I>(~ ,. ~ LNISU 1 IIBRLIJA RY 2§, I)I.WI NIR PRE'SS Free Press ErnPori umr E prunAds wili only be accepted subject to the following Conditions. 'IU nt AUTOMOBILES 'e FOR SALE 1971 CHEVELLE, 4 door, 327 motor. culomralic, as is needs body work, heavy duiy apringsaail around, front end jual dune $500 Cal 7230855 Jan 21,81 1972 PONTIAC STATION WAGON, PIS, PIB, Power ilear Wlndow. ideal for contraclor. $550 as is or w111 car- lily, Cati 668-1481 Feb. 4,81 1974 ASTRA, as is, good condition, $1300. Cati daya 668-6922 or eveningsataI668-4046 Fe b. 4,81 73 GRAND TORINO, 351 V8 aulomatic, PIS, PIB, ln good con- dition. $600 Cati 655-3679 Dec 17,80 1974 ASTRE GT, automalic, radio wit rers defroster. in good working condition. $1375. Cal 668-8937 Dec 17.80 1975 DODGE 0200 PICK-UP TRUCK, 318 V8 aulomatîc, cap, recenl paint, radiais, 71,000 miles, certiliod asklng $2 100. Phone 668-3052 Dec 10,80 1973 T-BIRD, loaded, new tires, good body, movlng tu Floride. Will sacrifice for $1200. Caîl 666-1247 Dec 10,80 74 OREMLIN, 258 - 6 cyl.. FMIAM radio, 72,000 miles, good condition body wise, standard sleering and brakes. Aaking $600 as is. Cati Fred et 576-7878 Dec 3,80 1974 ASTRE GT, automalic. radio, with rear defroster, îr good worklng con. dillon. $1275. Cal 668.8937 Dec 10,80 74 0000E CORONET. Good run- nîng condition. $700. Can be cer- tiflied. Cal 668-1564. Feb.26,81 1974 DODGE VAN, running condition, PIS, PIB, 6 cyt., aulomatic $600 or beal offor. As is. Cali 666-3528 Jan 28,81 1976 MONTE CARLO, care features PIS, PIB. air condition, AMIFM cassette, awlvet buckels, radial tires, 61,000 miles. $3750 cerlilied. Ex- cellent condition. Cali 655-3026 anytime. Jan 21,81 26 FT, SUPERIOR MOTOR HOME, CLASS A self contained bedroom with vanily, full bathroom with sînk, vanity, loilet, bath & shower, 4 burner tovu & oven, double steel sink. extra large sîze frîdge, large furnace, newly decoraled. 440 Dodge motor. $ 12500 or beal of fer. Cal 683-3030. Jan 14,81 665 CEVY NOVA. Restored. Have $1,600 învested. 51,000 original miles. Witt take $1.250 or best offer. Cal l 571-0271, Feb.25,81 1970 CHEVY IMPALA. 2-door, har- dlop, 350, Power sleerîng, power brakes & auîomalîc transmission. $450 cerlified. Oeil668-7939. Feb 18,81 73 FORD GRAND TORINO lu seil for pars Asking $750 or best 0f fer Engîne 351 Windsor, 65,000 original miles New Holley 650 CSM 4.barrei carburator. New Offenhauser hîgh- ___________IIl DIFASF RFAD m 1l OWK£.Tmlà rE I DT2.i AUTOMU1 TWO RECLININO CAR SIý mounling brackels. veloî good shape $50. Caîli888-87 Floor lenght, double thickn Ilvlngroomn Drapes, $400 nE years old, excetlent condi cteaned. $150 firm. Calt 666E METAL DESK. 60"X30-toi tIbIa, lyepwriler table aI $75. Calil686-2131 GREEN CHESTERFIELD (ar $350 Gold Living room cl Lazy-Boy chair (newi $95. S 78*' X 15" - $30. Floor poli Rug Shsmpooer $10. And pliances, Cali 666-1247 SPANISH DESIGN BAR, blac & velvet, strobe lights on bc includes record player, AMIF trac, large unit. includes 3 ti 2 customed speakers valued asking $400. Cali 683-302( items for sale. Bunk beda & muttresses $V kîtchen lubie & teut $50- figure skste sîzes S5/h und 61 Cali 668-0170 TIVE 1 EATS. with jr inserts, U85 Dec 10,80 rets, gold 0eW. Four ilion, just 5-2794 Feb. 11,81 tp. reirac- one ide Dec 31,80 rit Shoppe) hair $75. Snow ires ishur $10. 1smalt ap- Dec 10,80 ick lealher ýoth sides, IFM with 8 îar stools, t at $1,000 0. Other Jan 21,81 100. Cz'al Ladies $8 s pair. Feb 11,81 OLD FASHION TUB $75, and ContInen- tai b.d $40. Cail 666-3288 Dec 17.80 B LAC K TABLE chairs1 4464 Jan 7,81 GLASS DININ (round) and 4 Dîsmeter 411. $30( BROWN ALUMINIUM Cati 668-2213 KING SIZE MATTRESS SPRINGS, f irm comfort 78 $200. XMAS TREE LITE: string and one 15 string, $5.00 Cali 728-2327 One DOUBLE BED, BOXS MATTRESS. Good conditioc $10 Have one LIVIN( COUCH & CHAIR. Gold. black. Good condition. One red Bs 12' RUG for $50, STAND $20. Cali allter 5 2098. SILVER HOLTEN TRUMPI CASE. tike new $250. Cati 7. 9 PIECE ANTIQUE DININ( SUITE. Solîd Walnut 6 ch leather upholslered seats buffet &~ 4 model chinai Traditiunal style. beautîful Excellent condition $2000 0889 ANITOUE RINGER y MACHINE and Copper Tubi wash stand $100 for botho fer One exorcise bed $5 tional chestsrfîeld new ir Rust Colîîur pulls oui lu beu compartnient underneath besi -4fer Cali 666 1598 ONE PRO 2001 PROGi SCANNER, Excellent cor .1' ,..ssries inciuded $225e l C.ali 6683k.20 aller 4 p r SOFA & CHAIR Blue çree aipattern Arm caps r-.,îîdli#fl $150 CaîI666241 CUSTOM-MADE DRAPES, rut len veixel with vali ,rseerS Measures 200 i $100 Cailî5797234 G ROOM white vînyl 3O Cail 516- 5CR EEN i used $50. Dec 10,80 à BOX 8" X 78. ýS, one 25 indoor. Dec 3,80 SPRING à n, Asking G ROOM white and $l501set. Iý One TV ip.m. 666- Feb 18,81 'ET WITH 23-0855 Jan 21,81 G ROOM :haîrs wth & backs, cabinet 1design Cail 683- Feb 11.81 WASHING & wooden or best of- 2-pc sec- i Augl8O !d, storage $300 or Feb 11,81 RAMABLE dîton Ail or beSI ot Feb 18,81 un & goid nr good 457 Feb 1881 4 pau'ls ince plus de x 95" Jar. 1481 Whmn the adVertîsed Item is soId,d UnaValale for whateVer reason, the Item v have been sold and -a commission wIiI be c THE ADVERTISED PRICE as IlîUstrated bel priCe 18 stated with "best of fer"'. disposed wiII be de' -harged bi dow, regar If the Item ls NOT SOLD, or dlsposed of, the ad wiIl for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $300 wil AIl adVertisements must be placed on an excIUSivi wlth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and rijn at Ieast one i not sold. RATES (if article la sold): 5% of advertlsed price up to $400.00 2% of balance over $40000 EXAM PLE: SoId Item advertlsed for $12000 commission due $600 (mInimumn charge la $3.00) PriVate adVertlslng onlyl Please notlfy the Whitl Press Immediately when Item Is sold so that we maý (t f rom the followlng issues. Ail ads flot fltting the Emporium gUidelines wiII be and Charged per week as regUlar Casslfied ads on ap basis such as: services, help wanted, CIothing, real and personal message type ads, or ads flot qUotiflg1 quantity: PriVate classified ads may appear in the En section Under appropriate headlngs. Ail &do will goain cIassliIed section unies ahenv I f 1 n doUbt, cal 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whltby, LI N 5SI1 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM AI FR1 DAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATIOIN )USEHOLD GOODS ANTIQUE WALNUT DRI 1890. 8 drawers. 3 nr length. 2 wing>. $35( Sundays 668-3729. THICK SOLIO PINE TRI 371/2wide s 59 long. E> $500. 4-DRAWER CHE1 - Roxton' 45 high s 3 3-SEATER BED CHESTI MATCHING CHAIR. $3 STEEL FIRE SCREEN,' high and MATCHING F complele Cali 668-2251 ANTIQUE OAK DININ( 6 chairs & hutch. dîtion, $950. 64" FORMICA BUFFET wi 1 year old $325. GI TRIC STOVE. White. dition. $150, Cali 579- 2 YOUTH BED 66-x33- Very good each. Call668-4193- R EF RIGERATO R, $115. RANGE, WESTINGHOUSE WASHER $225 Ailin( Cal l 623-1534 ~RTI( 1978 GOEBEL ANNU4 PLATE WITH BOX. $181 6461 ai ler 6 p m GRAVEL GARDEN TI condition. rebuilt 7.6 H reel mower, sulky snom lug tires and chain $6C 655-4570 TRESTLE DESK. DARK1 -vith brass finish handle Complete vwîth Captain $575 Call666 1899 CONN ORGAN. $1100 ',pctiufl and ciench Lesli Buffet wIlh mîrror aillet Dresser wîth mîrror $S 2769 IESSER. Crca lirrors (1 fuît- 0. Evenîngs. Feb.25,81 ESTLE TABLE, xlends 10 80.- ýST ON CHEST 4 wide. $350. 'ERFIELD AND 00, SWEDISH 36 wîde x2s1 FIRE SET, $35 Feb.25.81 G ROOM SUITE. Excellent con- SPANISH OAK 1th glass doors. ENERAL ELEC- i- excellent con- 1-8915. Feb.25,81 MATTRESSES condition. $20 Feb.25,81 Westinghouse, 30, $100 AUTOMATIC good condition Feb 25.81 IAL HUMMEL 5 Phone 668- Feb 25,81 RACTOR, A-1 P engîne. 30* w pîough. new )0 Cati Roget Dec 10.80 HONEY PINE, 5s and knobs iStyle Chair Jan 28,81 Sîrummer e speakers iched, $100 oD Cali 623, Feb 11,81 ie secîflec OR DELIV 131 Brox Whitl ,DS ISTHE 4ATNOOI FOIC :RTIC: Three lires for sale, two s pair 6.50 X 13, one sumnme 13. One apariment sîzed eîect burner, white in good cond Hectîrtg ducî pipes, 4 inc n sections. 20 leet, wi degree elbows $10. One Dodge Wheel Rim, 15 One "Peler Storm" Rein new, iight weight. Sali prîze. Size XI $50 One set of hockey equlprr medium; skates, pads, gl10 etc. $100. One 12 foot alumînum es heavy duly, with 31/2 HP mi Two Lacrosse StIcks, one junior $10 each. One exorcIse bicycle, old s One pair of uki polos, alui person 58"to 5'11V, $10 Ironer, fult size modet toi volt syslem $50. Cali 66&.2935 oaller 5 p.m. LOWREY GENIE ELECTI i year old. Askîng $900. 8573 TORONADO - CELLUSL SULATJON BLOWER. 110 couptings & some hose. condlion $150. CatII666-35 BRIOS AND STRATTON 3 n running condition (nee for lawnmower etc. $45. Ci TWO MEN'u HAIR PIECE haîr, dark brown. current c( now $745 each. Can be col to suit indîvîduals needs $ls0eachorbest olter Cal CASCADE 40 Electric Wate years old askîng $50 Ai Bumlng Furnace wîlh exit molor & power humidif i $200 200 Om-illon OIt Tant proximatly 40 gai oii as Cati aller 5Sp in 668-4326 BABYS HIGH CHAIR in dilion, $20 SQUASH RACI niea $10 Call668-6563 WHITE 2 BURNER TA STOVE. One coiritr.l for boit White, grîod shape. *urkiî Catil579 2073 r lm Lm P% %7 L- " 16m P% &0 of, or ýemed to )ased on ýrdless If Il be run Il apply. ve basis Ttonth If by Free ty delete treated pre pald I estate, priCe or riporium VER TO: ck St.N. by, Ont. M. nows $25 a rt $10, 6.OOX tric clave, 4 lilion $75. h diameter 1th lwo 90 inch $10 iSuit, bran non Derby rient, mans ves, sticks, r top boat, ýotor. $600. senior, one tyle $25. minum. for use on 110 Feb 11,81 IC ORGAN, l.Caît 985- Feb. 4,81 OSE IN. I volt, hose .Excellent 28 Jan 28,81 3HP engîne, da mufler) ,ail 579-2073 Dec 17.80 S, nalural 0sf if new. FEBPRUARYiS WEART MONTN,) WELCObiE YOUP HEART FUND VOLIJNTEER.- J Iw ELECTRIC GUITAR, I1 BONTEMPI TABLE I BLACK AND DEOKI SAW $15. Phone 668-44 2 SNOW TIRES & RIMN eech. 1 NEW LADY'S( $80. SHOWER Ci MINIATURE CRIB $3 GRILL $25. ELECTRI $10. ELECTRIC CA? SLOW COOKER $20- DOOR CLOSERS $201 PLIFIER $40. CHILI TURE $8. Oelil571-027 COLLECTOR PLATE! serles of 4 "Proserving by Peter Entrit Sny Edition and Numbered for $260. 1 BEDTIME by Joseph Osalari,i imited - $28, lirtaI 'Scenea of the Englis by Peter Barrelt - Limit each or 2 lor $130. Canadian or Americsr coins. Cal 579-6929 al KIMBALL SWINGEF $80)0 f irm. DEMOLITION OEI MACHIN E $300 f irm. dition. Leas than 1 Elmers Furniture, Hai 263-2294. OIL FURNACE, TAN $200. 668-6644. SHEEP SKIH COAT ladies, aize 12-14, ln dition, $150. Cati 668-2 BABY ITEMS IN 00< crib $30, Pedestal h Waîker $5, Playpen1 $35. Cali 668-6093 evi LADIES BLACK Fi FLICED LINE BOOlý size 7, $70. Cali 668-22 MANS COAT'- Ple lîr lecîher look. Sîze 38-4 TWEED TOP COAl Croydon, fuIly ined, bg Caii 728-2327 For Sale - 1 PAIR SKIS, BOOTS & POLE1 Look 57 bindings with 8001 sîze 81/2. $250 Phone 655-3100. WHITE WEDDING DRE very good condition,1 Calallter 6 p.m. aI 668. f.-pen $25, 'wîng $10, i Sterilizer owsuits - 1 & beige 18 i excellent Jan 21,81 ER COAT 12. $25. r1 Feb.25.81 3D SET also Cord EIec- Dec 1780 N W I LET US PUT chulz DUT THE MAI TOWN? Tf FOR YOU! OOMEWA Phone ___ 579-7521 ýF Àm Miff Ike new, $95. 8 MONTH OLD MALE SHELTY ORQAN $20. Shreatend Sheep DogI, hous rained, ER CIRCULAR very quiet, papers, excellent dog for 4407, e 58 showing. $200 have seen for $400. F b 2 ,1 Ca i666 1576 aller 6 p.m . e 18 1 S- size 14. $40______________ ,COAT - sîze 20. ONE PAIR 0F ZEBRA FINCHES, $14 35.AI ELETRI a pair. ONE PAIR DIAMOND DOVES, ,35 COFFEEPOT $20 a pair. Ideal for chrialmas gila 4i OEE$5 and wiil hold tilt Christmas. Cati 668- 4 AUTOMATIC 2461 e108 each. 1 TV AM-.e 08 .D'S LAMP FIX- 7. Feb.25,81 SPORTING î ig A Wcy of Lite' TWO SETS 0F SKIS AND BOOTS, one ýyder. Limited ladies and one mena. Ladies aize 5 d, $70 each or 4 boot, and mens size 9 boot. $50 a sel. ESTORY PLATE Cai6830 numbord andJan 14,81 and second in sh Countryside" ted edion. $70 MAN'$ SNOW MOBILE SUIT, size XL. WiII trade for btlack & Gold $45. SKI-DOO BOOTS, n gold or silver fait linera. Black & Gold wilh cliver iflter 4:30. atrîpe. Canadien mcde $20. Cali 728. Feb 25,81 2327 Dac 3,80 R200 ORGAN LARGE Framoes ncp-sock, excellent WONDERLAND condition $30. Venleas Copper-Tone fBY PINBALL Slove Hood, 36 inches- $30. Cali 655. Excellent con. 4220 year old. Cal Jan 14,81 impton, Ontario Onu pair crocs country lucther skI Feb.25,81 boos - blue & white, size 6, like new $15. Cati Harold 66814721 4K, CONTROLS, Dec 10,80 Feb.25,81 BEN HOGEN GOLF CLUBS, 14 club set, new bag and head covers, 1/2 T, full lenght, prlce of new $300. Cati 666-1247 very good con. Dec 10,80 -2213 Dec 31,80 child'S BICYCLE $10. Boys and Girls Skates $5. Cali 668-3234. )D CONDITION, Feb 4,81 tlgh chair $20, ________________ $30, Bath table snings. 1975 14-FT. KODIAK BOAT with con- Feb 18,81 vertible top. 35 eleclric atari Mercury _____ molor. Brand new 800 lb. traller. Sel rINE LEATHER of walerskls & rope (used once>, 2 gas S, brand new, tanks and life (ackeis. $1,100. Cal !213 668-9656. Dec 10,80 Feb 18,81 ted, dark brown, 74 SKI.DOO 440 Fan Engine, new .40. $45. MAN'S engine, aest season (50 mites). Plus ýT size 42-44. DOUBLE BED TRAILER (has wood blted bsck $50. aides & ends). New lires with plates.- Dec 3,80 $800. Cali6682129. e.88 0F DOWNHILL- S. Fisher 170s. 1969 SKIDOO, excellent condition, ýh safety brakes. $425. Cali 623-1534. ) or besl offer. Feb.25,81 Feb 25.81 ESS, size 12, in lîke new $100. 39836 Feb. 4,81 BABY CAR BED $15, Plaý Jolly Jumper ;ý5, Baby S, Watker $10 Electric Bot11e plus glass bottlea $5, 2 anc blue bag type $5, 1 browni montha - 2 piece $10. Ail Ir' condition. Cail 655-3873 GIRL'S BEIGE ALL.WEATiI with attached hood. Size Caîl 668-1076. DRUMMER PRACTICE PAl symbol and hi hat $200. 40 fric Orgen $150. Cati 576-13 PeanutS By Chorles S