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Whitby Free Press, 13 May 1981, p. 25

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WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNLSDAY, MAY 13, 11)811 PAGE 15 Free Press EmnPori urn EmpoiumAds wiII only be o*ccepted subject to the following Conditions. i,, ARTICLES FOR SALE AIR CONDITIONER, 5,000 BTUs, S$150. Cali1 6M. 138 Apr.I 6118) TRAYNOR AMPLIFIER, $350. Cati 985-3542, Apr.1,81(H) C.B. RADIO - Citizen 4.0 channel base with pro-amp, SWR moter, 120 foot of base co-ax and 518 wave antenna, $180. Cali 68-7123. Apr. 1,81(M) 23 CHANNEL DIGITAL C.B. RADIO, $35. Cali 579-2073. Apr.1,81(T) CHESS COMPUTER for sale $300. Plays ai "'10 Levels" plus postai games. Cali 668-4670. Mar.25,81 (M) SHOPMATE ELECTRIC SABRE SAW, $12. Cali 728-1348. Apr.29,81(R) ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, 25 volumes of 1904 edition. asking $65. Phono 655-4456. Mar.4.81(S) LIKE NEW - Scandia hydrolic rowing exorciser, $60. Cali 668-0748. Apr.15,81(M) ACORN OLYMPIC 2,000 FIREPLACE, hoatilator, glass doors and l Ire grato, esking $450. For more Information cail728-892. Apr.22,81(8) SWEDISH STEEL FIRE SOREEN, 36 wide x 28½, high, and matching lire sot, $35 complets. Cali 668-2258. Feb.25,81(B) SWEDISH STEEL ARCHED FIREPLACE SCREEN, 41½W" x 31" high, $70. Cali 571-3471. Apr.22,81(W) SWEDISH STEEL RECTANGULAR FIREPLACE SCREEN, 36' cide x 26" jhigh, $30. Cali 571-3471. Apr.22,82(W) CORDLESS DISSTON HEDGE TRIM- MER, lotion coatod cuitera, 14" with charger, nec condition, $30. Cali 728-1348. Apr.29,81(R) BELL & HOWELL MOVIE CAMERA, 1 yoar oid. Coat $379 - sel for $100. Plus acreon $20. Cali 666-3995. Mar. 18,81(R) BASS GUITAR, $125. Cali 985-3542. Apr.1,811H1 ELECTRIC GUITAR, lîke nec, $95. Phono 668-4407. Feb.25,81(D) GASOLINE LAWN MOWER, Sun- boam Vicia with grass catcher, 160 c.c. engine, $110. Excellent con- dition. GARDEN TILLER, 3 h.p. Briggs Stratton engine. Excellent workîng condition, boit drive, $150. Cali 668-6294. May 6,811(V) 8 h.p. MASSEY-FERGUSON RIDING LAWNMOWER, excellent condition, $550. Black and Oecker HEOGE TRIMMER. $20. Cali 668-6890ý May 6,811(V) 1978 GOEBEL ANNUAL HUMMEL PLATE with box, $185. Phone 668. 6461 ailter 6p. m, Feb.25,8llS) ONE BEDIIME STORY PLATE by josephi Osearai, numnberod and limîled, $28. Wili trade for Canadran or Amerîcan gold or sîlver coins, Cali 579-6929 allter 4:30 Feb 25,811G1 DAVID BROWN 990 MATIC, front end motor, itich. $6000 or beat a85-9066 aller 6. INDUSTrRiALsTEEL SHI 985-3542. STEREO WITH STAND, 666-3428. ELECTROHOME CONS( solidci ainut cabinel satellite speakers, exi dItion, $200. Cal 666-137 18 PATIO STONES, 2-' each. Cal 666-1372. Two 750 lb. SWAY BAI TRAILER HITCH & bail.1 or bost off or. CeIl 668-47ý CASSETTE DECK, telefunken, cost $510, se 666-3995. VARIETY 0F HAND TOC 883-6638. 21" BLACKA&WHITE TV, $25. Cali 66-3995. 24" BLACK A WHITE C( $50. Cati 576-2366. 1 ZENITH PORTABLE WHITE, remote controi $150. In good condilio 2800. 20" AOS COLOR POR collent condition, $250o Cal 666-3995. PLEASE READ SELECT-A- -diesel, 3 pi ofler, Oeil May 6,81 (T) ELVING. Oeil Apr.1,81(H) I$100.COeil Mar.4,81(S) DLE STEREO, t with two :cllent con- 72. Apr.22,81 (G) x 26", $1.50 Apr.22,8 1(G) RS, 21/4 Inch $100 for both '95. Apr.29.8 1(W) top Ioad, eli $275.COeil May 6,81(R) ILS, $10. Oelil Apr.8,81(S) loor modal, Mer. 18,81(R) DNSOLE TV, Apr.29,811L) E LACK & ,1, telosision, n. Oeil 668- May 6,81(P) TABLE, ex. Du beat offer. May 6,81(R) ONE TV AMPLIFIER, $40. Cati 571-0271. Feb.25,81(K) ONE TV STAND, $20. Cal) aller 5 p.m. 666-2098. Febi 8,81(A) ASSORTED TV AND RADIO TUBES, $1 each. Caii 579-2073. Apr.1 8(T TRACTOR, Ford 8N, good condition, 3 pi. hitch, nec paint. Aaking $1.695. Oeil655-4995. Apr.29,81)K) TWO WOOD LATHS, $75 and $50. Cal 683-6638. Apr.8,8115i 1 BEATTY AUTOMATIC IRONER $75. One WHITE FRIGIDAIRE heavy duty 4 burner alose $60. One electrîc t1cm biade LAWNMOWER complote with coud $65. One HAND MOWER $10. One BLACK A DECKER 7%" SKILL SAW $25. Two ALUMINUM COM- BINATION DOORS $15 each. Ail in good condition. Cal) 668-2800. May 6,81)PP) FOUR AUTOMATIC DOOR CLOSERS, $20 eech. Cati 571-0271 Feb.25,811K) 1973 FORD GRAN TORINO 10 seli for perla. Aaking $750 or beat offer. Engîne 351 Windsor, 65,000 original miles, nec Holley 650 OSM 4 beurel carburator. nec Oflonhauser hîgh- rse manifold, nec Mailory duel point dratribulor, nec triple core redrator, superror meg rima ail around. Ail par- ta good in this car. Oelil 725-9537ý Feb<18,81IS) 1973 MAVERICK, 6 cylindor. automatrc, 62.000 mi., needa some body work. Aaking $700 as l aOil 668-8675 aller &X3 Apu 29.81(V) 1973 MAZDA O0U STATION WAGON, 4 door, standard transmission, needa cork As ix. $300 Cal 668-0463. Apr.8,8 ilS) 1974 OODGE CORONET, good run- ning condition, $700 Cen be cor- tilîed Oeil 668-1564 Fob.25.811T 1974 VEGA HATCHBACK, body us un tain condition and engune needa some work. colo, ued *#th tan inleruor. 47,000 miles (original) serrous calIons- $450 723-24.87 Apu 1,81(W) When the advertised item is sold, disposed of, or Unavailable for whatever reason, the item wiiI be deemed to, have been soid and a commission wlII be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as ilîUstrated below, regardîess if priCe is stated with "best of fer", If the item is NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wiII be rtjn for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 wiIi appîy. Ali) advertlsements must be placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atieast one month if not sold. RATES (if article is sold): 5% of advertised price up to $400.00 2% of balance over $40000 EXAMPLE: SoId Item advertised for $120,00. Commission due $6.00 (minimum charge lis $3.00). Private advertising on)y! Please notify the Whitby Free Press immediately when item is soid so that we may delete t f rom the fo)lowing issues. Alil ads not fitting the Em- porium guidelines wili be treated and Charged per week as regular Cîassified ads on a pre-paid basis such as: services, help wanted, clothing, reai estate, and personal message type ads, or ads not quoting priCe or quantity. Private classified ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. If in doubt, cal 668-6111. MAIL A DS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, 'Whtby, LiN 5S1 OR DELI% 131 Broc Whitl THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE SFR1 DAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOO n a~AUTOIV GOOD SECOND CAl LTD, body and engini shape, many new pari nec radial tires, $1,4( closoat oller. Cai b weekdays or anytime 576-5447. 1978 DATSUN 710, 4 miles, two nec liresa tilied, $2.300. Oeli p.m. ')976 GRAN FURY BF ceilent condition, PIS, trunk. Cruise control, steering wheel, AM/FI root and Michelins. Bk ditioned and painted ruaI, color siserlred. oserhauled 2 yrs. agc broquet. Luxury paci, calleux, $2.700 or besi o 350 CHEV SM BLOCK 11.5-1 TRW pistons, cx more. Bis 10 prove. $1.000 or besi offer. Ca CAP FOR A TON Fi TRUCK, 2 years old cil slidlng windows and ruc any Ford pick-up. Pal, $850. COei 728-6700. ELECTRONIC IGNITIOP and Astre, $25. Cali 666. AUTOMOTIVE FACTO MANUALS. Ohevrol 1978.$loeach. Buîck II each. Pontiac 1949 th Toyota Selîca 1971 th Dodge Colt & Plymouth ihru 1973, $10. Plymo $10 ODodge. ail1 Dodge/Plymouthlçhrysi $12,Calii655-3266 FORD 390 MOTOR & smissron Moltrneed $300,Oeill 686-2708 1974 GRAND TORINO condîtîonîng rad & unit. windows. etc Asking $1 3006 FACTCé1Y CAR RADIOS Valiani & Dari, $30 1968 Piymouih, $35 CaIl 655-3 SET 0F 4 SUPERIOR F been uspicl. ail chrome. 15 Cati 723-9972, dOBILES SALE R - 1975 Ford ie are ln good ta on il. brand I00 certilied or releen 9 & 2 on ceelionda Apr.15,81(N) Iapeed, 75.000 mnd anoca, cor- 68-8471 aller 5 Apr.22,81(M) IOUQHAM. ex. , P/B, P/W and 1, air cond., tilt M stereo. vinyl ýdy cas recon- 1lest year. no Engine cas o, intenior ned kege. Serjous xl fer, 723-2487. Apu 1,811W) , 4 boit main, m, 202, heada, ý.Brand nec. ait 683-6487. Mer.18,81)J) -ORD PICK-UP h front & aide cil sent. Wl)) fit Id $1,350, ýselI May 13,81(S) ÎÏ4 fo75 Viega .3995ý Mer.18,81)R) 'RY SERVICE ýt 955, 1961, 1957, 1958,.$10 iru 1954. $15. ru 1974 $12 i Cricket t971 uth, ail 1968, t970, $10 or 1977, 1978. Apu 1,811A1 rebut tran- ds 0it pump A pr, 29.81)01I PARTS, ait rad, reer end 125. Cari 655- May 13.81(R) 5.196511966 1/1969 Dodge 3266- Apu 1,81(A) RIMS. nover 5. $250 fium _Apr ,811S1 VVER TO: ýck St. N. by, Ont. N. AUVOOTIVE UzRPARPATSIR/PARTS CHRYSLER PARTS FOR SALE 16 NEW TRW LIFTERS fou big block, $70. NEW CLUTCH DRIVE UNIT WITH FAN $70. ONE NEW EXHAUST PIPE (replaces convertor) for V8 LeBaron, Cordoba, Diplomal $45. ONE NEW GAS TANK FILLER NECK (reguler gas) for 2-door LeBaron, Cor- doba, Dipomat $18. ONE* NEW DOOR SKIN for 67-69 Baracuda, passenger side, $45. ONE NEW 7 BLADE STEEL FAN $18. TWO NEW UNIROYAL ICE RADIALS, size P205175R15, $140 for pair. FOUR NEW MICHELIN ZX RADIALS, size 1651705R13. $240 for set. FOUR NEW RALLY WHEELS for Omni & Horizon, $80. FOUR USED AUNGER HOT WIRE ALUMINUM MAG WHEELS, 15- x 7, $150. ONE USED 340 AVS INTAKE MANIFOLD $60. TWO USED 3401383 AVS CARBURATORS, $30 each ONE USED 69 SARACUDA NOSE PIECE $20. ONE NEW SET 0F RAC GUAGES 1011, caler. arnpi $25. ONE USED RADIO for Honda with speaker and antennae $30, Oeil 655. 3266 Mar.18,81 JR7815 MICHELIN TIRES A RIMS, axking $30 per peir. Oeil 668-6144. A pr. 15,81) R) 14" RADIALS, eskrng $30 per pair. CatI l668-6144. Apr.15,81(Ri 2 SNOW TIRES, -7814. on Ford rima, $50. Caîl 666-3958. Apr.8.81 ICI TWO SNOW TIRES A RIMS, sîze 14, $40 each. Oeil 571-0271. Feb.25,81IK) TWO ER78-14 RADIAL SNOW TIRES mounled on ico AMO rlliy cheels, $110 or besi ofler TWO DR78-14 RADIAL TIRES raised chite leltersl Fîresione 721 steel beiied tires mnounied on AMO raliy cheels, $160 or besi oller, TWO GROO-14 FIRESTONE SS RADIAL TIRES lraised chite leitersi steel belied mounted on ico Keytone Ciassic Magx, $225 or besi olfer Wîlllfit smail Chrysters Alil six tires ciii sel for $450 or besi oller Pleese celI686. 1886 beiceen 2pm and10 p.m Alil tires lîke nec, Apr 22,81101 TWO TIRES ON RIMS - sîze A78-13, nearly nec, $25 oach or $45 tof boih Phono 668-4257 Apr 15,81(M) CHANGE TABLE $30 Walker $15 Car Bed $10 Free-standîng Joily Jumnper$15 Carriage$40 Swîngand Stîde $40 Cali allerSp m 668-0127 Apu 22.81101 - I BABY AFGHAN, crIb aize, soit green/ chite/yeiiow mixture, hend crochet- led, $20. Cal) 668-6563. Ar22,8liM) c:HOUSE ONE DOUBLE BED, BC MATTRESS, good conc $100. Cal) aller 5 p.m. 6& WATER BEO, nec, qui linon, heater & trme. 1-281-0664ý 3-SEATER BED CHESTE matchîng chair. $300. Ca ENGLISH BED-SETTEE. cooden trames and armr gray. 2 maichrng armi Oei l 666-1896 SOLIO OAK TELEPHOI excellent condition. $3 1348 54' SPANISH OAK F0 FET crlh giass donne. $325. Caili5798915 4-DRAWER OHEST ON C tonn', 45 high x 34 cîdu- 668-2258 ANTIQUE WALNUT DRI 1890. 8 draees. 3 mi iength. 2 %vingt, $350 EN days 668-3729 MINIATURE CRIB, $35. ELECTRIC Feoding 1 Exorciser $2, Playper O-Matic $5. Walker $5ý Strolters, one at $15, 668-3448. HIGH CHAIR, $10. Cal CHILD'S LAMP FIXTI 571-0271. TODDLER ROCKER, 6144. STROLLER, asking 6144. TWO SET 0F SI CHILOREN, excellentc cost $129 - seil for $E $39 - sou for $17. Cati E BABY ITEMS FOR SAI treas $25, Mesh Playp O-Matic $12, Car Seat1 $5. Bath Change Table Sterilizers $7 each, Gi with detachable boot $40. Cail 666-1419. Assurted girls' BAB) HANO KNITS, newbc Change Table. $75 foi soparato Cati 668-216à BOYS' 3 PC. POWDEF worn once, size 14. As 668-9420. BOYS' 3-PIECE SUIT, legs. BOYS' SHIRTS (a 75e to $1. BOYS' SM4 prox. 6) f rom $3 10 $5. reesonably pricod. Cal GIRL'S BEIGE ALL.WEj wih attached hood, sizi 668-1076. ONE NEW LADY'S CC $80. Cali 571-0271. THREE LADIES' COAT leather $30, 2 fuli-leng Cali 666-3428. Oelil571-0271. Feb.25,81(K) Dish $10. Crib n $12. Swing- i. Gale $2. Two one et $5.COeil Apr.22,81(M) t 666-3428. Mar.4,81(S) 'URE, $8. Cali Feb.25.81(K) $8. Cali 668- Apr.22,81 (R) $10. Celi 68- Apr.15,81(R) WINGS FOR condition. One 50. Other cost 566-3995. Mer. 18,81(R) L- Crib & Mal- oen $20, Swing- $15. High Chair $40, Ico 80111e endron Strolier & cindbroaker Mar.25,8 1(T) Y CLOTHES A )rn 10 2 yeers. rail or ciilsoul Apr.22,81(B) R BLUE SUIT, king $60. Cali May 6,81 (G) $10. WiII go ipprox. 6) from OVEATERS )ap- SSuze 14. All 728-2578. Mer. 18,81(W) 'ATHER COAT ýe 12, $25.,Oeil1 Feb.25,81)D) OAT, size 20, Feb.25,81(K) rS, size 12, 1 11h $25 ech. Mar.4,81 15) IX SPRING A dition, asking 56-2098. Feb.18,8 lIAI len mattress, -$170. Oeil Apr.1.811K) *ERFIELO and aIl 668-2258. Feb.25.81181 -a eeps ti-o-, iresis. black & chairs, $280. Mar. 18,811(B) NE BENCH, 35 Cali 728- RA BUFQI.[] ::HOUSEHOLO GOODS 3 DRAWER DRESSER, 50 years old, $45. 8 DRAWER DRESSER, Ilke new, ô DRAWER DRESSER, $85 for both. Cail 666-3995. May 6,81(R) ANTIQUE HUTON A BUFFET plus 2 matchlng side chairs, excellent con- dition, rot lnished, 60 years old, solld oak, $475. Cel 668&3995. Mar.18,81(R) Apauiment size TEAK DININO ROOM SUITE (English) $450. TEAK VENEER B00K CASE $120. TEAK FINISH AUDIO CABINET (low level) $80. Or whole lot for $80. Aitl n excellent condition. Call668-2014. Apr.22,81 (P) ANTIQUE OAK DINING ROON SUITE, 6 chairs and hutch, excellent con- dition, $950. Caîl 579-8915. Feb.25,81(W) SOLID CHERRYWOOD EXTENSION DINING TABLE 10 seat Up to 12 people, Ilke new. With 4 chairs asking $550. With 5 chairs asking $80. For information caîl 728-9732 between 8 & 10 s.m. or afler 6 p.m. Mar.1 1,81(P) SOLID PINE WITH OAK DINING ROOM SUITE. Hutch buffet, 2 arm chairs, 2 aide chairs, special lacquer finish on top. Table 6' long, ovai, two l' leaves, medium brown slain. Asking $2,800. Phono 723-9398.' Mar. 18,81 (P) BLUE BROCADE CHAIR, $50. In good condition. Caîl 576-2366. Apr.22,81 (L) CHESTERFIELD à MATCHING CHAIR, almost new, olive gray, beige & brown, asking $450. Oeil 668-2999 or 725-2243. Apr.22,81(N) CHESTERFIELD à BED, matching chair and rocklng chair, $150. Cal 668-9771. May 13,81(Z) Medium sized COUCH $35. Like brand new 54" MATTRESS $30 or best of fer. Cal 666-3995. May 6,81(R) SOFA A CHAIR, blue, groon and gold floral pattern, arm caps, in good con- dition, $150. Caîl 666-2457. Feb.18,81(M) KITCHEN TABLE A 4 CHAIRS, Asking $50. Caîl 579-8608 afler 5 p.m. May 13,81(S) TWO SMALL TABLES, $35. Cal 683-6638. Apr.8,81(S) THICK SOLID PINE TRESTLE TABLE, 371/ wide x 59 long, extends to 80", $500. Caîl 668-2258. Feb.25,81(B) -Horizon blue with baby blue QUILTED BEDSPREAD for 54' bod with mat- ching drapes, 110 wde x 84", $75. Champagne color SHEERS, 6 monîha old, 4 panels, $65 or best offer. Cal 666-3995, May 6,81(R) 20" FLOOR FAN, good condition, $17. WESTBEND TEFLON COATED CORN POPPER and cord. now con- dition, $15. Cati 728-1348. Apr.29,81 (R) ONE RUG, red, 8x 12,$50. Calt alter 5 p.m. 666-2098. Feb. 18,81 (A) SHOWER CURTAIN, $10. Caîl 571- 0271. Fob.25,81 1K) ELECTAIC CAN OPENER, $5. Cai 571-0271. mar.481(A)

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