PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1979. WHITBY FREE PRESS a MMUMMR "e .want one*more seat By JOANNE ANDERSON Free Pres Staff On Monday, December 3, Whitby Town Council held.a, meeting ,to discu's matters which they plan to present to the Special Comfmittee reviewing the Region- of Durham Act. Council wishes to make suggestions ofý a, construc- tiv ntur tip rove the, intergovernmental arrange- ments between the municipalities of Durham and the Regional Municipality. The first recommendation brought forward at the meeting concerned' the. Durham Regional Police Force. Couxicil feels that "more effort is necessary to promote and publicize the availibility and. presence of the DurhamRegzional Policde Force. Lt was suggested that What CO RPO.RATIOýN'0F» THE TOWN 0F WHlýIBY ByLaw Requiring. Removal of -Snow and,,Ice Frorn Sidew alks'In The Town of Whitby TAKE NOTICE that By-Iaw No. 164-69 of The Town of Whltby requires that every occupant and/or .owner of property in The Town' of Whltby to clear the sflow andld e from the sldewalk ln front of or abuttlng their property wlthln twelve. (12) hours after aesnowfalIl or fali or freezling ramn. The penalty for flot comply!ng wlththe requirements of this By-Iaw ls $1 ,000.00. J.E. Haney, By-law Enforcement Off lcer The Corporation of the Town of Whltbyý 575 Rossland Road East WHITBY, Ontario is needed is general public and statistical info rmation of the services that are being provided -,to .the -eight comn- munities within the, region. It was also suggested that the Police. commission retain the policemanIs "on the beat"p presence as a public relations measure, keeping in-mmnd the cost to the taxpayer. Another ý^suggestion wasl that the Town of Whitby have an -adclitional regional councillor to represent them at regional council and committee meetings., It was also suggested that if the above recommen- dation were-to-be implemen- ted it would be necessary to review the composition of the local council. Recommendations will be Made to revise the number of members sitting on the regionial council. Council is. concerned that if the populations : of , the municipalities continues to grow, and representation by population is continued,- the .Regional Council Will become large and'ineffec- tive. Council Winl suggest that consideration be given to a three year terma of" office rather than the present two year term. This would be beneficial to the elected. representative as well as the citizens. Another recommendation will have to do wlth sanitary sewers and water mains.- : At this Urne the Region 0f Durham bas jurisdiétion over all aspects of sanitary sewers and water mains to the property line, as well as being involved in cleaning and repairing right upý to the house line, with, regard to tAhe sanitary sewer connec-. tions. The problem lies in that the town, who hires con- sultants to design the stormn sewer system and road works, often runs into delays trying to coordinate their work to meet the regional approval and de sign stan- dards. Lt will be suggested by' council that area municipalities assume com- plete responsibility for con- struction- and maintenance of sanitary and watermains, including* connection. on local streets. This may get rid. of duplication 0f duties betwee'n the region and area municipalities. At present, developers en- ter into agreements with both , the Regional Municipality of Durham and the municipality in regards to subdivision inspections. There appears to be some duplication of these inspec-. tion services.- Lt will be recommended in the report to the Special dig bust- A joint investigation - by. Durham Regional Police,. the- Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) bas resulted ini the arrests; and charging of three Whitby residents. Larry Earl Holdershaw, 19, of 555 Mary Street Eastis charged with two counts. of trafficking in narcoties. Terrence Gordon Holder- sbaw, 2î, of 580 Mary Street East is cbarged with two counts of trafficking in nar- coties and jointly, cbarged with trafficking in a sub- stance held out*to be.a restricted drug. Cheryl Anni Fergus, 17, of 315 Coîborne Street East'is charged jointly with traf- ficking in a substance held out to be a restricted drug. Sgt. Terry Crawford of the Oshawa detacliment of the RCMP said that the arrests involve the seizure 0f marijuana, hash oil and a substance held out to be a restricted drug. Afi three have been released before a Justice 0f the Peace and are scheduled to ap~pear in Ajax Provincial Court on December 11. Old Tyme Cbristma s On December 9, the Mayor and members of Council wil play host to an 'Old Tyme Christmas' at the municipal building on Rossland Road East between 2and 4p.m. There willbe a sing-song, entertanent and refresh- ments. Committee reviewing the Regio n of Durham Act, that the -situation be reviewed to - determhitte whether or' not any improvements can be made. Council would lile the Durham Act to'be widened to allow area mumicipalities opportunity to acquire land for industrial purposes with the approval of the Regional Municipality of Durham. Also the . area municipalities should be free to promote themselves as industrial or tourist areas in co-operation with the region., Council supports the region's request that the province hand the Region over-all planning authority over subdivision and district, plans similiar to those in ef- fect in other regions 0f On- tario. They recomme.nd, however, that changes in, the official plan, 0f the region continue, to be approved by the minister 0f housing. Council also feels'that the Region Idf 'Durham should be in a position which will enable them to approve district plans for the. municipalities.