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Whitby Free Press, 29 Apr 1981, p. 26

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l>AGF - 26, \VLINI:S)AY, A131I L 29,198I1, IW!IITI$Y FR11*I-' rCali 725-8967 with news items for the col'imn. Corridor 4a & Capers By MARY McEACHERN i J HAPPY 25TH ANNIVEHSARY Our congratulations and best wishes to Lynn and Lou Majoros who celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary last lRizi.SS week. k It's hard to fool Mother Nature and even harder to f001 the Majoros'. However, Saturday evening at the Holiday (Del and Murray that is> Banquet Hall, Lynn and Lou were flab- bergasted when the party turned out to be for them. Some 50 guests from St. Catherines, Toronto, Peter- borough, Brantford, Oshawa and Whitby came to wish them Weil. By 7:30 Lynn and Lou had composed themselves and were able to partake in a sit down dinner lovingly prepared by their many friends. Gord Jubenville, as master of ceremony, introduced the head table - Lynn and Lou, their three chîldren Jodi-Lynn, Shawn and Darren, Marg Brooks, Lynn's bridesmaid, Dean, and Ron Douglas and Violet Lazzin, sister and brothers of the guests of honor and Vivian Davidson, Lynn's aunt. Ron McEachern proposed a toast to the happy couple and an apropos poem was read. The evening continued with dancing and becoming re-acquainted with long time friends. Our very best wishes to both of you for continued health and happiness. WEDDING SHOWER A neighbourhood shower was held recently for Sandra Greenaway who will be married at an outdoor cerernony at Parkwood on May 16. The neighbours presented Sandra with a set of pots and pans. A trousseau tea will be held at San- dra's home on Broadview Avenue on May 2 from 1 to 5 p.m. Our best wishes to Sandra and her fiance Anthony van de Ven. WESTMINSTER'L.NITED CHURCH Youth Group - Monday's at î p.m. in the church hall. Choir Practice - Thursday, 7/:30 p. m. Social Evening - Ali ladies of the congregation are invited to a social evening at Westminster on Wednesday, April 29 (tonight). A strawberry dessert will be served at 7 p.m. followed by slides and commentary by Mrs. Bob Ann Dickson on ber trip to Oberammergau in Germany last year. There is no admission so let Father babysit for two hours and enjoy this evening of fellowship, sponsored by the.U.C.W. Durham widow, widowers meeting The next meeting of the Durham Widow and Widowers Association wil be held at 7:30 p.m. on May il at St. George's Church, Oshawa. The evening will feature committee elections and hingo. For more information cal 576-1041 or 571-1396. Local sister named Superior General Sister Bernadette Kinsella, pictured above with the Most Reverend J.R. Windle, Bishop of Pembroke, was elected to the position of Superior General of the grey Sisters of the Immaculate Conception on Saturday, April 18. She will be assisted in her role by three newly elected executive coun- cillors, Sister Bernadette bas served as pastoral assistant at St. John the Evangelist Church in Whitby for the last two years. She wilI take up her new duties in August. FREE PRESSEMPORIUM HOUSEHOLD OVAL KITCHEN TABLE & teaf, 50. Cati 868-0170. Feb.1 1,81(B) TWO SMALL TABLES, $35. Cati 6836638. Apr.8,81 (S) ONE PAIR PALE GREEN DRAPES & Thermal Llning, 150" a 95, $50. Cati 68-46. Mar.25,81(F) ON! PýAIRî BROWN DRAPES & Ther- mal Lining, 150" s 95, $5. Cati 668- 4886. Mar.25,81(F) LIVNGROOM DRAPES, flbar iength, double thickness, gatd, $400 new, 4 yeafs aid, excellent condition, jusî cleane, $150 f rm. CaiI666-2794. Feb.11,81(B) 20"' FLOOR FAN, good condition, $17. WESTBEND TEFLON COATED CORN POPPER and cord, new con- dîiin, $15. Cati 728-134.8ý Apr.29,8 tiR) TWO ELEGANT LAMPS, gotd bases, black sheer pteated shades wîlh gotd linng, $60. Cati 668-2320 allter 6 p.m. Mar,18,811C1 ON! RUG, ted, 8 x 12, $50 Cai aller 5 pm,666-2098. Feb, 1881 (A) SHOWER CURTAIN, $10. Cati 571- 0271, Feb.25,81)< ELECTRIC CAN OPENER, $5 Cati 571-0271 Feb,25.811K1 ELECTRIC COFFEEPOT, $10 Cati 571-0271 Feb 25.81(K) S-LOWECOKER, $20 lCati 571 0271 Feb 25,81(K)1 ELECTRIC GRILL, $25 Cati 571,0271 Feb 25,811(K) FRIDO!. $10 CaII 668.6144 Apt 2281(R) VIKING SIDE-BY-SIDE FRIDGE, avocado.askîng $125 Cati1725-5505 Apr 29,8 1 G) FREEZER (miot Point). 12 cubîc in c'hes sit urider warrant1 peileci condition. 6 monîhS oid, bege Coot.r $225 Cai 686136 HARDWICK-OAS RANGE in good condition, $150. Cati 668-1504 alter 4:30. Mar.4,81)A) ADMIRAL 30" STOVE, avocado, $125. Excellent condition. Cati 725-5505. Apr.29,81(G) GAS STOVE WITH ROTISSERIE, 59" high s 30" wide, $200 or best olter. CatIl723-2005. Mar.11,81(K) GiENERAL ELECTRIC STOVE, white, excellent condition, $150. Cati 579-8915. Feb.25,81)W) 30" ELEcC STOVE, good con- dition, $85. Cati 668-8972. Apr.22,81(H) VIKING STOVE, 24,Ilike new, $135. Catialler 5668-3738. Apr.1 ,81)N) WHITE 2 BURNER TABLE-TOP STOVE, one conîrol for both burners, good shape, working, $15. Cati 579- 2073. Feb. 18,81)T) ELECTRIC ,T-OVE, antique goid. $200. Cati 666-2927. Apr.15,81(W) PORTABLE DISHWASHER, antique goid, $200 Cati 666-2927, Apr.15,811W) SIMPLICITY WAÏjSHERISPIN DRYER, excellent condition, $100. Cati 68-2164. Apr 22.81)) APARTMENT _SIZED SPIN WASHER & SEPARATE DRYER, excellent con- dîtion, $125 each CaII666,1368 Mar,25,81181, ýWEST-NGHOUSE AUTOMA TIC WASHER, in good condition. $225 Cati 623-1534 Feb.25.811S1 WRiNCIEÉR WASHER. good condition. greal for cottage, $20 Cati 655-3575 Apr 22,81(F) O5NE A NTIQUE RINGER WASHING MACHINE, 1 COPPER TUB & WOODEN WASH STAND. $100 lfo bolh or besl otter CaiI666 1596 Feb 11IlIGi F-RIGIDAIRÎE Ri-FIGERATOR là 5 cubic inches. $100 STOVE. $75 In good condition Cati 576-2366 Apt 22.81(L) SHEEPDOG - mate, $50 lo good home, Irained, goodwith chiidren. Cati 668-7371. Apr. 15,81 (P) a MONTH OLO MALE SHELTY (Sheaitend Sheep Oog), house lrained, very quiet, papers, excellent dog for sho#ting, $200, have seen for $400. Cati 666-1576 allter 6 p.m. Feb. 18,81(R) ST. BERNARD, $10 Io good home. Good with chiidren. Phone 725-8370. Mar.4,81(H) 10 GAL. AQUARIUM, pump, filler & ight, $25. Cati 985-3542. Apr.1,81(H) 75 GAL. FISH TANK wlth stand, sulent giant pump, healer, undergravet filter, $300. Cati 668-0748. Apir.15,81(M) 30 GAL. ALL GLASS FISH TANK with blacki wrought iron stand, power filter, Hush 111 pump, undergravei f iller, heafer, etc. $150. Cati 579-2073. Apir.1,81(T) ONE 5 GAL. FISH TANK, $5. Cati 579-2073. Apr 1,81(T) THREE SHOW JARS, $1.50 each. Cati 579-2073. Apr-1,81(T) SPORTIG TWO BICYCLES: mens $65, boys' $25, Cati 663-6638 Apr.8.81 (S) BOYS HIGH RISE BIKE, suilable for boy 68 years uid Asling $25. Cai 668-6144 Apr.15,8liRi TODDLER TRICYCLE, askîng '$12. Cati 668-6144 Apr 15,81(Ri BEGINNERS GOLF BAG à CART, $25 in good condition- Cati 576-2366 Apr 22,81 (L) ONE SET 0F HOCKEY EOUIPMENT. man's medium. skates. pads. gioves. sticks. etc,. $100. Cati 666-2935 afler Sp m Feb 11,81(A) TWO LACROSSE STICKS, one senior, one junior, $10 each. Cati 666-2935 afler 5 p.m. Feb.1 1,81 (A) LADIES RIDING BOOTS, size 6½/, $15. Cali 668-6185. Apr,1,81(B) LADIES RIDING BREECHES, sîze 9- 10, $10. Cali 668-6185. Apr.1,81(B) .303 LEE ENFIELO RIFLE, sporting model, $45. Cali 668-3885 evenings. Apr.8,81(M) LADIES FIGURE SKATES, sizes 51/z& 6, $8 a pair. CaI668-0170. Feb.1 1,81(B) ONE PAIR 0F SKI POLES, aluminum, for person 5' 8" to 5' 11", $10. Cati 666-2935 alter 5 p.m. Feb.11,81(A) 1972 SNOW PRINCE, excellent con- dition, $250 or best offer. Cati 668-809. 74 SKI*DOO 440 fan Engine, new engine, last season (50 mites). Plus DOUBLE BED TRAILER (has wood sides & ends). New lires wilh plates - $800. Cati 668-2129. Feb. 18,81 SUPPLIES ONE 12 FOOT ALUMINUM CAR TOP BOAT, heavy duly, with 31/2 HP molor, $600, Cati 666-2935 aller 5 p.m. Feb. 11,81 (A) 1975 550 FOUR HONDA, excellent condition, inclues bools & heimels. $950 or neareal ofler. Phone aller 6 p. M 6554431 Apr 8,811G) 1976 HONDA 750 SUPER SPORT, immacutate condition, 10,000 hwy mîtes, original owner. engîne is per. ledt and reguiarty serviced. orange metlic and black,. crash bar and back resllcarrier and cruise controt. niew chaîn and Mchelin rear tire. '80 plaIes Serîous caltera. $1.650 Cati 723-2487 1978 VAMAHA, 125, OTE, low miteage, A-i condition. Aslcing $1,000. CaiI668-3523 aller 6p.m. Apr.11,81(U) MINI-BIKIE, 98 cc, automalic, no gears, $17S. Phone 668-4934. Mar.25,81(L) SUZUKI 380 MOTORCYCLE, 10,000 original miles, $750. Cati 668-6972. Apr.15,81(M) e TRILERS 1980 MASTERCOACIl TRAILIER, 33 Il. wltll 2 tip ouls, 2-way fridge & stove with see-througti oven, double sink, 21 Ilt. awning, oak doors, TV antenna, sieeps 6, 1 bedroom, 3-piece, washroomn, esking $14,000. Cati 683-4457, Ajax. Apr.22,81(R) 4 x 8 BOX TRAILER, 14" wheets. Asling $225. Cati 668-614.4. Apr. 15,81(R) FLATBED TRAILER wilh dual axies, 20' long, suils any purpose from haulng sod 10 caIlle, $3,000. Cati 668-9656. Mar.4,81(D) SOFT TOPPED TENT TRAILER for sale. Steeps 4, new canvass, new tires, used very lit1e, $450. Cati 668-0245. Apr.8,81(R) FOR SALE 1. needs mir.or body work, $500 f rm. Cali 655-3545 aller S p m. 1974 FORD F-100 PICK UP, very good shape, cerlified, Willtlake basl offer over $900. CaiI655-3527 allerSp.m. Feb 4.81151 1979 FORD HAIF TON, super cab. 351 molor. 150 Explorer. 10w mleage. power sleering, power brakes. slereo. silding windows. tilt sleering. cruise conîrot. laclory air. bold down seals, lînled windows, heavy duly suspen- sion, Iraîler package, Zîebarled. Par. mashine. Ford cap wîlh aittsiîdîng windows, equippad for camping and Much more, Paîd $113.500. asking $8,400 certîlîed. MusItSait Cati 728,6700< Apr 15.81(S) TRUCKS1 FOR SALE 8 FOOT SLIDE-IN TRUCK CAMPER, good condition, $500. Cati 655-3545 allerS5 p.m. Apr.29,81(H) TRACTOR, Ford 8N. good condition, 3 pI. hltch, new paint. Asking $1,895. Caît 655-4995. Apr.29,81)K) SUPPLIESi LARGE SLIM*LtNE OLIVETTI OFFICE ELECTRONIC CALCULATOR with lape, ln excellent condition, coul $299, setl $90. Cai 723-6731. Apr.8,81(B) TWO STENO SWIVEL CHAIRS, $50. Cati1 after5 868-3738. Apr.1,81(n) ONE DRAWER FIROiEPROOF FILE, tegal size, $165. Calit aller 5 66&-3738. Apr.1 ,81(N) TWO INSULATED OFFICE ROOM DIVIDERS on alands, 5' x 68% aaking $20 each. Cati 668-6144. Apr. 15.81(R) UNDERWOOD MANUAL T/W, rebuilî, $89. Cattallter 5S668-3738. Apr.1 81(N) NEFO To KNOW SoMETHiNG ABOU' YoUR NEW OOMMUNI1Y? Cati Phone 689168 OR 579-7521 Our hostess wilI bring gifts and greetings, along with heipful cornmunity information. Mar i.25,81(B)-, - - i - --,q% Apr 1.81(W) 1

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