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Whitby Free Press, 22 Jul 1981, p. 28

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PAGE 28.WEINFESDAY. J ULY 22. 1 t8 1. WHITBY FREE PRESS Free Press Emiporium U>U EmoriumAds wiII only be accepted subject to the fol!owing Conditions. ARTICLES ARICES ~FOR SALE SîFOR SALE1 WESTINGHOUSE AIR CON- DITIONER, 10,500 BTU. Asklng $160. 0Cali68"144. Jun.24,81(T ANTIQUES à COLLECTABLES Butter churner $50; Mahogany radio $50; plana stool $50; Mahogany mantie $150; glass. closad bookcase $150; mlrrored wardrobe $150. Cali 985-3907. JuI.8,81(P) CASSETTE DECK, top load, telefunken, coat $510, sai $275. Cali 666&3995. May 6,81(R) CH ESS COMPUTER $200. Plays et "10 Levais" plus postal games. Cali 668-4670, Ju .22,81(M) DRUMS - Premier - 4 drums cam-i piete wlth cymbals and stands. Sacrif ice et $675. Caeil 666-2958. Jui.15,81(H) Swedlsh Steel ARCHED FIREPLACE SOREEN, 41 1/n" x 31 " high, $70. Swedlsh Steel REC- TANGULAR FIREPLACE SCREEN, 36" wide x 26" high, $30.Caeil 571 -3471. Apr.22,81 (W) One GO KART, esklng $50. Cali 655-3282. Jul.8,81 (M) GIBBON EBO Basa Gultar, ex-' cellent condition, $300wlth case. Calil 668-8382. Jun.27,81 (W) GUITAR AMPLIFIER - Peavay, 60 watts a sida, esking $325. Oelil 668- 6297. Jul.1,81(N) PIANO FOR SALE - Mendeisan, upright, racently iuned, asking $895. Oel 668-1140. J u i. 15,81 (N) 55 Watts Par Channel TEOMNIOS RECEIVER, 5 mo. aid, $450 f lrm. Cal I 86663995. Mey 6,81 (R) SHOPMATE ELECTRIC SABRE SAW, $12. Oelil 728-1348. Apr.29,81 (R) DAVID BROWN 990 SELECT-A- iATIC, Iront end matar, di 'esel, 3 pI. hitch. $6,000 or basf offar. Cati 985-9066 allter 6 p.m. May 6,81(TM -RANKLIN-TYPE STOVE, naval used, $200. Oelil 655-4245. May 20,81 (L) IOYS'3 PC. POWOER BLUE SUIT, worn once. siza 14. Asklng $60. Cali 668-9420. May 6,81 (G) Twa 750 lb. SWAY BARS, 21/4 Inch TRAILER HITCH & biail. $100 for oth or bast offar. Oelil668-4795. Apr.29,81 (W) rRACTOR, Fard 8N, goad con- dition, 3 i. hitch, new paint. Asklng $1.395. Oelil 655-4995. Apr,29,81 (K) t0 AGS COLOR PORTABLE, ex- ellent condition, $250 or basf af- er. Oeil 666-3995. May 6,81 (R) DESIGNER WEDDING DRESS, ize 13114, pearis and sequins, lois i lace. Asking $200. Oelil anytîme May 20,81 (S) SINGLE HUNG WINDOW with GENERAL ELECTRIC DRYER, in gaad condition, asking $100. Beat- ty Autometîc IRONER $75. Zenith PORTABLE BLACK & WHITE, remate contrai, talevîsion. Prac- tlcaliy new, 19", $150. Ail in goad condition. Oeil 668-2800. May 6,81(P)- METAL OFFICE DESK & High Beck Chair, back. good condition, muet sai. Asking $150. Oel 666- 2958. JuI. 15,81(H) AUTOMOILES FOR SAI.E ] 1967 CADILLAC, 4 door, new peint, radial tires, power stearing, power brakes, power windows, power seats, certifled. Asking $1,800 or besfaIff er. Oeil 655-8052. Jun.3,81 (O) 1969 CHEVELLE MALIBUI, 307, 2 dr. H.T., power brakes, power stearing, auto. on consola radio & tapa deck. As Is, $850 f irm. Good condition. Oeil 666-2582 anytima. J un. 10,81 (G) 1969 V8 MALIBU, ana owner, 72,000 mi., radio, tiras wilh rima, needa body work. As ls, $300. Oelil 668-4078. JUI.15,81(P) 1971 TORONADO, neada tran- smission, will sali for parts. Aaklng $350 or beat ofier. Oelil Barry et 723-092 ef ter 5 p.m. Jul.15,81 (O) 1973 GRAN TORINO, mechanicaily aaund. Aaking $450 or bast f ffar. COeil655-3679. Jul.1,81(B) 1973 MAVERICK, 6 cyl., eutoatic, 62,000 mi., needa soma body work. Aaking $700 as sa.COeil 668-8875 effaer 6:30 p.m. Apr.29,81(V) 1975 CAMARO RALLY SPORT, 4 speed, standard, radial tiras, car- tlfied. Aaking $3,400. Oelil 655. 3336. Jul.8,81(L) E c c 6 Ci- c. pM~ u PLEASE READ When tha advertised Item Is sald, dispasad aI, or unevellabla for whetevar reesan, the Item will ba deemed ta hava bean soid and e commission will be cherged besed on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Ilustrated balow, regerdîass If price is stated with 'bast of fer". If the Item la NOT SOLD, or disposed aI, the ad wili ba run for 3 MONTHS and e MINIMUM CHARGE af S6.00 wlIi apply payable ln edvence aI publication af the tîrat ad. Otharwise a $7.50 charge wlll ep- ply If billied which must ba peid upon recelpt. The aboya minimum charges willi be applled ta theafinai commission due but ln any case the hlgher amount wilI be charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-pald, $7.50 billied. Maximum commission: $100.00. Alil advartlsements muaI be piaced on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atleast ana month If not soid. RATES (Il article l~a oîd): 5% of advertîaed prICe Up 1050«.00 2% of balance over $40.00 EXAMPLE: SoId Item advsrtlsed for $1 20.00. Commission due $8.00 (minimum charge la $6.00) Private advertlsIng onlyl Peaese notify the Whitby Free Press lmmediàtaly whan item lasald s0 that we mey delet tl f rom the fallowing Issues. Alil ads nat fiing the Emporium guidalînes will be treated and charged par waak as regular ciasslfied ada on a pre-pald besis such as: services, heip wanted, clathing, real estate, and personal message typa ada, or ads not quoting price or quantlty. Private classiflaed ada may'eppear In the Emporium section undar apprapriata headings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN OLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whitby, LiN 551 If ln daubt cail: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whltby, Ont. 1973 MERCURY MARQUIS SEDAN PARTS. 429 motor, wlndahield, front end, grill, fenders, rad, air conditianing unit, etc. Asklng $200. Oeil 655-3006. Jun.3,81(R) FOUR 14-1 RADIALS, Uniroyal steel belted, raised whila-letter tires. Under 10,000 mi. on ail tiras. Aaking $200. Oeil 655-4108. Jun.17,81(H) CUSTOM ROOF RACKS ta fit full- sîza station wagon. Asking $60. Oei l 576"592. Jui.15,81(O) PIONEER Car Starea, 4 speakers, 2 ampa, cassette deck and graphic equalizer. Aaking $900 - muet ba heerd. Oeil 668-8362. Jun.27,81(W) i*wa ER78-14 RADIAL SNOW TIRES mounted on twa AMO raily wheals, $110 or beat 0f fer. Two DR78-14 RADIAL TIRES (raed white lattera) Frastana 721 steel belted tires mounted on AMO reliy wheata, $160 or beat 0f fer. Two GROO-14 FIRESTONE SS RADIAL TIRES (raised white lattera) steel baltad maunted an twa Kaytana Ciasslc Mage, $225 or beat offer. Witt fit sael Chrysiera. Ail six tires willI sali for $450 or beat of fer. Please ceil 686-1886 beiwaen 2' p.m. and 10 p.m. AI l tires lika new. Apr.22,81(D) Fard Custom Fibergiasa- TRUCK CAP. Asking $350. Cali 723-9989. Jul.15,81(P) TRUCK CAP (Explarer), siiding windows, roof vent, iuggage rack, insuiated. Asking $375. Cali 655- 8052. Jun.3,81(Cl BABY AFGHAN, crib size, soit greaniwhita/yallow mixture, hand crochattad, $20. Oelil 668-6563. Apr.22,81(M) Assoried girls' BABY CLOTHES & HAND KNITS, newbarn ta 2 yrs., Change Table $40 for ail or wiil sali separate. COeil668-2164. Apr.22,81(B) Peraga Combinatian CARRIAGEI STROLLER, excellent condition, red, $150. Colonial Bed, cauid ba made ta cenopy, with maitresa, $35. Perago Strolier, deltixe siza, navy. $45.COeil 663-1574. Jul.1.81 (S) CHANGE TABLE $30. Walker $15. Car Bed $10. Frae-stendIng Joily Jumpar $15. Carniage $40. Swing and Slida $40. Oelil atar 5 p.ru. 668-0127. Apr.22,81 (D) SUPPLIE KAYAK - One man, 14 it., fibraglas, with paddle. Blue & white. Asking $200. Oelil 655-3809. Jul.22,81 (G) B, SEAFLEA and 4 h.p. Johnson motar with gas tank. Aaking $225. Oel 668-6297. Jul.1,81(N) 15% FT. FIBERGLASS AND WOOD BOAT, windshield, aleepar seais, 35 h.p. Evinrude matar, aiaciric sart, eiuminum irailer, campieta, raady for use, everything In excellent condition. Aaking $575. Oelil668-6294. Jui.8,81(O) SELI VOUR BOAT wih an Em- porium Ad whiie summers stili here, Calil668-6111. HOHUSEHOLl Twa Kroeiar LIVING ROOM CHAIRS, tweed, beige and brawn, good condition, $75 for pair. WIN. DOW FAN $15. Oeil 655-4245. May 20,81(L) Blue Brocade CHAIR, $50. In good condition. Oeil 576-2366. Apr.22,81 (L) CHESTERFIELD & Bed, matching chair and rocking chair, $150. Oell 666-9771. May 13,81(Z) Medium sizad COUCH $35. Like naw 54" MATTRESS $30 or beat offer. Oeil 666-3995. May 6,81 (R) Smail 3-SEATER COUCH, arm chair and footstooi, in goad con- dition. Asking $100. EXERCYCLE $40. Oel 668-6533 af ter 5 p.m. Jun. 10,81 (G) 3 DRAWER DRESSER, 50 yrs. aid, $45. 8 DRAWER DRESSER, like naew, 6 DRAWER DRESSER, $85 for bath. Oell666-3995. May 6,81(R) Wrought Iran Giaas-Toppad KIT- CHEN OR PATIO TABLE wlth 4 chairs. Asking $125. Oeil 666-1210. Jun.24,811(W) Horizon blue with baby blue quilaed BEDSPREAD for 54" bed with matching drapes, 110" wide x 84', $75. Champagne calar SHEERS, 6 mo. aid, 4 panais, $65 or beai aller. Cali 666-3995. May 6,81 (R) 47 square yards af BROADLOOM, bitter aweet. Asking $200. Oeil 723-9989. JuI.15,81(P) 1 m 1 Street peo pie are feet peo pie. They're neot peo pie who meet peo pie. Why not join up? Take a wczlk. - The Canadimn m #o f epe<onal if es 1975 GRAN TORINO BROUGHAM, 351 auto., power taaring, power brakas, air, radio, excellant con- dition, 65,000 mi., moving, must sail. Asking $2,600. Muat ba sean ta appraciata. Oelil666-2958. J u1. 15,81 (H) 1975 MONTE CARLO, 350 auto., power stearing, power brakas, air, originel paint, radiais & anows, certifled. Asking $2.500. Oelil 797- 2702. May 27,81 (T) 1975 MUSTANG Il FASTBAOK, 8 cylinder, power staaring, power brakas, automatic, AMIFM radio, new radiais, 63,000 miles. Asking $2.000. COeil668-9604. Jui.8,81(H) 1976 MERCURY STATION WAGON, new tires, AMIFM, 8 irack, power doar locka. air con- dilionad, traiiar hitch, air shacks, roof rack, certified. Aaking $2.995. Oei l 655-8052. Jun.3,81 (C) 1978 MGB, MK. IV, British racing green, AMIFM sterea, 35,000 mi., certified. muai sali. Asklng $5,900. COeil666-2273. Jui. 1,81(L) 1979 CHRYSLER CARAVELLE, blue. 49,000 km., excellent con- dition, 4 door, power stsering. power brakes, certif lsd. Asklng 55,500. Cali 668-1436. Jut.15,81(O) AUVOMDTIVE REEPARpAR FORD 390 MOTOR & rebulit tran- smissIon. Mtor neads ail pump. $300. COeil686-2708. Apr.29,81(C) 1973 FORD TORINO PARTS: 302 Engins $200. Transmission for saea $5, Redîtor $50. Front end, fenders. grill. bumpers. drums. etc Compiete car $350ý Cali 655,3006. Jui 1.81(R) FOR THE DURATION OF THE POSTAL LABOUR DISPUTE ALL WHITBY FREE PRESS I NVOICES <DISPLAY, CLASSIFIED AND EMPORIUM) AND QUISTAN DING ACCOUNTS MAY BE PICKED UP AND PAID AT OUR OFFICE AT' 131 BROCK ST. Ne -WHITBY' MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9 AM. - 5 P.M. SATURDAY 10 A.M .-5 P.M THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. CUSTOM.MADE SI embraldierad hema, wide. Asking $200 Oeil 668-0495. HOUSEHOLD SALE mirai range $260; gri rangs $250; kîtchei elsctrlc firepiace $"d ciothes dryer $5 washlng machine $21 beque $30; two Hoi cleeners, $100 and flbar poilsher $20; a cases $25; green arai Irons $20 and $10. Ca Four TABLE LAMI Three-cuahlon CHE $99, goid color. BEO Two livingroom t TABLES, ana la $25, Oei l 668-9009. Spead Queen DISHV enargy sever, ln e> dItion, $300 or bast o 0495. FRIGIDAIRE RANGE $35 or basi offaer. Cal 30" VIKING STOVE, 7658 afier 6p.m. Viking AUTOMATIC DRYER, working cc each or $75 for the p 8062. Simpiicity RINGEI goad condition, $90. evenInga, TAKE TH-E EASY M~ slead of throwInga place your articles1 Oel 688-6111. 1974 HONDA, 550 cg excellent condition,1 tras. Asklng $1,000. C 1974 SUZUKI, GT 380 9,000 mi. Asking $ 2776 af tee5 p.m. 1975 SUZUKI 125 M excellent condition parts. AèkIng $450. Ci 1977 YAMAHA YZ, rebuilt. Asking $85( 9989. 1981 650 SPECIAL, chroma highway beckrest, ail warranty iified. Asklng 52,700. 668-8666 af ter 4 p.m. PARTS FOR A GT8S hub, spokes & brai knobby, neyer use ahocka $25; front1 $100; front rim wlthf & brakes $50; front t tuba $5. Oeil 728-257k ;HEERS wlth e. approx. 16' or best aller. Jul.1,81(O> *White Ad- een KenmareE in suite $50; 25; white GE 5;white GE - ?5; wagon bar- over vacuum J$30, Viking set of 3 suit- irug $40; two THE W OUILU Ju.8,8(S) IS YOURS ... .IF PS, $5 each. Y U f/W iw ESTERFIELD, YUKOWTl )SOFA, $110. sqaeEND R/I/ D -n i other la $45. IS I L L/D-ILE... May 27,81(K) Wherever you move the Welcome Wagon hosiess is the rglit persan la WASHER wlth help you find a place in your new xcellent con- communuty. f fer. Call 668. Cali 668-9168or 579.7521 J u1. 1,81 (C) E, 21", white, ~ 11i6554089. r ~ OFFICE Jui.15,81(F) SU.J P PLESIESI $75. Cali 579- TYPEWRITER, ELECTRIC IBM Seiectrlc, needasarvicing. Asking Jufl.3,81(P> $50. Oeil 683-6638. WASHER* _________&___ ondltIon, $50 Sears Oelebrlty Power 12 ELEC. pair. Cail 655- TRIC TYPEWRITER, 9 mo. aid. Paid $269, asklng $200. Oeil 723. May 6,81(D) 0855. R WAHERMay 27,81(M) Cali 668-3885 May 6.81(M) PETS & ~L5SUPPLIES MAY OUT. In-0 fograg sale ere. S, part Persien, maies& for sle hre. females, $1 each ta gaad home. Cal I 655-3545 allerS5 p.m. Three-year.old DAY GELDING, RENTLS I over 15 hands, part thoroughbred, halter broken, good disposition. ýc, 4 cylinder, Asklng $400 or basf of fer. Cail 655- 6,000 mi., ex- 3006. all 668-1471. Jul.22,81(P) Jun.17,81(Mv') ________ 30 GAL. AQUARIUM, hexagan 1, A1, etrea wlth wraughl Iran stand. 2 mantha aiexrs, od. Ail accessaries included. ý50. OeIl 6W8 Asking $150. Cal i aller 6 p.m. 571- May 27,81(L) 0701. Jul.22,81(K) OTOCROSS, __ il many new a57-0572.T A L R: camplestely 1980 MASTERCOACH TRAILER, 0. CeII 723- 33 Il. with 2 tlp auts, 2-way fi ldge & slave with see-thraugh aven, Jul.15,81(P) double sink, 21 fIL awning, aak -__ doors, TV antenne, aleepa 6, 1 2,500 km., bedraam, 3-plece washroom, bars, KG asking $14,000. Cali 683-4457, checks, cer- Ajax. Ceil Larry ai Apr.22,81(R> Jul.8.81(B) T U K - 0: Rear rlm, o kes $60; rear FOR SALE )d, $30; rearR f ark system 1965 CHEV RAMP TRUCK, wllh huba, spokes tool boxes & Moirage cabinets, ira $15; front $500. Phone 655-3470 befare noon '8. or afler 6 p.m. Jun.24,81(W) May 6.81(G) à t,4 4 4 t 1 1 14 1 j à à -À a à «A à * i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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