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Whitby Free Press, 29 Apr 1981, p. 27

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THE VOICE 0.F THE TUR11UE by George Tauchman "If 1 could drop dead right now, I'd be the happiest man alive." Samuel Goldwin. 'mr not afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens." Woody Allen. The fear of shortening our life or our bank account con- tinually prompts us to do a countless number of things, and some of them get nuttier than a peanut-brittle. My doctor tells me that I should starve myself to death if I want to live longer. One night some 36 years ago, I put my hands up for exactly the same reason when I found myself looking down the gun barrel of a certain crazy man. But some of the long- range plans that some people initiate make me think of those passengers on the Tit.anic who went îiearly to bed" to make themselves "healthy, wealthy and wise". We aIl make long-range plans for the augmentation of our health as well as our wealth even though life in this world today is a kind of voyage on the Titanic. Now please don't think I'm trying to turn anyone into a paranoid. I myself am an incurable optimist, full of long-range plans for which I'm paying dearly at present in the hope of reaping rewards from themn many years from now. The point I want to make here is that although "îThe best laid plans o' mice an'men/Gang aft a-gley", most of us badly need to put a lot more thought and study into how we lay our plans. More than that, I believe that it is every living adult's responsibility to keep an eye on alI the more powerful plan- ners whoburture schemes that may be highly hazardous to your wall e and many other vital organs in your body. But you absolutely must make yourself more aware and more knowledgeable if you want to protect your health and wealth a lot better than you're doing. Are you aware that for the sake of alI those you hold dear (starting with "number one") you would neyer, if you knew better, buy another ounce of saIt or sugar or even bleached flour nor any of the junk foods that are made of these elemen- ts? Read the books "Killer Salt" and "Sugar Blues". You should also start learning how to read the ingredierits on al the food packages on the grocer's shelves! Read the book "Additive Alert"! You pay more of your hard-earned cash for unhealthy chemicals, dyes and "flavor-enhancing" poisons that are added to your foods than you ever dreamed of (unless you are vastly more knowledgeable than 99 per cent of the shoppers I meet at the checkout counter!) I myseif need to know an awful lot more than I do about food additives and take more of my own advice. Being a bon vivant, and indulgent hedonist, or, if you want iL more plainly, a glutton, I am trying hard to learn more self-control so that I may live in misery, but longer. But I have this seductive devîl that keeps saying, "Hey, man, you know you have to drive an average of eighty miles every day, mostly on the deadly 401, so eat, drink, etc., for tomorrow may be cancelled." Then this gorgeous devil tells It 's tîme to stop coddling automa kers ev$. Roger fl'orh Ford Canada swas tlhe firsi of thie major automakers go gel mtirlions <o1 dollars in gos ernimenl handouls Io build a ne%% plant in C~anada. Then, gos ernncts on both sides <of the' border pilched in Io bail oui ('hrsler siiîh urtht'r ml Il i ons. Noi the' North American atuto mnanufacturt.rs and the- United Auto Workt-rs Union arcsveking quotas on imported cars, eliecti'%ei% driving up car prices lor al (anadians. Roger Worth is l)irecè'or, Public .-ffairî., ('anadlian Federation of' Independent Business. The- lad is. our automttker, base alread> bt-en coddled h-, (anadian ta,%pa-ters Io a degret' (bat is almost obscene. Itn addition tgo gosernment grants and handouls troîr the- public pocketbottk.(Cana- dians are pu% ing a 15o1eu import dut% on Japant-eand tîther foreign made cars. AN a rt-suit, Noih Ameicun nmanufacturer,, art- ahble fot naintain prit-t". at bigh ici ds anti slit hi'coin- peitit' in the' înarkletpI'act'. ('anadians, of' course, hast' ht-en bus ing more and more foreign buili vebicles, t-yen ai inilated prices. The major reason:<th fr- eignt-rs art' producing [)citter qîîalit% cars, ssilh fessýer recalîs. <han their Noîrth Ain'rican coulflttrparts. Anmd ss*ht-n t'en tht- srallt-si cars st-Il for $6,000) or more. andI it-rets on auto boans surpass 144, <bai's an important plus. Naturaîh%, a loiotfiCana- dians art' upset about the' auto industr% 's push l'or impori quotas. RecentIl - a majorit% <of membhers of' the C(anadian Federalion of Independent Business. for eampIe, sott-d againsi the- gos trnment taking such action. Perhaps iI's lime tht' auto t-secutiNs%iho preach fret- enterprise. Net line up for govsernmen t handout,.. It'arned about compef iion. (anadiàn tapayt'rs sbouid flot be tîîrct'd tii continue Io pa% for the' bad managtement, as %t-il a% autosiotrkt-r mage rates tSi S 5-20)pter hour, thai hait, tret'aed the' pro- hum'. iii the Nosîrth *Amtrtan inri os tri. WIIITBY FRliliPREiSS, WEDNESDAY. APRILI.2), 1981,. PAGE 1-7 The paranoids are out to get me . me that she wouldn't make too many long-range plans if she ~ ~ were human, considering the stupendous advances in X technology in the last 26 years (since 1945 when we burned a few million women and children in Hiroshima and Nagasaki). "It î s now technically feasible," she tells me, "to ~. start WW III at noon and end it before the lunch-break is over. " And there would be lots of food lef t! (Mostly for the cockroaches of the world.) The most important thing is neyer to give up planning, neyer to stop seeking knowledge on how to plan more in- n AUCIN1 AUCTION SALE MON., MAY 4th AT 6:30 P.M. Sale belng held at Warahouse, on Gerrard Rd., 1 mile north of Taunton Rd. Iwatch for signa), V2 mile east of Thiclison Rd. lncluded in Ihis sale are a wîde variefy of items lncluding approx. 200 i. of 1", cherry lumber, Lawnboy lawnmower. rope - 1'- x ap- pros. 140%. 318 hammer drill Barrefî fuel hand pump, traiter hitch, work banches, dressers. approx. 100 per- sonal filing cabinets, counters, shalving, cases of pop, store traazlng, also stock from Roxy Variety, large milk or pop cooler wîth slîding doors, hot chocolate machine, cigarettes, tobacco & generat articles of Variaty Store. Hot press for cups, desk, 250,000 BTU hanging furnace in- staîîed & working. VEHICLES - 1974 Chrysler Newport, 1967 Simpson tant trailer, Hardtop Tant Traiter. NOTE: This la a sale with a lot of varlaty. Good for flea market van- dors. Vîewing f rom 3 p.m. day of Sale. ROSS McLEAN AUCTIONEER 576-7550 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MAY 2ND Auction sale of farm machln.ry, fumilure, end antiques. The prop.rty of Clarence (Tod) Bryant. Lot 7 Con. 1, Scugog Twp, (on Reach & Whitby Towntine) lst road riorth of Nor- th Myrtle, 2 miles west of Hwy. 12, or appros. 4 miles south of Manchester turn west. 2 Allis Chalmers W.D. tractors, 2 Allia Chamers combines, 6 and 7 tt. Allis Chalmers plow, 3 trow Mcçormick plow, Allis Chalmers hay conditioner, Mc- Cormick mower, Cockshutt seed drill, set ot harrows, McCormick hammer mill, grain auger, hay elevator, A.C. tractor motor, Backsmith forge, anvil, and tools, weed sprayer. Roto tiller, welder, SIohI chain saw, qty. ot scrap, 1972 Ford Pick. Up (as lit, truck cap and much more. FURNITuRE: 8 pc. dlning room suite (round oak table) 3 leaves, antique extension table, buffet, antique wash stand, tlat back cupboard, antique square parlour table, high chair, fruit cupboard, end and coffee tables, trunka, desk, bed spring and matîress, telephone tables, Lazy Boy chair, stereo and records, gas stove, space heater, 2 spin dry waahlng machines, wringer washer, Gilson deep freeze, refrigerator, wash basin and pit- cher, dishes, bedding, many other articles. Property sold, ferma cash or good cheque, sale et 1i &.m. furniture sella first. REG JOHNSON AUCTIONEER - PH (705> 357-3270 AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY, MAY 6TH AT 1 P.M. Commercial Property. BodyShop Equlpment Vehicles Sala being held atil-lgh- way 28 Auto Body, Port Hope, on Hwy. 28 approx. 2 miles north of Hwy. 401. "Watch for signa." Havlng received instructions from Deloitte, Haskins & SelIs Ltd., Trustee ln Bankruptcy & Morigage Holder, we are clearing ail assets by public auction. REAL ESTATE - 1 acre, zoned C2, 5 bay garage plus office plus 2 apartments, block building, 200 amp service, good building. Subject to reserve bid. GARAGE EOUIPMENT & SUPPLIES.- Devlblss 5 H.P. air compressor (like new), Lincoln 225 amp arc welder, panel spot welder trame, sfraightening machine (pul-dozer large>, marquette battery charger, air pressure washer (good), 50 foot cord for welder, come-along, bear traps, celllng fans, gas torches & gauges Iwelding>, sand blaster, vice, bench, metal shelving, tape & paper rack, Headllght aiming kit, Kat. equip. anigine analyzer machine, appros. 100 new tires .ail izes, 2 propane 140,000 BTU portable construction heaters, 2 anvîls, 4 spray guns, jack stands, bay lift jack, 20 ton jack, ofher jacks, refrigerator, assortment of nuls & boîts, sand paper, headllghts, air'hoses, used bumpers, lools, plus many other articles. OFFICE FURNITLIRE - 2 desks, filing cabinets, office chairs, calculators, Sharp Electronic cash register, cheque writer, Royce C.B. radio. VEHICLES - 1961 2 ton International Truck B130, 1976 Ford 150 van, 1975 Ford Torino. NOTE: Real Estate will be sold at 3 p.m., viewing from 10 a.m. day of sale or caîl 576-7550 (Oshawa) for appointment. Ver'y good equipment and building. DON'T MItSS. Very good sale. ROSS McLEAN AUCTIONEER 576-7550 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MAY 2 AT 12 NOON Properly of EDNA VANCE, Port Perry and added consîgniments, Furniture, an- tiques. appliances, bools etc. Opening sale at Pearce Auction Centre on Hîrley Rd., 4 mi. south of Port Perry & 1/2 mi. east off Oshawa Rd. Ford 8N tractor with 3 pI. hitch, Cockshutt 20 traclor. sm. Viking fridge, 24" Fîndlay range, ardman 600 rîdîng lawn mower, 30" GE. self cleaning range, antique chairs & chit- foneer, 3/ spool bed, depression glass, set of dishes for 6, round table & 4 chairs, china cabinet, 5' dresser, high chair, new Lewyt vac. cleanar. shower staîl, doîl carniage, 23 channal CB, piston pump, 2 wheel traiter, 7" power saw, battary charger, cement mixer, 2 man raft & paddtas, Toro lawn mower, bicycles, good small appliances. sealers, books, TV sports game & numerous other items. Lunch. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICE 985-7492 and chalienging career then: VISIT OUR MOBILE RECRUITING TEAM FROM 10.00 A.M. TO 3.00 P.M. at OSHAWA ARMOURIES EVERY WEDNESDAY THERE s NO IFI: ý THE CANADIAN tIKE fIr r ARMEIJ IORCES telligently, neyer to say, '*1'm just one individual, my one vote is insignificant, my influence on current affairs is zilch." So don't just slump there, shake off your lethargy, your inertia and apathy, write to your M.P., your congresswornaf, your food processors (who are poisoning you for their own fun and profit). Write me about4your ideas on how to improve the world (but stick to down-to-earth solutions, please). If you continue to do nothing, then you'Il richly deserve what the politicians you voted for will do to you! HISTORICAL HOME "The Wilson Inn", built in 1850, original pife f loors and wainscotting, plus 2 bay garage, commercial use, asking $230,000. Cal Barbara Hough 1-884-8700. CANADA PERMANETT iDenture Therapist 400 Dundas St. W. Wh tby 666a1 555 r- i

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