t t A t, Anderson C. VI.....0 WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14. 1979. PAGE 19 W.A. Andrew award introduced' feor top-grade 13 seholar In memory of it's first principal, W.A. 'Alex' An- drew, Anderson C.V.I. has lnltiated two awards for students. The first, wbich was given thsyear, according to prin- cipal Fred parrott, is the W.A. Andrew Memorial Award whlch wll be presen- ted to the grade 13 student with the highest overal average. This award, Parrott says, W.A. ANDREW $1,OOOOOOplu The Oshawa-Whitby United Way Campaign has nw climbed well over the m ~illion dollar mark with 92 per cent of the $1,150,000 ob- jective achleved. Total raised to date is $1,051,396. LArry Wîndover, Assistant Campaign Chairman of the United Way especially cornmended the General Motors employees. With their campaign -virtually completed, they have turned in $628,531 - 107 per cent of" thei obectve0f $585,000. Mr. Windover emphasizes that it is flow up to the rest of the community to pick up the bail and finish the job. In particular he asked the in- dustrial and commercial groups to accelerate their canvassing activitýes. Mr. Windover singled out the Brewers' Retail Store (Midtown Mail), the Y.W.C.A. and the Royal Bank of Canada (King East Branch) for 100 percent em- ployee participation, and also, the clergy and the Oshawa Commercial Nor- theast and Northwest sec- tors for exceeding their ob- jectives. CANAIDA Peopi To Peopie 0ueiopmn.ii Sund Your Tax.Oeductible Conitribigon Tb: is a direct famlly award an the winning student wi receive a plague and finar, cial contribution 1 toward their post-secondar studies. "This award is a must,' Parro tt says, "the schoc must recognize it's tol student." .There is, however another award. "He (Andrew) was alwayi concerned about. thi average student," Parrotl says and especially thosi who could not, afford to con. tinue their education. Parrott and' the 'school have established the W.A. Andrew Memorial Bursary Fund whose purpose is to be a "fund, for students whc need financial help to con- tinue their studies." Although details of the fund have yet to be finalized Parrott says that "'anyone who wishies to donate to the fund can be assured that the students Will receive the help."0t« 1 .Officiai receipts wiil be issued to donators and a committee will be formed to see to the fund's ad- m inistration. .Anyone who -wishes to make a donation, Parrott says, can make a cheque payable to.the W.A. Andrew Memorial Bursary Fuîd and mail or- deliver -it. to-. tIhe' school .at 400 Anderson Street. Parrott says that he hopes the first awards from the fund will be made at the beginning of the next school yegrt OXFAM-CANADA sOX 18.000box 1300 TONOUTO WINNIPO OTTAWA REGINA MAUPAX CALOARY &T.JOHINsVAUCOUVER id 1- ls 'p e i T S peedy T.V. ~~ Sales & Service Will ot be undersold on any Zenith, Quasar, Hitachi, or Toshîba Micro-wa ve ovens, T.V.'s or Stereos. WHITBY PORT PERRY Hwy. 2 & Lupin Dr. 108 Water St. 6 68-1 818 * 725-4234 * 985-8418 6 86-1611* 5x,7N ELREMENT WITH EVERY ROLL 0F KODACOLOUR OR FUJI'COLOUR NEGATIVE FILM (110, 126 & 135 mm' suzes only) BROUGHT IN FOR PROCESINO & PRINTINro LUSTRE-.- LUXE FINIiH OFFER APPLIES NOV 1t.t O Oh'79 ONLY M.iB.M. pHO1TOGRAPHY 131 BROCK STREET NORTH# WHITBY Mon - Wed 9,arn - 6 pun. Thurs. Fri, 9 C)arn - Hpirn. Sat 10 arn -5pn ore, 1 i