WITBY FREE PRESS; WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3,1979, PAGE 15 Comni&Lunity Care ha's travelled 4,695 miles to 'help seniors Dtrlg the summer moaths ci July and Augwst, wbltby were macie. Conimiinlty Cire lî"ded, 1,203 asslgnmnents, loging 4,M95The 109 volunteers also made M2 noii-medlcal trips to assiat "ies and 1'056 hours. . in sucli daily*actigvities as shopping as well as maklng 20M trips neii organizations blggest task was thue transportation of to . meals that were provlded by, other service organizations senior citizens to medical appinimnuts, 3a9 of these tripe such as the Knlghta of Columbs. The -technology of art -and music Will tomorrow's mother rocký-a-bye her baby 4to ýa laser lullaby?. Just what direcètion is techno- logy ýgiving to cultural life, especially to art and music? At the Ontario Science Centre, The Wave Makrsa srieofSaturday ýconcerts beginhing, October 6, shows \how technology and art and, musi ar alradyi armo ny. Each performance is presented niot ônly as an'artistic performance' 'bt also as. an introduction tosome of the mystery that lies behind 7technological sounds. On Saturday, October 6 at 2:30 andagain at *8:00 p.m., Inusician, mathemnatician,, composer and computer scientist, .Bill Buxton, performs * with an, instrument'he developeëdthi year. the iinstrunméntal" is'a comhposer-controlled digital' synthesizer.ý- With Jt, Buxton experirnents, comn- poses and orchestraltes bis compsitiqrî'. H-e gives a »clar ad.lgical explanation ofhis çerfrmances, f answers- questions* and, after the" s"how, Buxton invites "the audience to a ýclose-upview of his tech-. nological wonider that he c'ails Ludwig. Other Performances in the-series aie on Satur- days aI. 2:30,and 8 p.m., ini the OntarioScience -e>Centre's MginAuditorium, on October .13, Octo-_ berý 20,. October, 27 andNovem"ber 3. Ail perfor- mances are presented in. conjunction with Toron-, to's A Space and are free with admission to the Ontarjo science'.Centre. October 13, composer and musician Phil, <Schreibman shows the recording studio as an ilns- trument'. October 20, HansManitel explains video synthesis. October. 27,. leader of the Canadian Electronic Ensemble, David Grimes 'andýI York University teacher David, Stringer demnonstrate' electronic music. On Novein1ber 3, 'the Glass, Or-" Che stra,. comple te with glass ýloudspeaker .performs. Blueg"rass and dance festiva1 at.' theScinceCentre. SThanksgivrn'g, weekend, Octobr6,7 and 8, whenthe Great Hall wil be filled. with the sounds > of bluegrass music, flamencoý dancing and some' real ol d-time step dancing. Denis LePage and Station Road, are widely acclaimed as one of the finest bluegrass quartets- in Canada. Dr. LePage is the 1976 world banjo: champion an d he, 'along with Bill Hill, Roly LaPierre and. Paul Howe1,l provide a uniqueblend of driving bluegrass mixed wîth -some down-home Canadian fiddle music. Performances are sc'heduled for 11: 00 a.mý. to 2:00 p.m. on-Saturday, Sunday and Mon day. On4Satur.day and Sunday only, Los Hispanicos,, a vibrant and colourful groupý of four flamnenco dancers return to the stage in. the WOOD show. * Roy-MacCauley Celebrates bis first ypar et- vlthan 5 Pc. Peppl er, Bedroom, Suite Cherry Wood& Veneers- rosserMirror, ~ rmoire, OHeodboard 2 night Tables Mfg. List $221300 Anniversary "Spcl SPECIALS OTHER JT wjg gq AnniversarySpca 25%off Rediner Naugahydo & Olfin Coer Annieversury Special $9500 Annivo rary SpOCal $1380 Queen ize Mattess & BOX, spn 20, yoar parantes AnvrsarySpecial $24800 309 BIOCk St. S. Whltby Shopping Plaza Estabish.d 1952 WHITBY 668-2081 "'OUR AIM IS TO SATISFYPP Gla vin -room Tables By Pepplor Annmvortary Special 2P.Seci.onul 100% Cofton Los Bock Cove'0n Annivorsary Speclal '$5850Û0 5Pce Glas inefte Smoke'Glass Top dk Brown, chairs Anni'versary Speci $2950 2Pc. Côolnia.l Chesterfield Suie I j, 100%ve*tr Nylon $"" Annivorsary Special $49900 LcoboeH I I l- 1 4 L l DOM à %ý