Vol. 11, No. 21 Wednesday, May 27, 1981 28 Pages p.' -Ashleon1 the budget This past weekend the Trafalgar Castle School celebrated its 74th May Court Festival with the crawning af this year's May Queen Margaret BavelI. After the caranatian af the May Queen by Mary Kamoke, the wîfe ai principal Craig Kamoke, and the presentation of oils ta the BovelI girls fram the sohool ran through exercises in honor of the queen. These exercises included the traditional dance around the may pale by grade il students fram Trafalgar Castle Schoal. Ater the final dance the grounds of Trafalgar Castle Schaal were open ta thase in attendance. The queen's cou nsellors were Adria Paxtan and Laurel Ann McQuarrie. Her trainbearer was Cheryl Stuart. Natasha Bell was the crown bearer and Kathryn Acker the scroll bearer. The celebration af the May Queen has been a tradition at Trafalgar Castle School since 1907 when R.G. Grobb was crawned. . .. secpage 8