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Whitby Free Press, 31 Oct 1979, p. 19

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WITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAy, OCTOBER 31, 1979, PAGE 19 ëEVIES 0 m BROOKLIN TOOL C0. SPECIAL SALE Air tools $40 Milcrometers $19 2 ton holst $30 Onul Press $225 3 Ton Car Stand $21 Impact Sooket set $30 Tap & Oie $35 Plus other related prod. Dealers WOcomed COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE GARAGE SUPPILIES 883-1753 'I FRIENDLV FLEA MARKET 725-9783 I I 23 KING ST. W, .OSHAWA. CAPETRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEM ENTS IMETRO LIC. B -2554 Pitchens, Ceramic Tiiîng I Orywali, Rec. Roims Codar Decks and Patio Doors FREE ESTIMATES 6-i 68-46861 a APRENTS FOR RENT ONE SEDROOM appartmont, also two bedroom -hous». No pets. Tlophoneo 65.791. CENTRAL WHITOY Close ta everything. 2 bedrm, second floor ap- partment. No pets. Very suitabis for lder or rtIrod couple. Ail services & hat lncluded at $23. a month. Fîrst and last roqulrsd. Lease & rferoncos. irait 683.003 AUCTION SALE Saturday. November 3, 11.,00 a&m. Contents of Chadilos Colectablos. (bulIldin belng dellse) at the premîses No. 2 highway & Division St., Bowmanvillo. Eart Davies Auctoneer. 728-4455. AYCRE WîLL BADYSIT ln my home. Two ta four y«ers d. Cai 66&.1m. n MYMENT ALTERATIONS Expertiy done. Phono ~nFO TA HOT TUBS TO RqENTf Wliileaae & In- stail for horneowner a famiiy &hz. Hot Tub, off.rlng theraeutic hydrojet massage fo tired aching limbe. L»eaafor12 or 3 year with option to owm Cadi tellfase 1400.2066070 FIFLAE ALUMA HOT TUOS buy direct from manufacturer end Save. Hydra-jet msaaage caroaaes tirod «W aching limbe. Enjoy tlerapeutle relsxation aadd fun for the entire famiiy. Cali taii M o1 0 RU TUKS %TON FORD ô cylînder standard. Very gaod condition. Cortlfled..Phono M64169. TAKYOU THE FAMILY of th. iste Arthur Dim- mlck wlshta express thoîr sIncere thanka and appreclations ta ail frlen- do, relations and neighbours for the kIndnsi shown In the passing of aur beiovod husband and father. For the beautîful f iowers, messages of sym- pathy and baklng. To Rev. John Smith of St. Mars Unitsd Church, for hNs comforting words. Tho Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 112, Pal bearora Hugh kierr, Grog Ken, E.W. Houghiand, H. Christian, Dallas Kng, Ron Maclsaac, Jack Stewart and H. Perry. A sîncore thank you framn: The'Dimmick Famliy & Stîliar famliy VANTED Whitby townhouse. Joffory' r Bums preforred. Cail Princîples )MlY Real Estato Services. 655-4492. imily Favorite TENDER ROFING CONTRACTORS Pire doorerplacement-et the Stores BuildIng, Psychiatrio Hositai, Whit. by, Ontalo. TEN~bER NO. UN.79.150W 'P67445 'Beaied tender. wlli b. rscelvod untii 2:00 P.M. LOCAL TîME, NOVEMBER 80,1979l. Tender Documents May b. obtained fom the Ontaria Ministry of Gaver- nment Services, Uindsay Rogionai 0f. fce, 322 Kent Street West, P.O. Box 000, Lindsay, Ontaria. MOTE: For further Information rogar. Jng this tender, pios caîl Mm. E.M. lealo at the above addross. rsiephono: 705) 324-918. The iowost )r any tender not necessariiy accep. Seie»tto SWOMMINO POOL covers heevy duty. weeved, double home, uinfor. ced grommets, coaed both? Bides, foliets ultra-violet raye. Specleity slâme. 26 y.a ar.tie.. Manufc. tuas,. agent In OM &wa.723-7»0. FRWOOD Ail-hardwood. Truck full for $W0.00.Fr.. deiivery. PMme 6@0& 14NBAU. MACHINE $4M0ta 870u>; pool table; soccer.table;, candis f laie, sluah, cafte. malter. Others. C0.1728- 1894.- 3M COPYMIT! desk-top. Good woMkng order. Phonoe0811111 (Mîke or Robin). CLEANINO LADY WANTED Own transportation. Whit.vaio.' Some babysittIng involved. PhoneOM6.167 ovenlngs. E LGA TICE i RUDOLPH M. BOB wiil not be rosponsibîe for any dobte Incurrsd ln My nameator this date wlthout my wýrltten consent. Signed, October 31, 1979. Rudoioh H. Bob. REATIONAL VELES 1073 - 760 KOWASAKI H2 Low milsage. Muet be sin. Asking $900. Phono 728«028. PAYINQ 7%* TIMES face value for Oanadian coins beforo 1968. Buylng goid & dlamond rings. Phone 668. 556 or 985-7057. ELECTRàON IC BINGO Sponsor- Vaileyvlew Park $3000 - MUST GOI $1 9000 - JACKPOT MUST GOI, 10 REGULAR GAMES AT $75 LiahinIng round $200- Gua- ranteed. Early bird $100 Guarantoed 20 free instant bingo at $5> BONUS BUNOLES' 16 VALUE FOR $10 OR PLAY For as littie as $2 FREE ADMISSION EVERY.WEDNESDAY RED BARN AUD. 172 Wayne Court N. Oshawa Pork Shashllk 2 ta, 3 pounds leanfresh park shaulder, pork loin or leg o! park, cut into J-J /2-inch cubes 1,2 cup olive oïl 1/2 cup lemonjuice 2 large anions, chopped J teaspoon dried thyme 2 bay leaves, crumbled J clove garlic, mincect Pinch cayenne pepper Sait andpepper Skewers Toss pork cubes thor- oughly -in oil in a bowl. Add lemon juice, chopped onion, thyrme, bay leaves, garlic and cayenne pepper. Marinate, covered, in- refrigerator, turning occasionally for 5 hours. Remove cubes and thread onto skrewers. Bar- becue on greased grill, 5 [ bag and freeze apricots be- cause my family likes their deli- cate, delightful fiavor in, pies and piuddings, or poached and flamed on ice cream. Apricots when de- frosted and served raw can taste slightly chewy depending on flie variety. If you haven't frozen them before% rry a test samnple. Freeze a small amount and next day defrost and taste. Prepare apricots for freezing in the saine way that you prepare peaches, treating themn with ascorbic acid. Both fruits dis- color due to oxidation, The only difference between the two is that apricots don't require blanching and peeling. If you have any other questions, please write to me at the «Glai»' Home Freezing Information Cen- tre, 165 University Avenue, Toron- to. Ontario MSH 388, enclosing a stamped., self-addressed envelope. l'il he more than happy to answer them. Ministry of Gomerment Services Ontario HIGHEST PRICES« Noid for Goid and Sil ver c'oins, old guns, docks, jewolery, dishes, furnitore, cracks, ail, paintings and sealers. Ontro TENDER, ROOFING CONTRACTORS Replace roof et the Superlntendent's Rosidonco, Provincial Forest Station, Orono, Ontaria. TENDER NO. LIN-79- 160 -P6741 1 Sealod tenders wiii be received until 2:00 P.M. LOCAL TIME. NOVEMBER 20,1979.,- Tender Documents msy be obtained from the. Ontarlo Mlnistry of Gaver- nment Services, Lindsay Reglonai Of- f ice, 322 Kent Street West, P.O. Box 7000, Lndsay, Ontarlo. NOTE: For further Information regor- dIng this tendërpIse. cili mrs. E.M. Nealee t t he above address. Toiephone: (705) 324-9188. The iowost or any tender nat nocessariiy scoop. ted. mmmmmmà-mmnd m WANTED Quolity Screned TOP SOIL------- Also SAND a STONE.- TED ARNTS. LOAM SUPPLY Brock Rd., N., R. R. 1. Pickering 683-0887 HAIRDRESSER WANTED WITH CLIENTELLE PHONE 668-9262 YUR WÂY WE ARE ACCEPTUNG APPLICATIONS FOR AIL MILITARY TRADÉS Visit our Mobilie Recruitig Unit Canada Employment Centre Oslawa-Oct. 10,1l7,24,31, & Nov. 7 10:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. 1 m 1

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