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Whitby Free Press, 5 Sep 1979, p. 17

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Feeture Ontuarjo Swnwner Fruits » in SId A Report Card on Bankers By W. Roger Worth Somne of Conada's small a nd medium-slzed businessý peopie believe they are being dlscrlmlnated agalnst by the chartered banks, and, they don't like itone bit. That statement Is backed by the resuits of a recent sur- vey of 55,000 members of the Canadian Federation of Inde- pendent Business. More than 16,000 owner-operators of amali and mediumf-sized firms' repiied, provlding a reulistic sampie of how entrepreneurs High, pressure CONT'D FROM PAGE 16 ted by'these 'saIèýspéô1e as complete fire protection sys- tems for the home, " said'Mr. Drea. "lHeat detectors are flot adequate substitutesý for smoke detectors as early warning systems.", Heat detectors are usuay mnstalled in commercial and industrial buildings to heip proteet property in case of fire. The Ontario Fire Marshall's office indicates heat detectors mayý have, some application in the home if installed in basement or garage areas. If heat detec- tors are installed in these areas they Must also be" connected to an aiarm'inside the home to warn the 'occu- pants.when the heat detector is activated., across the country fei about their bankers. Roger Worth is Director, Canadian Federation of Iqdependept Business. The resulis of the In-depth study Indicate: *Newer smail n elm sized flrms are flot .reêeling the quality 'of service from bankers enjoyed by entrepre- neurs who have been in busi- ness for longer perlods of time. About 75%/ of the opera- tors of flrms ln business moire than 10 years, for exaiipie, beileve their bank- managers understand the nature of their enterprises, vs oniy. 65%/ for those runnlng their own show. for iess than four years. *Further, an amazl.ng 33%/ Of the mature businesses sur- veyed had neyer been vlslted by their bank managers, vs a Iow, Iow 45%/o f newer flrms. The- study also plnpolnted the failure of banks to provide enough funds to finance ac- counts receivabie and iong-termn boans backed by flxed assets, a partlcuiariy difficuit problem for companies in business iess than four years. *Pr0vincially, Saskatchewan bankers received top marks for un derstanding the nature of the business invoived (780/).. Bank managers in-that prov- inc e 1wèeé also thfe mo st iikeiy to have visited the client's fa- ciiity (770/). con td on P 19 Fruit saiads are a cool'and refreshing way 10' enjoy Ontario's ýsummer fruits. They're always, popular, whether yop , serve them as an appetizer, as the main course or for dessert. During August, fresh peaches, pears, blue plums, muskrnelon and early- sununer apple are available for. fresh fruit saiads. >For an app etizer,ý cube fresh -fruits into a large bowl. Sprinkie -with lem on juice and toss lightiy. Chill and serve in individual, dishes topped with a sprig of mint. For a' luncheon- or Ulght supper, serve fruit salad as the main course. Peach and' pear hialves are natural containers for'any variety of meat, or cheese fillings. Thinly sliced muskmelon and plums are good. with creamy cottage' cheese. For a combination plate, cut al types of, fruit, into bite-size pieces and arrange on a bed of lettuce. Serve with a sour creamn and honey dressing, or use" yogurt if.,counting calories. Fruit saiads for dessert are one of the most elegant endings for summer meais. -Make them aheaçi of time, 50 they are chiile'd for serving. Remnember to keep themn What's Very New for Fal *Just-below-the-knee,, cuffed pants to be worn with tcxtured hose and flats. *Thigh-high minis tcamcd with hand-,knit ýsweaters, and again with, textured hose,. often color,-. combining. *Just-above-the-knee, simple and use your imagination. For the final touch add a creamny topping. Here are two recipes that are favorites of the food, specialists at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. They're delîcious with any combination of fresh Ontario fruits -tiy them mo . Fruit Cream 1 cup sour cream 3 tablespoons brown .tugar 1/2 teaspoon graiedieémon rind 1 ta.blespoon lemonjuice Combine ail ingredients. Chili. At serving time, spoon onto prepared fruits in dessert dishes. Maires 1- 1/4 cups. Fluffy Sherry Topper- 112 cup whippfng cream 2 egg yolks J/4cup sugar 3 tabiespoons medium .Ontario sherry 1/8 teaspoon sait Beat whipping cream. Set aside. In a sm ail bôwl, using electric mixer, beat together egg yolks, sugar, sherry and sait. 'Beat until light and fluffy (about 5' minutes). Fold into whipped creani. Spoon over cut frçsh fruitsin dessert dishes. Makes 1-1/2 cups. 7.79 fuller skirts... or just below! i uIky-knit, thigh-low sweaters (add mfatching cap), overa thigh-high skirt. VITRIA- * AND GREY contact aur office: 308 Du ndas Street West Whitby (Toronto Line) 668-9324 < 683-7189 CONT'D FROM PAGE 4- especlaliy in'view of the recent outrageous and unconscionable murder of Lord Mountbattenand somne of those with hlm, as weil as the cold-bloo- ded wanton siaughter of those eighteen Briti'sh soldiers. Even though some or most of these friendish criminals may neyer, by apprehended and brought to hum an justice, they wiII, rmake no mistake about it, flot escape- the great white throne judge-, ment when they' wiii stand trembýling before God to answer for their evil deeds and take the consequences. EVENIN-G REGISTRATION FOR EXTENSION COURSES COmLLEGE IN OSHAWA -TUESDAY SEPT. il THURSDAY-SEPT. 13 WEDNESDAY SEPT. 19 6:30-9: 00 P. M. John Knott, Oshawa. Rattan Furniture Care Rattan and wicker furni- turc are enjoying popularity as neyer before and these hints wilI heip keep ail in top condition: Always dust wic- kler and rattan thoroughly. Keeping them well-oiled will also prevent drying out,ý cracking and splîtting. Lemon oil or pure oil of cedar is your answer and, don't forget to oit the underside areas of wicker as well! Most mufflers corne with dent muffler specialists in aguarantee. Canada. But not like this one. It States that your muffler The THRUWAY muffler is f ully guaranteed for as guarantee is backed by long as you own your car. the largest chain of indepen- And it's as good in Corner Brook as it is in Princeë Rupert. So bring your muffler troubles around to THRUWAY. We guarantee you'îî be more than welconied. m11~fflfldcnr REME'NDER* AT SNAP THRUWAY, YOU' REMORE THNAN WELCOMED. Snap Servioes Ltd., .300 Dundas St. E., WVhitby, Ont. Whitb4V:668.328. Oshavà:5798O48. AÎaxï/Toronîo:686:2288 - e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I. e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e WHITÈY FREE PRESS. WEDNES EPTEMBER ý. 1979'. PAC.R, 17 WHITBY ONTARIO * ains Highest bSavingýAecount

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