PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 26, 1979., WHITBY FREE PRESS, NEW CAR SUPPLEMENT Ecgl e-.crothe f irt for AM.,C The 190 AMC Eagle aut&mobile represents another i the sertes of firats for Ainerican Motors i the domestie automobilei- dustry. American Motors pioered the North Amercawcompact car i thie 19w%'sanditroduced the first clomestie subcom- pact i 1970. Eagle is a.tgotaily -new diension ithe automotive fleld-a marriage of, the luxury and convenlence of a compact passenger car and the. superlor ftraction and, = h.041M ýcharacterlstics «" nfour-wheel-drlve vehicles. Available i 2-door and 4- door sedan and 44»or wagon body- styles, al automobiles are tà rgeted o three majo market segments: uerseconcer- nedwit nuttum safety and securlty> afforded by four-wheel-drlve ic1umil- familles with ami ebldren; women com- mutln to their Jobs, by automobile 'and thi elderly who must drve to meet-per- sonial needs. Drivers w1ose condltlons.often wisuitedfor coniventional rear-wheel, or front-wheel-drlve vehicles., This category icludes doc- tors and other medical per- sonnel police and firefigiters, public utilit peronnl, rural mail carers, private delivery services, imal businesmen, traveling salesmen, resort owners, and skansnowmobillng camping, huntlng and flsining entliuslasts. 1Ownîers'who live i areas. where iclemnent ,.weather make~s - two-wheel-drive automobile .travel dangerous or Impossible durlii the stormy seasons. Eagle b,.ILgstoreality the concept thamtere can be a genuihe good-weather bad- weathe.ail-conditions Back Road s Cail to 4-mWheelers Not everyone wants to go "on the road" for vacation fun . .. some hardy souls prefer off-road adventure!, That's why 4-wheel drive recreational vehicles are growing in- popularity. For desert, canyon, hili, or snow driving, you can't beat 4-wheel dri ve and each year, auto manufacturers are irnproving both the per- formance and convenience of these rugged vehicles. Bucket seats, multi- purpose design, luxurious interiors, air-conditioning, built-in ice chests, and front- ...eel-drive toA4-we-- drive1A !- For those who lîke the challenge of reaching out-of- the-way places and enjor- down-to-earth travel, to- day's 4-wheel- recre'ational vehicles offer the last fron- tier of driving adventure. vehicle ivitli ride and noise level characteristlcs thought to b. the exclusive domaini of the two-wheel-drlve passenger car. From the.outaide it la ob- vious that the Eage share afamily relatioùnshp wlth thie AMU Congod. Hweer, the relationshlp ends tere, Itis not-and Ébould not b descrlbed as a four-wlieel- drive version of the Concord. Mch 'effort', much enghneerig may different j~rsand a largedifference ttip phifleoiqhy spatefor those appaance items that ares = .la, tier's mucli more1a' différent about the two veilclesthan la the. And even the. appearance la different the. Eà le behi very mucb Its own machie, sitlte ree inches -highi Off he ground, uslng 15-lnch Wh"el and tires hitead of 14'Bq and hayiç a totally unq iou 1werboay sie traùent. It la hi the chassla and drivetrain .that. the . major différences are'found. Muot imnportant of these the. Eagle bas four-wheel-lrve - -fuI-tlme four-wheel-drive - whlch la acknowledged hi af-. fordsupeiortraction ial te o driingconditions, goo-waetlier anid bad. Even among four-wheel- drive vehicles the. aglai an advanced aesign. IR bas independent front" suspen- sion, for xample, te flrst massk-produced Aerican 'w Complete 4WD to offer this feature. Ibla contributes not only to a better ride, but It also rjjides iniproved han- Aniother. of its outstadi engnerin fatures laa new transier casewiich la uiue iis use of a Viscous coup toaai limlted slip dlfeetation, making it more effective as well as qutr and amootlier i operation. The Eagle la on a 109.3- ich/2.776-metre wiieelbase and measures only- 186.2. inches /4.729-metr-es i lengti. It la er much an automobile attued to the material and energy con- cerna of tiie 801s. Tiie Cn la iseqpe wlth ti m -C uic-pich minfe 6-cylinder epnin and 3-speedTonque Command automatic transmission. It as Power steerig and power brakes (dise front) and. radial tires as standard çbmp ment. There are stan- dr and limited'models and an optional ,sport package for the 2-door sedan and wagon. Fuel consumption estimates are 'expected té reasonable 'approach, ,the eýonOMof Ma compaably eOWjDned two-wheel-drhve welghtd A full, range 0f optional equipmnentand accessories are «available ',wiitii.h Eagle. These include ail- weatiier steel-belted radial tires, air conditionig', extra uine of AMC for 1980 Ail ourAMC cars and Eagles for 1980 Mil receive Ziebart rustprooflng at the factory wlth a 5-year rust-th.rough factory warranty. Grant MenzkE M HWY 401 1980 Eagle du~ s uspeniion, trailor town packges, tilt steu n wheel, electrlc wm indows, power door oe ~ crulse control, varion trlm and convenien- ce packages automatic load leve iad an assortment ofadio equlpment options. Car Care A stitch in time. saves nine - and a repair in-time can save your car's uphol- stery from becoming a dis- aster area. Fortunately, there are re- pair kits available at your auto supply store; these are quick and easy to use, and inexpensivel., w I BOWMANVILLE -- Gra-n.t M nies otors (1976) Liminted' Dur/n g our success fui h/s tory,'we have bu/lt for ourselves a repu ta t/on for fa/mess that is second to none in the automotive field. We continuai/y strive for cus tomer satisfaction, whether /t's on the purchase of a new vehicle, or one ,of our dependable used cars. The next t/me you're thinking about the purchase of a new car, how about s top- ping in-to take a look at what we have to 0f fer. We think you'II be very pleasantly surprisedl TheEAGLE has Ianded, atGranýt Menzies Mo tors Cars and Jeep Vehicles "Grant Menz/es and AMC are on'the move for the '80's" OUR NEW LOCATION 1430 King St. East :S ~Oshawa z Telephone 571-3600Z- w LOCATION me zz ING ST EAST z t O: 0- I