PAGE 6, WEDNqESDAýYOCTOBER ,3,,1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS Auxiliary is. in zhighgear- Garage sale a success, The ýJO. Ruddy HospRia Auxiùliary held a general, meeting at the Whitby Pujblic Lib rary, on 'Septe mber 24, ýat 8:00 p.m. Auxiliary activities are back in 'high gear' after a summer break. However, stich services as the hospital gift shop remain open-Year round. Increased sales are reported fromi the gift- shop, thus indicating, that t-his service. is,, both needed and appreciatd by the patrons. The giant garage saI.le, held on September 8, pro 'ed to be both an enjoyable day for ail concerned. and a- fiancial success. Eigbty five- booths were rented by vendors Who sold an amaâzing collection of, items rangmg from'bathtubs to xylophones'. The suûccess <of' this .event bas prompted the'auüxiliar-y to lhold a spring garage sale i'June, 1980. Theauxliay to holda spring garage plan, ahead and save saleable, unwà nted items'for, the event! An appreciation . nigh is being, held 'by the ..auxiiiary on Ocetober 24, at the Whitby Muniicipal Building&! at 7,:30 p.m., At thattiie.the,:more than forty '"Volunteens" who serveso0 ConScientiously ini th hspital wil be gilveth recognition -they deserve. special recognition will be given 'to fifteen of these' young . people for the extraordinary amount Of tiMe they have giv en to this, service. Children's tours of the J.O. 'Ruddy Hospital-willcom- mence on the- week, of Octobe r- 18. -These. tours, conducted by auxiliary volun- teers, give Grade 2 children a. glimpse of hospital life. Many children only see the inside of a hospital if- they are injuired or'il. Introdu- cing thiem to'the 'hospital. facilites as partof ahappy,' group experience, , helps allay any fearsthey, may have should a' trip to the hospital' become necessary for them in the future. A special, nursery school tour- for children aged 4 wii be held on October 4th. The Ontario Hospital, Auxili ary Association wiil.. hold its annual conventioni at, te Royal, York Hà otel, Toronto, fromOctober ý28_'t o 31. The J.O.RuÜddy Hospital Auxiliary will send for delegates,_to' this important Whitby Schola r «More than $4;000 bas been -awarded to 21- Trent Uitiver. sitystudents, inmthe GuIf Oul Residence.- Award prograni. Terantswill assist the students -with the cost of living in residence during the cÛrrenit year. 'Onerother award was pre- .senteà *to: l ain MacMillan Bell,I 315 Palace St., Whitby. this week savings Sfor Tha nksgivîng Lipton assorted cup-a-soup pkg. of 4 Bye the Sea in water 7z âlid ligt tna eW snin aswaqecj Betty Crockr4oz. cakemixes ................. 9pg ail purpose 35k FiVe Roses flour .. .... a 2.19 McLarets cherries, onions or 1 gherkins .........I....... î.ar 1 2 Neilson inVitation nintS ....... 137 1.49 Sugar Twin packets sugar substtute ..... .79' Ken-L Ration burgers.... pkg 2.69 lotiontmîld Jergens soap ....... ~ .... 9 Mrb> Smriltrozen l)umpkin pie ~II P J- M-,e assorted Suns'pIh. N Co UPraiton -iCaaa tty grad ~ren P Ul 'Na~ h T adit on viscerated fresh dill pickles. ice cream g oü dcoffee 16 to 10 32 fl. oz. jar asole. "'vu, < lb. vac pack bag 79 . lb. 7 9 as:ted ~avoursCOJ~f cpnvalue 60e*trk y*8 * ca2t1it n. I Canada grade Aeviscerated garden2 coktil 69 Suprerne'hoht 12.6 LoU -l r eo 6,1y979 ii 11 Std ol ckta t ake2l 9 elt'eiive unlil cehrsing Saîurday, 'lober6 ..97 -- -- - - - - - .-§1Maple Leaf16o reiste ou 212 t14 74 frozen dessert tloping 12 re6 Niagara frozen unsweîened 12/1 ridess bacon pkg i-48 coolWlIJP .' ....orangejuice ....... ..conî . e l ............oz. in.e Maple La rB m tlycoe Ocean Spray jIMed of h eberry 14p, C E.D. Srnith blueberry or rherry shr hank sliinless. shan k porotion cranberry saUoe ..........oz. lon. eln*.95esiCla 3750 mke ai.., l 13 cane ains.1......1/2 lb.3.79ý E.D. Smith pumpkîn 11 9Red Rose ora nge pekoe plus deposîl ClbHuesufdpieflling ..... ozîin * ebg ~&16 ,C 1 nlb a o lives 341 -L129 fancy _________ ........._._......_1,6 Oncle BDole nzils7owajuie stuif 'On >such .79..Maple Lentê 28 oz / ik M7<a)- Libb.....umpkin A.69 pineappl .6 - pr.4UCe6 kemel corn , 55 aluminum A-l..... foil l1.59 Keenex facial tissue ............. .o %o%-. 75 Desey4ril12 bathroom tiue.,... ...pkg, assorted Keenex 2rl paper toel *gIL RylCtuinet 10 1/2" dinner plates >bv 6,. 1979. 1«091 fully Cooked, lasty hain Steaks... . ..........le1.88 Maple Leal Sausage Meat .......-10z.O Maple Leal smalçed boneless vac pack bU Il.. Gapos ad Sheiders prlc, beef, . 5K FlettourM l«fd No. 1Maple Leal z. F O Fvuflwxdcooked bam,.. ....DR9 12 Rutaaim Tw*s 154vieDevon store pak country style' ss age..........l... ..... b. 1.19 65 m Gimu e Ddwk.Scn eiders .,OPEN SI) Muskrooms ~~~~beefburgers ...... k 38' XET Muoslmrooms Schneders. ioiogna. pdM u& pimeng. dlutciiNIGIJi $1912sOZ pekqs lun l..z. ,7Q CLOSEDI We reservo the i ami- - OWN 'oS )MASTER, MUkLIN 5S4521 IX DAYS A WEËk >a.m.-ý 6 p.mý THURS. & FR1. 'ST L- 9 p.m.ý MONDAY FOR VKSGIVING F r b lmit qtutfes t EU ý!: ýý ', ý ý : 1 'l'w ý ý 1, , ý, -.. 1 . ý 'I', ý ý ,