PAGE 30, WEDNESDAY, DEÇEMBER 5, 1979, WFITBY FREE PRESS New B.H.S. executive t y MARGARET BEATH j Publicity Director, B.H.S. M, befits the festive ~g e season, good ,food and good will were ln abundance at -------the Annual Pot Luck Supper and Awards Night, held by YOU DON'T PAY FOR YOUR MIS TAXES cit 7 M>IBm. PHOTOGRAPHY Wh., youbring in a roll of film to be prooessed, we charge you ONLY FOR THE PRINTS THAT COME OUT 'MWs'l alio'be there ta give you friendly, professional.advice (if you vwant it) and show you wbere you made your mistake.p ýMB*M. - The Fr1 endi y Professionais MOB#DM. PHOTOGRAPHY 131 BROCK STREET NORTH WHITBY <66&6111 Mon, Wed 9 ô Thr@4Fr 9-8; Sat 1o..5 the Brooklin Horticultural Society on November 28 and attended by more than 80' People. The Uinited -Church HalL was tastefully decorated and two beautiful floral arrangements created and donated by Doris Marlow,' graced, the head table. Theý remaining tables held potted silver branches with red bows, designed by Joan Brak and her committee, as well as small sachets of pot- pourri., President John Jefferies welcomed memnbers and guests and special guest, Viola Gillion, Director f District 5, following which Rev. Boyce. Elliott said Grace. The supperitself, >t ook the form of a buffet wvith delec- table dishes provided by the ladies of the club, served by Verna Sheppard and Valerie Sinions and the- Society wishes to thank the C.G.I.T. for their efforts in the job of cleaning up. While this was being done, everyone joined in, Carol singing accom- panied by Rose Heron at the piano. The election of Officers was then conducted by A.T. Foss, Director of District 17 and the slate reads as follows: Past President, John Jefferies, President, -Valerie Hundert; lst Vice- President, Ken Brown; 2nd Vice-President,, Ann Beauclerc; Directors for 1980-81 are: L. Allan, D. Geisberger, W, Nesbitt, D. Rothnie and C. Stevens and for 1980: M. Housego, A. Young, A.,Wick, J. Allan and J. Brak., After the installation of of- ficers, the presentation of awards took place, the win- ners being: lst prize for highest points, donated and presented by John JefferieF', was received by Audrey Young; 2nd prize, donated by Weall & Cullen, was won by Cyril Wick and presented by Audrey Young; 3rd prize, donated by the Emporium, won by Gibb Marlow, was presented by Valerie Hun- dett. The -Rose Bowl Trophy donated by- the Brooklin Horticultural Society for a new memIber with the highest points went to Lyla Allan and presented by Ken Brown. The Membership award ionated by Earler and Dorothy Sandford, was won by Paul Hundert for ob- taining the higbest number of new and'renewal mem- bers. Special' awards were presented to Alice Dodd and )orothy Barter and Allan Foss received a token gift for conducting the in- tallation of Officers. Also, John Jefferies as retiring president received a :ift from the Society which was presented by Margaret 3eath. In his closing -emarks, Mr. Jefferies hanked the Executive for Give an early Christmas present this year - the gift of life. Whitby Legion Hall, Byron St. S. will be the location for a Blood Donor clinic, Wed- nesday, December 12. The bours are from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. Recently, there bas been a shortage. of blood in the Toronto area, of wbich Whitby is a part. Imagine the emotions of people like Sheila Reynolds of Whitby, who found out just an hour before scheduled surgery in a, Toronto hospital, that because there wasn't enough of her blood type on hand, the doctor had to postpone the operation. It is good to learn that eventually Sheila did have ber surgery and is home with her family recovering nicely. A blood donor must, be between the ages of 18 and 65. Seventeen year olds are accepted with written parental or guardian's con- sent. Sixty-five means until the sixty-sixtb birthday. A blood donation can be made conce every 91 days. The fluid portion of blood is replaced witbin 24 hours. Iowever, the reproduction of the red celîs may take between seven to nine veeks, depending on the in- Jividual involved. t r their bard work and co- operation during bis two year term as president. At the close of the festivities, a short meeting was called by the, new president, Valerie Hundert and the executive appoinited Margaret Beatb, Joan Brak and Margaret Davis as secretary. .,Assistant secretary and treasurer respectively. zhundert then asked for the co-operation* of aIl the Executive members in» making the society as Productive and successful as it bas bten in the past., BloOd donor Dec. 12 This stoey bas tsany h appy endinga l Shows 10w thec shAhs and kusswledge ofrone wrbarO Deaoepcor sold more homcs mae peple happy doing so. ihis distinction couidn't have been won wlthoui 1the Ilu ihirlaisahlp bereen the Ppeof ate neigit odand te cighborhsn)d P(OieaWgnij Who seves (hem. Congmatuations io you ail. GOLO JACKET REALTY 824 Brack St. N. Whitby 668-6221 ~ ! . . a