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Whitby Free Press, 14 Jan 1981, p. 18

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13AGE 18. WW-NLSDAYý, JANI..ARY 14. 1981, WiiITBY Cai 725-8967 with news items for the coiumn. -fCorr-idor Capers Bv MARY McEACHERN )VOrVOCANADA LTD TAUNTON MOTO Taunton Road East (at Wilsor "Durham Region's Volvc 723-0209 Toronto ^6 FREE PRF.SS I ~J. ) Dealer" ý86*1 525 CHOO COUNTRY RADIO 114 IT'S HEADING YOU R WAY!l THEI CHOO RADIO INTiE RNATIONAL1 c~CH] COOK .__ The Event - Watch thi ILI ~OFF 0f 1981! rs space -mmmww for Jur th erinform a tion!* ROBBîE BURNS NIGI-T St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Cochrane St. in Whitby wili host their 48th Annuai Robbie Burns Night on Friday, January 23. The evening begins at 6:30 p.m. with a tradîtionat Robbie Burns dinner foltowed by an authentic programme of Scottish entertainment. There w'ill be Scottish highland dancers, a variety of appropriate music and a Scot- tish chorus. Tickets are $7 per aduit and a speciat $3 for senio%-r persons. Plan to attend. CORRIDOR AREA RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE MEETING An executive meeting wilt be held on Wednesday, January ý%:il elot osB ro o l in -hai arc fresh off the seh olar Ie llic i e im.kili.g for vezars. The 1981 lÈ lcn eindawarded 'j.r.Frank Scheepers, of pcr'îrîiu ~tlII1obiL.Brooklin, was recentty Wilih iîcw options ikc a awarded the F.H.R. Poun- siio. atu] an over- cett Scholarship for the top drive IrtiîSisSiiin. first year student in Centen- 13tît i*s whlail lie niai College's electronic Di- relains froin thli sttechnicians program. [liai îiî.îkcs it a car for Scheepers 'received $200 [ lic prcsclnt.aogwt iwrd li'\ not iîcreîv îcllogwliisead puolliccri nu e1 Ii'fIa- Ii l .sîîuî i lia a Iiiii. diniiiiiislied w'.vîîlimenî. So. h îa'%( îd raslv- îîîadc echoices %vliehcîî h'e bl oilc ne of muirl. o D)Ls. Ils has i l i n i a da;ý os A car (îhI eai ['cic\v iln. Brooklin-Whitby Family Kartway were defeat 7-4 by Oshawa Cario's Electric last week in an Eastern Ontario Major Bantan Hockey League game. Frank Ignazzitto, Dave ~ UT I ~ Sachko, Jeff Hanley and nR L Ti . Gary Roberts scored for -% Brooklin-Whitby. ~71~~'~THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WHITBY 777 NOTICE A PUBLIC MEETING A Public Meeting of the Administrative Committee will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, January 19, 1981 in the Meeting Hall of Building, 575 F Whitby, Ontario. J- IL Londls~~~ the Whitby Municipal Rossland Raad East, \diisrtve \Vmt. Verbal comments wilI be received ai this lime. For further inf ormatian on the proposed plan of subdivisio'n, persans may con- tact the Tawn of Whitby Planning Department, 575 Rossland Raad East, Whitby. Robert B. Short, Director of Planning We ge 'a letter Of thanks Dear Sir: On behaîf of Station Gallery Director Linda Paulocik and WHitby Arts director and mem- bers, l'd like to say thank yau for your coverage of aur variaus exhibitions and events in 1980. The past year -- the lOth anniversary of the Station Gallery -- saw excellent public par- ticipation in our exhibitions, classes and workshops, as weII as in those very impor- tant fund-raising even- t S. It is aur hope that this year wil be even better than last, and that the Station Gal:iîy' :.::tJ.cade, wiII be every bit as suc- cessful as its firts. Rab Wilson, Publicity Director. Whitby Arts Inc. 14 (tonight) at 8 p.m., 125 Northview Avenue. Ail executive members are asked to be present. Any interested person are weicome to attend. IIEART MONTI February is Heart Month. When the volunteer canVaS-ser calis at your door, give generously. Heart is the No. 1 killer of our country, Doily Goddard 668-2855 certaiflly could use some heip. Give her a cati and votunteer your services to canvass your street. CORRIDOR CAPERS Our next Capers Bail will be heid on February 28 at Heydenshore Paviliion. Our dance cofincides with the end of Heart Month. Our Association is asking for a large turn out at our dance to enable us to make a generous contribution to the Heart Fund. Keep the date in mmnd, Saturday, February 28, Heydenshore Pavillion, 8:30 to 1 p.m., $10 a couple. Cati 725-8967 or 723-1680 for reservations. Help bost the Heart Fund Campaign. EGG DAY Saturday, January the 10 was the one day of the year that our 'get-cracking' food would stand on end unattended. However, a famiiy on Thickson Rd. N. were capable of stan- ding not one, but three eggs on end. Mrs. Foster and her son accomplished this feat on January 9. Once again the Corridor is ahead of the gamne. (I tried it too, but att we got was scrambled eggs.) WESTMINISTER UNITED CHURCH Wednesday - Guides begin at 6:30 p. m. Tuesday, January 27 - Congregational meeting beginniflg with a pot iuck supper. February 13 - Presbytery Work Shop for elders and visitors at the Brooktin United Church 7 p.m. PAPER DRIVE A resident of Otter Creek in Whitby has called concerning paper drives in her area. If anyone has any information regarding scout paper drives in the Otter Creek Area, please cati and 1 will pass on the information. DATES TO REMEMBER Wednesday - Guides at Westminister United Church Wednesday - Corridor Area Executive Meeting January 23 - Robbie Burns Night - St. Andrews Church January 27 - Congregational Meeting - Pot Luck supper - Westminister United Church. February 13- -.Presbytery Work Shop.- Brooklin United Church. February 28 - Corridor Capers DAnce. February - HEART MONTH f19810 + A Duýda-ý5 t -1

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