Their parents. Under the iaw, parents are responsible for their, children, moraily and legally, until they are -16 This shouid be brought ta bear an the parents of these offenders. If a juvenlie commltts a crime, (for example, wilfully breaks a wlndow and causes '$150. damage), then the parent should be held ý'as equally responsible as the child. Since, under the law, the parent is resporîsibie for the chiid, that responsibillty should continue into the courtroom. If the juvenile commltts the crime, 'the parent has also committed the crime and,.should be heid-accounta- I ble for it. Society accepts'the concept that anyone underi 16,is flot responsible for his action, but somfebody has ta be and'- that someébody i s generaîly the pa rent. Therefore, because the parent has thîs responsibiîity, he s oà *tbe just as accountable as the Juvenhle. chiid, then lie (or she)e.wiil be pressured into.correcting that ,chuîd out of sheer .parental anger (if for flnotother, or better reasoni), being aware of the fact that he .too, committs'the crimes his chidren do. This might seema harsh measure but somethingý. must be done .to curb 'the crime rate comm Itted by Juveniles. If not only the juvenile is heid accauntable, but ýhis parents aswell, for the committing of a crimp, then we. might see a-reduction ]n the crime rate. Ren de nt ofTh'Hlicom plains about roa The Mayor of the Town of, Whitby .,Mr. Gartshore 575 Rossland. Rd. E. Whitby, Ontario Sir: We. are suffocating .on ""The Hill"' My homeis situated on the;West side on Ashburn Rd., North off Hwy. 7._ If you 1ook ouf-of your window, you. may, even see a cloud of dust ta the North, .thats-Where It is., There was nothing wrong wlth -the condition of this road beforeî no, potholes or ,bumps. None of the owners were camnp. lalning, specIaîly, since we went ^'through .he same mlsery last year for the gaod part of the sumn- mer__ After the pavèiménf was taken off at the be- glnning of June. '<ou and your. respected Council Members took,an evening out to see and inspect, fresh poured sand and g ravel scattered.over thîs is no longer t-here any mare. Cars and. trucks wl 'th.speeds,0fi$0 miles an, hour havesucceededta' move -the fine'sand into >my home oénto ail furni- ture, rugs and even food. The gravel is evenly, dis- tributed overl'my front Iawn and driveway, which was.just re-sur- faced this Sprlng. Your "ýButcher-Department" of Works -also d Id not have any 'feelings other -than todestroy the pave- ,ment around my malibox which I layed for proper snow removal in order to, get mail delivery. And' then the rai does the rest, spilling 'more sand onomy driveway. My wife scooped, 10 pails--0f sadlastFriday. Mr. -Gartshoàre, this sit- uation Is Intolerable! 1 arn sorry to Invoîve youi but' I have been on the phone ta Mr. CÇarson for weeks and every-time .1 get'ta hear another date 0f hîs return -from Holi- days. 1 have my doubt that he ever returns to Brook lin. The next Chapter. is:l Who of "The 3 studges,"1 ordered the pavemfent ta bel ifted and why!1 This'is important toa acceptapol- agiles for the environ ment we have been placed in. Nýormally at Ieast, ,one Wouîdioail-a-gravel roadi in -the Sumimer! Plus a redluction In Speed L imit, wauîd be in ordier! There is -no way 1 am wiiling until ýthe Fall that new pavement will be applied. I am writing ta you ta sincerely req'ues.t ACTION RIGHT NOW! We cannot live,anyý longer in the siftuation as presented. COntNT)D ON PAGE 14 Reaerappalled et juvenile -justice, Dea r Si r: 1, find myseîf appalied at the fact that 1 can nat get justice for my f ifteen- year, aid daugliter in this province. My daughter was the victim of a crime «carni- mitted by another juve- nu.i A few weeks aga, her bicycle was stolen from the yard of aur home, one month -after ,purchase. The value of the bîke*was $140. The bike was recovered by police and returned ta her. the bike was retur.- nedlin an unrepairable state, that ls, It would have cast-more ta repaîr the bikethan ta buy her another one. This bike, accordlng ta poli ce, was- used ta côm - miff other crimes. I have since learned -Dear Sir:ý The Board of 'Directors of the Oshawa -and, Dis-, trict Exhibition -would ,person ally.,like fta thank you.for your contribution made at aur first annual ESxhibition. We appreciate'your <assistance, and .will1 ,look farward ta working with yau In the. future- years. It was through the co-opep-. ation ,0f everybody invalved that-the opening of the graunds was made passible. We have reallzed many that may daughter or I may hot seek.compensa- tion for.the loss, because the crime was cammitted gives thanks mistakes' were made iln this filrst Venture,ý and wouid welcomne any sug- gestions you might 'have that c 1an help us in -the, Dear -Sir- On behaff lthe staff and board. of. directors at. the Durham Reglon Family YMCA I'l'would like ta thank the staff of the Whitby Free Press for their ca-operation ln the pramoting and coverage cof' our camps this future. J.R.' Snowden, President L. McCulloch, Vice Pres. Oshawa and District Thank-you summer. We have had a very successful camping. seasan and thraugh your efforts,. many new campers have become aware 0f aur services. John Morrison, Assaclate Programi Dîrector.

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