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Whitby Free Press, 26 Sep 1979, p. 24

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PAGE 14e W.EDNESIYyS1ÉTEMBER 26,1979, WITBY FREE PRESS, NEW CAR SIJPPLEMEN NewEaglehasQuadra-rc The BwleC. bas ful-time fou-wee-ovo, which mea S action on the Dart of the driver la reqiredlto activate the lmproved trac- tion bandlln and .securlty madeeàpossble b~y thlp drive systei. Fuil-time four-wbeel-drlve was firat lntroduced in the 1973 model yèar o the Jee senior vhides - the Wagoneer, Cberokee and plckup trucks. But the yste used In the Eagle stbihes a new standard in the state of the art. Cailed Qudra-Trac, the heart cf thesys tem Io a new tranafer case in wblch the distribution of torque but- w=e front and roar axles la ctroled by a viaclous IIN9 1 Qni I mdra-Trac was lntroduced Xjeep ln moie yarIl as a trademak des ation for _ Ils. then-new 4W systein. S This was unique at the Urne i that lhe lnter-drlveshaft differential lnopratod a llmlted-slIp featuewhlch res thce iedifférenceI rotational<speeds between dèlivernpbetter tracâon. lh:Ùlatst ersion of ¶ia dra-Trac also provides s p-lmlingaction but thua nwresult from the action of the visclous coupllng rather than troin mechanical friction. The visclous couplingalso acta hi, absorb' mnin-r driveline vibrations,, provldlng quleter, smoother operation. The new transfer case was ploneered byý FF Develop ments ingnland, and bas been used on a veryilmlited number of competition cars and other hlghlyseialized vehicles. Mànufacuring rights hi the unit were sold hi GKLtd. of EnglnWho in turn asslgnedthe rigt for NothAmnerica t he New Process GarDvso of Chrysier Corporation. lCnow-n as ModelNP,119 it la a slngle-speed transier case, -meanlngtbero la ne 10w-range gearset asfoud lnhe typical 2"eed Iran- Ofer m. ý m ,rear drlveshaft ladrives lecl frein the rear of the taser cas, whlle the. front la offset to the left, driven via a sUlent type chai. Tuevisclous coeplg actà as a Uimlted- slip dIfferential between these drives ýand thère la no meéhniclIock-up between the twoshafts. When the front and rear driveshafla turn at the saine ined a they do, when the drives -stralght down the road, Ihere la ns dif- ferential action. In a turn or other maneuvers where fron t and- rear wheels must travel -slegtly -different distances, diffrential action inrqu=edbecause the driv s tmut beable to rotae at sOty iffrent 'opng a liquld silipoe la suchut normal differen- tial action la permltted. Greater variations i spêed between the dkveshafls such as occur when a wheel or pair of wheels encounter reduced traction and tend h pn hioaction. I other words, te action of the viscous coupling la velocity- sensitive permittlng the cbmparallvely low movements tyical 0f nor- mal differentlàl action, but quickly buildn * up resistane and fectively "'locklng" lite driveshfts together if they thirotate aI greatly difern speeds. The action of the fluid between the _plates ithe. coupling coulcr becompared hi theè action cf water again- st yOur body if you were wadn acrees a pool. In wainstdeep water, for exam- pie, q cani walk wlth com- paratively little« effort as lonZu asou move ilowl-v andi hurry. the addltional effort that la requfred la proper- tionate t heiehcrease in speed yu ttempt hi achieve. Se It lanwth the, viscous coupln but here, istead of water, there la liquld silicone wti a vlscoslty of 15,000 centistokes, more nearly tho conistency of honey. In conditions demnandlng maximum llmitfid-slip ac- tion the driveshafts are not litoray iy locked" ýtogthe but lue slfppage' b[ àe In France, where Renault makes Le Car, people believe liaI an automatic should bu more than just a means of transportation. In addition to fuÏel efficiency and space efficiency' (with rear seat folded, LeCar of- fers 96 per cent more luggage space'than Honda Clvie'laid 21 peÉÏr cent more plac lasuc tht vory good slp-llmltngcharaceriatics aedevýoaped. Tuer. are *lg shear rorces developed during thia phase but one of the propees of liquld silicone l that It la not ad- versely ,affe ted by shear and does not imOur when heated as do conventional 0ils. ¶adra-Trac la more ef- fective ia fu-whe-drive vehicle ta ohrfuil-time 4wd systema where there la an "4open" differential (as oppSsed hi a limlted-slipDif ferential) between the. driveshafts. In the f "opny differetial system, the Ions of traction at oe wheel resuits ins torque behig dellvered hi thfe other Whel, sice it la the nature 0fpte open differential hi delver motion hi the "easy"t ¶haft; that la, the one tbat la th Quadra-T7rac, hoever the ocs f traction at one wheei rÙ te l limltlng character ofthe viscous coupllnhto action, causigcfveirque hi bu 1980 Le' Car frorn Renault than Chevy, Chevello), they dependent suspension pli believe a car should have a Michelin ZX steel-bu]l personality. radials. Ail of whlch add. Le Car's porsonality la ex- to' butter rldig comfc lraordiary. Tbat's why Le road-grlpplng tractiona Car offers sophlsticated stabillty plus "sports R standard features like front cornerlnga wheel drive (no, hump <hi maneuverability. May cllmb ever), front -dise. that's why Le Car 100k2 brakes, rack, and ýpiion and 3rd place in-hi li sernfour-wheel i- MneCroR plus ser lush [ted [up, and mdt lybu 2md 19 mze' taferred hi the aIe wlth h.getesttractin Iiaddition to the differen- liai function, the viscous coupllng cf the NP 119 tran- sfer cs prvides extra securtyi tatt aaoim- B eu braklng effec- Uvens. Il does till by ac- ting as a sUdd detorrent, Ion- dig to equalize driveshaft speeawhen the wheels at one end or the other wanl hi, lockr and suid. 63 lat,, 2nd, or 3rd place finishes in SCCA Shiowroom Stock races last year. When' Il comes le economy, Le Car can coin- pet. wlth just about any sinail car. -But when Il cornes hi performance, flot many sinailcarscan'coin- pete.,lth-leCarJ I You Are Invite-d To Drop Arnd Preview OurNewl198O L'ine PREVI In FEATURING 'THE ALL NEW EAGLE * SPIRIT * CONCORD JEEPS * RENAULTS sIEr1 * * (Eio * * 1 1 y iff-

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