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Whitby Free Press, 13 May 1981, p. 26

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Y. biAY 13. 198 1. WllliI'RY F REE PRE~SS e pt%1 RICHARD'S FURNITURE REF1NISHING Fr.. Estimâtes CARPETRY HIGHEST PRICES CARPENTRY Paid for Gotd and SilverI HOME REPAIRS coins, old guns, dlocks, jewelery, dishes, furniture, & Crocks, oit, paintings and IMPROVEMENTS sealers. METRO LIC. B-2554 FRIENDLY FLEA Kitchens, Ceramic Tiling, MARKET Drywall, ReC. Rooms, Cedar7573 Decks and Patio Doors. 7598 FREE ESTIMATES 23 KING ST. W., Cali 668-4686 OSHAWA TRACTOR TRAILER DAVIS AUCTION TRAINING S R IE For lassA & Licnse Ask anyone who has used Cati our services - PARTICIPATION they're our best 416-363-8031 recommrrendation! 08Mfelsts tcn TregFUiEEstates, Antiques, Farms, 1 -800-268-9U89 Consignment Day, Eve. & Set, courses 728-4455 /',686-1551 2Žý L. OJoifc .~ ntF' OPTOM ETRIST P.O. BOX 412 136 'COMMERCIAL AV E.] AJAX, ONTARIO LiS 3 C5 VISUCOM SERVICES PMOLOPENINO AND CHEMICALW. GENERAL NOME REPAIES. Rec Rooms, (?edar Decks,. Painuing. Patio Doors, Fencing. MiEEESIMA TES 683-6044 ~TRAE1 SCHOOS LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS or Straight Trucks Cati The Canadian InstitUte of Tractor Trouler Training Ltd. 41 6-247-7496 1264 Weston Road Toronto, Ontario M6M 4R1 JOG FOR LIFE AND BREATM Support your local Lug Association 723-3151 A&R HOME IMPROVEMENT No job 100 smatt. Bathrooms, rec rooms & fenclng. For f ree estimate cai: 579-6545 PROP REPAIES FAST SERVICE FIIERGU.SS SUPPLIES OSHAWA GLASS FIBRE 341 DURHAM ST., OSHAWA 579-1433 A SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER has 1980 stock baing offered at a fraction of regular seiting price for oariy spring dativery. $1,690.00 la complote priceo0f pools -equipped wiih filiter, pump, motor, patio, watk about dock & fencing. Smatl deposit wllt hoid tilt deivery data. 0f fer good onty white supply tasts. Ccllit u re. 1-600-268-5970. Toronto 1-416- 746-3340. SWIMMUNG POOL MANUFACTURER wilt bease and insiail new 1981 lamlty size pool complote with waikway, sun dock and fenclng, on a rentai basis with option to buy. Vour choice of style. Try before you buyt Ccli Im- portai Poolsa bu ifree 1-800-268-5970. Toronto 1-416-746-3340. SALES GARAGE SALE, il Flemingion Ct., Whîtby. Saturday, May 16. 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Wide selection of items. YARD SALE - Saturday, May 16, 332 Dovedate Drive, Whiiby ai 10:00 a.m. Misc. BIOGUGGANTIC YARD SALE. Somathing for everyono. May 16. 17, 18 - Saturday, Sunday, Monday. Location one mile norif oi Brooklin on Hwy. 12. The Cottager. SUPPLIES DOG KENNELS CUSTOM DOG KENNELS FOR SALE. 576-5606 FREE TO A 0000 HOME - neutered mate & female cats, 2 years old, both are declawed and house irained. Love chidren. Cati 668-9397. AUOS/TRUCK1 HUQHEST PRUCES PAUD for scrap cars. Cati 655-4619. WH ITBY FABRICS Custom Shoors And Drapes 215 Dundas St. E., Whitby OPP Post Office 668-4821 CASH Turn your unwanted marchandise In- ta cash. Wa handia astatas, bankrup- icias and liquidations. Antiques our specialty! 21 years exparienca dealing in fine antiques, furniture, glass and china. Free appraisals. Lei us sait your merchandisa 10 the highest bidder 1614 Chartes St., Whiby 66-3731 Deys 579-6250 Eveninga Auctioneer: Bill Wannamaker TREES -SHRUBS -PLANTS $2 and up. Varlous sizes of mapte, spruce, coder, piho, ash and other kinds. Vory reasonabty priced plants of Iilac, forsythia, poonios, Iris, strawberry, raspberry, horseredish, rhubarb, mini. Cati 655-4525 for more information. 191 CAMPFIRE TRAILER, excellent condition, 3 pc. bath, furnae, oven & refrigeralor, ail convenlences, 3 way hook-up, $4500 or bast 0f fer. Cati 668-4795. MCROWAVE OVEN, Panasonic modal, hardiy used. Asking $200. Cati Ron eti68-8931 asItarS p.m. ~OMMDDTION EXECUTUVE MOVUNG TO AJAX AREA. Needs nice 4 bedroom homo for Juty 1. Cati 1-800-263-7878. CjMS/ SEASONAL TRAULER SITES. Ail ser- vices. Noar Lxbridge. Grcngoways Tralier Partk 416-852-3260 VACATION Y.WReNTALSTALS CLEARWATER - Savon lurnished mobile homes, air condilioned, pools, tennis, shufleboard, close to guif beaches and major attractions, children welcome. Colt 683-5503. FOR RENT WHITDY - 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE, avoulable Juno 1, $450lmonih, includes hydro, BBQ and parking. Refarences, first & test mon- ths rani roqulrod. Cati 576-4546 aller S p.. ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your ad for errors on the firsi day of publication. The Whilby Free Press wiii not be hiable for failure t0 publish an ad, or for lypographic or other errors in publication beyond the cosi of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cosi of the fir. si incorrect insertion. The Whilby Free Press reserves the rîghi to classify or reieci ail advorlisamenls. Box numbers are availabie ai an ad- dilional charge of $2".ý DEAD LINES Daad Lino for Emporium Ada is Friday noon prior 10 publication. Daad Lino for Classified Atsis s Mon. day noon prior la publication. CALL 668-6111 PRE-PAID ADVERTISEMENT DISCOUNT You may charge your Ciassified Ad- vertisernent la your Chargex or Visa Account and recaîve a discount on the price of the ad. Please have your Visa card ready when caiiing. DON'T MISS OUT - ONA WHITBY FREE PRESS f I "PAPER ROUTE IN VOUR AREA IN AJAX. There are stilI a couple of routes available in Whitby. CALL CIRCULATION 668-6111 h -- il I 2 DAY AUCTION SALES TUES. MAY 12£à THURS. MAY 14 1614 CHARLES STREET, WHUTBY 1 block soulf of Whitby Jeli Large pine antique fiting cabinet, 2 photo copiers (worktng>, 1 wood stove, 3 ranges, bicycles, riding mower & traiter, antique jars, antique furniture, books, garden tbols, pic- tures, metai fiting cabinet, choque wriior, desks, tables, chairs, china, glass, large hait mirror with brass hooks, stereos, color TVs (working), press bock high chair, much much more. Something for everyone. Plan 10 be thora as thora se a lt of marchandise Io be clearod from the hait for our huge antiques & fine furniture sale on Sunday, May 17 ai 1 p.m. BULL WANNAMAKER AUCTIONEER 6MO-3731 DAYS 579-6250 EVES. AUCTION SALE THURSDAY, MAY 14 AT 8 P.M. StouffvUUe Sales Dam Househoid furniture and antiques. The asiate of Mrs. Duncan. Terme cash. No reserve. EARL GAUSLIN AUCTIONEER AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MAY 23 AT il A.M. The property of Mrs. HutchInge, 23 Church St., Pickering. Housahoid furnitura & antiques. 9 pc. dining room suite, 2 bedroom suites, alec- tric appliances, round coffee tables, press back rocklng chair, arrow bock chairs, antique eewing machine, too18, large numbor of dises, numorous other articles. Terme cash. No reserve. EARL GAUSLUN AUCTIONEER DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS - PLEASE NOTE - Because of the Victoria Day holiday thîs woek, the dead tino for Classiiled Ads wili be Friday, May 15 ai noon. The doad tino for Emporium Ads wilt bo Thursday, May 14 ai noon. CALL 668-6111. THANK YOU FOR GET- TING3 YOUII ADS IN EARLY. GPS NALASI RUDE TO TORONTO AVAULABLE, Monday 10 Saturday et approximataly 6 a.m. Share gos. $101woak. Cati Ron ai 6888931 aftter 5 p.m. qOTICS NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F LILLA MILDRED LIBY LEON SMITH CommonIy known as MILDRED LEVON SMITH, Late of the Town of Whitby, ln the Regional MuniCipality of Durham, Housewife, Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that ail creditors and others having claims or demands against the estate of the said Lilla Mildred Llby Leon Smith who died on or about the 29th day of April, 1981, are required to give to the undernamed their names, ad- dress and fuil partiCulars of their Ciaim on or before the 301h day of June, 1981, after whlch date the estate wiiI be distributed having regard only 10 the Ciaims of whiCh the Executor then has notice. Robert J. Smith, Executor C/o Schilling, Evans 121 Brock Street North P.O. Box 267 WHITBY, Ontario LiN 5S1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F GORDON JAMES SMITH, late of the Town of Whitby, in the Regional Municipatîty of Durham, retired, deceased. TAKE NOTICE that ail credîtors and others having dlaims or demands against the estate of the said Gordon James Smith, who died on or about the 21sf day of October, 1980, are required 10 give to the undernamed their names, ad- dresses and fuil particulars of their carni on or before the 30th day of June, 1981 after which d;-.e the estate wiii be distributed having regard only t0 the claims of which the Executors then have notice. Schitiing, Evans 121 Brock Street North P.O. Box 267 WHITBY, Ontario Soticîtors for the Executors u SKILLED HELP WANTED DESIGN DRAFT PERSON INTER- MEDUATE requIred for product ion machinery automation for an establlshed manufacturing company that lis ralocatlng In the Pickering ares. The succeseful applicant muet be a self starter who wli provide the necessary dealgn and draftIng ekîlis with a minimum of supervision from ihe project manager. This le a per- manent position that wiii entait close liaison with ahop personnel during assembty-and testtng. Good fringe benefits, satary negoliable dependlng on expertence. To arrange for Inter- 'dew contact J. PARLETE 751-2424. WANTED Tractor Traiters - 44 mite haut, UIx- bridge to Toronto, 3 month's work. Cati Bob Burns 1-416-294-7480. MATURE LADY FOR OCCASIONAL BABYSITTUNO ln my home ÇWhltby area) for 14 month old chitd. Cati 6M6 1227 afler 6 p.m. BABYSITTER WANTED - Part-lime, older woman preferred, references. Phone 655-4210. COLLEGE STUDENT WILL BABYSIT n your homo during summer. Ex- perienced with chttdren of a8flae. Cati 668-9915. *ABYSITTING UN MY HOME. $30week. Cati 668-5870. DOT STI EM~EPLOYMENTI WAGENCIES MOTHERS SUMMER HELPERS, tiva- n girls from Ouebec, heip with chitdren and housework, succees or refund guaranleed. Cai 282-2478. CHURCH, DALE & QEORGINA, are thritted to announce the sale arrivai of their son, BRANDON WALTER, on May 8, 1981, ai 6:30 p.m. ai the Oshiawa Generat Hospital. Brandon wetghed ln ai 7 ibs. 5 oz. Firsi gran. dchild for Mr. & Mrs. Walter Church of Whilby and 111h grandchtid #or Mrs. Margaret Smith of Toronto. 1 HELP LU C ýT, () SI WANTED

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