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Whitby Free Press, 21 Jan 1981, p. 25

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\VlITBY Et PRESS., EDN[SDAY, JANUARY 21 , 19,S1,. PAGE 1.25 ulT CAA PRIISSItONAL ý- m HIGH EST PRICES Paid for Gold and Sîlver coins, old guns, clocks, jewelery, dishes, furniture, crocks, oil, paintings and se,,,iers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W, OSHAWA THE BOOK BETWEEN Heip flghts inflation with 1/2 price books, trade-ins, 25 cent specials. 120 Dundas St. W. Whitby 666-2442 M.USIC LESSONS QuaIified instruCtor Violini or Guitar 668-3741 CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IM PROVEMENTS M ETRO LIC. B - 2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Tîling, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTI MATES Cali 668-4686 DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS DONE PHONE 668-2864 TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING For. Class A & D License Cal I PARTICIPATION 416-363-8031 day, eve. & Sat. courses RICHARD'S FURNITURE REFIN ISHING "Give Your Furniture a Face Lift" Free Estimates Cail RIck Forestali 666-2992 or 655-4560 BROOKLIN TOOL C0. GARAGE floar jacks - $80 and up, new and used, willi lake trade-inS. 683- 1753 MEcHANICS STARTER KIT-98 places sel includes ail basic baols for Sp. prentice mechanic, brand new regular price $750. Selilfor $350 cash. 683- 1753 DRILL PRESS 58" MT No. 2, brand new $265. 683-1753 SAND BLASTER for body shops, 8 gai. sand capaclly, compote with mask. hase, gun and extra nozzles $175 683-1753 AIR cOMPRESSORS AND ARC WELDERS, new and used $125 and up. Will take trade-ins. 6831753 BENCH GRINDER V3h.p. heavy duty condenser starer brand new, neyer used. $110. 683-1753 AIR TOOLS, a large assortmenl af new & used air drills, grnders. san- ders, polishers. ratchels, impact wrenches, shears. nibbiers, hamniers and many more. $30 and up. 683- 1753> COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE GARAGE SUPPLIES 683-1753 AIM BRUNINO 2000 ELECTROSTAric COPIER AND PAPER PLATE MAKER for sale Parlly dlsassembled due ta moving, ressonabla. Caîl 668-6111l and ask for Mike or Sally, Oct 29,80 (:rossw-alks are for pedesm- tria nsi. 1980 ACADIAN, 4 door SEDAN, automstlc trans, radio, rear dsfogger, 2 tons paint, immsculats. 8,00() miles, 6 month warrsnty lefit. $5600 Cali 728-2927 1979 BUICK PARK AVENUE, maroon inierior & exterior fuliy equlppsd, warranty jual sxplred. Cali 725-8598 JOG FOR LIFE AND BREATH Support your local Lung Associati on 723j-3151 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check yaur ad f or errors on the firsl day of publication. The Whilby Free Press will not be hiable for failure ta publiSh an ad, or for lypographîc or other erors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error Up 10 a maximum cosl 0f the lir- si incorrect insertion. The Whilby Free Press reservas the rîghl 10 classîfy or ralect ail advertisements. Box numbers are available ai an ad- dtional charge of $2" DEAD LINES Dead Lîne for Emporium Ads is Frîday noon prior t0 publication. Dsad Lina for Classîfîed Ada is Moný day noon prior ta publication, CALL 66-6111 PRE-PAID ADVERTISEMENT DISCOUNT You may charge your Classifîed Ad- vrlsemnent ta your Chargex or Visa Account and recaîve a discount on the prîce af the ad, Please have your Visa card raady whan callîng VISA KITCHEN TABLE white uphoîsteri white table. $200 6 pm. ZENITH COLOUR $100 or best offes 3978. ADMIRAL 24" W4 STOVE, dlean & ln dîtion. Cal668-52E WOOD STOVES speciai. Whie pre fuel efficient w0Ci -Is%*ý ARTICLES 5o*' FOR SALE Swlmmlng Pool Manufacturer has ,E AND CHAIRS. 1980 tt axer pools belng aI fered ai a xd chairs, round fraction af regular selllng price for Caîl 576-4019 afler early sprlng dellvery. $1,690.00 is complets prce of pools equipped - --- .~ with fliter, pump, motor, patio, walk around deck and fanclng. Smail tTV., flbar model, deposit wlll hoîd 1111 delivery date. 0f- r. Caîl Gloria 655- fer good only white supply lests. Cal 1-8W0-268-5970 - Toronto 746-3340 VHITE COLOURED Swlmmlng Pool Manufacturer wlI 1gaod working con- lease and instali new 1981 family size !63 pool complets with walkway, Sun - - deck and lencing, on a rentaI basis with option ta buy. Your chcice of ai pre-season style. Try betara you buyl Cali IM- axaent suppîy lasîs PERIAL POOLS Toi Free 1-800-268- id brnlg slves 5970. if wthln aur local caflng area, M. t ,RQ M n, phone 746-3340. (Toronto) reguisriy priced ai *qo9.uxino avoulable for a limltad ime ai only $17499. Cal 1011 Ires aI 1-800-268- 5970 or Il withln aur local caling ares 746-3340 (Toronto). FOR SALE-- PIZZA EOUIPMENT, formerIy beionglng ta Machos Plusa. For information contact Brian Rsby 579-8202. ONIVTARIOI HYDRO HAS FOR SALE ITEM 1 WOODEN DOME FORMWORK (Curved Forms) ConsisQting of approximately 640 panels, variaus sizes, con- structed of 2" X 6", 2"1 X 8". 2"t X10" treated BC tir lumber; 318" and 314" fîre retardant f irewood. ITEM 2 4" I.D. FIBRE CONDUIT (approx. 20,000 f t) Located at Pickering Generating Station "B", Pickering, On- tario. Inspection, general terms and conditions, and bid forms can be obtai ned f rom: Mr. J. Anderson Telephone (416) 839-1151 Ext 4436 The highest or any bid not necessarily accepted. Ref er to Transaction No. 302-ED. Closing date for offers is 4-o.m. February 10, 1981 in Toronto. OSHAWA ANTIQUE GUN COLLEC- TION SHOW AND SALE. Kînsmen Community Centre, 109 Coîbarne St. W. Oshawa, Ontario. Sunday, January 25, 1981. 9 s.m. la 1 p.m. Ladies Silver Dollar draws. Ad- mission $100 Ladies Freal SUPEL FREE TO GOOD HOME, grey 4 monlh aid female kitten. Caîl 668-1270 aller 6 p.m. g3UCTONS AUCTIO N Wodnhaday, January 21,1981-.6 p.M. ai PRINCE ALBERT HALL, two miles sauth af Port Psrry, asIate of the laie MRS LYNNE SEARLE, Part Perry. Inicludes excellent appliances, fur- niture and tbals. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICE 985-7492 AUICTION SALE Wedneaday, January 28, 1981 Sale Time 12 Noon WHITBY GLASS & MIRROR 210 Brock Si. S., Whtby Having received instructions from Deloitte Hasklns & Selîs Ltd. Trustees !- Bankruplcy we are clearing there assels canslsîing of window glass 18, 316. & 14, ail varlous sîzes plate glass 318, 11/V, & 314*' variaus sizes. Mirrors 5 6' X6' plus other smnaller size. large essor- lient of nuls, b>ols, screws, nails. aluminium framlng, masonite sheels, large cullîng table, mouldings 2'X 15' work bench, shower doors, 3/8* X42- X 60- slale blackboard, Holiday stereo mrrors in fraies, office fur nîture. desks. files, chairs, plus îany other silices. NOTE there is ap- proximalsly 5 thousand pisces aI glass, as many as 400 un one sîze. Dealers excellent chance la stock up- TERMS: Cash or good cheque. No Reserve. Rose MeLan Auctioneer 575-7550 Vlawlng mornin of salle. (APARTMENTS/I ( à CON0SDEOS FRRENT BROCK STREET SOUTH, for quiet working girl, bright lurnished 1 bedroom basemnent aparîment. $190, water & hydro included. Cali 668-6472 BACHELOR APARTMVENT. for February 1. $217 hydro & heal in- cluded. Cali 666-2293 WANTED, HOUSE IN COUNTRY to rent February 1, six or more bedrooms. Cali 6 55-3872 WANTED TO BUY OLD WOODEN DECQYS WILL PAY GOOD PRICES Also any information per- tainning to a carver named Bill Ellîs who lived in Whit- by. CALL S. STUART 655-3158 BROOKLIN IWS1NESSLi1 C~arriers are needed in ~'Ajax, and-east of Haz- eîwood and east of Kendaîwood in Whit- by. Anyone who feels they can do the job for a long period of time can appîy at: J:ÉÉÉÉIRE THE WHITBY FREEPRESS -%/N 5851 To babysit ln my home or yours. Cali 668-9870 EXPIERIENCE MOTHER TO BABYSIT n my home, any age waicamed. Cati 668-3839 anytime. WOMEN, FIFTY TO SIXTY WANTED FOR DAYCARE, for 3 month aid baby, n aur home in Pringle Creek. Own 1550 BUSINESS PPRTUNITIES NEW MINI PLAZA, north af Whitby now renting -- twa units avallabie at, $450 psr square foot, Suitable for fast food or vsrlety store, etc. Tremendous potential. Aiea two buildings for staraga - 1450 sq f1 each. Cail 416-985-8065 days; or 705- 786-2938 evenlngs. CASH B * Wi i.iT contracta. Ex WAWA NIEDTED BOX ON WH EELS ucks wih locations and -xceiierit incarne oppor- 23-0898 or 579-5490 Knawiedge of ans rlght payroi system an asaie. Send resume by Jsnuary 30, 1981 ta: Mr. Murphy A.P.W.A.M.R. 117 Dowty Road Aa, Ontario 115 2G3 LIFE AGENTS Only life insuranCe agents -past -present -future Need repîy to this advertisement To double your closing ratio and Send restrne in confidence to: R.. S. PRICE 354 Regal Briar Whitby, Ontario Li N 6N1 commissions. EMLYMENT EXPERIENCED RELIABLE LADY REQUIRES HOUSEKEEPING CLIEN- TS, bondabie and relerrences. Cali 576-0523 or 579-5837 Thought For Foodi IFried 1-imrida Coîrn Itîrîuu'husks aund silks Irîîîx crui Cul t ili :î- irîcipieces Ik-ut dep (lt li:25 de-grees F- Place .5 liifi 6pl-es uofî-îrrîil ii hotl fat anid (xiîk h-mini:tu<î5ý mintîut es mi n ît il golden1 Itiioivi I rrîî fuît .iîrldratin'iii absorbent (Juimr Serîve hotl Y*im.'ds 6 pori ionrs m Ma%

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