WIIITBY FREEi PRESS, \VH)NlSDAY, NMAN 2'7. 1981, PAGE 17 tices A et fromi the. Consumer Yionge Street, Toronto, M7A CON UMEIBATfotrmation Ce.ntreOntario 2116; teleli.pone (416) 93 Cýnun rC m lit:put it in writîng Commercial Rltos 5 Somevtires there 's no way around il y'ou've comnpari- son sltoppedl checked tfor tîualty, asked aIl the ques- tions and still end up teeling you've been "taken". When you are misled by a salesperson or advertîse- ment you have every righit to take action, But the On- tario Mînîstry of Consumer and Commercial Relations suggests that consumners think carefully before regis- tering a complaint. Coniplaining is a business- like way of getting your Several weeks ago. 1 wrote Ajtut the' harnifuil effects of ight ont dairy lr(>(ucts. now coules muore niew research froin Dr. Join deMan anîd his food seîentists at the University tof Guelph. homo. 2% or skiiîn rilk. MIl types are su bject to flavor tltterioirztîin wheîi expîoed to lîght, according tu a receîti .study conducted by zhe e t- jiartnent of Food Science at the Uniîversity <of Guelph. Saîiples of iik exposed to liie for 24 hours and mîiik protected frot m ight were eVaiuated Li 1 4.3 Jant'ists for flavîîr differences. Motre titan t'iwo-thirds oif the panelists w ere able' to correctii idt'îîtifv light-exjîosed and îîartiaiiy skinirned înîlk. -O4 f the tiîrve tý *>'( ,f iliik tised ilii this stuidy. the unex- 1osed riiilk was sigîîificanitly prefcrred,' aid 1)r. J. NI. îieMiaî. ho iu'adeîl the' proi- jî'ct. *"Fhe invan preferencve ,scores. for the il nexjîîîsed homo, and partialiv skinuruîed iilk wert' 7.1I. amd the skini î iik rated 5i.8. Xfter figit expos- uire, thte inean flavor scores w erv 3.4. 3.5 anîd 3.3 respec- fiveIl . F'Iavor deterîiîratn in i ight ex1 oed îuilk apîlîars Lu lie uîîirelated tii its fat ci nteti .' After liglît exJost rt' for 24 liîî ir l~iti pliastic'p ucî'.thte los," of a,.ct rbiv avid ( itauiiii ( :> rat 1 '. friî;mi 8-. -ë % t f. 90.3% il) thettii'trer' t% p'- iof r,.#ar* '11 ilttll.(.uj'ltut11i- va t e tIlat the oîiuI ffct.i 1' dair' eîuîîtarnîiî'r i 4<t'JiJl 11>e l:a î~the paferimîarîi î'artoii. h ierv', a -tiîmrtîii' il-! rI rt t'îit' t %%H -i l- Ibattre %mir -tani dnîg a- te probiemis sorted out, Con- suruers who use complaints as an excuse to Jet off steami or gel revenge are asking for problemns. First, you should try to get satisfaction front the organization or 'onpany that sold you the product or service, They rnay suggest that you deai directly with the manufacturer. Whien you niake a corn- plaint, writing a letter is often the best wvay of pre- senting your problern. Write clearly; if possible, type the riteîgliborhouiîls hest cook. FROZEN ORANGE SOUFFLE T[his spectacular. deliiioîîs dIessert ('an be mtadie even 8 Lo 1<0 davs altead. since it is frozen. 'Tue recipt'wii serve 12 to 16<' portions. I iike to make mine ini tmwo mids, and use thte second mot îd for seconîd heinîgs or keep as aitther dessert to i)< served withii tw o montis. Yoiks of 12 eggs I½i cutps ;(375 niL) sugar Ju ive and grated riîid of 2 oran ges- Juice and grated riiid <f 4 iîtîtns !/3 cup (80 it L> runii or orange liqueur 8 t'gg wiiites 2 vips (50<0 niL) whippi-g .'reaini Pre1îare a 0-cu p sou fflé 11101id or a iioid -withi straight sides or use 2 sîttailer moldds, tvliing laler ci liars around thte top1. lTe coliar sinit d lie tw<i biell'es (.3 vini) ighier titan the miod. i>ace in top of double bler tue egg yoiks, suigar. juive andî rnud oif oranges an(] iemnîs, nuit or orange liqueur. Stir thie mtixture with a whisk oîr a itartil later, over tesiîiiuttr- iug water. ittîi it thîckî'ns. lit.iimii% e thie topîl of thei'doutble iîîîl<'r anti place' at oi- î"in î'îîiîl water. l'et coolunt ii iîiid inititi' ieate'u rgg wiite.s it il the st iffli liitln rearin. ,Stir rmaîtil ',wel i it-<il. Fi L th oîîli,îr uinol lito ii't, toptof the, palpîer ciii lar. tiîîn frtî'ezt' 5 tii (0 iiiîrs. V iteit frtizt'u. iajîîr. rtturn t i frt'î'ze-r. 'i'i -i'r ~ ~ ppv t' î'îîîoei.îi' ci ar. Itî ýNttii20> minutes'. HEALTH IS BEAUTIFUL The natural way Ref lexology Massage & Steam Meit away tensions, aches & pains Improve Circulation - Feel Ative Again AGLOREY-AN REFLEX CENTRE 1050 SIMCOE ST. N., SUITE 108 728-0457 letter. And get two copies keep one for yourself and send the other to the nearest Consumer Services Bureau. If you are dealing with a local mierchant, you miay find that a personal discus- sion with the manager will clear up the situation quick- ly. Otherwisc, you'Il find that a letterisbetterand pre- vents the telephone "brush- o ff". Direct your com plaint to tlhe appropriate depart- ment of the firm involved; if possible, try to write to a specific person in charge. You can get this informa- tion from directories in the public library. or by con- tacting the company in ad- vance. WIten you put your comn- plaint in writing, be sure to follow this checklist: a Start your letter with a return addre ss. a State your coniplaint and indicate whether it concerns money, a product, a service or other function. a Give the details of the faulty article such as date, place of purchase and model numiber, or describe the in- adequate service including dates, places and namnes in- volved. a End the letter by asking for an answer to your prob- lem. Phone or visit your nearest Consumner Services Bureau for more informa- tion. Or get a free copy of the bookiet, T/he consumner's guide to thte Business Prac- 1I TVEVYKII1EK3 ADDUNG MACHINES s CALOJLATORS SALES e SERVICE w RENTALS M t'e haven't helped a customer" It's a poor day wheny TAPPINO MOTHER EARTH'S THERMAL BELT SAVE 47%Vi ON HEAT NEW CONCRETE PANEL SYSTEM CREATES LOW-COST ENERGY-SAVING HOMES Parthenon Precast Concrote Panel System Advantages Foltowlng are the. advantages clted for the Purttenon Building System's prefabrlcated concrete panal homes: 1. Low erection end maintenance cost. 2. 47% l.88 energy dma required to heatafamhouaeoftheauTi size, as attested by the Mldwest Research Institute, Kaneas City. MO, In its Computer, Anatysa of the Thermal Performance of Residences, Sept. 21, 1976.* 3. A comfortable coollng effect from the Jhome ducts Wthout the expense of air condltlonlng. 4. The ultimate In structurel strength. 5. Good lateral force distribution t0 reslst selamlic forces. 6. A fiurne-spread ratlng that ls zero oand excellent insulation rates and low air inflitration due to the.siaed walls. 7. Reduces the threot of theft and vsndalism at the job site because the home goos together quicIdy. 8. The system stops die entry of Insects end vormin. 9. Great safety against destructive wlnds. 10. A naturel sound barnier fron outslde noises. 11. No sweeting or hurldlty problents inside the home. THIS 3BEDROOM 1248 $ 261 95 00 SQ. FT. ON YOUR LOT FULLY ERECTED Last chance to save the tax, must be up by June 30, 1981. " MAINTENANCE FREE VINYL SIDING WITH BACKER BOARD (GABLES) " DRYWALL SUPPLIED NOT INSTALLED " INTERIOR PACKAGE SUPPLIED NOT INSTALLED FOR FURTHER INFO: ONTARIO PRE FAB 1-852-5064 Box 11l, Uxbridge Ont. LOC 1 KO "Cooking wfth Jehane Benot"ei INCLUDES: 'FREE DELIVERY 'FOUNDATION PAO WITH HEATING SYSTEM STEEL INSU LATED DOORS WITH LOCKING HARDWARE '21l0 LB. SHINGLES 'MASON-GLIDE THERMO WINDOWS WITH SCREENS