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Whitby Free Press, 21 Jan 1981, p. 24

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PA\GE 24, Wl*:DNIS)Ai', JANIJARY 21, 198 I, Wl IITBY EliSPRESS Free Press Emnporiurn CaiI 668M-6111w Emn ,orimm Ads w~il nniv hb ncAtecl subiect f0 the followino Conditions. AUTOMOBILES 10 FOR SALE 1974 TORINO, good running con- dition, naw paint $500. Calil eveninga 723-0931 Dec 31,80 COLLECTORS ITEM 1 owner, 1974 Pymouth Roadrunner, 318 automatlc, 25 miles per galion, PIS, PIB, AM-FM sterso, t-sun roof, radiais, mag wheis, 52,000 original miles, not drIven ln winter. Immacuiate con- dition. Certiiled. Asklng $31,000. Phone 728-8700 anytime. Oct 24,80 f1 URANDE PRIX, PIS, PIB, Power Windows, Power Seala, air, tilt, AMIFM stereo, buckets and consola. Rciiy wheis. 10,000 miles on new motor, very good condition. $1800 certified. Cali 854409 or 855-794 Nov 580 1971 CZ MOTORCROSS, bulît tor !ce racing. Needs mincir rapairs. ýCom- pieieiy rebulit motor. 100 miles on motor. $500 irm. Calil868-2912 aak for Alan or Joanne. Oct 29,80 73 GRAND -TORINO, 351 V8 automatic, P/S, PIB, in good con- dition. $600 Cali 655-3679 Dec 17,80 1974 ASTRE GT, auiomatic, radio with rear detrosier. nr good working condition. $1375. Calil 668-8937 Dec 17,80 1975 DOOGE D200 PICK-UP TRUCK, 318 V8 automaiic, cap, receni paint, radiais, 71,000 miles, cariiied asking $2100. Phone 6683052 Dec 10,80 1973 T-BIRD, loaded, new tires, good body, moving to Fiorida. Wiiiý sacrifice for $1200. CaIl 666-1247 Dec 10,80 74 GREMLIN, 258 - 6 cyl., FMIAM radio, 72,000 miles, good condition body wise, standard sieering and brakas. Aaking $800 as Is. Cati Fred at 576-7878 Dec 3,80 1971 PONTIAC CATALINE, 4-dr, ail new brakes (rotors), running $400 or besi otller. As Is. 1973 BUICK CEN- TURY, 2-dr, $500 as Is. Cali 668-2298 Nov 26,80 1974 ASTRE GT, automatic, radio, with rear detroater, Ir good working con- dition. $1275. C3ii 668-8937 Dec 10,80 26 FT. SUPERIOR MOTOR HOME, CLASS A self contained bedroomn with vanity, fli bathroom wih sink, vanity, toilai, bath & shower, 4 burner stove & ovan, double steel sink, extra large size tridge, large lurnace, newly decoratad. 440 Dodge motor. $12,500 or besi otier. CaIl 663-3030. Jan 14,81 1976 MONTE CARLO, care teatures PS, PIB, air condition, AMïFM cassette, swivei buckets. radial ires. 61.000 milesý $3750 certified. Ex- cellent condition. Ca/I655-3026 anytrme. Jan 21,ý81 1971 CHEVELLE, 4 door, 327 motor, auiomatlc, as i, needs body work, heavy duty sprîngs ail around. ront end jusi done. $500 Cali 723-0855 Jan 21,81 Answcr your Chrîstmas SeaLeLtter now!j FIRESTONE SILENT TRACTION SNOW TIRES on rima. 678-14 illits 825- 14. $55 a pair, practicaiiy new. Cal 668-5596. Jan 14,81 1972 PINTO MOTOR AND TRAN- SMISSION, ln good condition $200. Call 666-3854 Nov 26,80 TANDEM BOX TRAILER, 2400 pound capaclty -$300. Cali ll8844 Nov 19,80 'Ai TON CAMPER CAB for sale, with acreana and atorma. For 8 f1 bed. Asking $400 or beat olier. Cali 68. 4349 Oct 29,b0 TWO RECLININO CAR SEATS, wittl mouniing brackets, velour inserts, good shape $50. Cali 668-8785 Dec 10,80 BEAUTIFUL CHESTERFIELD & CHAIR, like new, scotch guarded, reason for seiling iack of space. $250. Call 576- 1059 Nov 26,80 GREEN CHESTERFIELD (art Shoppe> $350. Goid Living roomn chair $75. Lazy-Boy chair (naw) $95. Snow tires 78" X 15" - $30. Floor policher $10. Rug Shempooer $10. And amali ap- piances. Cail 666-1247 Dec 10,80 INGLIS OAS DRYER $75. Caîl 725- 2911 aller 5 p.m. Nov. 26,80 SPANISH DESIGN BAR, black leaiher & velvet, strobe ights on both ides, includes record player, AM/FM wiih 8 trac, large unit, includes 3 bar aoils, 2 customed speakers valued ai $1,000 asklng $400. Oeil 683-3030. Qiher items for sale. Jan 21,81 OLD FASHION TUB $75, and Continen- tai bed $40. Cail 666-3288 Dec 17,80 CUSTOM MADE DRAPES, 4 panais of red veivel with valance, plus sheers. $300. Oeil 579-7234 Jan 14,81 ELECTRAHOME HUMIDIFER, A-i condition, wili humidiiy 5 rooma, 3 speed. $35 Cail 655-3772 Jan 21,81 50 SQUARE YARDS, LIGHT GREEN PLUSH CARPET with undarpacddlng for sala. Asking $300. Oeil 66-2139 altter 6:30 p.m. Nov. 12,80 BLACK GLASS DINING BOOM TABLE (round) and 4 white vînyl chairs. Diamneter 411. $300. Cail 576- 4464 Jan 7,81 VIKING RINGER WASHING MACHINE, ail crome top, wih timer. good condition $50. OCal1655-3772 Jan 14.81 BROWN ALUMINIUM SOREEN DOOR, 2' 10 'X 6' 10, tile used $50. Cali 668-2213 Dec 10,80 I c PLEASE READ Whrn the advertised Item Is sold, disposed of, or Unavalale for whatever reason, the Item will be deemed to have been sold and a commission will be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as llUstrated below, regardiess If price ls stated with "best of fer". If the Item 15 NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad will be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3,00 will apply- Ail advertiseenfts must be placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one month If not sold. RATES (If article la soId): 5% of advertised prîce Up to $400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAM PIE: SoId Item advertlsed for $1 20.00 -commssion due $6,00 (minimum charge la $3.00> Private advertIslng only! Please notlfy the Whitby Free Press immediately when Item ls soid so that we may delete It f rom the following Issues. Ail ads not ftting the Emporium gUidolines wilI be treated and charged per weok as regUlar Classif ied ads on a pro pald basis such as: services, help wanted, clothing, reai estate, and personal message type ads, or ads not qUoting pri-ce or qUantity: Prîvate classified ads may appear In the Emporium section Under appropriate headings- Ail &de wii goaIn clcstIiîed section unioe othemwIce cp.cIIid. 1If 1indoubt, cal 1668-611 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whîtby, Il N 5S1 OR EIlVER0TO 131 BrockSt.N. Whitby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. LESNEY AND CORGI CAR COLLEC- YELLOW GOLD TION $8 eech, Ceili 88-3495 S with mail cul Nov 5,80 LADIES BLACK FINE LEATHER FLICED LUNE BOOTS, brand new, size 7, $70. Cali 668-2213 Dec 10,80 DRUMMER PRACTICE PAO SET aiso symbol and hi hal $200. 40 Cord EIec- trlc Orgen $150. Cali 576-1364 Dec 17,80 MANS COAT - Pile Ilned, dark brown, leather look. Sîza 38-40. $45. MANS TWEED TOP COAT iza 42-44, Croydon, fully lined, balted back $50. Cali 728-2327 Dec 3,80 GRAVEL GARDEN TRACTOR, A-1 condition, rebuilt 7.6 HP angine, 30" reel mower, sulky snow plough, new lug tires and chain $600. Oelil Roger 655-4570 Dec 10,80 TWO Mag Whoees, 14", Ohevrolet or Pontiac $25 a pair. CaIiIng ilas 1211 X 4f11, one full box,. one part box, with railinga, cross tees, etc. About 150 square fleet $30 Three tira. for sala. two snows $25 a pair 6.50 X 13, one summer $10, 6.00 X 13. One ton spaed bike, Suniar gears $60. One bosebail fliaders giove, aduit Cop- per Black Diamond $20. One apartment sized eiectrîc atove, 4 burner, white in good condition $75. HecIing duct pipes, 4 inch diemeter n sections. 20 teel, with ico 90 degrea aibows - $10 On. DodIge Wheei rdm. 15 inch $10 On. "Peter Storm" Rain Suit, brand new, light walght. Samon Derby prize. Size XL $5. One set ai hockey equipmenî, mens medium; skates, peda, gloves. sticks, etc. $100. One 12 foot eiuminum car top boat, heevy duty, with 3½ HP motor. $600 Cali 666293tter 5p.m. Dec110,80- VEGA RADIALS $25. Hobby Horse $25, new 2 Whoeeer for 3-year old $35. Snocr Instant Poiaroid Camrers, brend new $55. COeil579-9371 Dec 10.80 TWO MEN's HAIR PIECES, naturel haîr. dark brown. curreni cosi if new. now $745 each. Can be colour tinled to suit individuels needa. Asking $150 each or besi otter. Oeil 668-4721 Dec 24,80 ONE PAIR 14K1 PIERCED EARRINGI seliing for $100. Only 1 year old. Cal 868-0657 or 668-3146 aak for Bon. Oct 29,80 ONE DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RING a WEDDING BAND ladies> both yailow & white goid with 3 diamonds. 25 yaars oid. Engagement ring ap- praisad ai $475, Waddlng band ap- praiaed et $200. Sali both for $250. Catl 668-0657 or 668-3146 ask for Ron. Oct 29,80 ONE "1LINDY STAR" RING (ladies) 14K yeiiow & white gold ring with 4 diamonda. (synthetic green star sap- phire>. Appraised ai $825. Sali for $410. 6 yeara oid. Cati 668-0657 or 668-3146 ask for Ron. Oct 28,80 ONE 10k YELLOW & WHITE GOLO -tree iorm' ladies cluster ring with 7 diamonda. Appraised ai $2550. Sai for $1300, 4 years oid. Oeil 668-0657 or 668-3146 aak for Ron. Oc t 29.80 ENGAGEMENT RiNG - 14-18k yeitow and whita gold, siza 6. Appraised valua $675 as of Saptember, 1980. Appralaed papers availabla. $450. Phone 688-2455 eveninga. BLACK PERSIAN LAMB COAT, large -ize, Ai condition, cuslomn made, fli lenghi, worn only a tew imes. $600 or besi otfer. POLAROIO CAMERA 440-.$30.Oel 663-7536 Nov 26,80 SHEEP SKIN COAT, full lenght, ladies, aize 12-14, in very good con- dition, $150. Oeil 668-2213 Dec 31,80 BABY CAR BED $15, Play-pen $25, Jolly Jumpar $5. Baby Swing $10, Walker $10. Eiectric Bottia Steritizer plus glass botties $5, 2 snowsuits - 1 btue bag type $5, 1 brown & belge 18 months - 2 place $10. Ail in excellent condition, Oeil 655-3873 Jan 21,81 ATTENTION LEAGUES Trtm,<cw ale 32" tali, 3 tiers, merbe basa, 2 coioura - black & goid; and blue & goid. Muaistaliim- medisasdelivarY $20 each.Oei11683- 0593 Oct 22,80 16.118F%.CUSTOM18MADE DRAPESusoitllhi&e1 with brown, lits standard patio siiding doors, cost new $300, asklng $85, excellent condition- Cati 668- 1470 Dec 17,80 AEROQUIPT SLIDE PROJECTOR wlih remote controls. Takas 38 and 100 alida trays. Excellent corndition. $1 00. Cali1655-4957 Nov 12.80 STEREO JVC <QL-7) Tum Table, (JA-S77) Amp. and JTL.V77) Tuners.. ADC-12 Band Equalizer Cerlvin Vega 12TR Tcwer Speakera and stand with smoked glass doors. $2700. Cali 728-8112 ask for Kim. Oct 29,80 For Further Information Cali: 668-6111 Whitby Free Press 131 Brock St. N. Whîtby Whitby's Only Newspaper You won't quit Pa/maPaulonJo NEW IN TOWN? LET US PUT" DUT THE MAT FOR YOU!< 1OMiiiwOe.c MEî i . 668-9168 or Phone -5797521 M S UPTSL ES 10 GALLON AQUARIUM, wrought iron stand and some accessorias $56- BRIOS AND STRATTON 3 HP engin*, n running condition needa mutiler> for lewnmower etc. $45. Cal 579-2073 Dec 17,80 GERMAN SHEPARD PUREBRED pUP, tomate, 4'h montha oId, deWOr- med, house broken, ait shota. Acklng $1 50- Catil 6M.9607 Nov 12,80 25 GALLON AQUARIUM tor sale, fish and accessories ail inciuded $70- Ceil 576-2366 Dec 3,80 ONE PAIR 0F ZEBRA FINCHES, $14 a pair. ONE PAIR DIAMOND DOVES, $20 a pair. ideal for christmas gifts and ai hold tI Christmas. Cail 668- 2461 Dec 10,80 BEN HOGEN GOLF CLUBS, 14 club set, new bag and head covers, 'h price of new $300. Cati1686-1247 Dec 10,80 TWO GIRLS IKES. One 26" - $35. One 24" - $30- Oeil 866-2334 Nov 5,80 LARGE Frameleas nap.ceck, excellent condition $30. Ventas Copper-Tone Stove Hood, 38 Inches - $30. Cati 655- 4220 Jan 14,81 On. pair cros. country leather ski boots - blue & white, size 6, iike new $15. Call Harold 66814721 Dec 10,80 TWO SETS 0F SKIS AND BOOTS, one ladies and one mens. Ladie's size 5~ boot, and mens size 9 boot. $50 a set. Calil 668-3209 Jan 14,81 DOWNHILL SKIS, BOOTS, POLES, lenght of skis 175 cm - $85. Cali 683- 6638 Nov 19,80 MANU SI NOW MOBILE SUIT, cize XL. Black & Goid $45. SKI-000 BOOTS, fal iners. Back & Gold wlth cliver stripe. Canadian made $20- Cali 728. 2327 Dec 3,80 174 SKIDOO, 440 Fan. $700 or bet of- fe r. C a ll 88-2129 J n 7 8 Boys & Girls 9 or older .......... qqmý - - - - - - - - -- - ",- ---- - - -,- -, - , -,- - - - " I i L M"

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