PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 5. 1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS P revions go-kart accident Three, weeks before ten year old Darrin Bess met his death in a, go-kart accident another boy the, same age was knocked unconscious in a, similar, incident, a coroner's. jury was told lasi week. Jarnie Wiliamson told the Jury that before bisaccident he'had neyer driven -a go- kart. 'I put rny foot on the gas' and froze-at the wheel," he He told the jury that bis go-kart went off the. track and over onto the grass in- field and flipped over. His only fnjurywas a» bruise' on his Iég'hie.said adding I blacked out." He said that when bhe woke up lie wasilyiùg next to the go-kart.> Williamson.also said that track attendents did flot ask bis age' or if bad driven before as the mùanual issued by't4ack- owner Richard Clarksays they sbould.. 1Earlier. testimnony by Michael Kennelly, 17, a part- time ýtrack attendent said- that the Bess accident hap- pened in asimiliar way. Kennelly said he was wat- ching the uo-kart driven by Bess from ,a, vantage'point in the nfield as it made its way around «the track on tile day of the accident. "I could see lie was chut- ching the wheel tightly- and was frozen and bad his foot, pressed on the acelerator,"? be testified, I-s aw lie was frznand wasn't going to stop so I ran> toward the track to try tolstop him."l The go-kart bounced across the grass and ht the side of another track " dgoing fuli speed," hesaid. N ~'1 e Jim checks ouùtfine We arie-happy to report that Whltby Major Jimn Gartshore bas normal blood peuradharin. Trhe tests were-done during the Whitby Lions, Club's Health -Awareness Day,« a special program, put on- by the club to makepeople aware of the varlous factors affecting health. In the above picture, Gartshore's blood pressure is being taken bya public health nurse from the Durham Regioinal Health Unit whlle Lion Bill Soriclhétti (centre)-looks on., Below, Gartshore .istakung the hearing test and the technician said that he bas above average hearing. 199COLT Front Wheel FROM Drive $5132 D .odge & Plymouth deae&""el are dealing a great line- up of gas - saving Japanese, imports. . 1979 Pymdut ArIo Dodge D50* SDti] TrcIIYS5R Fq-TEAI< HOUSE' 918ROCK f.N WHITBY Corne join us every day for ROCK LOBSTER TAIL >(8. 90oztaiI) $9n@»5 includes: Baked Potato with Sour Creamn & Chives, or Pan Fried Potato, Ralse Butter, Pickles, & Olives. and Gardon Fmseh Vegetabîs.1 Phone and ask about aur iuncheo6n upeclals a180 speciaon Tues. &Wed. W. now serve Chioken Cordon Bleu P.S. CALL NOW TO BO0K YOUR CHRISTMAS à NEW YER8PRTIES. COME JOIN US ___ Reservations 668-9369 Waterloo-Strator«t-'Ondôh-Uambridge-Brampton A.91 à , hj LOTS IN STOCK. READY TO GO& BILT TO SAVE ON'GAS. PRICED TO SAVE' YOU WIN BOTH WAYS. * 7ý ýý -,