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Whitby Free Press, 25 Feb 1981, p. 9

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IThe Church Speaks By PASTOR DAN E. IIOGAN Kendalwood Seventh-day Adventist Church What are you worth? The answer to that question would be as interesting and varied as the people who answered it. Some have a rather high opinion of themselves while others rate thernselves rather 10w on the "worth scale." Our self- worth concents are often subject to distortion. There are Bible characters who reveal the human strivings to have self-worth, strivings to be "somebody". These ex- periences recorded in the Bible also tell us that man really has not changed over the centuries. A wealthy young man came to Jesus (Mark 10: 17-22). The young man wished to follow Jesus, but turned sorrowfully away when Jesus asked that he give away his wealth. It was too much! He was "somebody" because his money brought him respect, honor, and friends. Without rnoney he felt he would be a " nobody ". So it is today that rnany find their self-worth tied to their money and possessions. They buy their way into the affec- tions of people. But what about when the money is gone? Then there is the well-known Bible character, Peter, who one evening found his self-worth measured by the weapon in his hand (Matthew 26:51, 52). So many today feel they are somebody because of a gun in their hand. Our human striving for self-worth is further evidenced in the Samaritan woman who met Jesus by the well (John 4:16- 18). Her self-worth had been built upon her physical beauty and she had been through five men to boîster her faltering self-image. The famed Samnson of Old Testament scripture had built his self-worth on his physical prowess, his athletic ability. Anything he wanted he could have--women, fame, respect, anything--as long as he had his massive strength. But, what about when strength and beauty have faded? Our society today honors those with physical beauty, but when the beauty fades so does the admiration. We give high salaries to those with athletic prowess, but when they pass their prime they are often cast aside. Self-worth must be built on something far more stable than the shifting sands of public approval and admiration. What are you worth? The true estimate of your worth is found in what God thinks you are worth. What value does God place on you? God valued you enough to give His Son, Jesus, to redeeni or purchase you back to Himself (1 Peter 1: 18, 19). You are of intrinsic value to Him. It is not what you do or have that is important to Him. It is enough that you are a human being standing in need of His help. Head hanging, the prodigal son shamefully approached his father, thinking "I arn no more worthy to be called thy son" (Luke 15:21). His self-respect was at rock bottom. He had nothing to offer his father but penniless pockets, a tarnished XVI ITBY FRF F PREiSS, W[Nl-SDAY, I±IIRUARN' 25, I1981, PAGE 9 Mini'sterial association now preparingforLent reputation and a spoiled character. He had nothing upon which he might build self-worth ex- cept the unexpected, unconditional love of his father. This is the picture of our heavenly Father to each of us. You are important, you are "somebody" because God loves you, When God loves you, you can love yourself. When you love yourself, you can "love your neighbor as yourself". Robert Schuller stated, "The love starved guilty person considers himself too empty of self-love to give love, too unworthy of self-love to accept love." God desires us to have a healthy self-respect and self-love. The Bible states that nothing can change God's love nor separate us from it (Romans 8:38, 39). Would you know more concerning Godis love and salvation? Then the interfaith Wednesday noon services at Ail Saints' Anglican Church is for you. The following is a schedule of the services to be held: March 4: "The Forgiving Father" The Rev. Emmo Oltmanns Emmanual Reformed Church March 11: "TheSon'sOffering" The Rev. Father Bernard Canning St. Gertrude's Roman Catholic Church, Oshawa March 18: "TheSpirit Prompts" Mrs. Edith Hands AIl Saints' Anglican Church March 25: "Beyond Forgiveness?" The Rev. John Smith St. Mark's United Church April 1: "As We Forgive Others" The Rev. Cannon Don Beatty Christ Memorial Church, Oshawa April 8: "The Unforgivable Sn" The Rev. Philip Hobson All Saints' Anglican Church April 15: "At The Cross" The Rev. Gerald Hunt Whitby Baptist Church Tinte: 12:00-12: 10 Organ Music 12:10-12:30 Service with Speaker 12:30 Lunch in the Parish Hall (at amodest price) Remember Ontario Tax Credits at tax filing tUrne. Fund out how you qualfy:e If voure an Onitario resiclent under 65, p11 nay qtialifo r one (or 111< re ()f three ( )n1tario Tax t'redits, eVei if yt nihave 11<)tamblle T) claini the &red its v' n in ust (')ll)plete the ? illIuv( ()ntari< ' 't-ax Creclit h rni and mail it 1< .ether wvit1i vour fedieral lncoile tax return. it - ( )iitarùlaT-x (redits are for yot n. Property Tiax C'redit The PI ro)Iertv T'lax (md it rud(uces the t.'l)r('ii of muiiplal on t ( >Lr îr<>îertý 1 tax tor rent anîd taxabk'u 'tnnt.'. Sa les Tax ('redit Ibis credit retturils ia pt rtît ni ()f jincnevpai(I in pjrvinc'ial retai! sales tax. It is bas't.I()n 1xr- sonal exeIflltiOIis andt taxable that inay be clained ftr lroperty and Salesliix Credits is $500. Political Contribution"Tax Credit 'Ibis uredit imav be claimied bx: ( )ntarit residents who con- tril)ute(I tt>il ;registered O( ntario po litic.al partx', CoIlStitLIt.IICV assoct.iatuion or canîdidate ini an )i tari 1provinc'ial electioli. TISIbis dai plieS if vour pro- vincial tax payable is more than vi ur l>rtpeity and Sales TaIx (redits. The' fiaXililulUPtlitical Co.întributitonT'flîx('redit that may' Attention Senior Ciizens!' The Ontario ihx Grants ilitro- duced ii 1980) replace Ointario Property and Sa-cles 'Va-x Credits for residenits who were 65 years or older as of Decemnber 31, 1980. If you are fiîinig a federal inicomie tax return, you should flot comnplete the Onitario 'Fax Credit formn unless you are claiiiig the Politîcal Conitribution TMax Credit. Nuîrsing Home Residents Resideints îin nursig homnes anid similar inistitutionis are flot usually eligible to claim the Pro- perty'lTax Credit or the Property Tiax Granit. For more iniformnationi or copies of the ()nltario 'Fax Credit Guide, caîl the Ministry of Reveniue's toll-free Iniformationi Cenitre: cIni Metro 'l'roto-dial 965-8470) ~ln Area Code 807 -ask the Operator for Zeniith 8-2000 Iii ail other areas - dial 1-800-268-7121 The Ontario Government- working to help people. Ministry of Revenue (55Ontarlo Lorne Maeck, Minister William Davis, Premier VICIDRIA ~ AND GREY TRUS Since 1844 Whitby: 308 Dundas St, W 668-9324 Tor Line 683-7189 Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation

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