PAGI 22, WLDNESDAYJUNL 3, l98l.WHIITBY FREE PRESS Classified Ads eaul 668-6111 Mayor for a night Reid Rusonik and town clerk Young Lee took part in the tenth annual Youth and Civic Administration Program mock council meeting last Friday night. Along with 13 other students from Anderson Collegiate and Vocational Institute, Henry Street High School and Dennîs O'Connor High School ran through the regular proceedings of the real council meetings in the councîl chambers at the Municipal Building. Mock councill en Whitby may have had a preview of a future . 1 2 - mayor last Thursday night when Reid Rusonik sat at the helm of the tenth annual Youth and Civic Ad- ministration mock LN7 council meeting in the council chambers of the 82 M E RC U Y LN 7municipal building. 82 M E CURY LN-7Rusonik, a student of Anderson Collegiate and 3 D R H ATC HBAC K Vocational Institute, admitted afterwards Defroster, 4 spd transmission, power brakes, AM radio, tînted that he would like very glass, dual mIrrors. much to get into a career of polities once 1218nD 'Ifinished university. per mont h Along with the help of plus ax &lic.14 other students from p8mnhnt ls tax00&f lick. Whitby's three high 48 mnth et ease 80,00 reekm.schools Rusonik worked Ref undabte security deposit. his way through a mock For further Information calil Genwaod Leasing - 668-5893. council meeting which lasted just over an hour. The council passed a recommendation ap- proving the construction of a municipal swim- ~ MERUŽYIMing pool with a retrac- table dome to be buiît on property adjacent to Meadowcrest Publie School in Brooklin. * * . A recommendation to amend the Municipal Elections act to permit GROWWITH US GOLD JACKET Roahy Whitby Looks Good wuth GoId 824 Brock St. N., Whitby (Right acroses f rom the Curling rink.) voting by mail was defeated although an amnendment to the motion, allowing senior citizens and handicap- ped persons to cast their ballot through the postal system, was passed. Thanks to the council it will not be required to instaîl fire detectors in every dwelling in the Town of Whitby and Burns Street, between Brock and Annes Street will not become a collec- tor road. Councillors for the mock council meeting were Shelly Siersma ds program (Henry), Curtis Evans Mary Ar (DO'C), Debby Blucher (DO'C) wt- (Henry), Donna Castle works di (Henry), Rick Hiltz Scammell (DO'C) and Melinda was the fI Fong (DO'C). Peter Hau Young Lee (Ander- was the tre son) was the clerk, When n Angela Heget (Ander- tersley pr son) was the deputy of ther clerk, Rusonik (Ander- students son) was mayor and tif icate of Tracey McNaught from the1 (Henry) was the ad- ned Rusor ministrator. too comf< Mike Turner (Henry) mayor's st was the planning direc- "Af ter, tor, Mike Kennelly (An- "I've onl3 derson) was.the parks there for and recreation director, myseif." nne Manders vas the public rector, Paul Il (Anderson) fire chief and ,sdorf (DO'C) ,msurer. nayor Bob At- resented each participating with a cer- 1appreciation town he war- nik not to get ortable in the seat. all," he said, ly been sitting r six months rShotgun top Redmen scorer CONT'D FROM PG. 19 Redinen uniform could not help the team on the board although it did help in team spirit. For the past few years he has been playing professional hockey in Holland and first ap- proached Redmen General Manager Mike Gray last Saturday night when the team was playing the Peter- borough Lakers. "He just walked up to me and asked for a job. I said sure because I knew he played junior about seven years ago with the Gaels," said Gray. While originally being told he would only play three or four shifts, Simpson wound up tying down a regular spot throughout the game. Slippery and adverse floor conditions plagued much of the game, so much s0 that Saints' coach Ken Byers was ready to postpone the game after the first period while the Red- men held a 3-0 lead. Bryce Jordan, Tim Litner, Tim Briscoe, Larry Graham and Ken Colley added singles to the four Simpson' rnarkers. "The floor was slip- pery but we can't use that as an excuse," said Redmen coach Tony Gray. "Conditions were the same for both teams. But our shooting was erratie again. The discipline is lacking. 1 SAVE MONEY Before you ist your property at 5or 6% commission please cali Nick van den Broek Real Estate Broker who wiII Iist your property at 31/2% commission. 27 years selling experience. 312% CalIl668-8444 31/2%