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Whitby Free Press, 26 Aug 1981, p. 13

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WI-UTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNLSDAY, AUGUST 1-6, 198 1, PAGE 13 Free ress mrporium uu EmporiumAds wiII only be aiccepted subject to» the following Conditions. e" FOR ANTIQUES à COLU Butter churner M5 radio $50; piano Mahogsny mantîs cose bookcaue $' wudrobe $150. Cal One 0O KART, auli 655-3282. LAWNMOWER for working condition. I wheels. Asking $6 8. 4 x 8SLATE POOL TA Complte wth e Asking $80. Cal8ou MARY KAY Showcuî Supplies. Asklng Si fer. Culi 66&.4744. NEED EXTRA MONI unwanteil articles w tisement In the Empc of the Whitby Free P 6111 now. KAYAK ABSOVE GR9 MING POOL 16'x à Overaîl 20' x 34'. C Jacuzzi pump anil equlpment. Excelle Purchaser 10 dis remove. $1,500 or bo 6689829. DIAMOND ENGAGE aImosl new. Appi $445. Price negoîl 263-8025. TENT, 9 x 9, sleops abiy. In good shap camping. $45. Ca17: COUCH AND CHAIR Skiai, $150. Baby S5h Dorel Car Seuls, $1 655-4140. OAK CHAIR $10. F $15. Vacuum Cleant Light Fixture $15. E Hanilpaintoil Plate Winton Handpainte Coleclora Item Roys $20. Royal Abert Ci Record Piuyer 820. C MEIT RRANEAN C fwo Ditables $150. etcheil TABLE LAMPI & White TV $25. 4 il MAGS, 4 boit Chev, tiniroyal RWI. BR7812 Cail 666&3096. 18 - 6' ROUND CEC shurpeneil. Assortec 3" - 5" tops. 81.75 ei FIREPLACE SCREE? $15. Diack FIREPLA' gooil condition, 88. 10" AQUARIUM, Si SPOOL TABLE $70.C 579-629. FOR SALE- Antique CRADIE, oak, origini collent condition, $2 Pine Hrvesi TABLI naturai finish. got S225, Antique Wl CARRIAGIE, Victorien with umbrella, wire1 wheeis, excellent cc cellent for winilow di, natural wicker wîth pudding. $350. E ROCKiNG CHAIR., caneil seetatnd t Bowmanviile ROCKI Circaé185. upholstei volvet. $150, Antiqi Ladies SIDE CHAIR,4 arma & legs. upht tapestry. with rmatchir excellent condition. q £325, BOSTON ROC pecil.needs 10 be ussa Phone 666-2615 evenîr LECTABLES 0; Mahogany stool $50; $150; giass- 150; mlrroreil 985-397. Jul.8,81<P) *ng $W0. Cal Jui.8,81(M) sale. Good taise & lower 5. Cal 683- Jul.29,81(S) ABLE for sale. acceasories. ".712 days. Jui.29.81(W) se & Business 80 or beat 0f- Aug.26,81 J) IET? 3.11 your wth an ailver- orlum Section reBsu. Culi 66&. 0UND SWIM. 24' plus dock. omplete wth ilter and ail nI condition. mentie and est 0f fer. Cal Aug.19,81(C) MENT RING, iraiseil value lable. Phone Aug.26,81(S) four comfort- pe. Ready for P28-0995. Aug.26,81(H> %floral green, oller $15. Two 15 each. Cal Aug.26,81(S) i Ioor Polîsher or $15. Neon Royal Winton $12. Royal id Bowl $12. al Winton Cup up $20. HI-Fi uIt 688-6080. Jun.24,81(P) COCKTAIL & Pair of brasa s $20. Black 3" Super Lug ,8175. Three 3 TIRES $120. Aug.1 9,81(C) DAR POSTS. Il sizes rom iach. 13RASS I, Like new CE SCREEN. 36" et 12 x 5. Antique Cali evenînge Aug.1 2,81(G) Aug 12.81(G)j PLEA REAL) When the advertieed Item la sold, disposeil of, or unavaliable for whatever reason, the Item wlii bo deemeil 10 have been sold and a commission wlli be chargeil baseil on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as llustrateil beiow, regardlesa If prico la atateil with "best 0(1er". If the Item ls NOT SOLD, or dîsposeil of, the ail wiii be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 86.00 wiii appiy payable ln advance of publication of 1he lireI ed. Otherwlae a 87.50 charge wili Sp. ply if billeil which muet bo paid upon recoipt. The above minimum charges wiIi be appliioci o the finai commission ilue but in any case t ho highor amount wlii be chargeil. Minimum charge: 88.00 pre-palil, 87.50 billeil. tMa'-'mum commission: $100.00. Alil advertisementa muat bo placeil on an exclusive basis wlth the WHiTBY FREE PRESS and run atlloat one month If not solil, RATES OIf article la sold): 5% of ailvertîsailPib.up ho SM00 leu- ~AUTOMOBILESU FOR SA.E LE 1967 CADILLAC, 4 door, new paint, radial tires, power steering, power brakes, power windows, powor seuls, cortifleil. Asking $1800 or besofer. CaIl 655-8052. Jun.3,81fC) 1971 TORONADO, needa tran- smission, wlii seii for parts. Asklng $350 or boat of fer. Cali Barry ut 723-0962 aller 5 p.m. JUI.15,81 (C) 1972 VW BEETIE, running condi- lion, needa body work and 10 be certiflil, 8$200. Calil668-7470 aller 4 p.m. Aug.5,81(S) 1973 GRAN TORINO, mochanicaiiy sounil. Asking $450 or beat offer. Cali 655-3679. JuI.1,81 (B) 1975 CAMARO RALLY SPORT, 4 speoil, standard, radiai tires, cer- tif led. Asking $3,400. Cali 655- 3336. Jul.8,81(L) 1975 GRAN TORINO BROUGHAM, 351 auto., power steoring, power brakos, air, radio, excellent con- dtion, 65,000 mi., moving, must soul. Asking $2,600. Must bo seen 10 approciate. Cali 666-2958. J u1. 15,81 (H) 1975 MONTE CARLO, 350 auto., power sleering, power brukes, air, original paint, radiais & snows. certîfleil. Asking $2,500. Cali 797- 2702. May 27,81(T) 1976 MERCURY STATION WAGON, new tires, AM/FM, 8 lrack, power door iocks. air con- dilioneil, trailer hitch, air shocks, roof rack, certified. Asking 82,995. Cali 655-8052. Jun.3,81(C) 1979 BUUCK Park Avenue, silvor gray, four door, excellent condi- lion. Low mleage with many op- lions. Aaking $8,495. Cali 576- 5062 aller 5 p.m. Aug.5,81 (E) 1079 CHRYSLER CARAVELLE, blue. 49,000 km., excellent con- dition, 4 iloor, power sleering, power brakes, certifleil. Asking $5.500. Cali 668.436. JuI.15,81(O) CARS seli quicliy wilh an ail in the Emporium Section. Cal 668-111 AVOMOTIVE U~EARPASIRPART S Ford Customn Fibergiasa TRUCK CAP. Asklng S3M. Cali 723.9989. Jul.15.81<P) CHEV 350 HEADS, gooil con- dition. AakIng $75 or boul olfer. Calises-ffl. Jul.29,81(8) 1973 FORD TORINO PARTS: 302 Engine $20. Transmission for seaeW$5. Radiator $50. Front endl,tanderm, grill. bumpers, ilrums. etc. Compeote car $35. Cali 655-3006. Jul.1.81<R) 2% of balance over 840.00 EXAMPLE: Soid Item advertited for $120.00. Commission due $6.00 <minimum charge Io 86.00) Private advertising onlyl Pieuse notify the Whitby Free Press Immedlateiy when Item is soici go that we may detete Il (rom the foiiowing Issues. Ali ads flot f itting the Emporium guidelines wiil be treated and charged per week as regular clasalleil ada on a pre-pald basis such as: services, holp wanted, ciothing, reaU estate, and personal message type ada, or ada flot quoting price or'quantity. Privats ciassifleil ads may appearin the Emporium section under appropriate heudinga. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTH'ÈRWISE SPECIFIEO. MAIL ADS TO: If in doubi cali: OR DELIVER TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 668-6111 131 Brock St. N. P.O. Box 206 WhIlby, Ont. WhIlby, LIN 581 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS US THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON U>REPAIRI/PARTSU (-Z UOO . iIOHUEHL. 1973 MERCURY MARQUIS SEDAN PARTS. 429 motor, windshieid, front endl, grill, fonilers, rail, air conditionIng unit, etc. Askîng $200. Cali 8553006. Jun.3,81(R) AN Emporium Ail wiii sell your aulomnotive partte quickly. Cali 668411 now. PIONEER Car Stereo, 4 speakers, 2 ampa, cassette deck anil graphie equalizer. AskIng $900- muat bo heard. Cuit 668-8362. Jun.27.81(W) f:OUR 14" RADIALS, Uniroyal steel boitoil, raisoil white-ietter tires. Under 10,000 mi. on ail tires. Asking $200. Cali 655-4108. J un. 17,81 (H) CUSTOM ROOF RACKS 10 fit full- size station wagon. Asking $80. Cal 576-592. Jui.15,81(0) REAR WINDOW for Doilgo 1/2 ton truck. New. Fils year 1975-80. Asking $25. REAR CHROME BUMPER for 1/ ton truck. New. Asking $50. Cali 668-7960. Aug. 19.81 (L) Porego Combinallon CARRIAGE STROLLER, excellent condition, roil, $150. Colonial Boil, could be maie 10 canopy, with mattresa, $35. Perego Stroller, deluxe sizo, navy, $45. Cali 683-1574. JuI.1,81(S) BEDROOM SUITE, (English), 6 fIL droasinj 6 ftL mirror, Contineri headboard with aidt lighls, 2 wardrobes. A $650. CARPET (Englisi x 5 yd., ail over dlesign black & pink. Ast TEAIWINE TROLLE' unusual design. Askir 668-1946. WALNUT DINING R( compioto with buf foi a montha olil. $850. chestorfielil suite, ex( dition, $450.' Cali 576. p.m. 47 square yards of OR bitter sweet. Aaking 723-9989. CUSTOM. MADE SHI embroidereil hema, a wide. Asking $200 or Cail 668-0495. 30" VIKING STOVE, $7 7658 allter 6 p.m. HOUSEHOLD SALE. mirai range $250; gret range $250; kitchen electric fireplace $25 cloîhes dryer $25; washing machine $25; beque $30; two Hoo% cieaners, $100 andil f ioor polishor $20; se caaes $25; green ares i Irons $20 andl $10. Cill teak look ig table wilh ntal padilei ýe tables & A bargain ut h), app. 5 yd. i ln maroon, king $200. ýY, 2 lier, rig $85, Cali Jul.29,81(C) DOM SUiTE and hutch. 2 Four pioco :cllent con- ,.5062 afler 5 Aug.5,81(E) IOADLOOM, $200. Cali Jul,15,81(P) EERS with approx. 16' rbost offer. Jui.1,81(C) 5. Cati 579- J un. 3,81 (P) White Ad- an Kenmore Ssuite $50, 5; whiteGE white 'GE wagon bar- ýver vacuum $30; Viking t of 3 suit- rug $40; two 68-&7014. Jui.8,81f5) Speed Oueen DISHWAS energy saver, in excel dition, $30 or beat offer 0495. STEREO, AMIFM, 8 Irac with furnlablo. Excelli lion, $185. RECLUNEF BLACK à WHITET DOUBLE BED with headt Two pairs of DRAPES, $30. Cali 668-0776. Ail SELL extra housohold gc Cali 668-6111 now. SHER with li1ent con- r. Calii688- J u1. 1,81 (C) tck bulit ln ent condi- FI $25. 26" T.V. $75. Iboard $75. ;,840 andl g. 19.81(M) looda hore. Q US c-mILEM DRUMS - Premier - piete with cymbai Sacrif Icea at8875. Ce CLASSICAL GUITAI with case, $120. Cali GIBBON EBO Basi cellent condition, $. Calil 668-832. 12 STRING FENDER iiko now. Compiel $285. Cali 655-3006. GUITAR AMPLIFIER watts a ide, askingl 6297. ORGAN, 1979 Galai koyboard, boss pei patterns, automnati chorda, volume poils Incluilea bench. A Cali 668.0630. METAL OFFICE DI Back Chair, black, goi musI soul. Aaking $1 2958. Sears CoiebrIty Povi TRIC TYPEWRITER Paid $269, asking $à 0855.- 4 drums com- s anil stands. ait 66M.2958. Jul.15,81(H> R (Eko). new, i668-9482. Aug.5,81<M) es Gultar, ex- 300 wlth case. Jun.27.81<W) tGUITAR. Just le wilh case. Aug.5,81(R) R - Poavey, 80 $325. Cail 668- Jul.1.81(N) inti F-20, dual ais, 8 rhythm ic & manual 3l & drum bout. sking $1,300. Aug.26,81(T 'PLIESI ESK & High od condition, ý150. Cail 66- JuI.15,81(H) ver 12 ELEC- q9 mo. olil. ý200. Cail 723- May 27,81(M) MOOOCCES 1975 SUZUKI 125 MC* excellent condition,i parts. Asking $450. Cai 1977 YAMAHA YZ,c rebuilt. Asking $650. 9989. 1981 650 SPECUAL, chrome highwayt backrest, ail warrunty i tlfied. Aaklng 82,700. i 668-8666 aflter 4 p.m. PARTS FOR A GTSO: hub, spokes & brakes knobby, nover used, shocka $25; front foc $100; front rim wllh hil & brakes $50; front line tube $5. Ca1i1728-2578. Ju )TOCROSS, many new il 579-0572. Jui.8,81(O) completeiy Cail 723- Jui.15,81(P) 2,500 km., bars, KG checks, cer- u11l Larry ut Jul.8,81(B) Reur rlm, s $60; roui ,$30; roui rk system ba,spokes s $15; front lun.24,81 (W) SELL YOUR UNWANTED ARTICLES NOW Use thîs handy f orm to mail ln your Emporium ad. I have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the following ad- vertisement plaCed under this section of the Whitby Free Press. idon't fbigot (o include your phono numnbor) El 1 enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. ~~~-- MI C Ch1armefo$6.00 ter Virst pcubltion fAmITO El ha rge$.50 to my isa lctint. m ad.û O Cad No. ExpOsDte WHITBY Mane <peuse pent) FREEPRESS - -~--, - ____P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. CityPmtà CO" Whitby Il N 5S1 BOX TRAILIER, 4 x 8. excellent condition. Asklng $400, Cai 723- 0394. Aug.26.81(s) TURN YOUR UNWANTED ARTICLES INTO CASH. CARS BOATS SKI EQUIPMENT BICYCLES DISHES TV'S GAMES TOYS TRAILERS TRUCKS FURNITURE APPLIANCES PIANOS GUITARS PETS ETC. An ad under the Whitby Free Press Emporium Section wiII seil almost anythîng for you. CALL 668-6111 NQW for further detaîlS or use the form below to mail in your ad. THE WORLD IS YOURS.../F YOU1 KNOW THfE RIGHT PEOPL E.. Whefever you 'nove the Wecome Woe hoites s sIhe rght pers oiit heip you tini1 a3 iiacein 5 os"ne community Cali 6812 r5872 9 1 'q BLACK MANX STUMPY CAT, female, 1 W years olil, very amuit. $1 or fiee to good home. Cali 86& V 1576. Aug.19,81f K) STAFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIER, 9 weoks old, femaie. CKC regialoreil. Aaking $300. Cuti 666-3995. Aug.19.81 (R) Three-year-oid BAY GELDING, over 15 hanils, part thoroughbred, huler broken, good isposition. Asking $40 or bost offer. Cali 655- r 3006. r Jul.22,81(P) HACKNEY PONY MARE. t Registered. 49", 5 yeara olil. Bay with white markinga. Haiter broke. Wouid make excellent chilils sailie pony. Askîng $40. Cati 855-3006. 30 GAI. AQUARIUM, hexagon with wrouijht iron stand. 2 montha oh. Ali accoasories includeil. Asklng 8150. Cali allter 6 p.m. 571- 0701 Jul.22.81(K) One Triumph Lune Fox cutbuck SADDLE. Perfect condition, $450. Telophone 655-4067. Aug.19,811(S) SORTING 92 GODS 150 ROSSIGNOL SKIS, Tyrolea 160 bindinga with ski brakea, Munaîl ski boots. Waa $275 - Aaking $150. Used one winter, catIl 668-9898, Aug.26.81(M) 1975 CUSTOMIZED %, TON TRUCK. 302 engine. reil velvel in- herber. AMIFM cassette plus Iots more. Certif lad. $3,000. Cati 668- 1585, Aug.26.81(A) 1 MMMOL 1.1

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