PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7-,1979, WFIITBY FREE PRES Sowbound seniors can get, help from the frýi en',dly people at the Whibyji Whltby senior citizens Who flnd themselves snow bound this wlnter can get help quicklyf by, placing one telephone eaUl to the Whitby Jail. Roving crews of inmates in radlo-eqipped trucks wl be on oeil to, answer erergencies from people who are unable to do their own snow clearing as part of the jaill's communlty service program. The program will operate in conjunction with the Whltby Senior Citizen's Ac- tlvity Centre according to jail superintendent Frank Glu. A oelil from help placed to the centre wlll be relayed to the jail who wlll, in turn, dispatcb a crew to the'per- son's home. The supervisor of the jall's temPorary - absence Program, Allen Moore said that the program was flrst started la st wlnter and the response was divery, very good."y "We have had letters fromi the town of Whtby and the town of Pickering and even letters sent in fror tax- I * 0.1ER- s.. * oT *LTS.M DL payers complimenting us on the program," 'he .said. The- idea bas also gone over- weil wlth, the inates, Moore sald, adding that "they love toe go out and do it, rather than be stuck in- side." The facillty bas 51 inmates involved in some klnd of out- side work out of the 91 people. at the jail at any one time. Most involved in the commumity work program are housed at Dïrhamndale, the Jail's minimtum security facility in Pickering accor- ding:to, Moore. Others work as super- visors Jat ARC Industries, a factory manned by, mentally retarted aduits in Ajax. The program was first started in 1978 as part of the mnimstry of correctional ser- vices effort ý to rebabilitate offenders rather than keep them confined' to a jail. Community service work: la entirely voluntary with participants receiving as much as one-third off their sentences. The program bas provided inmnates the opportunity to work wlth Wbitby's recreation department, as well as the towns of Pickering and Newcastle and the Central- Lake On- tarjoConservation Autbority.