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Whitby Free Press, 13 May 1981, p. 9

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Call 725-8%7 with news items for the col'imn. Crridor Capers By MNvARY McEACHERNj ~Ju NEEDLECRAFT CLASS - DR. ROBT. THORNTON The needecraft class at Dr. Robt. Thornton School created a beautiful afghan. 75 students from grade 3 to grade 8s have been attending needlecraft classes at noon hour every Monday. Mrs. Grace Delaney has supervised ail sessions and the students are helped with knitting, crocheting, embroidery, sewing and rug hooking. There has been no formai instructions, just general encouragement and the opportunity to learn how the enjoy creative needlecraf t. Many smail hands carefuiiy crocheted the afghan squares and sewed them together. Several more squares were needed to make a matching pillow. The finished product was s0 pretty that tickets were sold. The winner of the afghan was Mrs. Lynn Bathgate, 14 Jubilee Crt. in Whitby. John Buchanan drew the lucky ticket. $123 was raised by the ticket sales and the chiidren turned the money over to Mrs. Thomson, president of T..P. (Thornton Plans for Plans for the 1981 Oshawa *Whitby Agricuiturai Exhibition are well under- way. The fourth meeting of the board of directors was heid on April 23 and the events for this year's exhibition were confirmed. The Oshawa Whitby Exhibition 0f fers a program 0f events with the interests of both the urban and rural residents in mmnd. The dates for this year's fair are July 16, 17, 18 and 19, and wiii take place at the new fair grounds on the corner of Conlin and Gerrard Roads, directiy behind the Oshawa Garden Centre on Thickson Road. The North Oshawa Lions Club wili be sponsoring a beer tent with a difference. Tht tent size has been in- creased to 160 feet to ac- commodate a dance floor witli free live entertainment each evening by the ever popular "Par Four". This group bas been a sellout wherever they appear. Other forms of daily enter- tainment will be the "Peter agricu1turi Marsh Shows" returning this year with more rides than ever, twenty-two in ail. Thursday, July 16 will see the officiai opening ceremonies. The popular demnolition derby will precede the opening and the Miss Oshawa-Whitby Exhibition pagent wiil start immediately after the of- ficiai ceremonies. The win- ner of the pagent will represent the South Ontario Agricuitural Society at their exhibition and other spon- sored events in 1981. She lnterested Parents) group. Our sincere thanks to Mrs. Delaney and the 75 students who participated in the MoncLay noon-hour needlecraft class. WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH Youth group - Monday evenings 7 p.m. Wanted - Articles for auction sale, flea market and crafts for the fair on Saturday, June 13. For pick-up, cali 579-5435, proceeds for renovating the church basement. Choir Practice - Thursday at 7:30 p.m. CONDOLENCES Our sincere sympathy to Mildred Henstock and famiiy on the ioss of a husband, father and grandfather. CORRIDOR AREA RATEPAYERS ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting and election of officers will be held at Dr. Robt. Thornton Public Schooi on Thursday, May 28 at 8 p.m. Plan to attend. C.B.C. DEVELOPMENT The Thickson Road C.B.C. development has improved greatly. Last week at the Administrative committee meeting the developer was instructed to increase the small lots to a minimum of 42 feet. This is a far cry from'the original 30' frontages. The major concern is stili the proposed medium density zoning. Whîtby and regionai off iciai plans do not ailow any type of single famiiy detached units on medium density land. This has been pointed out at many meetings, but no one seems to pay the least bit of attention. il sihow underway wiii aiso attend the Ontario Agricultural Societies Con- vention at the Royal York Hotel in February and par- ticipate in the Miss Ca nadian National Exhibition in 1982. There will be daily agricuitural competitions i. dairy and heef cattle, sheep, horses and ponies. The Central Ontario Ap- paloosa Horse Club have scheduied their horse show to take place on Saturday, July 18. Sunday will see a double t reat with t he SELLOUT!! BARGAINS FOR EVERY ROOM FOR AS LONG AS IT LASTS. Rocklng Chairs ....s245 Headboards 54".S... 59 DInIng Room Chairs-,s 99 Basswood Curtaîns cr.o/I É.f Now Now Now sl8900 s 2990 s 6990 MANDERS RATTAN 305 B ROCK ST. N., WHITBY Canadian Mon. - Sat. 9a.m. - 5 p.m. Tire COUNTRY -RADIO 14 THE CHOO RADIO CHILI COOK- OFF IROQUOIS PARK, WHITBY, ONT. MAY 3Oth, 1981 IN AID 0F ÇvSTIC FIBROSIS * * * * ~ SATUJRDAY NIGHT * **** Country Dance ci Corncert s tarr ing ~ RONNIE PROPHET featurîflg *JOHNNY BURKE - EASTWIND * WHISKEV RIVER ADMISSION To<O >JI'PARK. F RF E! («)round o.pen at 8 00 A.Mý ADMISSION 10 KONNIE PK4>PIIlI 'dO',4Fo $600 per pcron *NOTE: TICKETS SOLI) ON fI bSl (()%Il FIRSI SERVE BASIS fIu-KL 1h AVAit \IW ;\I Choo P - -. 97 McMaster St.. AJAX Bizdclx Aiius Ffeaies Beef 66 Harwood Ave., AJAX; McLea, nter Cabit TV: 91 StatiCn Si AJAX, The Green Thumb Florisis: 36 Hunt St., AJAX H-uyal Scoti Restaurant- 42 Hunit Si ÊAjAX. iroquois Park Arena. 500 Victoria St.W., VVHITBY; Miracle Maril Vhtby Mail rhéckson Rd S VHITOY. Strouds Foo>d Mar- ket. ROUGE HILL; Mike'Eno Dept 69 Ger-ofai Motor% OSHAWVA Williê & Marian; The Body Shop. General Motorn )' t.WA Rosso Buiding Suppites 864 launtofl Rd.W., OSHAWA; Normans Entertainrmeti Contre BowmraflIIe Mail. BOWMANVILLE, Peter- bora Lumnber 10 Scugog St PORT PERRY. Newcastle Reporter. 5 King St.E.. NEW- CASTLE. Country Music t<u'S 2204 Danforth Ave, TORONTO. The Steak Shop: The Oaihawa iCentre. OSHAWA and Haif-Arabian horses performing in one ring and the exciting American Sad- dlebred horses in the second. Ail of these are point shows and draw top quaiity com- petition from ail over the province of Ontario. ITBY FRELE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1981, PAGE -' ' In order to accommodate the developer's proposed type if* housing, the officiai plan must be amended to allow low den- sity housing. This would require the designation to be changed to 10w density. What the region wilI decide, remains to be seen. EDUCATION WEEK - DR. ROBERT THORNTON Dr. Robt. Thornton school enjoyed a very successif il education week. Judging from the tremendous turnout by parents, ail programs planned by staff and students were weil received. Tuesday - Arts Night - 7 to 7:45 drama, science fiction display, sketching club, school related movie, interest con- cept in metric, art activities, teaching of art, and a travel bureau dispiay by the enrichment ciass. 7:30 to 9 in the gym- primary choir, guitar club, junior choir, dancing and drama. Wednesciay - Open house for ail ciassrooms 1: 15 to 2:15. Thursday - Sports Night - 7 to 7:45 ski club presentation, puppet play, spelling bee, the winner was Michael Martin, a grade 5 student in Mrs. Aldred's class. Chess competition, speeches by the winners of the Public Speaking contest. 7:30 to 9 in the gym - gymnastics, volley bail competition and floor hockey piayoffs. Our sincere thanks to ail who participated in the program. Enjoy this weekend. Victoria Day weekend begins the cot- tage trek, firecrackers and gardening. Have a pleasant holiday, drive carefully and handle the fireworks with caution. Economy Home Video Warehouse are During their A $0 .IP.CLUB MEMBERSHIP GIVES YOU Pretty Baby I Grease The Godfather Part Il F-'T RE NEW MEMBERSHIP SPECIAL AS AN ECONOMY VIDEO CLUB MEM BER YOU CAN RENT ANY MOVIE* FOR ONLY A DAY $3.00 No Minimum *YES, PAY ONLY $3.0 A DAY. NO MINIMUM FOR VOUR RENTALS. ALL ADDITIONAL RENTALS AT THE SPECIAL 1/2 PRICE FEE 0F $3 FOR V.I.P. MEMBERS * Evoýry Wedrm.sdy for VI.P. Membr only, p.ciol 2 for one (2 rnovl. r.ntots for the priceofoon.!.. T AUl the Newest Releases 1In îiîn.îile. The Joys ot A Woman The ;rir us Buy o V.C.R. machine from us and become a VI.F. Member and get up foai150 free movie rentais per yeoîl 6 No long ferm confracts * No maximum or minimum number of movies per mont h e Hundreds of tif les e $3 rentai for any mavie e Speciols for members *Exclusive Home Delivery for V.I.P. Membens (in Oshawa) Phoe Now! Economy Home Video Warehouse e ut inTHEM e Mus signlong term confracf e Lirmited number of movies per mnf h! e Lte charges per day. e Must obligate yourseli fa Iaying ouf hundred of dollars a year! AMPLE PAgKING 433-1255 BRIAN DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC HARWOOD AVENUE SOUTH AJAX, ONTARIO 683-6074 MOVIE RENTAIS at 'k PRICE A DAY FOR ONLY $jNO HUNDREDS TOCHoosE FRom3 MINIMUM WHY US, NOT THE COMPETITION! Open DAILY fill 9. SAT. tili 6 78 Bond St. F. al Mary CHOO *- i & -'IW-

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