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Whitby Free Press, 12 Sep 1979, p. 23

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~Report froM Q Queen's Park By GEORGE ASHE, MPP w/.. (PC- Durham West) ,Ashe mvolveýd ii Hydro- cominttee- As a member of the Select Committee on Hydro.Affairs, I have been very busy during the summer months participating in a full scale inquiry' into the safety of Ontario Hydro's nuclear operations. This intense public review is the first of its kind in Canada, and has generated widespread interest, due in part to the extensive coverarge received from the media. The bearings of the Committee were aimed at drawing both a balanc.ed anda valid view of Ontario's nuclear, generating system'. Testim onywas .receiveëd -from 'both ,critics- and supporters of nuclear energy, experts from the private sector and governiment, as well as other interested groups, and indiv iduals. The list of participants is both long and, impressive. Presentat ions were received from James Auld, the former Ontario'Minister of Energy, Hugh Macaulay, Chairman ôf the Board of Ontario Hydro, as well as Jon Jennikens, President of the AtomicE nergy Control Board, a federal governiment agency which acts as a regulatory bodyover Ontario Hydro's licence. In addition the -Committee heard from nuclear critics such as Ralph Torrie and Dr. Gordon Edwards. Perhaps the most spectacular and well-publicized testimony. was that 0f William Taves (alias Mr. Schultz.), a former First Operator at the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station. The Committee was also privileged to lis ten to Dr. Arthur Porter' Chairman of the' Royal commission on, Electric Power Planning, and a well-respected academic authority on the issue of nuclear energy. Both the verbal and written evidence reviewed by the Committee was further augmented by our-visit to the Nuclear Power Development at Rolphton, near the town of Deep River. Her>e we participated in, a guided tour of the station and received submissions from various local citizens and interest groups. The Select Committee on Hydro Affairs took a short break from mid-August to'mid-September before proceeding with its final report. Therefore, any prediction of our conclusions and recommendations at this point would be' premfature. But if nothing else, the. wealth of material we have compiled in the past, few months will provide invaluable assistance for future inquiries into -nuclear affairs, whether these. be at the provincial, national or international level. And for the first time ever, internal. Ontario Hydro documents have been The Easy-Credit Syndrome By, W. -Roger Worth Many Canidiansappear ,to be robbing Peter to p'Pal borrowing everlargerarn'ounts "Or money (o support their life- styles and. thestandards of liv- ing to which they have become accustomed. -Month alter.month, il seems, ,short-term borrowing by con- sumners sets a new record. That includes the phenomenal growth in charge card outlays, as well as such'items as term Iending (cars, bouts, furniture) by Cànadas'chartered banks, trust companies, finance com- panies.and credit unions. Even 18% interest rates on charge cards and'14% - 16% Roger Worth is Director, Public Af/airs, ('aeadian Féderation of Independent Business. rates on terrn bans haven't slowed -the prQcess. The crédit granting Institu- tions, of course, are elated that consumer credtis rising, ai- though they are a littIe con- cerned about increaslng bad- debt lusses. Yet short-term lendîng is a very profitable business indeed. And Iwith a glut on money ln their coffers, the financlal in- stitutions are bending 'over backward to oblige those seek- ing credit. While most Canadians treat the'easy availability of credit with respect, high pressure ad- vertising,(will (bat be cash or Chargex . .. or Visa) can create problems.. The number of. borrowers who geliii over their heads is rapidly rising. In July, for example, 1,252 Canadians went bankrupt, up 13.991 from 1,099 the previons year. In the January - July period this year, awhopping, 13,473 individuals and firms went bankrupt. This is only the tip of the c redît problem iceberg. Thou- sands of other people have been forced to resort to credit coiinselllng agencies and simi- lar organizations. Many others stave off their difficulties by arranging a new "consolida- tion" ban. >StÛR,. even though credit problemsare growing and collection agency- business is booming, lt's. also important to note that Canadians are aniong the largest per-capita savers in the worid.1 Ev iid e nce, perhaps,- that people are more responsible than the gloomy bankruptcy *figures indicpte. FRANIC > U, Itol "PICK YOUR ( FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 12, 1979, PAGE 2:ý opened for the Committee's scrutiny. The Comnmittee has certainly proven itself as an important vehicle for increasing, public' awareness, of the issue. > The questions surrounding the safety of nuclear energy in, terms of îts effect upon human health and the environmenf have always been, and will continue to be, asked and examine( by tÎhe Provincial Government. As the Legisiative representa tive of a Riding wherin.a nuclear generaing station isloca ,ted, and as ýa member of the Select Committeeý on HydrO Affairs, 1 want to assure you 0of my continuing comnuitment to the safet3 and well-being of the people'of Durham West Riding. Gu"rôwn Motors Burs ~ 900 Hopkins 0 ~Uni"' Find Us. Fast in thel Whli TRAILER. HITCHES-and ACCESSORIES WE HAVE MOVIED Yeiow Page HA4Aý 's PHONE 666:181, WEST LYNDE- BURGER 668-1440 NEW HOURS: Mon ta Thurs Fri & Sut Sunday, lOa.m. ta 12 p.m.lOa.o2a.m. OaM. tallp.m -OWN APPLES"' RETURNS To RED ýWING ORCHARDS Satu rday Tony Klompmaker, Manager of W. Frank Real Estate Ltd., WNhitby off ice is pleased to announoe. that GARRET -DOWKER was the Leading Sales Agent for the month of AUGUST. STARTING. September 15 - 10 a.m. WEEKENDS. ONLY (Weàather Permitting)- Containers Provided, to 5 p.m. This Weekend Featuring Crisp, Juicy Mclntosh from our new dwarf trees. Pliue watch '"Food Products" section in the dossified section for varieties being picked eom weekend. Remember Thanksgiving weekend -Pick up Mc ntosh Macouns & Cortlands and enjoy aur Food Farm Festival - Hot Dogs, Hot Cider, Donuts, Coffee, & FREE Home Made Applesauce. RED WING O0RCHfARDS NORT4 NORTH SiDi 0F HWY. 2 Between .Whitby end Alax i n (I ~ '~ .1 p 9 q -4 OSH ýH 1 My WHIT

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