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Whitby Free Press, 31 Oct 1979, p. 20

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Po CA 'h lin Phc lui dith W*@ 1973 utos .1 975:1 atoorir exhaul 3580. 74 Ve $650. pear. $1 8154. or bot o MOTORO. KLM. Pori Air forlca Asicing $1 p.M. 66&-. YAMAH, tion. Rei $900 or t 8325 a tei 7ôâ POD ALF TON acicag. Low mileage 30 3h. Automatic transmis@ *p.,AM-FM, 8.tracic, powe D.. Asilng $5,000. Aek M3 pLymoUtri SEIRNIQ mckicntOrior. 318 2 barn Mo$ wlth radial. 60 sono, 1irso Syit@m. Wlil certif' hOfl 684496. welr Stsering & brakes. lionlng9. Radio end ocio adition. Wiii certify. Ain! 71 DODI CORONErT Won. 318 Automatlc. M30 W. phone 68&9579. FI MLMOUTH FURY V-8, ering & brukea. Goodc 0. Phong68-3580.- Sep DODGE MONACO'VeO ng & braicos. New tirea lut syutemn. $1,100. Phai Sept. rga Wagon autormatic Pone 655-4974. Aug. 2Z AUMTO PARTS ESTER SHOW TIRES witi )r Chevette or Acadien. Us 010. Oel maller 6:00; p.m. oct. 31 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES .1,250 miles. Uic. new.1 ofir. Phone 6085155. Oct. 31 ýYCLE 1979 PE175. 2,1 )led & poiiuhed. Fox ehoc 8 and Bell Moto 3 heinr il-80. Phione anytirne cft, -105. Sept. 26L lAI1T 17.5 ln good con, ecentiy rebuit engir best off er. Phone & er 4 p.m. on weekdaî Sept. 19, 10 snow mobile. Exci idition. 440 TNT fi ,00 or best offer, nci lometer & cover. Ai )r sale. Phone 655.800 'Sept. 12,; %NDMADE SKI BOAT 28 Je, v-drlve, ln good con ,00 or bout aiter. Phoni - Aug. 22,71 LFKI RM 1259 Excel. lition. Wisco piston, POIiShed.,Very quici nulè1 wlthBell-got- 1978 SUZUi lent condili helmet, gic, Phono 294.6 BAR PRIMDEId PhomOOO-M.65 40 80. YARDU petlng with und alter 5p.ni. am ýAGE 20, WEDNESDAY, OCOTBR -'; I1l0'70 TI7- "in,, - Emnporiumn Explorer 10 cuble In- ion. Forci or bocater, for Brod. Oct. 17, 79 I Rted with meI Mes 4 es*pioneer 8 2.800. Oct. 3,79 >UOHAM Air'con.ý c.ý Good Station>- 0 or boat- c . Powera Ondition. t,26 79 CI > Fr Power 5 o. New ne 6W8 3 1.26,79 Ch C. BE ', 7 9 W buk W' F dul Chf hysc HF h theo X Nuli F pro) mod 2ci d 2 volve $575 Styn box a 1,9 sonc with ý0 white 0it0 Magr 8. Wooô ne. Phono er 4 icl. ne. Ys CRUSI 79 tuxodc :ei- ýan I 2 GASs 01 worlclng a9io1er. 60 ie 1 OUlE with ones 9 collent c ELECTS AM-FM DRENEL JIG3SAw $15.Pl 75. 1CHESTERFIEIL, with chair. D"ukbls4 colour. 5cMI roc. roorn or cottage $50. Phi 3 704Miter 5--00 p.m. Or Weeice 1 BROWN PERSIN LAMIe with Pearl i mniccoller, aize 184 new, ueed oniy a 1mw tîme» 8M0 or bout chfer. phonoe608 Oci INGLIS- etove.-White, 30y'. $le canage, cMntum Into aaiOrelle bd$3;two lavai mowaro, 10 1 a s2 ach; -I1soft telephon. table $15. phono 579 Oct BROWN! NYLON DROCADE ec fielid& chir.. Excellent corq Oct. CHOCOLATE BROWN sued. fngth' cent. Pull Plie llnlng coIae. Size 18, wom 21ok menthe: ireo neededi. Phono alter 4. "&9. oct. USTON TRIE removal -& trlmn »rëO outîmate.Phoneo 606lot 70-7593. Oct.2 SPEED BIKE Lîke now. Pi irIsîmm gfIt. $5.phone 5'85 ct. 2 EDROOM SET $150; baby crib 8ilicr $2; bottie wmrmer $3; trai ceO $20; baby car b.d $5; p sucer $10; room divictor $20; ho tY floor polishoer $5; eiectric in dlock $8; ulendier bonder1 ýro1lc rower $40; uteam lron S$1 178.14 Steel bolted radiai' tires1 KR78-14 $10. Cmil 6681847. oct. 24 NIDI110FIER in goo:d Condition.j )xlmateîy 2 yoaru aid. Upri, ,dei $50. Cmli after 5 p.m. 068.89 1 oct. 17, "PTAIN' S CHAIRS. rad cruelh fal, Swlvei basea $225 a pal Mfoam van codler, new $40; bu sprIng a mattros 3911$50; Em@ console walnut 661@ long AM-FI 1garard changer $100; Antiqu s treadIe uewlng fmachine $& nisonlo AM-FM tunor $4; fiterie don door 30 x 78 x 1 38$ l726-2327. Oct. 17,7 1 OY'S 5111$50. Oeillmller i Oct. 17,79 SHED VELVET couch, grey, betyle. 5 yemrs oid. $110. Phone 175, miter ô p.m. Oct. 17, 79 IOLINE LAWN 1111OWERS ln 9 Condition. $a5 each or bout 6&.7511 mfterlôp.m. Oct. 17, 79 EN SUZE BlD Foanmemttresa lbrand. New heasd bomrd. Ex. condition $60. Caii 068.0021. Oct. 17,79 ROHOME consleeuterea wlîh mutornal record changer, 8. 'corder 1. layer, wainut Press Emporiu M Cou l668-611 we w"'pec 7 ~e asubIect to the followling Condi*tfInot When the adlventlsed Item 18 sold, disposeA of, or unavallabl wha lever neason, the item wil, be deomed to hsve been soldi commission wll be chsrged based on THIE ADVERTISIED PIl as Illustrated beiow, regardless If prîce la stated with "boat ocf If the item Is NOT SOLD, on dlsposed of, the ad wlil be nuni MONTHS and 8 MINIMUM CHARGIE of 83.00 willI apply, advertisoments' must be placeA on an exclusive basîs wlth WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one month If moti RATES [if article issod: 5% of advortseal prîco up to s400.00 2% of balance over S400.00 EXAMPLE. Sold item alvertiseal for 8120.00 commIssion due $6.00 [minimum charge is 83.00] Private advertising onlyl Please notif y us if you find a neta isted as a private advertiser. Pleise notif y the Whltby Free -Press immedatoîy whèn literr 5010 50 that we may delete it frorn the foliowing issues. Ail, acts net f itting the Empurium guidelînes. wili be treatecj a harged per week as rogular ciassified ads on a pro palA ba; ;uch as: services, help wanted, clothing, reai estate, and persrj ilssage type ads, or alds not quoting price or quantîty: Priva Iassif ied ads may appoar ln the, Emporium_ section -uncd ýppropriato headngs. ong 688. >ct. 31, 79 matchlng table for o0ne OU3 ýCt. 31, 79 8 COAT -20- Uke Q. Prie 4368. t. 24.79 60; baby ir or cau oiectrie, F $25;1 1 i 9M9 1. 24,79 p ýhuter- A dition. ce su .24,79 n cli 0, full, a i ;- Fur> . New 1235. .- 24,79 - Mx imng.> FR 94 or . 24, 79 h rfect, 261. 4,79 FOR quitat $2; bout c JInng eaivy USED u kt- mahoç $35; cedar M,3. ext. vm $3; 32" x 82" Se 4,79 ucroor - Wood Ap. alum îri ýght $10 sea 1. range Il S fee tab - amp t le rapesu aid- room, il bd, $10. Phu ar. us 1KIMI W; 14 yrs 10. 9 APPLIX - Spin drý 6 conditici Semi a S exceller 4. BOY'S hockeys hockey p $10. Tele giril'u20" w upholuterel $75, Mute - recorder8$1 820,, Occ&è glass diahe9 hand inger1 PbDL2 And channel sic OR DELIVER Tc 131 Brock St. N AQUARIUM '15 gui. with canap,, accosuares, Iran stand anid flsh. i collent condition. Asc for John $G S ALE Purpie rug & dra sie for roc. r oam. Asklng $30 sufer for bath. Phone 686.1611 Sept. 26 D DOORS (1) 34"1 x 82 Dgany ulab - $30 (2) 32-1 x 80, ýwlth wIndow $30 (3) 34-"x nahogany with wlndow $Ms (80" creen door 25 (5) -34 scroon door $25 (6) 32"0 x idoor $25; French prov. che cotieoend end table $8U num torm Windows 32", x 551 ach; ulngio ulnk $10; 24" Wl rlood $15; urborito circuler c, ile $15; COfise coiourod pc M; rd thermalgurd, bedro. $20; unllned drape for child lightbrown '& animai patte lo 668.4M8. Sept. 26,. ýBELL ORGAN. Like ne '. oldi. $1000. Caîl 65, SePt. 19. 7 IANCES'Viking washeu yer, avocado, exýceller On $175. Rifle, 22 cal automnatic, with 'case ,t $85. Phone 655-4053. Sept. 19, 75 SIZE 1 CCM Tacks skates $20; Boys bue paints. Waist size 242d elphone 668-5227, Sept. 12/79 PEED racng bicycle $5; Whel bicycle $40; 4 nowly OId uwiveî kitchen chaire Peed rosi ta rosi tape 150o Antique condiment set milonai table $15; proe $5; Carnval vase $15; Old r20., Phone 5794692. sept. 12z 79 ci Un iverse 23 de bnd CB set. both. Tres F775- belted, 2 summer a $80. Mahogny inet. Best'fferil 8-3876. SePt. 12, 79 IELD wlth. 1 metchîng 1non mtchng char$0. rbaisement or cottage. Sept. 1279 NT TV GAME, VWITH4 ENEW, USED VERY UIT. 0Phone 0684659. GTH LEATHER olar. Bown/red n very littie. 2 years v. Asking $150. Sie 68 7613. HOOVER WASHER spir dryer. In good working ordet $100; Children's car seats - onE GMA infant seat, two Ford safe. ty seats $15 ea. Phone 655.4045. Sept. 5, 79 FLUORESCENT 0151< lamp 84;M bodroomn cupboard doorp $3 ach; 16 metal cupboard door hinges and har- dIes 25 conte eech. Cati (668-9005. CHESTERF.IELO SU ITE buill for the big man in mini. New $1,400., WiIliself $800; -setof coffee table & end table. Soic maple $100 for the set; 3 pc. bedroom suite $175;. kitcher suite - 5. pc. chrome suite> $75. Best offler wiil be accepted on apeu. 30 or 679 ext. ext. 4"x c80 lorry 0; 2 hite .of- Id'u sm ew 55. 79. Lr nt i. 3 F% ne Auq. 15.greenuor greenamieaffoodgbudget." PETS tion consultant to the Bakery Council of Canada. 1 PAIR 0F AUSTRALLAN Damnond Mt i - 8o ~ Dovos et $20 e pir 1 pir of German e ÉOf fi Rýoller Canares et $30 a pair One pair of Zebru Finches t 15 a pair. W th j _ _ _ Sept. 5, 79 m PLFAÇ9 DeAh ov Aug. 29, 79 AIR CONDITio NER $80; Lewit vacuum cleaner $45; Camera stand, brand new $10; regloteeA yellow labrador maie.,$200 or best cf fer, Phono 655.3096 214INMiclielîn Radiai T'Ires. 4 boit P&ttsm. Uic new. AsiIng $00 for th@ par. cmliI006-M621, oct. 17, 79 in dOubt, cail 668.6111 tAiL ADS TO:, REE PRESS EMPORIUM O0. Box 20,6, Atcsg 22, 79 CEDAR HOPE CHEST t(op, tray lined wîith green teit. $1.000 new, askîng $300 or best aller. Phone 579 3395. Aug. 22/79 REEL-TYPE power iawn moWer $75. TwIn enamel laundry tubs, with stand and pIumbing $30, Moiftt buiit-in oven and mohugany cabInet, rango top bitue enamoel with 36 Inch slave fan. $100. Calil 728-0470. Aug. 15.79 10 INCH white Chefmeuster slave iood condition. 835. Phone 655-3006. Aug. 15,79 OLEMAN LANTERN $15; unk & Wagnali iencyclopedia t $50; Praktica 35mm came 3 Oulfit $200; AMF VOIT MR Ci uwbe il for fer, for 3 1,Ail 1 the sbld. iler n is snci pis nal ate er ti ai ail 90. leI Instili the -fitness habit in the family wiII too! aduits benefit Planning9 f0 move? be sure, to c'al Phonel.-Q " STEPS TO GO-OD EATING MEAN A BALANCED DIET by Joan Fiolden There's no doubt about It, good health is a lite-long projeot. One of the most important parts of your health program is the formation of good eatlng habits. When you are hungry, you wili eat. But, merely satisfying hunge r pangs is not enough. You must aiso satisfy your body's requirernents for growth, main- tenance, energy and proper function. To do thié youmust pay attention to the kinds of foods you eat as welI as the &mounts. Doctors and nutritionîsts have learned that oniy weiI bal- -anced meais can suppiy ail the nutrients the body needs to, keep it strong, healthy and active." They have worked out a pat- tern or à guide whlch will help you to choose weii balanceci daiiy meais. More and-more scientifio evidence Indicates that breads and cereals are flot being eaten in Sufficient quantities by North Amnenicans and Europeans and this trend must be reviseci If the gooci heaith 0f people, young and olci, is to be protected. 3-5 servings whoie grain or-enniCe Whole'grain produCts are recommended. Children up to il years-2-3 servin<g Adolescents -3-4 servings Breai Produ :and Miic Skim, 2%, whoie, buttermilk, reconstituted dry or evaporate Milk may be used as a beverage or as the- main ingredient1 4-5 servings. Include at least tiw vegetables. Choose a variety of bot vegetabies and fruits-cookeci, ra% Fruits s and vegetables: d. Dd In ro orfthesr jices.1Q clde ye1iow sept. 26, 79 V £ , K A J W ILU Met rjc -its uic chanqe it must be easy I M rree. FRE PES THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION Air ln% -77-= 1 a m e( Ir vc th y 1 a into them IPFI mi rduo . Bd and Cereais- and Aitemates: 2 servings E zmp w ait . four achîldr Get Shem fno l]vte i sport r bîcctiity. or, a bè.Ttehie

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