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Whitby Free Press, 25 Feb 1981, p. 17

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WIiITBY FR11:LPRISS. WI)FSI A M UBLARY 25, 11)81, I>AGL *17? 22 years in Mle res erres Whi*tby merchant honored for service B', S. GREENAWAY F-ree Press Staff Major Ian Golding recen- tly received his clasp to the ('anadian Forces Decoration representing 22 years of ser- vice ta the Militia. Golding may be better known to Whitby residents as Ian Golding, the owner of Quali-Print, just off of Brock Street North. The English-born Golding started his military career with the Elgin Regiment of St. Thomas in 1958 at the age of 16. In 1966 he transferred to the Ontario Regiment in Oshawa. Golding said he enjoys his services witb the forces calling it his "second profession." "It's great because you get to meet ail sorts of in- teresting people, especially everyone wflo has ever been anything in the armed cor- ps. Over the course of his " second career" Golding has travelled frorn one side of Canada to the other. In Camp Gagetown, New Brunswick he took a course for his captain qualifications Local man named ktiow you vvill hate me if you miss ally of Our ilially L nL nt) r t 0 I)o m y ý_j r t . T h adverti7ed VcllLjes thrOLIgh any ne(j lect on my part. Th at's why 1 tý s vvhy 1 -Illy try to r et-ne rnbe r to point them ilil out to you 1 Pach and ever-y t î 1 dz iCýsoàn Mie 1 ciill. i PRINTING AND t c)ON BOWER r-91 to boared Vic Strickland, a past chairman of the Whitby Public Library Board bas been appointed to the board of the Central Ontario Regional Library Systemn. The system, which is one of 14 in Ontario, includes most of the libraries in Durh3im, York and Peel Regions. before taking his major qualification course in Ninimo, British Columbia. "I decided that I didn't want to join the regular for- ces so I went into the militia," said Golding. He said that the majority of students who join the militia have done so after belonging to a high school cadet outfit wanting to fur- ther their gqals in that field. The aspect that he enjoys the most about the militia is the (4summer concen- tration" trips. Golding explained that, on sommer concentration, cadets travel to different bases in Canada for two weeks of specialized training. Last year somne cadets from the Ontario Regiment spent summer concentration at Fort Drumm in New York. Golding received his award from Lt. Col. Nick Hall, department comman- der of the Toronto and District Headquarters, during the annual inspection held January 27. He is married with two children and currently lives in Oshawa. Major Ian Golding of the Ontario Regiment stands proudly in front of the Regimental colour's displaying his clasp to the Canadian Forces Decoration which he received during an annual inspection on January 27. The clasp denotes 22 years of service to the forces. Free Press Staff Photo Social council to hold meetin g Family violence, wife bat- tering, suicides, rape, crimes, racial tensions and deteriorating physical bealth. These are but a few CW CHOcUTY RADIO 14 iý -=e52nd ANNUAL CHOO CHILI COOK-OFF MAY 3Othq 1981 SCORPORATION0F THE STOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTION NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to pass a by-law to Stop up, Close and Seli that untravelled portion of the public high. way munlcipally known as Maria Street, as more specifically described as follows:- The Southerly 50 feet of the untravelled portion of Maria Street, as shown below, lying between Frances and Henry Streets, bounded on the south by properties munîcipally known as 501 Newman Crescent and 500 Henry Street, and being composed of part of Lot 28, Concession 1, Town of Whitby. j To BE 50W H j!4 AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Cor- poration of the Town of Whîtby intends to pass a by-law to Stop up and Close to Vehicular Traffic only that untravelled portion of the public highway municipally known as Maria Street, as more specïtically described as follows:- Thie northerly 16 teet of the untravelled portion ot Maria Street, as shown above. lying between Frances and Henry Streets, bounded on thie north by properties municipally known as 407 Frances Street and 412 Henry Street, being composed of part of Lot 28, Concession 1, Town oft Whitby. (Note: t is the intention ofthtre Town of Whïtby to retain thie northerly 16 feet of the subîect Maria Street road allowance for possible walkway, hydro-line and sewer purposes ) AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that thie Operations Commit. tee of thie Councîl of the Town of Whitby will, ait thie hour of 7:30 p.m, on thie l6th day of March. 1981. in Commitlee Room 2 of the Municipal Building. 575 Rossland Road East. Whitby. Ontari, hear in person or by hîs counsel, solicitor. or agent. any person who dlaims bis land wîll be preîudicai aafected by suchiby-laws and who applies lu be heard OATED ait Whitby, Ontario, this I1 h eîay ot Feb)ruary. A D 1981 Donald G McKay B A A MC T Town Clerk Thie Corporation ofthtre Town of Whitby 575 Russland Road East W'îîby, Ontario Li1N 2M8 * IN AID 0F CYSTIC FIBROSIS PLACE: IROQUOIS PARK - WHITBY, Ontario DATE: SATURDAY, May 3Oth, 1981 "There ' lh e a hot tiioe in the old town tonight" as CH(X) Country Radio in onjurction with the Du.rham Region Service Clubs, sponsor thei.r 2zxd Annual CHi=I (X)K-CEF in aid of Cystic ribrosis. Along with 'heapin' h-elpfulls' of Texas Style Chili, YC.U have a chance to win a TRIP FOR TIr) ta the Lone Star State itself! The CHOO Chili ail day everit <with over 100 teams f rce Service Clubs plus varicus associations and businesses participatirg) will irElude gazes and fun for the ertire family... Live musical .ts... Celebrity baill .. . . Record conçany prairotions, etc. At 5 P.M. the judging of the Chili Clwrpionship will begin. Th three top teans not on.iy win the covetei CHKX Chili-Pod Trophy, but AISO the riaht to caTpete in the CAMADIAN QIAZ-5Ioe- SHP CHILICOeOK-OeF! At 7 p.m. ta kick off theI evening entertafliTent, wll be the awardine<of tihhe#2 Bro trophy to the top three teis. Thi-s i411 te folli .d by a spertacular inJoxr cou.ntry mrusic dance and cocKert featuring international TV arni Cuntry recordirug artist RlMIE PRCHUr! It' s. n ail day ~ . and n.ight event you won't want to rmiss! 4 .4S- 91. îighway #401 ira 0 Pre-Registratiorî for carping - Before May 1981 - 1________ Limited ro.rrter of sites - unservicd - available Vcoi t at park - $10.00 (Friday before 12 p.m.) SaturdayVitraS. . __ and StKiy. : Iroquois Park MalS to: IR3DflIS PARK,Victoria St. ,Whitby, drît. Ail teains (4 persons per teani) MUST register early! The Cook's entry fee includes entrance ta thie park, but NOT camping registration. If you do not want ta participate in the cooking, that's up to you but corne along and join in trie fun anyway. HEAD COOKS WILL BE CALLED UPON TO ASSIST IN JUDGING THE COMPETITION Saturday, May 3Oth, 1981 Cook's Registration Entry Fee: $25.0 ç CEGO Chili Cook-Off c/o CHOO Country Radio 97 HcMaster Ave. Ajax, Ontario LiS 2E6 Tci: 683-4131 lin * s Head Cooks Name:, Address: Tel: Asst. Cook's Naine' ________ Naines of two (2) Officiai support ___________ membe rs of the social problems on the increase in communities facing large scale layoffs and unemployment. To explore the social and personal costs of layoffs and unemployment the Social Planning Council of Oshawa- Whitby bas invited Leon Muszynski, a program director at the Social Plan- ning Council of Metropolit.an Toronto, to address its 16 annual general meeting. Muszynski bas done ey- tensive research an ' published many articles rii this problemn. He recently appeared before the Ontar:o Legislature's Select Corn- mittee on Plant Closings ana Employee Adjustment. Since 1975, unemployment in Ontario bas risen by )'0 per cent. During the samne period unemployment due to layoffs bas risen by 80 per cent. More than 65 plants in Ont.ario have closed down completely in tbe past Y months. Numerous othei i bave had partial closurf and the number of people on short-term or indefinite layoffs bas doubled. In Oshawa, nine major firms since 1977 have closed tbeir doors putting 1,600 per- sons out of work while Whit- by recently saw Firestone. one of its major employers, closed. Shutdowns are broacbing crisis propor- tions. For tbe members of the Social Planning Council of Oshawa-Wbitby and for tbe interested public. Muszynski will be speaking at Christ Anglican Churcb, 81 Hillcroft Street. Oshawa at 7:30 p.m.. Tuesday. Marcb 13, 1981, The document.ary film **Sbutdown", produced by the United Auto Workers, wîll also 1w shown. C'I orne! mmmwý

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