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Whitby Free Press, 5 Sep 1979, p. 7

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Brooklin Bylinesý SENIOR CITIZENS The Brooklin Senior, Citizens will be holding 'their. first night of the fali season -on Sept. 7 at 7ý:45 p.m., sharp- Aihyone over 55 years of age wh enjoys'a social evening and would like to join our Club, pleas e contact,,Mrs. Carneé Arksey at 655-4236. BROOKLIN BUSINESS ASSOCIATION' The Brooklin Bus iness Association LOGO contest commit-' tee has extended the entry deadline to Oct. lst. to allow farnilies and students time to complete and enter the contest. The LOGO.contest is giving people an'opportunity to express their feeling about Brooklin.. Several interes .tingý designs have corneforth showing Brooklin to be seen as a warm, friendly, community with a definite interest in, sun:or solar thernes,- which link anî historical past toBrookli's:brigh uue In the broa ,d sense a logo or logograrfi can-be a letter.,or' symbol or diagram used to nepresent an en tire word or theme. Thenefore several éntries can be creat'ed using a single themfe, or word. >Entry forms are on display in- Browns Foodmasten,, Cosgroves Variety, Brooklin Library 'and members of the BIooklin Business Association. LOGO contest comm ittee, members; Valery Hundent (Emporium), Russ Shortý (Short's Pharmacy)ý and Chris Greav es have, been encouraged by the response to the LOGO contest and hope that last minute entnies wîll1 be in by Oct. lst.ý ST. THOMAS' ANGLICAN CHURCH For, ail childnen ages 5-12 years, the Good News Cluib will open, at St. Thomas' Anglicans ' Church o 'n Andenson'Rd. in, Brooklin. The club will run each day from Septe. 9-12, f1rom 3:30-4:45 p.m. Cornie and enjoy the games, songs, ýstories, bible lessons, grizzes and competitions ýwîth »Tirn Chesterton and Paul Thomasof the Church Arrny. Wed Set 5BROOKLIN KINETTES, Wed.Sept 5.is"fthe first maeeting of the Brooklin and DistrieÇ',Kinetté Club to be held a t t he Moore Park Restauraànt.,ý Any Kinsmen's wives who would, like ý to corne out to oun meetings please contact one oi'the Kiniettes.' Susan-Smth 655'3932 Brown's Foodmasterý Beoenoon' Saturdaýy) Yard, sýale. for. mus eum Annual. yard-"sale on Saturday, September lSth, 10 arn. to 5 p.m. at the Whitby Museum.'- Anyone ,wishing to donate may leave. their articles at the museumî any Wednes- day, Thursday,.Satunday or Sunday, or, may. bring in person the day of the -sale. Brooklin Horticultural Soýciety.... The Whitby DÏeHarts have advanced to the, finals in the, North Yonk Girls Softball' League. They< took Richmnond HillI-in two straight to win the semi-final series with scores of il to 3 andý 9, to3. Whitby will now meet Markhamn in-a best 0f thnree,.final series starting Wedniesday , September 5 at Iroquois Park at 6:30 p.m. In the, first of the. serni- final garnes, Pam. Haisell was the leading scorer for Whitby with four RBI's fro two home. runs and, scoring twice w ene Debra Young and Tammy Cox. Diane Peters delivered 10 strike outs and had excellent back up defen- sively frOm Debbie ý Petens and Kathy Forbes to hold theý «ftichmond -HilI girls down to* 8 hïts.> The second game again found Diane Peters. deliven- ing 10 stnike outs and receiv- ing excellent 'backup. from Kim .Shearer, Connie Hamers and*Kathy. Forbes. Leading scorers.for Whitby, were Pam Haiseil, ',Debbie« -Peters and Gayle Hay.- WHÛITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 5, 1979, PAGE 7 "'Lazy', Haziy day- fSu,"imer"wner - --he Brooklin Horticultural Society heldlits ,"Annuals Show"Vý on Auùgust 22, .using the theme, "Lazy, Hazy, Daysof Summer". Although it is stili holiday' time 'for a number .0f our mnembers, it was moeýt gnatifying to' receive'a total of 137 entries, with Gladiolus providing a,, gorgeous anray of colour. President John Jefferies welcomed guests and new members and then w ent on to thank ail those who assis- ted 1 in( making. the County Town Carnival Flower show such a success.' Ken Brown then conducted hîs usual horticultural battle of wits, "Fun with Flora" which, proved not only, infor- mative but always enjoya- *ble. Following this, Ken intro-. duced Mr. Env Pliva, whose subject was, "lGrowing Orchids, .Simplified'. and wRôe-iT-nenèt that there are over 20i000 species was a real eye-opener. Although he professed that hewas flot an authority on orchids, his,, easy mannen and obvious knowledge. of ,his subject, belifd 'hîs st'atement, Margaret Beath thanked the speaker. The meeting- was thén adjourned to the flower show its'elf, where Audrey-Young announced the winers. Prize for Best 'Specimen, donated by thé Brook 'lin Bulletin was 'won by Gib Marl 'ow for. his - beautiful Gladiolùis. Prize for the Best Decora- tive, donted by the Brooklin Horticultural* Society was awarded,. tô-Doris Marlow and 'wis- indeed well de- served; and a special award donated by Joan Brgkfor the Best Novice. Arrangement, was won by Cynil Wick. The judge for the show was Mns.- Barbara Dobbin of the Civic Garden, Centre, Toronto and she very kindly lef t helpful notes on varîous entries explaining how that particular entry could have been improved upon. We are mndeed grateful for hèïr assis- tance in this regard. We look forward to seeing a larger turnout at our "Fal Sho'" on September 26, s0 "please corne, bring a flower and bning a fiend. DIAL - N - INSi~iiÂÏiOW 'il668--1331 andhearafr.ý'tt minuteinspiro~tionai messagé by Paoster Emm o.OItmnne 401l' Ros'iaondRodW",,in -.Whllby., ALU MINIUM STRMDOURS & WINDOWS-- DURALUMINUM DOORS ARE' PRECISION BUILT FOR ACCURATE FIT:WITH B3UG-SCREEN àSLIDING GLASS WE' INStALL 1 * s MITCHELL BROTHERS "MOUKLIN, 1 j, - ~Li Deharts liifinal metSI.Markham% E! THE *OSHàAA CIRCLE SQUARES MODERN SQUARE D»ANCE CLUB invites You Tc Jolii Theur-Beinner Basic Square Dance ClasseBs.Every'Monday Comme.ncing: MOND)AT, SEPTEMER 10,197 at THE COUNCIL' HALL#, CAMP'SAMAC, 5TH._CONS.' 'ROADEASI, OSHAWA, ffUse North ýEntrance To Camp Samac) TIME: 8:00 - 10:30 P.Me. COST: $350 PER COUPLE CALLER/INSTRUCTOR: BILL MURRAY Square dancing is a healthy, recreation for couples of.-ail ages. ~Corne out and joîn the crowd for an evening of fun & fellowship. Have f un, try it Bring, this ad with youand save $2.0O per couple on Our. introductory nights - Septem ber lOth à l7th: For more informatioyn oell 7251568-eOshawa.' v h p ý /I . A

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