Govemment Inspected, Naturally Aged, Dominion Tnim Halves, Sweet Pickled our reg. price 3.78 lb. our reg. price 1.98 Ib. *savel1.12lb. *save .601Ibo Savarin Frozen É«, Fresh Cut From Caruada Grace A" Beet IntatSalted or Ursaited, Donion Turlcey, Bef & Kidney or Frozen, New ZeaIand, Wh1ol Federally Goveninient Inspectad SheIl Oysters Naturally AgOd, Dominion Trtm N.scafé Coffee Crackers Chicken Pies percozen Lamlb Legs Rib Eye Steaks 10Ooz. jar 450Ogpkg. 8 oz.pIg.lbl. 99 2/ 9 89 M our g. puice our rg. Prim. 6.09 our reg. prlce 1.05 our mg. pries.05 en. 1.09 per 1/2 dozen our reg. pr.e2.18 lb. ourre.~ price 5.48 lb. *ave.70 *ave06 *sa ve3 lpk * sveJ. 9 save.36L *save.491b. Assorted Yarlols Frozen, New Zoaiand Aasotad Vatemu iNO.ew Kn-L-Ratlon Tondaer Chunka Asorted Colours Kloenex ShopWs Dell Bake Square Cut~ Whole, Lamb Frozon, New Zeatand, Loin CMt Foo>d Dog Food Facial Tissue Meat Pies Shoulder Roasts Lamb Chops 170Og Un 2 kg plg. pkg.of200 175 g pcg.. lb. s/s 99 M M M M M Pm bG'Sf rduct off U.S Am Product of U.S.A. Comred Beef ~ 21 Produc of U..A.M.g L 2or h BUSELS LJ.>Florida Red "a"54Lodclor SPOUS * GAERI ' aeotGerman Style g Produt cfCanaa PLaket f U..A. cokec3.0 1 7 I I. .te*s 1.99 Mortadiella pê8 or U.S.A. Canada Fancy ffleb C.1.49 MeatSkiDO Red or Golden Califomia Fin.wm Specw GoLde Fr rSdhsSell Deliclo __Pink_'l-9_____PO_1.7 LM N9 1sajgyoqi S1.9ge Zp1< - 1W79 RESEAYE THE IGMT TO ITOAME SPECIAU APPLE LEMONS . 1 5/.99 à _____