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Whitby Free Press, 12 Sep 1979, p. 20

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f. mv Free fwmp Cali1 ss ~pru 668- 6111, rium-Ads wiII only be accepted*-subject to thefolwg Conditons. w I AUTOMOBILES FOR SA LE 1968 CHEVELLE MALIBOU, Power brakes & steerIng. Good running condition.'As is $250 or nearest offer. Cali 655-8084. Sept. 12/79 74 VEGA Automatic wagon. $650. Phone 655.4974. <Aug. 29/79 1971 Toyota autoi miles, god coi Cali 668-4.195. 1971 TORNADO fnilleage fiasp thirri, Good conc * 681 è20. 74 RENAULT -Ri wagon. H clutch.. $2 655-4136. Jul 68 DODGE '7POLAF condition. New braik to prove. As is. $150. St. N., Whitby. CAPTAIN'S BED very good condition. Asking $190. Also- teletalnment T.V. game, with 4 games, like new, used very littie, price $40. Phone 668-5659. Sept. 12/79 CHESTERFIELD with 1 matching chai r $120; 1 non matching chair $40. Suitable for basenient or cottage. Call 668-0888. Sept. 12/79 îmatic, 57,000 PDL2 AND UNiVERSE 23 îaition.- $600. channel side band CB set. $250 Aug 8,199.I obtd, sirer & 2 winterla Aug 8,199. obtTie su F775.&42s glass u180. Mahogany china cabinet. power ever1y- Sept. 12/79 idition. Phone RAILROAD SLED $35; 4 rail. Aug. 1/79 road steamer no. $35; boy's 3speed. racing bicycle $55; 12- Station girI's 2011 wheel bicycle $40; 4 ?75. As is. newly upholstered swivol kit. chen-chairs $75; Malte speed îly 1.8, 79 reel te reel tape recorder $150; Antique condiment set $20; RA 'Good Occasional table $15; Press ,e ob. BIII glass.disho $5; Carnival vase $15; Old band ringer $20. Phone 3 02 Byron 579-6929. . July 11, 79 75 MERCURY COMET, brown, 2-door. Au toma tic rad io.:Powor sfeering. A-i condition. Asking $1.995 or best offer. Phono 668-0776.' 75 Ford 6 cyl. Excellent -conditioi Phone 579-6144. Sept. 12/79 CAPTAIN'S BED Excellent condition. $110- withovt rnattress. Cali 668-1063. Sept. 12/79 July 11, 79. ELECTRIC LAWN MOWER $7; propane>camp , ater $5; Maveric k Fluorescent desk.i1, $4; 2 n.3$<,200. bedroom cupboard L ors $3 each; 16 metal cupboarf- door JuIly 4, 79 handles & hinges 25 cents each. I Cal I 668-9605.,, 1974 GREMLI N, as is, 304V -8 standard, 3 speed. transmis- sion $1400. Phone 6688178. Junei7-, 79 VEH1CESý SKI. DOO snow mobile. Excel- lent- condition. 440 TNT fan, cobled. $1100 or, best offer, includes Tachometer & cover. Also straw for sale. Phone 655-8001. Sept. 12/9 AQUARIUM 15 gi c--anape, al accessor stand and f ish. Excel l ltion. Ask for John 668-9165. FULL, LENTrH LI COAT Fur collar. E colour. Worn vjery litil old. $320 new. Asking! 10. Phone 668-7613. Sept. 5/.'i l. with ries, imon PLEASE READ Wheni the advertised Item is sold, disposed 0f, or unavailable for whatever reason, the Item will be deemed to have been soîd and a commission wiIl be charged based on TH-E ADVERTISED PRICE >as ilustrated below, regard less If price is stated with Ilbest offer". lifthe"item is NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad will be run for 3 MONTAS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 wiII apply. Ali advertisements must be pîaced on an exclusive basis with the WHITBV FREE PRESS and run at least one month If not sold. RATES [if article is soîd]: 5% of advertised priceup t0 S400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold'itemý advertlsed for,$120.0 -commission due $8.00 1Iminimum charge is $3.001 Private advertising onily! Please notif y us If you find a retailer l.-isted as a private advertiser. Pletase notif y the WhitbyFree Press immediately whl item is sold se that we maî9deleto it f rom the followi'ng issues. AII.ads not f itting the-E,-pt.rium guidelineswili be treated andi charged per week as regular cîassified ads on a pre paid basis such as: services, help Vwanted, clothing, real estate, and personal message type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantity: Private -classified.ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropri ate headings. Ifin doubt, call 668.6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LlN 551 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock'St. N., Whitby THE DEADLINE. FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE« FRIDAY PREV:OUS TOPUBLICATION ATNOON. *Reel-type powerý lawn mower $75. tWin enamel laundry tubs, * with stand and-' plumbing $30. *Moffatt- built-in oven and * mohagar.y cabinet, range top blue enamel with 36 inch stove fan. $100. CaîIl 728-6470. IAir conditioner - 15000 BTV, 2 speed' fan -220 voit with window hardware $200. Ph. 655-4003. « Juîy 18, 79 WOOD CIJPROARD $4Vf, 2 ;aln uft end rtables $35 a pair. Aug. 1ý; 1979. UP hone 683-6638. IeIII coai- U - COLEMAN LANTERN $15; 90. Phonie Funk & Wagnaîî encyclopedia stS50, Praktica 35 mm came- Sept. 5/79, r ouifit $200; AMF-VOIT-M'R f. rogulator with Dacor pres- .EATHER sure gauîge $150. Phone 668-2675. Br rown/red -Aug. 15, 79 $150. Size Sept. 5/79 < HOOVER WASHE-R spin, 19 FTr. CEDAR' SAILBOAT drye, in good 'working order Needs .repairing. Will selI for' $100. --hîidrenIs car seats - one $75 or" best, off er. Phone 655., GM infant seat, two Ford safe- 4364' yss$5e. Phone 655-4045. Sept. 5179 Sept. 5/79 16 FT. HAN OMADE SKI BOAT 283 'Chevy engine, v-drive, in good condition. $2,000 or'best ofer. Phone 655-4416. -.Aug. 22/79 1978 SUZUKI RM 12 lent condition, re.b helmet, gloves. Asl< 1'one-294.6029. IV17 SUZUKI RM 12 *lent condition.-Wisi *Ported & polished. * and powerful with tg *star helmet, Digger other accessories.1 Phone 668-2203. 1966 Valiant stant 6 72,000 original mil nirg condition.s offer. Cal668. 06 3 50 YAMAHJ -juoule bags, 7î hr#ioped protectic ,,rr. Original i -hot 668-0989. BRAKE.DRUM 'faphe, and wh. a .c< Both for $400. Pho 65-, 4976. - Aug. 29, 79 25 -C Exce TV Phillips. Excellent 15.CExce ndfw'.S250; Double bed, )Ult, too15, .attr(.ss &-box spring. $40; ing> $1,000. ;.~i~~ $175; Complete ,,jf01 ïisnus $12; Small cube Aug. 22/79 tahIe ýJQ. Old dining 'rooni ,ie. Good for cottage $20; 25B ýExcel- !.wr. inower $35; Wood card Co pir'-n. r.iole $S8; Unusual hemp table V/ery 'q .-à j5; Glass coffee table $55; Old Bell Moto. .sîand up radio $20; Chrome & -boots andý browr. corduroy chair $35; $800 f irm. Upho: tered wing back 'an c hair $30; Large oak desk $150; Aug. 22/79 Smail c.hild's desk $15; Wicker chair $18. Phone 655-4974. a utomatic, Aug. 29/79 les. good run- sLAJ4. or oeUT CHESTERIFIEL SUrIE- bult 621. for thi- big man in mmnd. New $1,400. Will. selI $800; set of Aug 15, 1979. coffep table & end table. Solid maple $100 for the set; 3 pc. 1A 6,000 miles. bedroom 'suite $175; kitchen windshield, suite 5'pc . chrome suite $75. ýon bar,ý back Best ut fer wilI be accepted on owner $750. i.y>,of theabove items. Phone JuIy 4/79 1975 YAMAHA YZ 125. Just rebui.-por-.>utof t artý, A, ng $400 c bes off(., Caf: 668' .680. Jone '.;1,79 EMlANSEANOUS BOY'S SIZE- 1 CCM Tacks hockey skates $20; Boy's blue hockey pants. Waist size 24.26 $10. Telephone 66a.5227, Sept . 12/7e, Aug. 29/79 CEDAR HOPE CHEST' top tray ined with green f oit. S1,;000 new, asking $300 or best oiffr. Phone 57'9-3395.' Aug. 22/79 .R C01NDITIONER $80; - .~-vacuun cleaner $45;, cf-ne hmrrieoudlA hî.a r ,othe Phoi - 725 30 inch white Chef master stove good condition. $35. 'Phone 655. Aug. 15, 1979. Gibson electric gL f ier. $800. Phone juitar & ampli- July 18, 79 AKAI STEREO in mint condi- tioîn. Turn table, ampl if ier & recoiver. 2 spea 'kers. Complete $700 or bes t of f er, Good s tar ter, sys rem. Phone 668-2649. Jufy 11, -79 PUMPAND FILTERforabove ground pool. Stainless steel téléik 3/4 HP., 3450 RPDM, 60, 115 iolts. Askinci $125. Phonc, 66h 0570. 668-6563. Westinghouse- aut< shing machine,-gooc Aug. 15, '1979. $1*75. Under warraf .1 623-5715. Wright piano. good condition, $550. or hest0f fer. Call 65-421- Aug.. 15, 1979., OSTERIZER BLENDER Fair- y new $20; Double bed. 6 years old, wood headboard, footbôard & raile $20; 'Silvertrivets, $5 & $10; Old silver- butter dish with knife $5; Silver candle stick,$10 a pair; Antique ladies dresser with large bevelled oval swing- ing mirror $175; Antique chest 0f drawers, solid oak on china casters, aIl brass hardware 8e- key hole with key $250. Best offer on the. above articles. Phone 668.6567. Auq. 8/79 CG '.30 ST E REO Grundei g, - Vo % inl(j order $120; Two Jn & hox spr>ings, twin .0 'air. Child's dresser, -. . $9; Te<ik dtsk $95. -.r S ,.rn., 281 2999. - Aul. 8/19 * <DFCK HtOOVER APPARTMENT size w.,h & dryer with stand. Aujogreen. Good condi- t 0.Caîl 668-4200 anytime July 25, 79 Mat nstream Canada I. -J', A System Gone Berserk By W. Roger Worth Somewhere along the une the process of getting food products from the farm gate I Loblaw Cos. president David Nichol, for example, dlaims his supermarket chain, collected $14 million - $16 mil-, to the dinner table has gone lion.in discounts last yeîr, vs, berserk, making life difficulf $4 million ln after-tix profits." for farmers, supermarket sup- pliers, and smiller grocery outlets. The food chains argue that money fromdiscountscuts the cost of advertising ýand loss- In fact, Canada's suppos- leader specials, encourîgingý edly efficient food-distribution superniarkets to buy ln bulk.' system May be costing con- sumers a great deal more money than they should be paying. .At t he heart of the process are the'poweriul' food chains and the "discounts" they force suppliers to pay. As it happens, supermar- kefs pay the full 1st price for products they seil, then force manufacturers, processors, Roger Worth is Director, Public Affairs, Canadian Federation of Independent Business. even farm groups, to k'ick back as much as 30%7ofo the, cost to the chains. It's ikan individuai sel-« ingi-car.for $1,000, then re- turning $300 to the purchaser, reducing the net selling pricie Io $700. To the uninifiîfed, i sounds ridiculous, turning one simple iransaction. into twiî. An Ontario Royal Com- SIn turn, this îllows man-, fiefurersand processorsfocut production costs, f hey cdaim. Ne verfheless, while there is some substance to th.eir argu- ment, if seems an odd way t<o do business.- In addition <o "discount s," suppliers are also chîrged thousands of dollars f0 gef t heir products on supermarket shelves. Somefimes fhis meuns local Canadian producfs neyer appear in chain stores. 1The supermarkets have ap- parenfly been able <o force the use of the kickback system through threat of delisting products,'although one majore Canadian *processor, McCain Foods, hîs manageéd, to resist paying. But that's an excep- tion. "Virtually everyone pays,"l says a small manufacturer. "0f herwise we'd lose^our mar- kets." The real question, though, is whether down-to-earf h com- Juiy Il, 79 mission has broughf the issue petition can exist in such cir- ~maic a- o public attention," but the cumsfances. condition. messy kickback scheme exists The food chains should inty. Phpne in every proivince in the coun- simplify the process, negotiat- JuIy 4, 79 try. ing real prices with suppliers, In-lafmct, 'the "discount" getting rid of ail the meaning- * Amenican stroller- chair. Con- *verts' into carniage, car bed,- feeding chair, rocking chair. Bljue. Good condition. $75. Phone 683-1 574. July 4, 79 SPýom rS(,iAN * FLORESCENT LANTERN, u(-d twicu $25; Llo, 1,. clculafor,$5; Doiphin La r reurberal or $ 1.5. P hont? 668 81M8 June 27,- 79 Instant Replay Your tooôthpaste cornes: millilitres (mL) process has become so wide- spreîd aid per.vasive tilat some -supermarkets are now takîng in more money from kickbîcks <han they earn from company profits. less bookwork., The present messy system places bof h coîsumers and suppliers - parficularly smail firms with littIe dont - in an untenable posit ion. LAF. t.EI r07. "NEXT TIE WEKIDNAP ANYBODY, LET'S TAKEA GROWNUjP!" ýtni0UrUIIIU tIw siu; WOODEN, BANISTER $50; er items. Price-to seIl. Hardwood f loorîng $100; AISe 1S8S. ~wooden chest $20; Large 2 - Aug. 22/79 tiered f lower stand $20; IWooden bed frame & spring < ~~~$10. Phono 683-6638. uy12,9 %il -JUD - Ut lut 1 Il 1ý

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