WIIITBY FREE3 PRESS, WEDNEFSDAY APRIL 8, 1981, PAGE -17 Officers installed in Durham Region 's newest service club At a charter dinner/dance held Friday, April 3, the Canadian Progress Club of Whitby came mbt existance. Sponsored by the Stouf- fville club of Canadian Progresï, and before fellow progressians, wives, frien- ds, and East Ward Coun- cillor Joe Drumni represen- ting Mayor Bob Attersley, national president Chuck Peacock atoms ad third tourney win The Peacock Sport's major atomn hockey team, added the Brampton Tour- nament "A" Championship to their recently acquired Lakeshore "AA"-"AAA" league championship. Undefeated in ahl five tournament games, the Atoms started by earning a 3-3 tie against Stratford. Kevin Mitchell, Danny Pratt and Mike Reier each potted one for their ie. Froni then on only vic- tories, 7-2 against Chinguacousy and 6-3 again- sI Milton in the preliminary round to win their division. Singles went to Scott'Luik, Kevin Mitchell, Mike Reier and John Windover while Jaan Luik earned a hat trick in their 7-2 win. Mike Reier had one, Dan- ny Pratt two and 'Justin Moore three in the Milton Victory. In the semi-finals Whitby defeated London Oakridge 2- Death notice CHARLES WESLEY STAFFORD Whitby resident and businessman, Charles Wesley Stafford passed away March 27, 1981 at the Oshawa General Hospital. Mr. Stafford was in his 83rd year. He was born in Toron- to April 12, 1898. He was the son of the late Nathaniel and Jessie Staf- ford and dear brother of Er- nest and George, both of Whitby. He followed in the family tradition in the monumental trade with his brother Er- nest with the opening of their business in Whitby in 1946. He served with ll6th Bat- talion in World War One and with 5th Field Ambulance in World War Two. He was instrumental in the forming 0f the Whitby Branch of St. John Am- bulance Brigade and was presented with a citation as a Serving Brother of the Or- der from Gov. Gen. George Vanier in 1965. He was the recipient of Peter Perry award in 1959. He was a charter member of Dr. J.O. Ruddy Hospital, a member of Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club, Canadian Legion Br. 112 and also an early member of Whitby Planning Board. An active Mason, he was past master of Composite Lodge No. 30, A.F. & A.M., Past Principal of Keystone ion goals by Mike Reier and Scott Luik and in the cham- pionship game they faced Stratford again, shutting theni out this tume 2-0 on counters by Kevin Mitchell and Scott Luik. In addition to the chani- pionship trophies Trevor Anyom received the most valuable player award for the championship game for his outstanding efforts in goal. Doyle ceremnonously in- stalled 14 Durham Region residents as officers and members of the new club. The new club executive consists of Bruce Thompson, president; Wayne Tully, treasurer; and Dave San- sorn, secretary; and present memnbership of Martin Grîscti, Dennis Hall, Dave Jones, Craig Kay, Bill Mac- Donald, Bob Ouilahan, Brian Ross, Dave Spence, Jini Town, Mark Trail, and Steve Driver. Canadian Progress Club, an all-Canadian service club, whose motto is "It's great to be a Canadian - Soyons Fiers d'Etre Canadiens" is committed to contribute both effort and Ambulance catis During the week that en- ded at midnight last Thur- sday, the;Whitby Ambulance Service responded to 82 calîs for service. According to co-owner Derek Pierce, the service responded to 48 routine calîs and to 21 standby calîs for other ambulance services in Ajax and Oshawa. The service also respon- ded to 13 emergency calîs, but bo no motor vehicle ac- cidents. The number to caîl for ambulance service is 723- 5232. financial support to the bet- terment of the community and to those less fortunate. Founded in 1922 in Toronto and embracing ahl classes and creeds, the club has some 32 clubs from Halifax to Vancouver, 20 of which are in Ont.ario. Thonipson, in assuming the post of president, stated that the new club is determined to "You- andîyct-ir friendcs are aordixally 20%9/ fulfill its obligations as niembers of the community and plans to coninue an in- tensive effort to attract committed members. In partial recognition of the help given by other meni- bers of Progress in inaugurating the new club, Bud Wiseman of Stouffville was named honorary president. irïvdýFtedt scave . ON CUSTOM4 UPLKL3fPf UINITUQE Vie sale t/zut ez'ervone wuaits.for. W'e'l be/j> vou put together the look' you want, iih Sterling qualit * . wit/z ueb and coil construction, in a compiete selection of si * les anmi fabric coz'ering.s. This furniture is nul only rem arkabliy comnforîable. il L5 builîtol last. wiîh al the litile exîras fit y 'ou 'ze corne Io exl>ect from Rousseau Heritage House - an<1 rnake .51W/ an obiliou.s difference - hand cul corners, meticulouis pattern matîch ing, protect ive arm cap.s. The fa bric ch oice is m agnificent, incluling t'elvets, prints, geometrics, texture & dam asks, in a rainbow of colours. Choo.se from more than .5() styles. Corne in ioda Y and saie. QiUd.VU IIQITMISEIIOUS 2161-IARY ST. EAST WHITBY 668-3483 OPENODAI LY 10 -6 THURS -FRI 10- 9 Denture Thora plest 400 Dundas St. W. Wh I tby 666a1 555 -300/ 0