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Whitby Free Press, 30 Jun 1981, p. 16

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PAGE 16, TUESDAY,J UNE 30, 1981 ,WHITBY FREE PRESS Free Press Emporiu Emporium Ads wiII only be occepted subject to the following Conditions. > AflTE W- aDTIPirCi lPLEASE READ HOUSIEHOLO IP OFFICE YO FOR SISALE 1I W . WESTINGHOUSE, DITIONER, 10,5X0 E $160. Caît 668-144. AIR CONDrIONER, $150. C41t 668.1368. TRAYNOR AMPLIFIEI 985-3542. Usad BtKE, 20" wheel condition, $35. Cati ei 0931. MOTOCROSS BICV9 collent condition. petition trame and ma or beat off er. Calt166& CASSETTE DECK, talefunkan, coul $51( Cali 666-399. CB. RADIO, Citizen base wlh pre-amp,l 120 fI. of base co-axa antenna, $160. Cati 6M CHESS COMPUTER $: "10 Lavets" plus pcý Cati 668-4670. LIKE NEW- Scand rowing axerciser, $4 0748. ACORN OLYMPI FIREPLACE, heatl doors and tire grae,j For more informat 8892. Swedtsh Steel FIREPLACE SCREEN, high, $70. Swedish TANGULAR FIREPLAC 36" wida x 26" high 571-3471. One OIL FURNACI Asking $15. Cali 668-5 GIBSON EBO Basa colant condition, $3M Cali 668-8362. GUITAR AMPLIFIER watts e sida, asking S: 627. BASS GUITAR, $1V 3542. 55 Watts Par Channe RECEIVER, 5 mo. otc Catil 668-3995. SHOPMATE ELECTI S.AW, $12. Calt1728-13~ DAVID BROWN 990~ MATtC, tront end mot pt. hitch. $6,000 or bi 965-9060 afler 6 p.m. INDUSTRIAL STEEL Cati 985-3542. NEW CLOSET SLICI iti 82" x 69". $15 ln dware. Room-sizad C Cati 668-7281 allter :3C EL EC RO HO M 1 3TU. Aaking Jun.24,81MT 5,000 STUs, Apr., 81(B) R, $35. Cali Apr.1,81(H) 3is, very good eveninga 723- Jun.10,81(W) 'CLE, in ex- With com- ag rima. $100 ý9482. .'un.10,81(M) top toad, 0, sei $275. May 6,81 (R) 140 channet SWR mater, and 58 wave 5&7123. Apr.1,81(M) Î250. Ptays et >tat gamas. Mar25,81(M) dia hydroiic 60. Cati 668- Apr.15,81(M) tC 2,000 lator, glass asking $450. Ion catI 728- Apr.22,81(B) ARCHED ,41½ý"x31" iSteel REC- CE SCREEN, h, $30. Cati Apr.22,81 (W) E, 2 motors. .5448. Jun.3,81(F) sGuitar, ex- 00 with case. Jun.27,81 (W) . Paavay, 60 325. Cati 668- Jul.1,81(N) 5. Cati 985- Apr.1,81(H) el TECHNICS Id, $450 firm. May 6,81(R) RIC SABRE 348. Apr.29,81(R) iSELECT-A- lot, diesel, 3 est otlar. Cati May 6,81(T SH ELVING. Apr.1,81(H) ING DOOR. nciuding har. CARPET $85 lO p.m. May 20,81 (Y) TRACTOR. Ford 8N dilion, 3 pi. hitch, Aaking $1.395. Cati &11 24" BLACK à WHITl TV, $50. Cati 576-236 20" AGS COLOR PO caltant condition, $2Z fer. Cali 686-3995. 18 Assorlad TV A TUBES, $1 aach. Cati DESIGNER WEDDII size 13114, pearls and of lace. Asktng $20. 686-3839. SIN-GLEHNOW colonial grill and stori 50. Asking $150. Cati , good con- ,naw peint. 55-4995. Apr.29,81 (K) 'E CONSOLE B. . Apr.29,81(L) RTABLE, ex- 50 or beit of- May ,81(R) %ND RADIO 579-2073. Apr.1 .81 (T) INu DRESS, sequins, tots Cati anytime May 20,81(S) NDO60W* with ,ma. Size 88 x 1668-796. Jut.,81(N)- GENERAL ELECTRIC DRYER, ln good condition, asitng $100. Beat- ty Automattc IRONER $75. White Frigidaire Heavy Duty 4-Burnar STOVE $80. HANO MOWER $10. Zenith PORTABLE BLACK à WHITE, ramota controt, tatevision, $150. Att ln good condition. Cati 668-2800. May 6,81 (p) OAK CHAIR $10. $15. Vacuum Ctear Lighl Fîxture $15. Handpainted PtatE Winton Handpaint Cottector's ttem Roý $20. Royal AlbertC Record Pteyer $20.( 1967 CADtLLAC, peint, radiailtires,p power brakes, po power seats, cert $1,800 or bost otter. 1969 CHEVELLE I dr. H.T., powerb steering, auto. onc tape deck. As is,$ condition. Cati 666- 1972 GMC VANDI verter, slaeps3 equipped, 6 cyl., cE or best of fat. Cati t 1973 GRAN mechanicaliy sounc or best offer. Cati * 1973 MAVERICI automnattc, 62,000 n body work. Asking 668-8675 aller 6:30p GOOD SECOND CA LTD, body and engl shape, many new pa new radiat tires, $1,À ciosest off et. Cati1 weekdays or anyttir ds 576-54.47. 1975 MONTE CARI power steertng, pov original paint, radi cerlified. Asking $2 2702. 1976 DATSUN 710.4 mi , two new tires i titied, $2.300. Cati i p M. 1976 MERCURI WAGON, new tii track, power doot ditioned. traiter hit roof rack. certitied, Cat il655-8052 1978 MOS. MK IV, green, AMIFM steîi certlîPd. musti $5.900 Cai 666.22? Floor Polishari net $15. Neon Royal Winton e $12. Royal laed Bowi $12. yet Winlon Cup Cup $20. HI-Fi Cati 668-6080. Jun.24,81(P) 4 door, new power staerîng, ower windows, tif ied. Asttîng rCati1655-8052. Jun.3,81(C) iALIBU, 307, 2 brattes, power console radio & $850 f rm. Good -2582 anytima. Jun. 10,81 (G) URA VAN, con- 3, complety erlilied. $2.200 568-6879. Jun.10,81(K) TORINO, d. Asking $450 555-3679. Ju. 1,81(B) 'K, 6 cyt., ,ni., needi some $700 as la. Catil p.m. Apr.29,81 (V) ýAR - 1975 Ford lIna are in good ýarts on lil, brend .400 certif ted or between 9 & 2 ne on waetten- Apr.15,81<(N) ILO, 350 auto., iwer braes, air, iais & snowî. 2,500. Cati 797- May 27,81(T 4 ipeed, 75,000 and înowî, cet- 568-8471 aller 5 Apr.22,81 (M) Y STATION 'as, AMîFM. 8 iocks. air con- ich, air shocts. Asking $2.995 Jun 3.81uC) Brtishi racîng 'eo. 35000 mi, sali Askîng '1 Jult.811L1 Whan the adverised Item Is soid, disposad ot, or unaveleabte tor whatavar reasor deamed to hava bean sotd and e commission witi ba charged basad on THE ADVEI Ilustrated betow, ragardiass if prica Is stated with "bast offar". If the Item is NOT SOLO, or disposad of, the ad witl be run for 3 MONTHS and e Mt of $3.00 witi eppiy. Att adverisamants musI be ptacad on an exclusive basis with ti PRESS and run atleast one month If nol sotd. 5% 0f advertsed piICO UP la$400 RATES (If article le aoîd): 2% of bal. EXAMPLE: SoId Item adverîssd for $120.00. Commision due $6.D>0(minimum chi Privae adverlising onlyl Piaase nolily the Whitby Free Presimmadiataly whan iii wa may deetel l rom the fotiowing Issues. Alil ads nol f iIing the Emporiumg traatad and cherged par week as raguler ciessiflaed ads on a pre-paid basis such a wantad, ctothing, reat astata, and parsonet massage type eds, or ads nol quoting Private ctassitied ada may appear in the Emporium section under appropriais headif ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPEI MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, WhItby, LiN 551 il in doubt cati: 684l111 t, the item wiii be RTISED PRICE as NIMUM CHARGE ha WHITSY FREE lnca over $400 lrge la $3.00) em ls sotd so thal guideinas wttt be as: services, halp price or quantity. ings. CIFIED. OR DELIVER TO: 131 Srock St. N. WhItby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. CAP FOR A HALF' PICK-UP TRUCK, 2 ye front & aide aidtng i roof vent. Witi fitan, up. Paid $1.350,seit 72"-700. USED TRUCK CAP, fi box, any make truck. condition. Cali Ted ai TRUCK CAP (Expli windows, roof vent, It insutatad. Asking $3ô 8052. Four Shýeiby atumin MAGS with G-50-14 to fit Chev. Cost $St $300. Cati Paul ai 661 0642. AUTOMOTIVE FAC' VICE MANUALS. Crq 1961, 1978, $10 aacu 1958, $10 each. Poni 1954, $15. Toyota Sel 1974 $12. Dodge Coit Cricket, 1971 lhru Dodge, ait 1970, $10.C MOUTHIChrysier 197" CatI l655-3266. FORD 390 MOTOR amission. Motor neet $300, Cati 686-2708. 1973 FORD TORINO Engine $200. Trams sae $85. Rediator end, tenders, grill, drums, etc. Compli Cati 1655-3006. PARTS FOR A GTO&. hub, spolias & brait knobby, navet used shoclis $25; front i $100; front rim with t & brettes $50; front th tuba $5. Cati 728-2578. 1973 MERCURY MARC PARTS. Windshietds grill, tenders, rad, air( unit, etc. $200. Cati 6E FOUR 14" RADIAL! steel belted, raised tires. Under 10,000 mi Asking $200. Cati 655- FACTORY CAR 198511986 Valiant 196811969 DoA1ge Pty Cati 655-3266. SET 0F 4 SUPERIOR used, ail chrome, 15' Cati 723-9972. PIONEER Car Sterac, 2 ampi. cassette deck equalizar. Asking $M heard. Cati688382, rwo Glass Etlted PC npika Wide Track TII tubetass Aimost neý $50 Cali668-9482 TON FORD Two ýers otd with TIREZ windows and whee ny Ford pick- DR78 I $850. Cati white bellec Mayl13,81(S) whee G3ROC its ragular 8' TIRE.! c Very good belle( ý683-5358. CIass Jun.3,81(V) Wii 1 tires rer), siding Pleas uggage rack, p.m. E 75. Cati 655- J un. 3,81 (C) Two --- Fordi flum slotted G-60-14 tires 630. Sali tor__ 8-8145 or 668- Jun.1081l(G) TORY SER. SAB evrolet 1955, greai *. Buick 1957, crocl liac 1949 thru flce 1971 thru t & Plymouth Assc 11973, $10. HANI DodgeiPLY- Char 7, 1978, $12. separ Apr.1 81(A) Nearl 1rebult tran- 40. A ds oul pump. Apr.29,81(C) TODI PARTS: 302 6144. smission for r$50. Front --R 1, bumpers, 6144. elle car $350. Jui.1,811(R) CHAI 0- Rear rim. Car E as $80; rear Jumnp ýd, $30; rear and E iork system 668-01 hubs, spokas ra $15; ront -- 8. Jun.24,81(W) IQUIS SEDAN Is, front end, conditioning 553006.N J un. 3,81 (R) S, Unîroyat 1white-lettar i. on ail tires. 54108, Jun.17,81(H) &Dart, $30. lymouth, $35. Apr. 1,81(A) q RtMS, neyer 5", $250 f irm. Ad Apr.8,B1S) moi - - just D, 4 speakers. cal -k and graphic es 00 must be es Jun.27,81(W) PH( otyester Tur- w, with rrms Jun.17,81(M) ER78-14 RAD! :S mountad on tw tas, $110 or beat '-14 RADIAL TII ie lattera) Firastoi d tires mounted i iii, $160 or bast 0-14 FIRESTONE ES (raised white 1 d mounled on ty sic Megi, $225 c lit amat Chryst wiII sait for $450( isa cati 686-1886 and 10 p.m. Atlt i SNOW TIRES, rims, $50. Cali6E IY AFGHAN, cril iniwhîtlyeiiow m ,elted, $20. Cati E oried girls' BABY 4D KNITS. newbc nge Table $40 -for.i rate. Cati 668-216 y new BABY CRI Astting $35. Cati6 >LER ROCKER, ILLER, esking $1 ,GE TABLE $30. lad $10. Frea-sti etr $15. Carniage SIlde $40. Cati 127. It s a Mo vil World! id we are here to wing population If ;t moved toto a nE fl he We)come W3a JNE 668416saor.1 IAL SNOW wo AMC ratty It ollar. Two IRES (raiîed ne 721 steel on AMC raliy tl ollar. Two rSS RADIAL llers) steel wo Kaystona r besl of fer. ara. Att six or bail oflfer. 3betwaan 2 Irs Ilitanew. Apr.22,81 (0) E-78-14, on 66-3958. Apr.8,81 (C) ib siza, soit ixture, hend 568-6563. Apr.22,81 (M) CLOTHES & îrn 10 2 yrs.. ail or wiit seti 64. Apr.22,81(B) lB11, size 20 x M8-4670. Jut.1 .81(M) $8. Cati 668 Apr.15,81(R) M0 Cati 668- Apr.15,81(R) Walttar $15. Ianding Jotiy $40. Swing aller 5 p.m. Apr.22,81 (l) serve ils fyou have ýew home, 3pn hos)- 579-7521 BAEY!EDES Parago Combinell-on CARRIAGEJ STROLLER, excellant condition, ted, $150. Colonial Bad, could ba made 10 canopy, with mttrais, $35. Perego Strofler, deluxa siza, nevy, $45. Cati 683-1574. Jui.1 .81(S) GLO22LSUPPLESj Four TABLE LAMPS, $5 each. Large siim-iino OLIVETTI OFFICE Three-cushton CH ESTERFIELD, ELECTRONIO CALCULATOR wilth $99, goid color. BED SOFA, $110. tape. In excellant condition. Coul Two livinnroom square END $29, seili $5. Cal 723-731.- TABLES, one la $25, othar la $45., Cati 688-900. May 27,81(K) CUSTOM-MADE SHEERS wilh ambroidered hema, approx. 16'- wlda. Asking $20 or beil ofler. CatIl 668-0495. Jul.1,81(C) Wastband Teflton Coalad CORN POPPER and cord, new condition, $15. Cati 728-1348. Apr.29,81(R) Speed Quaen DISHWASHER with enargy savar, ln excellent con- ditton, $300 or beat ofar. Cati 688- 0495. JuI.1,81 (C) GAS DRYER $55. Good condition. Cati 579-9371. Jun.3,81 (B) 30" VIKING STOVE, $75. Cati 579- 7658 alttar 6 p.m. Jun.3,81 (P) Viking AUTOMATIC WASHER à DRYER, working condition, $50 aach or $75 for the pair. Calit 655- 8062. May 6,81(D) Simplicity RINGER WASHER, TYPEWRtTER, ELECTRIC IBM SetactrIc, needasasrvicing. Aaking $W0. Cait 883468ff. Jun.24,81(S) SUPPLIIS KITTENS, part Paratan, maIes & famalea, $1 aach 10 good home. Catil 655-3545 afier 5 p.m. Jun.10,81(H) SHEEPDOG, maie, $50 10 good home, tratned, good with chîtdren. Cai 68-&7371. Apr.15,81(P) 10 GAL AQUARIUM, pump, f itter & ttght, $25. Cali 965-3542. Apr. 1,81(H) ô CAL. FISH TANK $5. Cati 5M9 2073. Apr.1,81 (T 30 GAL. ALL GLASS FISH TANK wllh black wrought Iron stand, power filtr, Hush 111 pump, un- dargravat fîltr, healer, etc. $150. CatI l579-2073. Apr.1 .81(T) good condition, $90. Cali 6883885 75 GAL. FISH TANK wilh stand, BOATS & evanings. allant glant pump, healer, un- SU PLESMay 6,81(m) dergraeai fter, $300. Cati 668- SUPPLIES_____________ 0748. At1,1M 8' SEAFLEA and 4 h.p. Johnson MOTORCYCLES) motor wilh gas tank. Astting $225. < M>SAESRENTAIS Three SHOW JARS, $1.50 each. Cati l668-6297. il S.1V,81(N) 1 Cati 579-2073. p.81T ______________ 1974 360 c.c. HONDA, g ood con- p.,1T 15' SKI BOAT and Evinrude motor, dition, asking $575. Cati 683-6638. _____________ radio, ski lripod, dlean and sharp. Jun.24,81(S) $2.195. Phone 668-3653. h....I1 I.f~ May 6,81 (C) 1974 HONDA, 550 cc, 4 cylinder, __________________ excellant condition, 6,000 mi., as- One 4 H.P. EVINRUDE, Yacht tres. Asktng $1,000. Cai668&1471. 1980 MASTERCOACH TRAILIER, Twin, oulboard motor, lite new, Jun.17,81(M) 33 fIL wilh 2 tip outs, 2-way lrdge $375. Cati 668-0808.,______________ & stove with saa-through oven, Jun.3,81(S) 1974 SUZUKI, GT 380, A-i. exîras, doubla int, 21 fI. awntng, oek --- 9,000 mi. Asklng $850. Cati 86. doors, TV antenne, siaeps 8, 1 2776 aflar 5 p. m. bedroom, 3-place washroom, ý H USEHOLO e278(L attng $14.000. Cait 683-4457, I nneAjax. BUNK SEDS wilhi $130. Cati 576-6745. Brand naw BOX SPRII size bed, excellant ccr Cati 668-3660 or 579-11 3 DRAWER DRESSEF. $45. 8 DRAWER DRI naw, 6 DRAWER-DR for bolh. Cati 666-3995. Two Kroaier LIVIP CHAIRS, tweed. beige good condition. $75 ti D0W FAN $15. Cati 65 Blue Brocade CHAIR,1 condition. Cati 576-23( CHESTERFIELD & Chair. aimoat naw, beige & brown, eskiri 668-2999 or 725-2243. CHESTERFIELD & BS, chair and rocting chi 668-9771 Medium sizad COUCI new 54" MATTRESS offerý Cati 666-3995ý Smaii 3-SEATER CC Chair and footstout. ir dîlion Asttîng $100E $40ý Cati 668-6533 ailer Wroughtl ton Giasi-7 CHEN OR PATIO TA chairs, Asking $125.Ci Horizon blue wïth quiled SEDSPREAD wilh matdiiing drapes, 84", $75, Champa SHEERS. 6 mo oid, or bail o? fer Cati 666- mattresses J unr.17,81 (G) IdO for queen indition, $75. 178. Jun.17,81(G)ý W,5 yrs. old, ESSER, like IESSER, $85 May 6,81(R) IN ROOM e and brown, for pair. WIN- 55-4245. May 20,81(L) $50. In good 386. Apr.22,81(L) kMat ch in g ,olive gray, ig $450. Cati Apr.22,81(N) ed, matching ir, $150ý Cati May 13,81(Z) H $35. Lote $30 or besi May 6,81 (R) ýOUCH. arm ln good con- EXERCYCLE r 5p M Jun 10.81(G) -Topped KIT- ABLE with 4 ati 1666.1210, Jun.24,81(W)l baby biue for 54**bed ,110wide x )agne color 4 panais, $65 May 6 8ltRi 1975 550 FOUR HONI condition, include helmats, $950 or ne Phone aller 6 p.m. 655 1978 YAMAHA, 12! mileaga, A-i conditi $1,000. Cati 688-35231 1980 GRANDE MOI usad, $700. Phor before noon or aller SUZUKI 380 MC' 10,000 originel mi., 68-972. Sears Celabrity Powi TRIC TYPEWRITER, Pald $269.,eîttîng $21 0855. -s DA, excallent ea botls & ieareat of fer. i5-4431. Apr.8,81 (G) 5, DTE, low ion. Asklng afer 6 p. m. Apr.1 .81(U) PIED, hardty ýne 655-3470 B p.m. May 6,81(G) )TORCYCLE, $750. Cal Apr.1 5,81(M) .CE1 >LIES ver 12 ELEC- 1, 9 mo. otd. 200. Cati 723- May 27,81 (M) 4 s 8 BOX TRAILER, 14" wheaiî. Aatting $225. Cati 688-144. Apr. 15,81(R) FOR SALE 115I CHEV RAMP TRUCK, wilh 1001 boxas & storaga cabinets, $50. Phone 655-3470 before noon or ofler 6 p.m. May 6,81(G) 1979 FORD HALF TON, super cab, 351 motor, 150 Explorer, low miteaga. power alaarIng, power braites, starao, sllng wIndows, tilt slearIng, cruise controt, fac- tory air, told down seats, linlad windows, haavy duty suspension, traiter package, Ziabarlad, Parma- ShIne, Ford cep wilh ait îiiding windows, aquipped for camping and much more. Paid $13.500, asIitng $8.400 certif lad. Muetsait. Cati 728-6700. Apr. 15.81(5) $ KIDS NOTHING TO DO THIS SUMMER? EARN CASH! TAKE ON A WHITBY FREE PRESS PAPER ROUTE. WE NEED CARRIEPS IN WHITBY AND AJAX S t s i CALL CIRCULATION 668-6111 L 4 4 It f# N

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