PAGE 22, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS M ~ - 'BOARD, THfE WINNÉRS 'EXPRESS 0W IRADIO 1 CR00 C/00 COUNTRYo rt: GOOD COUNTRY MUSIC Return the attached coupo n to: 97 McMaster Avenue, Ajax LiS 2E6 0'.0 0 0ti If you are flot a member of CHOO Country Club, oiOÃf.fow ai NAME our Favourite Country Artist ADDRESS 1 tu ____ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ _ r PHONE, BI RTHDAY PROUD TO BE PAêRT nF' w*i weather mas ks .When cold winter winds blow, life becomes even more 'difficuit for people with emphysemna, chronie bronichitis or severe asthma. When they leave a warm' environment and inhale that first Iungful of icy air, their bronchial tubes can go into spasm, causing painful breathing difficulties, and an- overwhelmning sense of suffocation. For many, there is .0n1Y one solution - stay iome until the Spring. Last winter, Durham Elegion Lung Association in- ;roduced the Cold Weather Mask, a simple plastic gadget that helps e <spiratory ptients become a littie less housebound. The device is a modified )xygen _ mask, its yen-, iation holes sealed and soft diesive' fabrie added krolund the rim to prevent *ozen condensation fromi 'hafting the wearer's face. A -short Iength.of plastic mbing 9 is attached tO the iask, then tucked beneath uter clothing to ensure only Je inhalation of air already rarmed by body heat. Cold Weather Masks are rovided to people with em- îlysema, çhronic bronchitis severe asthma as a free, ristmas Seal Service, and ýy be obtained fromn the Ing Association by calling TV BINGO CABLE CHANNEL 10 EVERY WEDNESDAY' AT 6:00 P.M. UP- TO $375 ININ PRIZiS LAST WEEKS WINNERS GRAND PRIZE A. 0DURCHOWYCZ, Oshawa N. McDO UGAL, Oshawa A. HAZLEWOOD,.Dshawa A.' PICKETr, Oshawa S. HENDERSOI> Bowmanville 'Bng ards, evcyiobI.e at 3 for $1,00(50e câ Bailey Pharmacy - 372 brocK St,. S. (Safeway Mail) Baskin Robbins - 372 Brock St. S. (Safeway Mail) Jury & Loveil Drug Store - 317 Brock St. S. * Kameka Footwear - Thickson Rd. S. (Whitby Mail) Oshawa Meat Products & Delicatessen 1818 Dundas St. E. Shorty's Cigar Store - 121. Brock St. N. Shorty & Son Bifliards - 130 Dundas St. N. WhýItb Glass & Mirror - 210 Brock St. S. TOwbe F!owers. 601 Duncias St. W. Blair Park Varîety, Lupin flr County Bowl, 118 Byron St. N. tii pr( plI or -Ci Lw - - - - m rli 1 %r IID tj rU Whitby Comm-unity B ingo Bigger & Better Starting Nov. 121l 2.$1 000-00 Jackpots in 50 No.'s 750.00 Jackpots In 52 500-00 In given No.'s $100-110 Consolation, plus $10(.Oc per lîne 20. $20.0O Regular Games 2 - Early Birds 5 Late Gamnes 1I Share t he wealth No 'Admission Charge -.Free Bus Every Monday nlght 7:15 p.m. Heydenshore Pavillon (Cbrnor Watèr St. & Du'nloq~ Dr., WhItby) o M Perted by: 0 Joyce@ eKw~l 0 Kinem., 0 optimiste (No chllden, under 16 admittsd) I I Lie. No. 235533 h a ýl i j bl ID nn? Cold