WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUG UST 5, 198 1, PAGE 17 CALL A PROFI 'SCREEN & GLASS REPAIRS I Whitby Aluminum Home Improvement Centre REPLACEMENT WINDOWS - DOORS - SIDING DISTRI BUTOR FOR 2 PLUS 2 PATIO DOORS 900 HOPKINS ST. UNIT 3 (AT BURNS ST.) WHITBY, ONT. 668&2252 886-1853 $CASH *CASH *CASH: $ TURN YOUR UNWANTED MERCHANDISE s $W INTO CASH.s $ ehandle estates, bankruptcies and liquidations.5 $ Antiques our specialtyl 21 years experience5 deln ln fine antiques, furniture, glass and5 china. Free appraisais. Let us seli your merchan-5 dieto the highest bidder. $ 1614 Charles St., Whitby 86&63731 Day$ 579-8250 Evg.5 SAUCTUONEER: BILL WANNAMAKER BSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Ease bite. (;all nie and lIlI sec hat yOU9gtate t>kcle "How to Ease the Utx Bitc' RICHARD S. PRICE 354 REGAL BRIAR ST, WHITBY, ONTARIO Li1N 6N 1 579-8508 PERSONAL FINANCIAL PLANNING QERVICEj]U0PES WHITBY FABRICS DOG KENNELS Custom Shners And Drapes WFE ALSO DO ALTERATIONS CUSTOM DOG KENNELS 215 Dundas St. E., Whltby FOR SALE. OPP Pcst Office 66-4821 576-5606 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your ad for errors on the f irsf day of publication.I Th. Whltby Free Press will ot be If abi e for fait ure f0 pubfish an ad. or lfo typographic or other errors ln publication beyond the cost 0f the space occupiad by the error up to a maximum cost of the first Insertion. The Whttby Free Press reserves the rtght f0 ciaasify or releot ai I advertisements. Box numbers are avalabie ef an additional charge of $200.I PRE-PAID ADVERTISEMENT DISCOUNT: You may charge your Ciiied Advertisement fo your Chargex or Visa Acco4jnt and recelve a discount on the price of the ad. Please have your Visa card raady when catiing. -DEADLINES: Deaditrie for Emnporium Ads ia Friday no prior f0 publication~. Deadlitre forCfaaaiied Ada la Monday moon prior f0 pubbcation. CALI 668-6111 AIL TILING JOBS DONE. SATNROmOM AO IEN. FOR FREE ES TfMA TES CALL LEIGH HALL 666-3981 IfIGHEST PRICES Paid for Gold and Silver coins, old guns, dlocks, Jewelery, dishes, fur- niture, crocks, o11 pain- tings and sealers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA A &R HOME IMPROVEMENT No Job. Tee Siso! Bathrooms, roc rooms and fencing. For free estimate caîl: 579-6545 MOHAWK PAINTINO DECORATINO IMOVATIONS T1W PLYK Ru CIITTIUTO 985-3490 6U-.5438 CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Tiiing, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES Cal668-4686 TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING For Class A & D License Cali PARTICIPATION 416-363-8031 Otu e , 0 .f sCa Tes fte 1-800-268-9689 Day, Eva. & Sat. courses LSCHOS LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS or Straight Trucks Cali l'ho Canadan tnatft eof TM raco ritrTraknIsgLt d 416-247-7484 1204 WesSaoftae Tororto, Onta*"MOU40 9a~bdI7 CNOCES!1 THE DURHAM BOARD 0F EDUCATIO TRUSTEE VACANCY Applications are invited f rom qualifiled Separate Schooi Electors for the position of Sohool Trustee. The appointment is to replace Mr. G. An- drews, who has represented Scugog, Uxbridge, Brock, Ajax, Pickering and Whitby Separate Schooi electors. The present term expires at 1982 il 30. Applicants must be 18 years of age or over and a Canadian citizen. Applications wiIl be received by Mr. K.D. Munroe, Director of Education and Secretary of the Board at 555 Rossiand Road West, Oshawa, Ontario L1J 3H3 until 4:00 p.m., August l4th. In- terviews will be scheduled with qualified applican- ts as soon as possible af ter that date. A.S. Winter, Chairman MR. & MRS. BERT GUTHRIE are holding an open house for their friands and neighbours on fthe oc- casion 0f fhatr 40th Weddîng Annt. varsary on Auguaf 22, 1981, bagin- ning et 6:00 p.m. lnftha Masontc HaIt, Whifby. Best wishes onty ptaasa. ARTICLES 111R SAIE LE URINE-ERASE guarantees removal of urine Mtains and odors from carpef a. Free brochure. Reidoît Chemnicala Lt d." Box 7300, London. TWO BROWN DAY BEDS $20. Goid vaivet sofa & chair $5. Linad damask drapas, 150 x 95, $50. Singer sawtng machine $50. Roof- top carrier $20. Cati1571-1844. SWIMMING POOL MANUFAC- TURER has 1980 stock batng of- ferad ai a fraction of regutar aaîting prica for aarty sprtng deiivary. $1,690.00 ts comptete prica of pools aquIppad with fittar, pump, motor, patio, waîk about dack & fancing. Smait deposit witt hotd tit dettvary data. Offer good onty white suppiy tasts.Caol toit free 11-60.268-5970. Toronto 1- 418-746-3W4. SWIMMING POOL MANUFAC- TURER wii t tase and lnatait naw 1981 femity size pool completa with waIkway, sun dack and fan- cing, on a rentai basis with option f0 buy. Your cholca of style. Try befora you buyt cuitI mperiai Poolsatfoutres 1-800288-5970. Toronto 1-41-746-3340. ' eTADMOBILES FORRSLSA.LE 1970 FORD FIESTA, silver, stan- dard transmission, 50,000 mites, very good condition. Asking $3.250. calt 725-9513. STOYOTA CORONA I4door, standard. Excellentl Imechanical conditionNetdes Isome boy wok. As le, 450I or boat off er. CALL 668-572 W.E. McCracken, Vice-Chairman 1 R:3CTONS AUCTION SALE SAT., AUG. 8 -6 P.M. Complete household estate from Brooklin with numerous excellent an- tique Items. At PEARCE AUCTION CENTRE on Shirley Rd., 4 miles south of Port Perry. With 7-pc. walnut dining roomn suite with 4 chairs, pine cup- board, blanket boxes, wicker fernerie, caned rocker, chestsof drawers, pump organ, smoke stan- ds, cutter, antique black- smith's vice, box trailer & boat trailer, 24" gas range, 24' wooden exten- sion Iadder, & many more excellent items. Good dlean sale. Flea market space avalilable. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICE 985-7492 AUCTION SALE SAT., AUG. 15 -12 P.M.- Clearing auction of furni- ture, appliances, & good mîso. Items, for Mr. & Mrs. John Pratt, Brooklin, located 1 mile north &- 1 mile east of Brookîin, on Columbus Rd. (7th Conc.), off Hwy. 12. Sol ing ln part: excellent 9 pc. mahogany dining set; kit- chen suite; colonial chesterfield suite; studio couch & bed chesterfield; varlous dressers; old rocker; bookshelves; cedar closet; old record cabinet; fruit locker; 2 dinnerware sets; odd dishes; collectors Items; oak IBM master dlock (c.- 1900); oi1 lamps; milk cans; picnic table; 4x8 pool table; marble sink; gas space heater; leaded doors; 7' patio window slide; Zenith 26" color T.V.; freezer; fridge; elect. stoves; dryer; IBM elect. typewriter; chain saw; T.V. tower & rotor; 8' alumin. truck top; quan. of cedar rails; 1965 hard top Corvaîr car; 100 c.c. Kawasaki motorcycle; Gravely tractor w/ attach- ments; & many other misc. Terms cash or good cheque. No reserve. Property sold. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES 985-8161 RIENT YOUR extra room now. Cait clasalfiedsat f 068111. AU3TINS ESTATE AUCTUON BROOKLIN COMMUNITY HALL WED. AUG. 12 - 6:30 P.Ml. For the Estate of MRS. JOHN KETELAARS. Choice selection of an- tiques and unusual items. DAVIS AUCTION SERVICES 728-4455 MORTOAGE SALE CONDOMINIUM 1W6 BURNS AVENUE W.. UNIT 70, WNIT DY, ONTARIO Under and by virfue 0f the Power of Sale confained in a certain mortgage which wItl be produced et the time of sais, thare witt b. offered for sais by: AUCTION ON WEDNIESDAY, AUGUST 19 1981 AT 10*00 A&M. AT US5 BURNS AVE. W., UNIT 70, WHITDBY, ONT. The said property wilitbO of- fered for sale subject toaa raservo bid and conditions of sale. TERMS: A deposIt of $4,000-00 by cash or certIf led cheque to ba pald et the lime of sais and the balance wlthin thlrty days thereafter. For further particutars regard- lng the Auction and appoint- ment for Inspection appîy f0: DANBURY SALES (1971> LTD.. 1127 FINCH AVE. W. DOWNSVIEW, ONT. (416)030-5241 OR HALL, BAKER, BERMAN, ROSENBLATT à GOODMAN, 390 DAY ST., SUITE 1919. TORONTO, ONT. Attn: Mr. B. Schneider ~~A.SALES GARAGE SALE - Movad recentty, hava meny extra househotd Items, etc. 5Saturday, Auguat 8 and Sun- day, August 9 from 10 e.m. f0 4 p.m. et 915 Lilac Tarraca, Whitby. DAYCARE REQUIRED for 1 year otd, moving Into Whitby aria end of Auguat. dait coltect 298-207 eveninge. PART lIME axpartancad Watress for lunches for Explorer Restaurant & Tavern. cai 88- 0316. WANTED - Part-tIme heip Mon- day. ait day end Tuesday evenînge. Must b. able to lift and dlean furnIture. Ideal for seml-. rat ired person. Phione ý1-905-8161 or 294-1890. of bookkeeping at home. 6 years experience. Second year C.G.A. Free pick-up and deilvery. Reasonable rates. Cati 668-7506. NATURE WOMAN requiras amati apartment or flt for Saptambar 1. Reasonabla prica. Contact Mrs. Haint ai the Ladies cottage 668- 3358. RORTRY COTTAGE for rant, on Georgian Bey near Parry Sound. Two bed- roomas, ai conveniancas. $250.00 waakiy. No pets please. Cati 655. 8003.. 4M R ORD A VACATION V.WR NTALS CLEARWATER Savon furnlahed mobile per-I Imanent homea,air con-I Idltoned, pools, tennis, shuf-I feorclose f0 guif beaches admajor attractions. Chitdren welcome. Cail: 683-5503 OR 683-5824, CO-ORDINATOR REQUIRED FOR AJAX-PICKERING COMM UNITY GARE To commence September lst, 1981. Saîary to be negotiated. Applicant should have previous experlence in working with senior citizens and the disabîed and be able to communicate effectively. Car essenitial. Applications wiII be received until August 8th, 1981, at: COMMUNITY CARE OFFICE dlo PEACE LUTH ERAN CHURCH 928 LIVERPOOL ROAD PICKERING. LIW 156 TELEPHONE - 839-5505 RICHARD'S FURNITURE REFINISHINO 6W0 EuciUd St., Whîtby GIVE YOUR ESTIMATES A FACELIFT *FOR ESTAL L FURNITU29E A CASIFEDAD WORKS HARD FOR YOU! Because over 68,000 potential buyers will read your ad every week in your local newspaper, you know you'Il get resuîts. Caîl now and we'Il get your Whitby Free Press " 6action ad" ready so you can relax - but you can only relax until Wednesday. Once the Whitby Free Press hits the streets the word is out - keep close to your telephone! CALL CLASSIFIEDS 668-6111l tttti