WlIl TBY F REE PRE SS, WEl-ISDAY, MAY (1t, 1981, PA(5iE 5 Durham welf are rolis decreases Dellart credi*ts fr'aud investigator TOP math student The grade nine team iraom Anderson Collegiate and Vocatianal Institute placed eighth out ai a field af 27 during the recently held junior mathemnatics contest. The members of the team were: Caroline MacLeod, Rachel Richard and Elizabeth Aquilina. The grade ten team, which placed l2th out ai 33 teams was comprised ai: Tam Scheefer, John Krasnay and Billy Fry. The schaol team members were Michael Van't Slot (pic- tured abave), Andrew Phiilips, Tom Scheefer, Henry Wielinga and John Krasnay. Van't Slot received a medal for being the top student at An- derson and placed in the top ten per cent of ail contestants in Canada. - Photo by Keith Wick Extra seat debate tabled Durham Regional Cauncil wiii not debate a proposai by the mayors of Ajax and Whitby ta have the provin- cial government review the composition af council until nexf week. The resolution was scheduled ta be debated at council's meeting last week but was delayed because Mayor Bob Attersiey was absent from the meeting. He was stili recavering from .emnergency surgery at the time. The proposai was made by Attersley and Ajax Mayor Bill McLean who maintain the ministry ai intergover- nmental afiairs shauld make the review considering the grawth in assessment and population oi the twa municipalities. Because ai this growth, bath men have said that their respective~ municipalities are presently under represented at the regianal level. The mayors have said that they hope such a review would increase the number oi rpnresentatives each Theft reported Durham Regional Police are looking inta the theit ai twa lire extinguishers from an apartment building an the weekend of April125-26. Last Thursday, Arlene Naulîs, the superintendent of11625 Dufierin Street told police that twa multi- purpose lire extinguishers had been stolen from the second and third floors of the building. The value of the two ex- tinguishers is estimated at $100. municipality has on regional council. At present, Ajax has two members af regional council (inciuding the mayor) and Whitby has three (including the mayor). There are 300 fewer people --n the welfare rails naw than there were at the same time last year. A repart ta Durham Regianal Cauncil's social services committee in- dicates that there were 6,100 people receiving welfare payments in March, down 300 from the same period in 1980. The report also states that since the beginning ai the year welfare rails have been steadily decreasing while a year ago they were in- creasing. Regional Cauncillor John DeHart (Oshawa), the chairman af the social ser- vices commîttee,, says that the drap is due ta an im- proved ecanamy, gaod caseworkers and the efforts af Grant Bircham, the regional welfare in- vestigator. DeHart said that Bir- Wo man strikes i t ric h A Whitby woman struck it rich in the April 16 Wintaria draw winning $25,000. Patricia Howard, 51, a widow with three chiidren works as a cashier in a local food store. A spokesman for the On- tario Lottery Corporation, that runs the Wintario, said that Howard plans ta bank her winnings. NOW ISTHE TIME TO REPAIR THAT A ORMWINDOW« FOR FAST EFFICIENT ~ REPAIFIS AT COMPETITIVE PRICES - VISIT VIA Wanda & Tony Martin at1 J i HE COMPLETE HARDWARE STORE WHiTBey DOMINION HARDWARE] 319 Brock St. S. 6834 cham, wha, investigates people suspected ai receiving welfare payments illegally, has discauraged many people iram trying ta get an the rails when they are flot eligible. During the month of February, Bircham in- vestigated 22 cases ai suspected fraud and because af this the regian and the province have saved about $20,000. Four persans were also stricken froni the rails during February and in two of the cases the regian is ex- pecting ta receive money back because af aver- payment. Wallpaper Centres Offer Huge Discounts WHITBY - Reeders in this area cen shop with ease and convenience et one ot two easy to reech locattons - one in Oshawa at 140 Simcoa St. South et the corner of John St., and the other In Ajax et 1313 Harwood Avenue North, seconds north of Highway 401. They are now featurlng ihousends and thousands ot roits of in-stock welpaper, at discounts up to 75% and more off book prices. HIGH BOOK PRICES Due to ever-lncreasing book prices, treditionat weipeper stores hava to run frequent discount setes, to do business, but aven et discounts of 20%, 25% and higher, their prices are stili considerabty higher than the prices you wiliipsy et the Weiipper Centres. They ofier a tremendous setection of patterns, seiiing at prices thet are unbelievabiy iow. There are solid vinyle,, toits, mylars, acrylics and vinyl coeted waiipapers - ail pre-pasted. At the 10w prices you wili find elthie Watipaper Centres, you cen waftpaper three or four rooms for the price of one! 10W, LOW PRICES Volurne purcftasing of dlscontlnued uines, menufac- turers overruns, and an occasionai purchase of benkrupt stocks, is the answer 10 how the Waiipeper Centres cen otter weiipeper at prices they believe 10 be much iower than their competitors. Another impor- tant factor is thet the stores are not.iocated in high- rent shopping centres or mails, though ait three stores are easiiy ioceted on main thoroughteres. HOW IT HAPPENED Five yeers ago, Dave Bloom and his wife "Mac" reeiized that people were unheppy witth the service, selection and prices offered by wetipeper stores, and decided to do something about il. The resutt was the f irsi COMPLETE DISCOUNT WALLPAPER CENTRE in' Durham Region, and opened in Mrch of 1977 In Oshawa. The concept of in-stock wattpper -a waitpeper 1supermarkt", with row upon row of wlitpaper on dispiay, was an Immediate succosa. Wthln three years, additionai stores were opened in Ajax and Scerborough, featuring the seme "super- market" concept. Service is another strong point et ail Waiipaper Cen- tres. tI like rny custorners to know thet we ara ready f0 gIve advice, if ttley want IL. A customer doas need hetp occeeionaiiy, and wie cen direct them f0 whet se rlght for their needs. seasDeve Bloom. For beautifut wallpaper at prices that wont dent your budget, VISIT A WALLPAPER CENTRE NEAR YOU NOWI LOCATIONS The Scerborough store ta ioceted et 553 Merkharn Rd., just south of Lawrence, opposite the Cadarbrae Mati. n Ajax fhey are loceled et 1313 Herwood Ave. North, seconds north of Highwey 401. The Oshawa store ls et 140 Sirncoe Sf. South et the corner of John, opposite the Saivation Army headquer- tara. Ait thraa stores ara open Thursday and Frldey nighis untit nine. -' <- * DISTINCTIVE MENS WEAR. SIZES Up TO XXXI. SYD SILVER FORMAL RENTALS. FASHIONABLE LADIES WEAR. SIZES 5 -20. BOYS AN D GI1RLS FROM SIZE 8 U P. WEEKEND SPECIAL', 11 5t (THURS. to SAT.> 20% OFF ALL LADIES' PANTYHOSE With this ad. FREE GIFT WRAPPING FOR MOTHER'S DAY