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Whitby Free Press, 5 Dec 1979, p. 28

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'AGE 28, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1979. WITRV 1riz Drc!c 7 i CI 1l Pa poi 71 or Pl Ph 71 As Phc 1pe pu' Phoi 77 pacm ch. cap. C.B. Phon 19731 black mage storeg Phorg 1074 Powe condl Phon 19765 steorit exhaw 3580. I-reE w r AUTOMBILES FORM SA LE 71 LEMANS station wagon.'( miles. Good condition. Zebarrei proof. As la. $750 or best offer. E 68-8580. Dec 73 FORD MUSTANG COUPE à miles. Wlth 302 angine. V-8. aeint. P ower steerIng. New ah tebulit carburotor. Snow 'tire ciuded. Mags ail around. Ai 11560. Phono 668-5328. Ask for E Dse 1987 MGB-GT and 1967 MGB F or Plus many new and unuaed a )rts. Enginea, wlro wheela, etc., Or lot. Phono 655-4107. Nov. 21 M METEOR V-8, auto, PIS, PIB. r beat offor. Cail 668&2354 ,aft .M. Nov. 2 I 'BEAUMONT 307 automatic /Bè, good condition. $65. Oerl hono 655-4495. Nov. 2 'FARÇIO CAMPER VAN equp 1h frldgo, stove& water. 6 cyl., xcollent running& body condit s la but cen b. corllflod. $1,l ions 655-3006. Nov. 21 74 DOOGE CHALLENGER 360 ' ed, very good condition. $2,6 ~ne 55-306. Nov. 14,' 74 DODGE DART' 318. Pov ering. Radlo.*314 vînyl roof. $1,0 lne 666&1487. <Nov. 7, FORD HALF TON Exploi kage. Low mloeage. 300 cubic 1Automatic transmission; Fo lAM-FM, .8-lrack, power boostt 3Asking $4,800. Ask for, Bru ne 668-5328. Oct. 17, 3PLYMOUTH SEBRING Red wlI ;k interior. 318 2 barrai. Has le wlth radial. 60 sorbes pion., 'eo SYSleM. Wii cortify. $2,8(X ne 661k9496. Oct. 3. 7 ' AMBASSADOR BROUGHAI oer steoring & brakes. Air coi >ning. Radio and dlock. Goc Ilon. Wili cortlfy. Asklng $1,69, )ne668-0581. Oct. 3.7 iDODGE MONACO V-8. POWE rng & brakea. New tires. Ney isi sYatem. $1,100. Phono 668 Sept. 26, 7E PLYMOUTH FURY V-S Poweg ng & brakes. Good condition. Phonoe6683580. Sept. 26, 79 AUTO CHEV RIMS et $5 each; 2.- 15" snow tires wllh rima for ½h ton Like new $50; 1 - 15,, rim to lit nodal Olde. $5; 2 chrome steel br z ton pick up. $50; 1 set of 1axlo and sprlng to make a '50. Phono 728-2714. Nov. 28! 79 1SNOW TIRES wlth rima. Size dition we for pair. 688-8135 2'MICHE 15X aige 5m8. 4 -15"CH duty Irail up. $50.F Metrii ,Cbane ic - it's Worth the )d ruaI Phone .5,79 56,200 New ocka. sà In- sklng Bred. .5.79 load- pare $500 !8,79 $400 er 6 M, 79 PIS, led. 1,79 pped ,225. lion. '500. A 1,79 A , 4 300. .79 ti ftor i 79 rer ln- rd* or, ln ad. At - Fa h ho 4 eai Fi ma id. *(ho 79 clu B- RIC Gi loti nev AC( Am offe CAP sai t rack OVEI wîîh door I - 144 01 n r rjýb PressEmporiu Ci tAA .!laI668-6,11,1 r-l'uuum ^a '~s wîilonîy be accepted subject to the following Conditions. POLYESTER SNOW TIRES wîth rima for Chovetto or Acadian. Use year. $110. Oei aller 6:00 p.m.6 8154. Oct. 31, RECTATONAL VELES NOTORHOME 1 8 fi. Close. Superior. Complotoiy rellnlshed v now broadloom, drapes- & vol uphoislery. 2 ainglo beda wlth nij table. Complote bathroomn bathtub & shower. Has a 4 bu" atovo wlth 'oven., Double s.ainle steel sinka. Large eize kitchen tl with bonch stylé soats on oithorslco Approximeteiy 30,000 muaes. Aski prIco $18,000. Phono 683-30, Pickering. Doc. 5, 1977 PE250 SUZUCI 1,200 kiiometer Nover usod this yoar. Complote wi endurable pente & boots and aie helmet. $1,000. Phono 668-2113. Nov. 7,7 440 SICI-DOO Vory lest. Used soasons. 1,250 miles. Lîke new $57 or beat oflfer. Phono 668-5155.' Oct. 31.7 MOTORCYCLE 1979 PE175. 2,0(X KLM. Ported & pollshed. Fox shocks Air forks and Bell Moto 3 helmet tAsklng $1,800. Phono anytime aller p.m. 668-7105. -Sept. 26, 7î YAMAHA IT 175 In good conc tion. Recenitiy rebult enginE $900 or best o11cr. Phone 66E 8325 al ter 4 p.m. on weekdays Sept. 19,7 ELLAEONEUS BEAUTIFUL OLD DESK 3' x 6'. Use< In Washington by war correspondent. *sking $300 or best oller; etrongly ùiîlt liaI treilar size 10' x 4' with pipe ulllng 1 lh' high. Tires 550 x 12" $200; -our steel lamp polos 24',Iongth illow contres and tapered onde. $30 ich. Phono 655-3166. Dec. 5, 79 WAILY FUN Star Explorer pin bail iachine. $200 or neareet ollor. Oeli 68-5919 allter 8 p.m. Dec. 5, 79 YK0 train set. Complote leyout louses etc.). About 20 cars. Table ln- lded. Ideal Christmas gift. ln very ood condition $50.COei 725-2243. Dec. 5, 79 IDING BREECHES importod lrom ermany, for long or short boots, aîhor inner ieg, very élégant cul, 3ver worn. Size ÃŽ12 (10-14) $55. Phono e-2884. Dec. 5, 79 CORDIAN TITANO professionai, odol - grand - 120 base' with case. nost new. No. - 42288. £600 or best oer. 668-2480. Dec. 5. 79 RPlET FOR SALE 4 places (orange) ag, difeérent room sizes $200; truck ,k for pick-up $100. Oeli 668-0163. Dec. 5, 79 'ERHEAD wood panel garage door h hardware. 8' x 8' $145; exterior )r34" x82" $45. Phono 668-7072. Dec. 5. 79 «AN Eko. 2 years old. Full rhythm PLEASE READ When the advertlsed item is soid,,disposed of, or unavaliable fi whatever reason, the item .wili be deemed to have been sold and commission wii be charged based on THE ADVERTISED pRIC as iiiu strated beiow, regardlesýs if price Is stated wlth "best offer If the item là NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wili be run foi MONTHS and a MINIMUM ýCHARGE of 33.00 wiii apply. A advertisements'must be piaced on an exclusive basis wlth th WHITBY FREE PRESS and run et least.one month If flot solc RATES [if article is saîd): 5% 'f advertised 'price up ta 3400.00ý4 20/o f balance over $400.0ô EXAMPLE: SoId item advertisod for $120:00 -commission due 5$.00 fminimum charge le 33.00] Private advertising only! Please notify us if youi f ind a retailei iisted as a privete advertiser. Ploase notif y the Whitby Free Press immediateiy wheln item is soid 50 that we may delete it from the following issues. Aii.ads flot fitting the Ernptrium guidelines wili be treated ano charged per week as regular*cIassified ads on a pre paid basis such as: services, heip wanted, clothing, reai estate,,and personal message type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantity: Prfvate ciassified ads may appear in the Emporium section undeî appropriate headings. the OdI1 1558- vilh lght Nith mner osa bie les. ing 330, i79 )re. î1h lo 79 2 i75 79 30 4 ïe. 79 d *1 t. c y I0 I tr S I Ce cl ai di Chi 601 SS tap lyll Chw Phte dE sE sf 40 S0. -YAR DS of white shag cor- Poting with.undorpaddîng. $250. Oel allers5 p.m. 668-127. Nov. 7,79 BOY'S 10 SPEED BIKE Good' con- dition g~5; 1 pair sîze 5 Tack skates $10; 1 pair size 5 Langs*8skates. Used 1 season $25. Phone 655-4495. Nov. 7,79 LARGE 3 SEATER Chaatortied. Rust veivot wlh matchinig pattern chair. Excellent condition. $50 or beal o1. 1er. Phono 725-9973. Nov. 7,79 1 CHESTERF EjD wilh matchlng chair. Dark blue colour. Suiable for roc. room Or cottage $50. Phonoe683 3764 aller 5:00 p.m. or woekonds. Fat bose. 8aaring swivoi. 1 rod, -1 rust. As now. $150 oach. Phono 668. 6062. Sept. 26, 79 BABY GOODS package dea. In- cludes: Siver Cross cea--lge, strolier, JOllyjumnper, oddler set, back canrier rocker lounge chair & othera. AIliln A- Il condition. $200. Phone 6683794. Sept. 26,79 FOR 'SALE Purpia rug &' drapes sutable for rc. room. Aking $300 or beel ofer for both. Phono 6661618. Sept. 26, 79 WASHER spin dryr. Portable. Viking. Avocado. Excellent condition $150. Phono 578-0084 Sept.' 19,79 1 KIMBELL ORGAN' Like new a 'E 3 di ie SENSIBLE SNACKS NO LONGER FAD THROUGHOUT CANADA by Joan Fielden r * Phon 2- 1 Sait andpepper Skewers Toss, pork cubes th oughly in oit in a bowl..,A lemnon juice, chopped oni thyme, bay leaves, garlici cayenne pepper. Marine covered, in refrigerai turning occasionally for hours. Remove cubesa thread onto skewers. B[ becue on greased grill, inches over medium coï brushing with marinadea turning often until brown, al sides, for about minutes. Brush frequeni with marinade, if desired.1 Between-meal eating.is no longer a fad. lt's a fact! ToÃ"day most homemakers plan shopping to include foods for that fourth or fifth daiîy family meal. What sonne people tend to forget though is that foods eaten between meals have just as important an effect on your famnily's nutrîtional health as foods eaten at breakfast, lunch or dinner. Snack foods, if ch osen caret ully so thiey are part of the day's eating plan, can contribute essential amounts important nutrients. To do this they must be chosen from the basic food groups like bread and cereals, fruits, vegetables, milk and dairy products, meat, fish or poultry. The amounts of these foods which may be sensibly eaten between meals will .depend, of course, upon the total amounts to be eaten at other meals dur- ing the same day. The grand, total of aIl foods eaten should be just enough to supply daily needs for nutrients and calories tOo. It's wise to remnember that overeating, even of nutritionally valuable foods, can be a dangerous practice. Overeating carl pave the way to many unwanted upsets and nutritional diseases. ln tact, overeating- and its inevitable.partner, over- weight- are known to be important factors in Canada's numn- ber one health problems- coronary disease and arterlo- scierosis. The next time you prepare or eat a betweer.-meal. snack, make it a sensib!e one, Choose foods like bread, cheese, miîk, meat, fruit or vegetables. Eaing can be f un-well planned, en- n 79 ir. is ff. nutrition consultant ta the Bakery Council aI Canada. I I M 'f n idoubt, cali 668-6111 MAIL AOS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 0.0. Box 206,. Whitby, LIN 551 IDOW PANES ilidera. 4 . 301, x $5each; 2 -30" X51 $6 each. Al of an Inch lhick. Phono 725-3354. Nov. 26, 79 ' SKATES 1 pair 0CM, aizo 5 $3; IDaousl, sizo 5% $10. Good lion. Phone 668.4M6. Nov. 21, 79 MSIZE b.d' with headboerd, 535$W. Phono 668-853. Nv21, 79 M - Sept. 19, 79. APPLIANCES Viking washer spin dryer, avocado, excellent condition $175. Rifle, 22 cal. Sem! automatic, with case, excellent $85. Phone 655.4053. Sept. 19. 79 FOR SALE Maie, il monlh oid pure brod Semoyed. Reglstered wilh pepers $150. Phono 668-1815'. Nov. 28, 79 3 COLLIE PUPPIES.6 weeks old. $15' eech. Phonoe66-4089. Nov. 28, 79 US RUCKS 76 FORD 'h ton. Liko new. 31,000 miles. One owner since new. Wlth cap. $5,000. Phono 728-2714. Nov. 28, 79 Pork Shashlik 2 to 3 pounds leanfresh pork shoulder, pork loin or leg ofpork, cut into l-1/2-jnch cubes, 1/2 cup olive oil 1/2 cup lemon juice 2- large onions, chopped 1 *easpoon dried thyme 2 bay leavescrurnbled 1 cla ve garlic, minced OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., whitby THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUeTO PUBL.ICATION AT NOON. STOVE. Kenmore Ma >rk 2, whilt aimost now $175. Oei 668-326 anytimo. Nov. 21, 7, 2 BLACK à WHITE TV. $25 each.1 good condition. Phono 668-5541 afli 4 p.m. - Nov. 21, 7 TECHNICS SB-X1 speakers. 1 pali Excellent condition. Oniy 4 monlhý îid $275 f lrm; 6 watt guitar amplifie, Ideal lorboginners. Hardly used $5C H.0. train set. 1 year oid. 6 pco. Irai track, accessorios etc. $40 Oeli 668 5180 aller 5 p.m. Nov. 21, 71 FRANKLIN liroplaco $75.. Oei66R 2354 aller 6 p.m. Nov. 21, 71 WASHER AND DRYER ln goo, Norklng ordoer, $200 or beatOflier; 'hlid's swing sot wllh gildes, seaswa, lido and two swings In now con. Milion $50;- antique rocking Chair anc natching' armnchair, be'autlfulîy 'hOlstered In 811k brocado, 1oarly 'nadiana, $400 or beet oller. 668. Nov. 21, 79 ýBY CARRIAGE 2 ln 1. $25. Phono 6&9553. Nov. 21, 79 IDERWOOD Manual office ýewriler. Excollent condition. Great hrisîmas gift for the studont $150. one 681076. Nov. 14, 79 rYS Black Panther Beuer skates. ý8. $20. Phono 668-1063. Nov. 14, 79 £L TO REEL Panasonic storoo, )recorder. Use i alone or with 1r amplifier. Ouantlty of lapes & .h corde $175; Singer Zig Zag ving machine ln portable case. w condition $150. Phonoe66e1690 Nov. 14,79 >IE'S winter coat. Green with zlp- i inlng. Size 36&38 $15; Man's wln- coat wlth zlppod llnlng. Sizo 38140) 5 Phono 668-7595. Nov. 14, 79 ICAN PHYFE dining table, drop 1Neda refiniahlng. $100 or wiII 10 for secretario's desk. Phone Nov. 14,79 ERICAN, baby cardage $50;, Ger- istrolier wlth belt suspension baby crib $25; convertil baby lage/car bed $20. Phonoe683-1574. Nov. 14,79 EGAS basa guitar -<elocr,ç. kr case. Amplfier. Aitlin good lion. Asking $375 for package. XM8-027 aller 4 p.m. Nov. 14, 79 1~ Joan, Fieiden is an -independent home economlst and'is Oct. 31, 79 - 1 BROWN PERSIA N LAMB COAT with poari mInk collar, sizo 18-20. Like <new, uaed onîy' a 10w limos. Prie $40or boat offor. Phono 668-4368, Oct. 24, 79 BROWN NYLON BROCADE chester. Iid & chair. Excellent condition. $285. Phone 68-.8623. Oct. 24, 79 BEDROOM SET $150; baby crib $20; walker $2; boIlle warmer $3; training biko $20; baby car b.d $5; pony waikor $10; room dIvIder $20; hoavy duty fboor poliahor $5; oioctric kit- chon cdock $8; alender bendor $35; hydroiic rower $40; steam iron $10; 3- HR78-14 steel b.iîod radial tires $30; 1-XR78-14 $10. COeil666&1847. Oct. 24, 79 INGLIS titove. White, 30". $160; baby cardage, cen Ium Into asîroller or car bed. $30; Iwo lawn mowera, 1 elsctric, 1 gos, $25 oach; 1 sole $25; 1 telephone table $15. Phone 579-6390 Oct. 24, 79 CRUSH'ED VELVET couch, grey, tuxedo style. 5 yeara oId. $110. Phone 668-1075, altop.m. ,O c t. 1 7 7 9 CCIM BOY'S SIKE $50. Coual ler 8 Oct. 17. 79 2 CAPTAIN'S CHAIRS red cruahed vOeo, SWlvol bases, $225 o pair; Styrofoamn van cooler, new $4« bed, box apnlng & maltreso 39" $50; Emer- son console walnul 6611 long AM-FM wlth' garard changer $100; Antique white treadie aowiqg machine $60; Magnlsonic AM-FM tuner $45; interlor wooden dfoor 30 x 78 x 1 318 $0 PhoneO728-2327. ELECTROHOME console stereo wîn, AM-FM aulomaîic record changer, 8. tract recorder & Player, wainut cabInet. Aaklng $22. Cati 6*~1146. Oct. 3,79 I 1 VELVET SWIVEL ROCKER CHAIRS m 1 1 NEW IN, TOWN LET US PUT OUT THE MAT FOR YOD! 1 In 8- pq d m la m hc A( t !ic ar ar Ba an itl Or Ldd In, nd Lte, 5 'r- 5 id 30 ly

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