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Whitby Free Press, 5 Sep 1979, p. 19

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flouse wiring, check As summer ebbs W time to look- ýatyour wiringý system before chillier wea- (lier, increases the demanda, *on your electrical system.' So spare a few minutes to think ý about the situation, read the suggestions from Ontario }Iydro and have a look at your'f'usebox which controls the'electricity enter- ingyour house or apartmâent. Adoption rec ,unsealIed in C ' The reunions of adopted children a nd, their, birth parents' have been made "easier for those persons who were adoped in Ontario. The Ontario pro- vincial gove rnrnent .has& established -Canaas. ýfirst Adoption Disciosure Regist ry under section 81 of the n ew Çhiid Welfarç Act. 1The Ado ption Dsclosure Registry *is for, adoptees over the age of '18 and parents who_ have relin- quished children- for adoptý- ion more than 18 years ago. Both> adoptees and birth parents., enter in the Registry "by completing application forms. Registry- officiais will examine al forms and if both - an adoptee, and his birth parent are entered in the Registry,. the persons wil Le informed of the match. Identifying, information .wil flot be shared -until ý,the adoptive parents give -written consent to its dis- If consent is provided by, ail three parties ýof the adoption triangle,'the infor- mation' from the Registry will be released to .the aoteand Ilthe ,birth parent., If 'they wish to. meet, guidance and coun- selling are available from, Registry, officiais or a T -his isn't a scare warning, just an annual reminder. Fuseb 'oxes are Iusually in the.basement if you live ia hous.e. If you 'are in .an *apartment ask your superin- tendentfor its location. Check4 that the fuses. in your service, panel are of 'the correct rating. AlÈ ighting' and general use circui.ts are, fused at, 15 amperes. These fuses are clearly mrarked. ord s- can be Childre,'*s Aid Socieýty. The- registry was estab- i'shed June lSth and Bo far' apprd:kimat.ely 50 people have registered. ',The 'Registry is still fairly new and many people are justfinding out about it niow,"'said Victoria Leach,; Aýdoption Coordinator for the Ministry of Community, and 'Social' Servioeýg ,in Onitario. 'We have long, been Jaware of 'the need of mùany adoptees "and birthý parents. to satisfy. a natu'rai curiosity about'each- other. Nowwe have the mandate to participate professionaliy i these reunions 'if -al parties' qf tl>e adoption triangle ' are in1 agreemient with it. Ii is our experience that such. meetings often enhance the relationship of an adoptee to his adoptive family, as1 well'as resolving many questions." Adoptees and birth pare ntsë of adopted children wishfing 10 enter their'namne. i the Adoption Disclosure Registry can- obtain ,an applicationý front their local Children's Aid Socliety, or. from' the Adoption Disclos- ure, Rëgistry, Children's Servio 'es Division, Ministry, of Community and Social Sefvioes, Parliam ent Build- ings, :Queen's 'Park, Tor- onto, Oniario, M7A 1E9. nITiiCflN -riow TRALERHITHESand ACCESSORIES WE HVEMOVED, WHITB3Y Hw.2 OSHAWA Gus rown ýMotors Burns :2 900 Hopkins St. Fjnd Us Fast in the Whitbv. Yeilow Pages PHONE 666-1819 D THE PRO'S THE CORPORATION 0F k~~9THE TOWN 0F WHITBY PROCLAMATION WHITBY ARTS WEEK' TAKE NOTICE THAT September 7th to 1th, 1979, is hereby proclaimed as ýWhltbY Arts Week" in and for the Town of Whltby.,Citizens are reminded of the functions takinçf place during "Whitby Arts Week" and are asked to become involved in the culture of our community. DATED at Whitby, Ontario, this 5th day of September, AD., 1979. J.C. Gartshore, Mayor, Town of Whitby Forbheavierloads such as electric clothes dryers, ou water heaters,. freezers, fur- t'nace fan circuits, space heat- ers and the like use only Canadian Standards Associ- ation (OSA) approve d type "D" fuses. These cost a littie more than the ýregular fuses but provide better protection for- the 'heavier deniands. The "D" is. alsoélay identified.clay Check, that fuses are screwed in tightly as possi- ble by hand. The fusebox cover or.door should be4cept closed at al other'times to proteet'chiid- ren fromi injury and ýprevent dirt from accumulating. , ARE YOU, HAVING, PROBLEMS? - Warning signs include: Repeatçd biowing'of cor- rectly, rated' fuses for no' apparent reason; 1Evidence of discolouration Lights which ,flickçl cically (although "i cases,,faulty appiianci causelights to flickei Lights or entirec which fail to work. If you experience these conditions, e end .of .a blown. fuse appears the tip has ce êolour' or shows sij pitt:ing où the'bottom", poin 't, cail a qualified cian to check yourele installation;- If,: the problemi isi changing a fuse or th, take a. flashlight wit when you intend to ma change; Before chaniging thE u npug9'a ppi a n ces'à over-loadedcircuitani off' the main switch û at the mainf fusebox. Finly, to repeat,>ý the new'f use also is'sc] In tightly,.by hiand. . WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 5, 1979, PAGE 19 ýr perio- CON4TINUED FROM P. 17' on the resuits of the study1 n some AI te Iow-end of tlhe scutle, Canada's cbartered banks and es may 'New Brunswick bunkers have ls pressing senior'executives to W; the reputation, of belng thé provide better service epcil circuits worst lin(the country. More titan ly in aretlie esweick. any of haif the. business, people sur- FinancIng is a crucial issue'$ xamine veyed clalmed service was sim-. for smail business, as weiI as e.I txammeaflgwt oplit h Cndç cooy fe ~~~~~. ~ ~ o Ifi lydedul ih copants te a naieoo fe bhanged about a shortage Hfaco#t ilsmaller flrms created a Igns of receivabie funding almost dou- MaJorhtY Of the new jobs in contacýt, ble lte'rate la the rest of the the country last year, so their electri- country. < healit.is vital t& Canada's Betrical The Federation has passedl future. -_ ___ minor, àe, like, th 'Yo ake the îe fuse, bn the id turn tocated ensure crewed :1 'j -i 'J- I I "~ Il j

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