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Whitby Free Press, 7 Jan 1981, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1981. WHITBY FREE PRESS w whiíby Voice of the County Town Michael lan Burgess, Publisher - Mahaging Editor Ie only Whitby newspaper independently owned and operated by Whitby residents for Whitby residents. l>ublished, every Wednpsdaý by MB.I.Iublishing Sand l>hotography Imc. ' Phon e66.4-6111 The Free Press Buildin'g. 1 *3 Brock Street North, p.o. Box 2o6, Whitby, Ont. MichiOl J. Knell Michael J. Knoll Community Editor Mariorie A. Burgess Production Manager Karen Thompson Advertising Manager Maling Permit No. 480 Member of the Whltby Chamber of Commerce Writerfears new constitution willcreate ilyrat Z /L FD PRCE PPP/& t/P I./KE uEP immoral society The long range social policy and political objectives of the federal government must be questioned. We must not forget how (Prime Minster Pierre Elliot) Trudeau's "Just Society" was launched in 1969 when he amended the Criminal Code. then as now he held up the banner of human rights. In 1969, he suc- ceeded in destroying the morality of our laws when he gave decadence and irresponsible freedom boundless space. Consequently, our traditional laws have disintregrated, causing the extensive social problems of abortion, homosexuality, pros- titution, rape, sterilization, violence, child abuse, theft and marriage breakdown.. With this uncon- trolled irresponsible f reedom, human weaknesses are legitimately exploited and promoted and of- ten public funds are provided to assist The defenceless family and innocent in- dividuals are hit both spiritually and physically as the prime targets of legalized crimes and is causing our social order to crumble. Wil this plague on society continue? Trudeau plans to en: trench. in our con- stitution his version of Human Rights and a "Just Society", instead of a "Charter of Human Obligations" that is so critically needed. Truly our energy crisis is mainly a spiritual one. In- dividual families must pray together that Christian M.P.'s in all parties (Liberals in- cluded) will unite on common ground and leave Canadians a legacy of courage to defend not so much human righits as human obligations, and not to allow 1irresponsible freedom to be entren- ched in our laws, as happened in the United States. A Charter of Human Rights must protect family life and life of innocent preborn children. If not it will be a charter of rights made by the devil and interpreted for the devil and his criminals. Our frail Supreme Court judges who are appoin- ted for life could do as was done in the U.S.A. If they are of the same philosophy they may accordingly twist and interpret definitions and intent of the constitution in area outside their legal jurisdiction. These should be referred back to parliament for clarification whenever there is doubt about definitive particulars and failure to do so should subject them to dismissal by parliament. That, too, should be incorporated in the constitution. More people should write to the provincial premiers and the M.P.'s4 to express their con- cern. Your truly, Louis J. Matte, 813 Victoria Street Prince George, B.C. EDITOR'S NOTE: The writer is innaccurate in his reference to the Supreme Court of Canada. Our Court is limited in its jurisprudence. It can- not interpret the Con- stitution because it is held to be self- explanatory. Unlike,- it's U.S. counterpart, the Supreme Court is not called on to inter- pret the Constitution but merely to deter- mine whether or not the issue before it can be applied under the Constitution. In this manner, our Court's function is limited. Hospital doing "Ruddy good job Dear Sir: I had occasion to take my 20-month old grandson to the Dr. J.O. Ruddy Hospital Emergency Depar- tment on Boxing Day because of concussion suffered in a fall. 1 was badly frightened but even in my distraught state could appreciate the excellent care given by Dr. Greenfeld, the duty doctor, and Mrs. G. Lalonde., the afternoon supervisor. These two fine people also took extra time to be con- cerned for a badly frightened gran- dmother, as well. Whitby should be proud of our hospital and its great staff. I know I never would have received such consideration at O.G.H. and the medical care given my grandson was every bit as good as O.G.H. had to offer, I am sure. We hear so many pros and cons about Dr. J.O. Ruddy hospital and so many argumen- ts about whether or not it is needed but 1, for one, can say in all sin- cerity it is a fine hospital and with medical staff such as Dr. Greenfeld and Mrs. Lalonde it will remain so. The security guard took time from his duties to try and con- fort my little grandson and the x-ray remained composed, friendly and inflappable in the must of a screaming baby and tearful gran- dmother. With people such as these Dr. J.O. Ruddy has to be the best. . Thank you for allowing me to use your newspaper to ex- press my gratitude to the hospital and its staff. Keep up the good work, Free Press. S. McDermott Dunlop St. E. Kinette Christmas drive a success Dear Sir: The Kinette Club of Whitby wishes to thank all those who so generously supported our second annual Christmas Drive for Whitby's needy. Because of you, we were able to pack food hampers for 56 families and provide toys and warm winter clothing for the children. To the students and staff of E.A. Sennett, West Lynde, and R.A. Hutchinson public schools; Henry Street H.S. and Anderson C.V.I. we extend our warmest thanks. To Family Trust Real Estate and the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce for allowing their premises to be used as drop-off spots and to all who used these locations to make their donations we say thank you. Financial con- tributions made it possible for us to pur- chase much-needed clothing and in this connection, we wish to thank White Rose Nur- sery ($817); Gus Brown ($250); students of Henry Street H.S. ($400); and our men, the Kinsmen Club of Whit- by ($200). To Morley and Ann Smith - The Mercantile; the management of Woolco; Elsa - Elsa's Childrens Things and staff of Brock Street Dominion Store, we thank you for your tremendous support by way of merchandise and discounts. So many donated, many anonymously, that it is impossible to thank you all by name. We trust that your Christmas was made happier knowing you brought happiness to so many and we wish you all a healthy, happy and prosperous 1981. Yours truly, Rosalind Paton Vice-President, Kinette Club of Whitby. I

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