Broolin.ahnost intolerable CONTI) FROM PG. 3 normal ta prevent any major problem.. ',The back yards are exhausted, because by the time 'it bas handled the "eage, it can't take tbe ex- ceas, " Gilbert says. People in t he neigb- bourbood pump their tanks every year or even every few montbs when tbey should only have to do it, every- three to four years, according to Gilbert. She says that tbe com- bination of surfaée water, raw sewage and other ef- fluent like laundry water are *causing problems not easily solved, bowever, she belleves that the installation of sanitary sewers will go a long way. The Gilbert's neigh- bourhood already bas storm sewers unlike the Cor- mack's. Gilbert was also critical of the town for taking so long to make up it's mmnd about the offer from C.B.C. "We are going tG- have a real health problem," she says. "I don't see how, we can last another seven years. We would be flooded out." Gilbert also says that it is almnost impossible' for residents to expand their septic beds. "-4There is not enougb room for the footage, " she says. The excess water, accor- ding to Gilbert, is runmng between the bouses into cat- ch basins wbere it flows into the creek. The danger comes when the ditches and pipes leading to the catch basins become blocked and the back-up may be uncontrollable and a healtb hazard. Gilbert says that she is afraid that the town will wait too long and the situation may become intolerable. Cruc'sXmlas safety tips CONT'D FROM PG. 4 home, it can save your life. It can alert you and your family to the presence of smoke and fire and allow you to escape to safety and then cail the Fire Department. Fire Chief and ýother safety experts recommfend some form of early warming devices. Be sure that the unit or units you instail have been inspected and approved by Under- writers' Laboratories of Canada and follow the maker's in- structions for. installation, maintenance and periodic testing. 1So be, extra careful this Christmas Season. Make certain it turns out to be a truly happy one for your family and friends. Make this a fire safe and merry festive season. WHITBY FREEPRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER M9.1979, PAGE 5 Not more than twQo years Carson says.... C.6B.-C. fot wlling to wait By MICHAEL KNELL 1Free Press Staff North Ward Councillor Bob .Carson bas, expressed fears that if Wbitby Town Council does not allow "the Brooklin development to go ahead within the next two yçars the developer may not be wllling ta pay'for, tbe in- stallation 0of tbe sewage system inta the, existing village. Carson- said tbat; waiting for 2,400 single famlly dwelfing building permits to be issued soutb of Rossland Road may-take too, long and that Consolidated Building Comîpany, the developer, may no t be willing to pay the price. He said that at an average of 400 permits a year, it wii be six years before Brooklin gets sewiers. "You're looking, at six to, ten years depending on the economy," Carson said ad- ding tbat experts are for- casting a slowdown in- residential construction because of the bigh interest rates. He also said that the town and the region cannot afford the approximately $6mnillion to construct the service. Carson maintains tlzat C.B.C.'s offer will not only save money for tbe Wbitby, taxpayer but the regional taxpayer as well. (Sewers are the jurisdic- tion of the region.) He maintains tbat if the town and the region does not act soon, tbey may be throwing. away an oppor- tunity to save the taxpayers a lot of money. ,Carson says that C.B.C. may flot be willing to wait for their estimated $24 million investment to bear fruit wben the high interest rates and taxes are con- sidered. He says that a lot of the people in bis ward have put of, making improvements and repairs to their present waste 'dispo'al systems in the anticipation of the plan being approved. He also says that he can't blame them for, this and knows of people who may be, putting laundry water into the storm sewers, thereby polluting the river simply because they cannot afford to update their systems. Carson believes that the only 'way to improve 'the situation is to get sewers in Brooklin. "C.B.C. is the cbeapest way to- get what Brooklin neèeds, " Carson said. "It's part of Whitby," he said., "You can't ignor the FRESH GEESE For Christmas NOW AVAl LABLE LIMITED SUPPLY- DIRECT FROM FARM DRESSED & OVEN READY CAIL 655-4410 AFTrER 7:00 P.M. mind noting, that two years is ail C.B.C. may be willing to wait to start the project. needs of this part of town."1 Carson Is confident that he can get council to change it's THE ARTISTS STUDIO PRESENTS OVER 1000 ORIGINAL QIL PAINTINGS! ex.10 s'12 x16 s OIL PAINTING JOlt PAIN TING 1 FROM PrROM 16 x20 OIL PA'NTIN<. 24 x48'S 011. PAINTING fr*Rw. 10:30 'tii 5psm Thurs. & Frl* 'tii 9 p.m.. THE ARTISTS STUDIO 142 SI MCO E ST. S. (at J OSHAWA 579-8028. Per'soi-îICheqtie% Accepted lohn) in the Toivn of Pickering Seaton coniunity's nti business offices ar Pickcrin(q Corporate Centre are nowv open. Staff are available wveckdays froin 9:00 to 5:00 t0 ansii'er questions and fo discuss dcvelopinen t plans. 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