WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 5, 1979. PAGE 29 m ... BROOKLIN TOOL CC SPECIAL SALE Ail air tools. Haif price oni micrometers, socket- wrench set, vices,,,Jack, drill sets, drililP 0 s93 tc hoiet and other tools fc mechanios. Al items full1y guaranteec Made In U.S.A. COMPLETE.AUTrOMOTirVE GARAGE SUPPLIES 683-1753 HIGHESTPRICES Pojd foir GoId and-Silver coins, 91i uns, docksjewaery, dishos, furniture, cracks, ail, Paintings and seaiers. FRIENDLV FIEA MARKET HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS METRO LIC. B- 2554 itchens, Ceramic TiIing Dryyval, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and, Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMAT ES' Calil668-4f;86 APAMENTS FOR RENT LARGE ONE BEDROOM apartmont for rent, downtown Whtby location. Avallable Jan. lot, 198. Ploaso aol 668&3377 1betwoen 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday la Frldey. AYONOS AUCTION SALE Saturday, Docember th, 1 p.m., 16 Bond St. E., Oshawa. Seliing customn car parts fiom bankruptcy ln Poterboro plus fur- nîsher & misc. articles. Consisting of approximately 80 mag. wheols; 13.- 16" cragar ET koytono western etc;. custom qIhiftors; truck fiaes; shocks; assortod hoaders; carburetors; gages etc. Plus approx. 100 rad. hoses and fan belts. Furnishor .- drossera; chaste; oid radio; ceramica; pins cof- tee and end tables; skies; plus odds & onds. Vlewing from Wod., 1 p.m. ta 6 p.m. Also Fiee Market, Set. & Sun. 9:00 ar. tîli 5 p.m. Rosa McLoan, Auctioneor. 576-7550. AUCTION SALE Saturday,, Docembor 811>, il a.m. Charii's colloctables No. 2 Hwy. & Division St., Bowmanviilo. Clearing balance of Chariios couaec- tables Inciuding furnisher, glasswaro, antiques & gift Items, plus oid gun, diamond ring, coins, pocket watch, figurines, and'iamps. Do your Christ- mas shopping the auction way. Eari Davis, auctioneor. 728-4455. AUOBILES- 1976 MERCURY MONTEGO MX Good condition. $2,395. Phono 688-3848 af- ter 7:00 p.m. DACAE WILL BABYSIT 2-4 yr. olds in my homo. West Lynde ares. starting Januaryl1, 1980. Phone 666-1828. i MYMENT ALERTI N *.Tiydon, lon )n d. wq ar > UF 0& car Ne, 06W KIT Fra pi moi Mer holi radl usei Phc CHF Sprm 8ev Mos No.. Xii! 7020 LOT mec 0884 Autc Whil 1 BRAND NEW COMMERCIAL PIN BALL MACHINE, 1 PLAYER , Reg. $1 ,895.G0 WiIl ssii for $895.00 or boat offer COUii enings 1-281-6758 »A COPYMITE desk.top.' Good vorking ordar. Phono 6684111 <Mika )r Robin). PRIGNT plana for sale., Phone 668. 30. RAND NEW Gaf Chinon movie amara, with aill availabio option. aver'beon uaad. $250. Phono 668& 121. TCHEN TABLE & 4 chairs; eioctrlc inkln firoplaco; 3 lino controi.air., nos- with motor, also 3 extra tors; 1 robuilt 4V carburotor and rufoid for GM and ono 750 CFM Ily; 3 CB radios with antones; 2 lators, Vega or Astre; aiso some ed parts. Bost of fer on abovo Items. one 688e2880. IISTMAS TREES cut your own. rce oniy. 12 miles north of wmanviiie, 2'h miles wost of sport on Durham-Rogionai Road .20. Phono 263-2556. ETAPES c-40 $1.50 each. Cai 668- i.0afiter 5 p.m. ýT BOY part-tim e. Must b chaniciy onclined. Driver's liconc 3ential. Appiy ln person to: Garro% tomo bile Ltdi., 1415 Dundas St. E tby. le lo EFOREFRENT LARGE CENTRELy LOCATED house In WhItby.for rent. $375 monthly. Aise suitablo for commercial use. Mrs. Boyce'. 6687704., LOST Gold charm bracelet. Great -sentimental value. Blonglng ta greet grandmother with name of ail great grandchiidron. Lost ln Blair Park Plaza on November 7th. Roward. Caili collect 1-839-3227. LOST ½ shopherd, ½ husky. Caliod Sheba. Brooklin arae. Reward. Phono 655-3782. > NTES WITNESS TO ACCIDENT Saturday, Novomber 24, 79, In the town of Brookiin. Hwy 12 across from Gulf *station. Approx. 12-12:30 p.m. If you have wtnessod this accident, ploasa çail 6553281. PURE BRED Beagle pups. 8wooks aid $25. WiIi hold tI Chrstmas. Phono 655-3687. RAE SJALE PIADASSAN FABRIC SALE. NEW SHIPMENT 0F JEANS Clearance of uphoistery. Smaii places 50ç & $1.00. Brand namo jeans and soiection of g00d usod ciothIng. Tuasday & Wed. nosday, Decambor 1 lth & 12th, 9:00 a.m. ta 1.30 p.m. Bath ZMon Synagogue. 144 King St. E., Oshawa, Ontario. Can mear)suoe -Up SERCES PSYCHIC lntemnationaîy' known. Privat consultation by appaintmant only. Oeil ROSAMONO eat 578-7492, Oshawa, aftar 4 p.m. WANTD PAYiNG 8 TIMES face value, for Canadien coins beoaro 1968. Guns, antiques, gaid and diamond rings wanted. Phone 668456 or 965-7057 <Port Parry) FRANK REATOR 225 Brook S t. N . Whitby 6à 8-6171 ARE INTERESTED IN YOUI We neod a fow good saes people. If you are Interested ln setti 'ng your own achiovement goals rogarding Incomo, wo now offer you an exclusive eudio- visueltraling programme, also, wo'ii encourage youtowerd reachIng your goals. You cen be Infiated with the reaulta mie cen help you attain. You cen be happy working ln a professional elmosphore which iends ltseif,, to efficlency and 'piaasant workIng conditions. Whther you are quaiified et present or c urrentiy taking or considerIng the government pro-icensIng.course - we want to talk to youi For a confidentil personalIinterview cali. TONY KLOMPMAKER 686171 OVERHEAD DOOR CONTRACTORS. Replace overhaad doors et the workshop building, Psychiatric Hospital, WhItby, Ontario. TENDER ,NO. LIN-79-177- P67439 Seeled tenders wIIl b. recolvod until 2:00 P.M. LOCAL TIME, DECEMBER 19,1979. render Documents May bo obtained rom the Ontario Minlstry of Gover- nment Services,,Lindsay Ragional 0f. ice, 322 Kent Street West, P.O. Box 700 0, Lindsay, Onterio. NOTE. For further Information reaer- ing this tender, please cali Mrs. E.M: bale et the aboya, addros.s. alephone: <705) 324-9188. The lowest r any tender not necessarily accep- sd. Ministryoéf ® Government Services Ontario JOG FOR LIFEï AND BREATN Supporft vur iôcai Lung Association 723-3151À Egg, nog for. festive desserts Combining tradition with Participaction during the Christmas season presents most of us with a severe challeng& ýShortbreadsý and fruitcake are everywhere - and irresistible. That growing spare tire wiII probably take six. months' jogging in payment. Egg Nog Bavarian with Winter Fruit Salad bows to tradition but avoids the caloric punch 'and excessive richness of the, usual festive desserts. Leftovers from egg nog parties can provide the basic ingredient. Canned, dairy carton, or homemade egg iog work equally welI. EGG NOG BAVARIAN WJTH W: 1TER FRUIT SALAD ienvelope gelatin 2 cups eggnog, canned or dairy carton 1/4 tsp. rum extract (optional) 1 pint whippihg cream 1 tsp. vanilla ¼ 4cup sugar 2 each apple, pear, orange, banana 2 tbsp. each lemon juice and sugar Dissolve gelatin- in one quarter cup water, according to package directions. Allow to cool slightly. Spice egg nog with rum extract, if desired. SlowIy stir in liquid gelatin. In a chilled bowl, combine- whipping cream and vanilla. Whip until stiff, gradually adding sugar during last part of whipping.. Fold into eggnog mixture. Pour into one quart'-ring mold that has been rinsed with water. Chili two hours or more. Dip mold in war m water in order to unmold onto platter. Slice fruit, toss- wîth lemon juice'and sugar and fil1 centre of mold. Serves 6 to 8. I ARC PINE Manufacturing of soiid pine. Products forÀ4ome and kit- chen. I End of year factory clearance. December 1th - l5th, 1979. End of Une items factory seconds. Sampies up to 75% off. Reg. inventory Items up to 50% off. .imited quantities avaliabie. 335 Franksom St. Thomson St. off Dowty Rd., Ajax 683-2911, 683-?540 I YOUR 'WAY Corne and tell us what you're ýlooking for ln a job. Tell us what yoîu are today and what you want tobe tomorrow, Ask us ifwe can offer opportunities and challenges to match your'needa. No ob ligations on either side. We'Il be giad to talk, And we may have Just what you're iooking for, But you'il neyer know.until you ask. 4 Visit our Mobile Aecruiigunit Canad4a Empîoymont Centre Oshawa - Every Wed nesday 10:00 ar.-3:00,p.m. DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE FORCE ) Cleaning and Jalnitopriall Services, DURIHAM REGIONAL POLICE FORCE BUILDINGS TENDER NO. DRP 4180 TENDER NO. DRP 5180 No. ,18'Division - and-, No. 25.Division- 650 Rossiand Road East' 962 Kingston Road Whitby, Ontario Pickering, Ontario Seaied Tender 's, piainiy marked as to content, will be received at the offilce of the Chief of Police for the 'Regional M unicipaiity of Durham, 77 Ce ntre Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, L1G 4B7, up until 12:00 faon, (e.S.T.) on Wed. nesday, 1979 12 1e, for the cleaning and-maintenance of the Durham Regional Police Force buildings. No. 18 Di1vision - 650 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario No. 25 Division - 962 Kingston Road, Pickering, Ontario Tender forms may be picked up or requested from the offilce of Superintendent Gerald Robinson, bet ween the hours of 8:00 a.m. -and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Telephone 579-1520, extension 236. LowesýFr any Tender not necessariiy accepted. Jon M. Jenkins Chief of Police 4,- Egg-9 Nog Ieftovers may be frozen, poui-ed over fresh fruit or prepared as a Bavarian dessert. J r-, mmmiý 1