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Whitby Free Press, 2 Sep 1981, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY. SI-.'1I IMBER 2 1% I WFITBY FREE PRESS Check ki*ds for lice before sehool starts : health unit On Tuesday, children will begin fiing into tha classroom to start another school year. The Durham Ragional Haalth Unit is once again asking ail parents to check their children for pediculosis - haad lice. According to Elizabeth Schaefer, the unit's director of public healtb nursing services, approximataly 700 children were excluded from classes in the 1980- 81 school year because of head lice. She added that over 550 classrooms and 3,500 individuals were checked by nurses as part of the exclusion and re-admission program. The health unit recommends that parents inspect their children's heads at fre- quent intervals, e.g. af- ter shampooing, prior to the opening of the school year. If parents become suspicious that bead lice are present they sbould immediately contact the Durhanm Regional THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY TOWN 0F WHITBY MUNICIPAL OFFICES CLOSEID LABOUR DAY - MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7TH, 1981 GARBAGE COLLECTION GARBAGE WHICH WOULD NORMALLY BE COLLECTED ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7TH, WILL BE COLLECTED ON TUESDAY, SEPTEM BER 8TH, 1081. WHITBY TRANSIT TH E WH ITBY TRANSIT SYSTEM WI LL NOT BE I N OPERATION ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7TH, 1981, BECAUSE 0F THE LABOUR DAY HOLIDAY. SENIORS..., ONTARIO PROPEKI'YTAX GRANT Last year Ontario replaced its system of Tax Credits for seniors with a new program of Property and Sales Tax Grants to help offset municipal, school and retail sales taxes. The Property Ta.x Grant of up to $500 per household 15 provlded in two instalmnents annuaily. The Sales Tax Grant is an automatic $50 paid each year to ail Ontario residents 65 and over. *tPEM T(] r X ui RANIS' APPUCATIONS The 1980 Property Tax Grant was paid to reciplents ini one payinent. In 191 the Grant la belng pald I two installinents. The first paynient. sent automatically in the spring. was equal to one-haif the a.mount of your 1980 Grant. lb quallfy for the final installinent you must subnilt an appication to the Ministry of Revenue. If you receive the federal Old Age Securlty pension, and are eligible, you will receive this application for your Property Tax Grant during the 9 fhf of September, 1981. Those who meach the age of 65 between now and December wlll recelve their applications early ini 1982. Seniors who are not eligible for faderai Old Age Securlty payments, but who have previously establlshed eigibility for the Property Tax Grant wil also receive.an application. The lnistry of Revenue is mailing applications only to those seniors who are thought to be eligible. If you do flot receive an application hv September2l and feel vou qualifv. please contact our toil- free Information Centre EMIGIBIL1T If you're 65 or over and own or rent -vour home you re eigible for the Property Tax Grant of up tii S5500. If you rent your grant will total 2t0- ot vour rent or $500, whichever is less. If you own your principal residence vour igrant wiIl equai the aniount of your propertv taxes or $500, whichever is less. If you are marrled and reside with your spouse or if you share accommodation with someone over 65. only one grant wiilbe paid per household. If you shar your home with anyone over 65 other than your spouse. tha grant wiil be apportioned according to rant or proparty tax paid. ¶be care to complete your application form accurately! Take a few extra minutes to f111 out your application: and then check it again for accuracy. This makes it much ea§ier for the Ministry to process your formn and gel vour chaque to you. Cheques wiil be mailad baginning the latter part of October. EXCEPTONS If you reside in a nursing home, a home for the aged or similar institution, you're flot eligible for the Propert\ Ta-\ Grant unless vou pay for the fuill cost of 'nur :è're dnd the institution pays municipai and school ta.\Pe If vou resîde n1 d la.\- e\empt property vou are flot eligihie [1owe%'er zIl %OU move IntO d ta.LXMpt property or d nursîn2 home. home tur the aged or similar institution during IHl. ou re elijzihIe for a Propert% Tax (Grant hdsed on vour occupancv (:osts prior Io vour move If you mnved permanently to OJntario during 1981. vour Property Tax Grant is based on the tune you resided in Ontario. The S50 Sales Tax Grant c:heques wiUl be distributed automnatical to ail Ontario seniors ini October. a Ï111]. a !4 aa 1,14l I~Ili U - y M0[loi I Matro Toronto. dial 965-8470 I Area Code 807. ask the Operator for Zenith 8-2000 I ail oher areas. dial 1-800l-268-7121 Ontario Ministry Of Revenlue. George Ashie Minster TU~ RusseI Deputy Minister Healtb Unit. The unit also recom- mends that any child suspected of having con- tracted lice not be allowed to use other children's headgear. Schaefer warns that should a child be ex- cluded from scbool because of bead lice, he or she may not return until the condition has been cleared up and the child bas been inspected by a public bealth nurse. She also said that the time required to carry out this program last year was the equivalent of 181 working days. "If one considers the cost factor in nursing time and equipment, and the loss of time from school of the 700 children involved (the average loss per student being minimally two days), this is a very ex- pensive problem,"1 Schaefer said in a writ- tan statement. "4Witb the support and assistance of parents this could be drastically reduced," she added. Pediculosis is trans- mitted by direct contact with an infectad person and indirectly by con- tàct with bis personal belongings, aspecialîy bis clothing and head- gear, including combs and brushas. Clark bas also been charged with three counts of breaking and entering and theft. Charged with two counts of breaking and entering ýand theft and three counts of theft over $200 is John Ronald Robertson, 17, of 221 Trent Street West, Whitby. The head louse is grayish, somnewhat oval in shape, about one- sixth of an inch in length and about haîf as wide with six legs. Lt lives on the head and feeds on blood. The eggs it produces are whitish in color, oval shaped and are glued to the hair. Com- monly referred to as 4"fnits," the eggs take about a week to hatch producing an aduit with a life span of about one month. The health unit also advised that there are mginy products available on the market that can be used in the treatmnent of head lice, ail of which may be pur- chased at the local phar- macy. It is also recommended to con- tact the famnily doctor in regard to treatment. Should lice be found on any child, check other family members for the condition im- mediately and should they be found to be in- fested also begin treat- ment immediately. The health unit ad- vises that if the problem is found vaccuum or wash everything the in- fested person, has been in contact with. Since reinfestation can occur, frequent in- spection of hair is also advised. For more information about this problem and how to combat it contact the Durham Regional Health Unit at 301 Golf Street, Oshawa, tale- phone 723-8521. Th.ree local youths arrested for theft An investigation into a stolen truck b as resulted in charges being laid againat three youths after a series of buglaries and thefts in the Oshawa-Whitby area. Last Thursday, the Newcastle detachment OPERA- THE TRANSIT SYSTEM WILL RESUME- NORMAL TIONS ON TUES DAY, SEPTEM BER 8TH, 1981. WE REGRET ANY INCONVENIENCE THAT MAY BE CAUSED BY THI1S ACTION. R.A. KUWAHARA, P. EN G., DIRECTOR 0F PUBLIC WORKS. MARIAN AUTO 25 Grenfeil St.. Oshawa, Ontaflo 728-7159 Not exactly as shown Fiat's néW -Spider 2000 It has a 1995 c.c. engine, new mag style wheels, and an optional automatic transmission. 'IRE"jg r.I pe I;. . 'e 4hale Ak AýA ONTARIO TAX GRANiS OlR SENORCIiZEnS 77 ý --77 .-7 7 77-wi;7

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