PAGE 10. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER'i14, 1979. WHIITBY FREE PRESS' Carson, Evans and Gartahore aay noe... Brooklin freeze proposai rej ected by admiitrton coninuttee THE CORPORATION 0F, THE TOWN OF WH ITBY NOTICE 0F' INTENTION m NOTICE is herebygiven that theý Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to pass a by-law to stop up, close and seil that portion of the road allowance municipaliy known ,as Beech Street as hereinafter described, namneiy:- That, portion of Beech Street being -com- posed of part of Lot 25, Concession 2, Whit- by, designated as Part 3 on Plan of Survey 40R-3445 and Parts 2 and 3 on Plan of Survey 40R-1624 deposited ln the, Registry Office forý the Registry Division of Durham (No. 40). The by-lawto stop, close and seil this portion of Beech Street shah not become effective, until Kilberry Drive, as shown below, has been con- structed. MANNING ROAO AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Operations Committee of the Council of the Town of W hltby wili, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. on the l9th day of November, 1979, in Committee Room No. 2 of the Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario, hear in person or by his cou nsel, solicitor, or agent, any person who claims his land wii' be prejudicially affected by such by-law and who applies to be n eéard. DATED at Whitby, Ontario, this 24th day of Oc- tober, A.D., 1979. WVm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C., Clerk-Administrator, The Corporation of the Town of WhitbyP 575 Rossiand Road East, Whitby, Ontario' LUN 2M8 M Rmý 'J The proposai to freeze development i Brooklln un- tii a major expansion of the hamiet starts in-about four years has been turned down by the town's administrative committee after a heated and long debate with plan- ning director Bob Short. Short first recommended the freeze last'month at a regular meeting of council and last week brought in a full report, that recommen- ded th e temporary rezoning of the land to agricultural thereby preventing the developers from jumping the gun and developing the land prematureiy., . Strong opposition to the idea came from three mem- bers of the committee in- cludifig it's chairman Coun. "Are youl a nerd?" The spirit of the big game was expressed by the Nerds of Henry. In'their unique costumes, the Nerds paraded the gymn of Henry St. High Sehool. These fans for Henry seen here from left to right are: Gary McCoy; Steve Gailagher; and Bryan Williston; wîth a bottom ro w0f: Mark Hoogkamp and Craig Tutton. Bob Carson as well as from Mayor Jim Gartshore and Coun. Barry Eans. Ail three have been st aun- ch, supporters of the Brooklln development. Gartshore said the down- zoning would "leave everybody - hanging" and that he could not understand "«the rationale or the reasoning behind it. " At one point during the meeting Gartshore interrup- ted Short to say "You've done a very poor job, Bob. " Carson, who lives and operates a funeral home in Brooklin said th at if the proposai was acoepted the town would be "just looking M for a legal battle, " "Once- you change the zoning on anybody's proper- ty, you change its value on any real estate market," he said. "I can see some people taking us to court over it. " Evans said that council should "just forget the whole thing." "I -would like to see this resolved because it is impor- tant for people who own land," Evans said. "Why should they have this hanging over their heads? " The committee lroted to accept Short's report for i- formation but not to pursue the matter any further. Short'said that he 'recom- mended the temporary rezoning because the present zoning would con- fMet with an officiai plan amendment' for the development area that has yet to receive coundll's ap-. proval. Final approval for the eventual expansion of the hamiet was givenby coun- cil, however, it was delayed until an additional 2,400 sinigle family dwelling per- mits are issued south of Rosslarid Road. Construction could be delayed for up to four years under the scheme 'because the present rate of housing starts is about 600 a year. Brooklin is to, grow to a town of 10,000 over a 10 year period under the plan with provisions for further growth hi 25,000. e Add a littie something extra to your outdoor party with a acented fire. Sprinkle Seaoned Sait on hot coals or toss in an herb like bay, thymne, fennel, diii, or marjoram toward the end of the cooking time. For special flavor add hickory, apple or cherry wood chips to the charcoal during the Iast part of coolcng; soak chips in water firat to increase'the smoke. 5 x' ENLARGEMENT WITH EVERY ROLL 0F KODACOLOUR ORFUJICOLOUR NEGATIVE FILM (110, 126 & 135 mm sizes only) BROUGNTIUN FOR -PROCESSUNO & PRINTING LUSTRE-LUXE fINISN OFFER AP!LIES NOV 121h to NOV 301h '79 ONLY M.B.M. PHOTOGRAPHY 668-6l11 131- BOCK STREET NORTHWHITBY Mon - Wed 9 arn - 6 pin. Thurs. Fri., 9 aln'-S pn. Sat 1Oarn -S5prn. @CTTLCE C ROPSO /SRR R OUNOS ST T.S